Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Weird?..or Fate? ❯ Vacation ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Drummer: another chapter to my long story. I don't own any characters from beyblade. I only own my own characters. Enjoy!! Please review I like to know other people's thoughts on my stories. Thanks.
Chapter 6
Rei sat next to Sarah and wrapped his arms around her, trying to comfort her. “It's ok, don't worry, they'll be fine,”
“Still….we've known them for so long, I just can't imagine losing one of them….or both…” she said trying to hold back her tears from streaming down her face. After that no one said anything for a long time, and we eventually fell asleep by around 1. I'm not sure when the others woke up, but I woke up around 10am. I stood up, stretching as I walked into the hospital room where the others were; Tyson, Naomi and Max were the only ones still sleeping.
“Hey…are they ok?” I asked Sarah.
She paused for a while, “Kai's ok, he only has a broken shoulder, if the bullet was any further left and he would have a broken collar bone, and wouldn't be able to move his left arm or shoulder ever again…..but for Kenny…he wasn't so lucky. Apparently he actually died right away,” she waited for me to say something. I walked over to the bed where Kai was lying. He was fast asleep. I looked at his shoulder where he got shot; there was a bandage on it. I felt terrible. This was all my fault! If I had never forgotten my pajamas, Kenny would still be alive and Kai would've never had a bullet in his shoulder.
I looked over to Sarah, Tala and Rei, “I'm so, so, so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, none of this would've happened if Sarah had never met me,” I started to cry. Sarah came over to me and tried to comfort me.
“It's ok, none of this was your fault; I mean it's not your fault that some crazy maniac killer is out to get you,”
“But still, you guys were just fine before I came,”
“That's not true, you made our lives a lot more interesting,” she giggled, causing me to smile slightly, “look at me,” she said, “none of this was your fault” I nodded as she wiped away my tears.
“So when are we going to tell the others?” I asked.
“As soon as possible, would be good,” Rei whispered.
The others woke up, not too much later than I did. We told them what happened. Everyone was very quiet and sad for the rest of the day. When night came around we all got sent home, no one wanted to leave but they forced us out.
The next morning we came back, Kai was still unconscious, but we all were willing to wait there until he woke up. At around 10am he slowly woke up, still in a daze, “Ugh….What happened? And where am I?”
“You got shot in the shoulder and are now in the hospital,” Naomi said. Sarah and I tried to help him sit up. It was harder than we thought because he still had so much pain in his shoulder. A couple minutes later the nurse came in and checked to see where his progress stood. She told us that they wanted to keep him here for another week, just to be sure that he was really ok to go out on his own.
The next morning was school; it was very different not having Kai there. I can't say anything about Kenny, because I never actually got to go to school with him. It was unusually quiet without him.
A week went by and we all went to go pick up Kai to take him home. We got there and the doctors released him to us, he still had a bandage on his shoulder, but he was able to walk fine.
***Two Weeks Later***
At school on Monday Max was very quiet.
“Max, what's wrong, you've been really quiet all day long?” Sarah asked after school was over.
“Well, my family and I are moving to Europe because my dad got moved there, with his job,” he said.
“Oh, my, we're all going to miss you so much,” Naomi hugged him.
“Thanks, but what sucks is that I'm moving tomorrow, so I get to leave school early,”
The next day when Max had to leave we all said goodbye, some of us even cried, like Sarah. After the day was over, we walked home together. Today was not a good day, because right when we thought it couldn't get any worse; Tyson had some bad news,
“Guys…I had a meeting with the guidance councilor and she said my grades were so bad that I'm getting transferred to an all boys boarding school,”
“Well, that sucks,” Naomi stated.
Kai chuckled, “Your grades were that bad?”
“Shut up,” said Tyson.
“Well, I have some good news!! We get to go to Collingwood,” Naomi said.
“Cool! But isn't it too cold to go to the beach,” I asked.
“Yeah, but they have skating, snowboarding, skiing and a lot of other stuff,”
“Ok, when is it?” Rei asked.
“We leave this Saturday,” she said.
“That not a lot of time to get ready,” Sarah complained.
“Oh, well,” Naomi said.
