Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Growing Up ❯ Chapter 3: New Life ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Growing up
Serie: Bleach
Warning: Shounen-ai / Yaoi
Note: Before you ask, what happens he is after Soul Society and the current arc. Aizen is yet to be defeated, but Hinamori is out of her coma, and NOT dating Hitsugaya. If I'm correct, this would happen a year after Soul Society arc. Unfortunately, again unbeta…
Summary: What if they found out the cause why Hitsugaya hasn't hit puberty? What if the solution is in Ichigo's world?
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, but the current plot is my own.
Chapter 3:New Life
A week had passed since Hitsugaya had been appointed by Rukia and Hinamori to stay at the Kurosaki household; so far, no one had been killed. The white haired captain was feeling a lot better and was now back to his normal self.
It was morning again; Hitsugaya was sleeping in his new bed, in the room he shared with Ichigo. The young captain was under the covers, wanted to avoid the morning sunlight and any sound made by Ichigo in the morning. It was seconds later; he was shook by the mention teenager.
“What?” he said, with a sleepy voice.
“You have to get up,” said Ichigo. “We have school.”
“You have school,” replied Hitsugaya, sitting up. “I don't.”
“You think you are going to stay here until you're ready to go back to Soul Society?” asked Ichigo, annoyed.
The only thing that Hitsugaya did was blinking. Ichigo sighed and walked toward Hitsugaya's bag. He took it and thrown a few clothes at the young captain. It took a few seconds to the white haired shinigami to notice it was a school uniform. He looked again at Ichigo; he hoped he was joking.
Ichigo was not really paying attention and he was changing right in front of Hitsugaya, his back facing him. Hitsugaya just shook his head and gave up for once; he also changed into his new school uniform. He was too tired - or not fully awake - to get annoyed and argue with the orange haired teenager.
Both of them finished to dress almost on the same time. Ichigo grabbed his bag and got out of their room. Hitsugaya quickly followed, with his own bag and closed the bedroom door right behind him. When they came down, the rest of the household were already in the kitchen, eating breakfast. It was quiet so far; Isshin didn't try to attack Ichigo. Which made Ichigo on the edge, but the others didn't seem to notice or ignore it totally. Hitsugaya sighed and finished is food; this was just not something he was used to and he didn't want to get use to it. He got up and left the kitchen. The moment he was out of the room, he heard some commotion; the typical morning in the Kurosaki household had happened.
He sighed and decided that staying here right now was not the best choice. He grabbed his school bag, put his shoes on and left the house and walked slowly to school. He remembered the directions to go to the school from Kurosaki's house. He walked a few minutes until he heard someone yelling behind him. He stopped and noticed that Kurosaki was catching up on him. He waited for the orange haired teenager to be next to him before starting to walk again.
“You could have waited for me,” said Ichigo, slightly annoyed.
“I didn't feel like it,” replied Hitsugaya. “But it seemed that as long I was there, tension was going to stay also.”
That made Ichigo stopped a few seconds before starting to walk again. “Tension?” said Ichigo. “You mean the fact my father couldn't try to attack me in front of you?”
“Whatever you called that,” said Hitsugaya. “But yes, that's what I'm talking about.”
Ichigo didn't know what to say to Hitsugaya; he was wondering if the small captain was feeling as he was a burden. This past week had been hard to him; he had found out that he couldn't get out of his gigai due to modification that Urahara made, he couldn't do any demon art spell and, to add to his misery, even if he could indicate where were the Hollows with his cellphone, he was not allow near them; orders from Yamamoto-taishou. In short, he was cut from his environment and his duties until the spell was drained.
They finally reached the school; Hitsugaya had to go and see the principal first before going to class. They had managed to hack the system and make sure that the white haired captain was in the same classes than Ichigo. They went their separate ways. Ichigo walked in his class; the gang was already there, waiting. They had heard that Hitsugaya was now coming to school with them.
“Ohayo Kurosaki-kun!” said Inoue.
Ichigo took his seat and greed his friends. He was about to say something when the bell rang and the teacher came in the class. She did the call, noting was there and who wasn't, making comments time to time which weird out the students.
When the student call was done, the teacher was wondering - out loud - where was the new student. Before anyone made a comment, the class' door opened; a small white haired boy entered the room, looking at everyone.
“So, you're the new student,” said the teacher.
“Yes,” replied Hitsugaya, almost annoyed.
“Alright, please can you introduce yourself to your follow classmates?” she said, while turning to the blackboard to write his name.
He frowned and looked at the class. This was not going to be something fun. “My name is Hitsugaya Toshiro. I've recently moved to this town” he said, not sure what to say more.