Tyson had already moved to the school, so now it was just me, Tala, Kai, Naomi, Sarah and Rei. We all got picked up by Naomi around 10am. The car ride was brutal! It was a 3 hour drive, but thank goodness we got to stop on the way there. When we finally got there Naomi went to check us in, while we all trudged to the couches.
“It really sucks that neither Tyson nor Max could be here,” Sarah said.
“Yeah, but its Tyson's fault that he couldn't be here,” said Rei.
Naomi came over to us with the room keys. “Guys! I got them; we're in rooms 201 and 202. Who wants to be in a room with who?” she asked.
“Why don't we room girls with girls and guys with guys?” suggested Sarah. We agreed with that and decided that us girls would be in 201 and the guys would be in 202. That night we all got unpacked and went to bed.
The next morning I woke up at 4 am, it was snowing like crazy. I was hungry, so I decided to get some breakfast downstairs. I went to the kitchen where I looked for a bowl.
“They're in the cupboard to your right,” someone said behind me. I whipped around to see who it was.
“Oh, geeze you scared me half to death!” I said.
“Wow, aren't you easy to scare,” Kai said.
“Shut up,”
I looked in the cupboard and there were the bowls. I grabbed one and poured myself some cheerios, and sat across from Kai.
“So, you're a cheerios girl?” he asked.
“I always figured you to be a pancake person,” he said.
“Nope, no too fond of pancakes,”
Neither one of us talked for a long time. We just sat there in complete silence, while the other guests started coming in. We both got up and went to our rooms.
“You wanna go outside?” I asked Kai.
“Maybe later,” he said and went into his room.
I slowly walked into mine.
“Where were you?” Naomi asked when I walked in.
“Having breakfast,” I answered bleakly.
“Well, we're going down now, so you can come if you want,” Sarah said, “Oh, and we are going to go outside after,”
“Ok, I'll stay here,” I said, “come get me when you're done,”
“Ok, later,” they both said and walked out.
I got out my notebook and started to write. A couple minutes later someone knocked at the door so I got up to answer it. It was Kai.
“I thought about what you said, and sure,” he said.
“To what?”
“Get your coat,” he said pushing past me.
“So we are going outside?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he answered, “but come on, let's go before the others come back,”
“Ok, I just have to find my things,” I said as I started looking for my boots and coat. Kai was wandering the room looking at different things. He stopped at my notebook and started to read it.
(A tip never ever read someone's notebook without their permission!!)
I saw him over at the desk and remembered that I hadn't closed my notebook. I quickly dropped what I was holding, ran over there and snapped the book shut.
“I never knew you wrote songs,” he said.
“Yeah? Well you shouldn't have been reading my diary,” I said and put it in my nightstand drawer.
“That one that I was reading was good,”
“Hurry up, they should be done in about 10 to 15 minutes,” he said grabbing my coat and going to the door, I grabbed the key and closed the door behind me. I put my coat on as we were walking, or more like jogging. We snuck past the kitchen and ran outside. There was 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground already, and it was still coming down like crazy. We started to walk towards the street and went along it.
“You wanna play a game?” Kai asked.
“Sure, which game?”
“20 questions,”
“Ok,” I said, “you first.”
“First question; what's your favorite color?” He asked.
“I'd have to say….um…green, and you?”
“Navy blue,” he answered, “second, favorite season?”
“Fall, because of the leaves, they are so beautiful,” I said, “you?”
“Winter because of the snow,” He said, “you ask.”
“Favorite subject?” I asked.
“I know this sounds nerdy, but math and art,” he said, “and you?”
“Math and Drama,”
We kept going for 20 questions, and eventually came back to the hotel. It turned out we had been gone longer than we'd expected. We came in and had to sneak back to our rooms, which was impossible. We had to explain where we were and what we were doing. They understood and we all went outside to play. We decided to have a snowball fight. We split into teams, girls verses guys.
We tried to build a fort, a really tall thick one, but we couldn't make it that high, so we used what we could. The guys of course had a really good fort. Then it started, we started throwing snowballs, and one by one we missed, but I hadn't thrown any yet. I found some good snow, made it into a tight ball and waited for one of the guys to come up to throw. Tala came up, but quickly went down when he saw that I had a huge snowball. I don't think he told anyone, because Kai came up next so I threw the ball. I only hit him in the arm, and so the snowball war continued. The next person I hit was Rei, and I got him in the neck. We kept going until, WHAM!!! A fast, big snowball hit me in the face. The force of it knocked me over. Everyone stopped what they were doing.
“Oh my gosh!” Sarah said and ran over to me, “WHO THREW THAT?” she yelled. No one said anything, but slowly walked over to see what happened.
As I woke up I remember seeing the sky moving and Rei carrying me.
“You can put me down now,” I said. He stopped and helped me stand.
“So are you ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, just my eye hurts,”
“Yeah, you can thank Kai for that,” Naomi said glaring at him.
“Stop picking on Kai!” Sarah said.
“Oh right; I forgot you're in love with him” I sneered.
“I am not!!!” she said going red.
“I'm just kidding,”
Everyone laughed and went inside.
“Oh yeah, everyone! Tomorrow is Christmas, so go to bed early `cause Santa's coming tonight!” Sarah said as we were walking down the hall. By the time we all went to bed, it was still snowing.
The next morning, again I woke up first, or so I thought. I went over to the window, got out my notebook and started to write.
“What `cha writing?” Naomi asked coming up behind me and looking at the paper.
“It's my journal, or diary, or whatever you want to call it,” I answered.
“Oh, well put it away for now `cause we're going to go have breakfast,” she said, “oh, and apparently someone actually got us presents,”
“Cool, come on,” I said closing the book and putting it on the window seal.
We went downstairs where we were met up by Rei, Kai and Sarah; apparently Tala always sleeps in `till last minute. After breakfast I went upstairs to my room to get my sweater, everyone else stayed downstairs. I came into the room, grabbed my sweater and was about to leave when I stopped. My notebook was gone and the window was open.
“No,” I whispered, “This can't happen,”
I ran to the window and looked out; it was anywhere to be seen.
“Hey, what are you looking for?” Tala asked as he popped in his head.
“How'd you get in here?”
“The door was open,” he said, “What're you looking for?”
“If you must know, my notebook,”
“Well, where'd you leave it last?” he asked coming over to me.
“Right here,” I said pointing to the window seal. He looked out the window.
“Maybe someone stole it,”
“Why would you say that?” I asked. He pointed outside, so I looked. There were footprints up to the window and back.
“What's so bad about losing your notebook?” he asked.
“It had everything in it; my fears, my weaknesses, my thoughts, my dreams,” I ranted, “everything!!”
“Well, I'm sure we'll find it, come on,” he said, “we're gonna go open presents.”
We left the room went back downstairs, where we met everyone else. We sat around the tree in the ballroom that we had booked earlier. We took turns opening our gifts, when it came to me I started, but got interrupted. The window beside the tree smashed. A huge vicious dog jumped in, he had that crazy look to him, foam coming out of his mouth and fur dropping at every step. He started walking towards us. I froze. I have an irrational fear of big dogs. His pace sped up. Sarah shrieked, and the dog charged at us, we ran out as quickly as possible. I turned into the nearest room, it was the girls bathroom. I hid in one of the stalls. At that moment I remembered that the bathroom door wasn't locked. I heard the dog run past and people screaming.
One person yelled “Call Animal control!” another yelled “Run away! KILLER DOG!!!”
I peeked my head outside of the stall and tried to go to the door, but someone grabbed me from behind; covered my mouth and put a knife to my neck.
“Now if you want to save your friends and all those other innocent people out there, you'll follow my instructions exactly,” the guy behind me whispered in my ear. He took his hand off my mouth.
“How can you save my friends?” I asked.
“You've met my friend, Chompy the dog haven't you? Well I can make him stop by zapping him on the collar,” he said, “So, do we have an agreement?”
Drummer: Well that's the end of chapter 6. It was a long one and I am sooooo sorry for taking so long. I actually have up to the end of chapter 9 written, I just need to type them up. I hope you enjoyed, and please Review and comment on the story so far. Thanks to all my fans!!!!