The teacher looked at the young teenager that look so much younger than he is. “Anything else to add?” she asked, very curious.
“Nothing I would like to mention,” he said, with an annoyed glance.
“Alright…” she said, a little bit surprised by the glance. “You can take the seat next to Kurosaki,” she added, pointing where Ichigo was.
Hitsugaya just walked toward his desk and took his book out, saying nothing. Some of the students were surprised; others were whispering how rude the new student was and others about how small he was. Although it annoyed Hitsugaya, he didn't show it; he was not going to give them a reason to do something to him.
The teacher started the lesson; all the students were following, including Hitsugaya, but he found that a little too boring. He felt like what he was reading was just too easy; he was more used to read reports and more complicated things than that. He was actually surprised that none of the others were bored by this. He almost let a sigh out; this was going to be a long day.
*A few hours later*
It was lunch time finally and the group were on the roof, eating. Most of them talked about trivial things like happen yesterday and things like that. Hitsugaya, however, was still silent, barely listening to them.
Ichigo noticed that Hitsugaya was drifting off. "Hitsugaya! You still with us?" asked Ichigo.
“What is it?” said Hitsugaya, annoyed to have been interrupted in his musing.
“You're okay?” he asked back.
“I'm fine” he said, not wanting to elaborate. “What were you saying before?”
“We were talking about what to do after class since none of us have clubs tonight,” said Ichigo.
“We were thinking to go to that new clothing store," added Inoue.
“No thanks…” he replied. To be honest, he didn't want to hang out after school, he wanted to be alone. Although, he had been alone in the Kurosaki house, he was always questioned or asked something to do. He wanted to just be on his own. Beside, he was sure that the spell was going to be drained soon enough, so he didn't need to check new cloths.
"You're sure?” asked Tatsuki.
“Yes, I'm sure and stop asking please,” he added, with annoyance in his voice.
The others were surprised, but stop asking him about it.
* After school *
They went their separate ways; Hitsugaya heading who knows where and Ichigo and the others head straight to the shopping part of the city. Hitsugaya walked around for awhile, just wanted to think and figure out what to do. After a while, he found himself in the park, which was empty. He walked toward a bench and sat there, looking at the sky. He just wanted to go back to Soul Society and to what he usually does. Who cares if he was stuck like Ukitake? If it was the prize, he would just go back.
He didn't notice that his phone was beeping; he was just too caught up in his musing. But he felt the huge reiatsu really near. He looked around, but he couldn't see where it was coming from… Until he saw a shadow overwhelming him.
* Shopping street *
Ichigo's badge started to beep, making noises that only his friends could hear. He left immediately and tried to locate the Hollow, but he was still not the best at locating them; he always asked Ishida, and now Hitsugaya, to do this. It wasn't long before Ishida joined up with him, so does the rest of the group.
“So, where is it?” asked Ichigo.
“It's near the park area,” said Ishida.
“Okay!" added Ichigo, speeding up his pace.
* Park *
Hitsugaya was trying to avoid the Hollow, but it managed to slash his left shoulder. He was really cursing his luck right now and wished he had gone with the others to shop for once.
He was feeling helpless and useless; he couldn't do nothing, except avoiding and dodge the attacks. A new attack came, but it was too fast for a tired Hitsugaya; he flied a few feet to hit the ground, panting.
“It's funny that I had to get such a weak boy as my lunch…” said the Hollow, finally satisfied to get what he wanted.
Those words hit Hitsugaya like a ton of bricks; he was nothing more than a kid in his condition. He, who was a captain in Soul Society, a child genius who had managed Ban Kai at a very young age, was currently injured and helpless. He closed his eyes, waiting for another hit, but none came.
“You're okay Hitsugaya-kun?"
He opened his eyes to see Inoue, Tatsuki and Chad looking at him, worried. He looked past them and saw Ichigo and Ishida facing where the Hollow was. He closed his eyes again; he felt like he was the fifth wheel. He didn't want to hear anything, nor indicate he was awake. He just wanted to be out of this nightmare.
Ichigo looked at the small captain and frowned; it really didn't look well. Hitsugaya's shoulder was still bleeding and it seems like he didn't regain conscious at all. Inoue called forth her fairy protectors and started the healing process. While she does that, he went back in his body. He looked again and could see from the white haired captain that he was feeling bad.
He sighed; he would have to talk to Hitsugaya later.
Note: Yea! I've done chapter three! I fear poor Hitsugaya is near breaking point with this incident… Sorry for the lateness you guys.