Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ All That She Is ❯ A Warning Or A Threat? ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

All That She IsChapter Fourteen - A Warning Or A Threat?

By Crow Skywalker


Disclaimer - Don't own CCS, nor will I ever.

Author's Notes - This chapter's been out a while on FFN, but I'm only now getting around to uploading it here. That's because my old hard drive got fried, and I had to do without the computer for a while. Also because Mediaminer is being really slow and won't load for me. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy, and thanks for the reviews! :)

Pairings - Sakura/Syaoran (eventually), Tomoyo/Eriol

Summary - Plans for Eriol's party are made, meanwhile Meiling makes up her own plans. Syaoran gives Sakura the Sword Card, but what does his note mean? Is it a warning or a threat?


Sakura yawned, opening her eyes as Tomoyo sat next to her under the cherry blossom tree. It was gorgeous out, the sun was shining brightly and it was fairly warm. It was lunch time, and both girls had decided to eat outdoors in the nice weather for a change. Naoko, Rika and Chiharu had joined them as well, and they sat in a circle beneath the pink colored tree.

"Hey Rika, what do you have for lunch?" Naoko smirked, grabbing her friends lunch and inspecting it. "Got anything you want to trade?" She picked through it as Rika watched, "Hey...what's this?" Taking out a sandwich, she gagged. "Ew! Tuna!" She handed the bag back, and Rika stuck out her tongue in response.

"Here," Tomoyo offered her a peanut butter sandwich, "I packed two just in case."

Rika took it with a grin. "Thanks."

"May I join you?" Came a male voice, and everyone looked up to see Eriol standing before them.

"Yeah, sure." Said Tomoyo, with a grin as she made room for him next to her. He smiled at her as he sat down.

"So are you all going to the party I'm throwing this Friday?" He asked, his eyes landing on Sakura.

"A party?" She asked, blinking. This was the first time she had heard about any party. "What's it for?"

Chiharu giggled. "You don't need a reason to have a party, Sakura."

"It's just a big get together thing. I'm inviting only the people I know." Eriol answered, smiling as Tomoyo put her head on his lap. She smiled in response as he gently brushed a stray hair behind her ears.

"Do we have to dress up?" Sakura asked, taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"Nope. It's just a formal can wear whatever you want."

"Awww," Tomoyo groaned, "Now I can't make Sakura a pretty dress!"

Sakura giggled at her friend. Tomoyo had yet to been able to make her a dress, since she had been to none of the latest Card captures, and now she couldn't even make her one for a simple party. She promised herself to make it up to her by bringing her the next time a Card showed up.

"Well you can help me pick out what to wear." Sakura offered, and Tomoyo sat up suddenly.

"That's a good idea! I'll swing around before seven and help you dress, and then we can walk from there. Eriol's house isn't far from yours." She exclaimed, happy again.

"Then I can show you my house," Sakura smiled, "I don't think you've been in it yet."

"Ooh! And I'll just have to tape everything!" Tomoyo exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "It's all too kawaii to miss!"

The group sweatdropped, and Sakura grinned widely. "Sounds good to me."

"Yeah," Said Rika, "I can't wait for Friday to come!"

Naoko rolled her eyes with a smile. "Now she'll be excited for the rest of the day!"

They continued to talk about the upcoming weekend that wasn't too far off and the plans for the party. However, Meiling tuned them out as she stood behind a nearby bush.

So, Kinomoto's going to Eriol's party, huh? She smirked to herself. It makes it all the easier for me. I'll show her the strength of a true warrior! And if she loses...she'll have to hand those damn Cards over, and I'll give them to Syaoran! She beamed. He'll be sooo happy with me! He'll definitely go out with me after that!

Meiling narrowed her eyes, looking back at the laughing group. I'll make you sorry for ever looking at Syaoran, Kinomoto! Just you wait!

With that, she shrugged her hair over she shoulder and walked away as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch.

Sakura got up, stretching her muscles. "What do we have next?"

"A math quiz." Answered Eriol, who laughed as her mouth dropped.

"A...math quiz?"

"Yeah, weren't you listening the other day?" Tomoyo poked her with a grin.

"No...I was too busy trying to figure out the questions!" Sakura groaned.

"Well hopefully all that tutoring yesterday will help you." Tomoyo winked, causing Sakura to blush.

"Hopefully." She said softly, walking back into school. Grabbing the book she would need for the afternoon from her locker, she made her way towards her math class, dreading it with every step.

"You ready?" Asked Tomoyo, who waited for her at the door. Sakura nodded as she followed Tomoyo in and sat in her seat.

It was then Syaoran walked in, late for the second time today. Sakura wondered what kept him late, but decided not to ask. He would probably ignore her or insult her anyway. As he passed by her, however, he laid something face down on her desk. Sakura blinked, staring at it. Picking it up, she saw that it was the Sword Card, but there was a note attached to it.

You need this more than I do. Watch your back, and good luck.

She turned the note over but found no more writing. Confused, she turned around to look at him, but he refused to meet her eyes. What did he mean 'watch your back'? she wondered. Was that a threat from him? But then why would he say good luck? Still confused, she turned back to her desk with an uneasy feeling.

"You know the rules everyone," Miss Muzuki said as she started handing out the quizes, "No cheating. If I catch you it's an automatic zero. Please take all books and stuff off your desk, and keep only what you need."

"Good luck." She whispered as she handed Sakura her's.

Sakura gulped as the paper was laid in front of her, and she clenched one eye shut as she turned the paper over. She slowly opened it as she realized it was the stuff Syaoran had taught her how to do the day before.

This'll be easy! She smiled, working down through them and checking them over to make sure they were right. It seemed time passed by quickly, because she had just finished when Miss Mizuki declared that she was collecting the papers, and that everyone should stop writing.

Sakura sighed, sitting back in her chair.

"How was it?" Tomoyo whispered to her once their papers had been collected.

"It was...okay." Sakura grinned at her. She had never been any good at math, but Syaoran's tutoring had helped her a lot. She made a mental note to thank him later on, and to ask about the Card and note.

"Okay," Mizuki smiled, "Take out your math books. We're going to start something new today."

Sakura groaned, picking her book out of her bag. There was only about twenty minutes of class left, and she was going to make them do work? Oh how Sakura loathed math class!

Twenty confusing minutes later, Sakura walked out of her math class and into the busy hall. All around her kids were scrambling to get to their next class, but Sakura paid no attention to it. She had Art next, and her class wasn't very far away. However, her mind still was.

Why did he give back the Card? She asked herself as she walked, It was rightfully his. Why would I need it more than he does? The answer to that question came to her. Oh, right...he already has a sword, so why would he need two? But why did he warn me to watch my back?

She shook her head, clearing her thoughts as she walked into the next class, which went by a lot faster than her last class. She grinned as the bell soon rang over head, and she ran to meet up with Tomoyo.

"Are we going back to get our marks?" Asked Tomoyo.

Before Math class had let out, Miss Mizuki had told them their papers would be corrected before the end of the day, and they could come back afterwards and get their marks if they wanted to.

Sakura nodded. She was eager to find out what she had gotten on the math quiz.

"Lets go then." Tomoyo smiled, but it faded as she remembered something, "What was it that Syaoran gave you before the quiz?"

"The Sword Card." Sakura said in a hushed whisper so no one would hear.

"What?" Tomoyo looked at her funny, "Why would he do that?"

"I have no idea." Sakura confessed, and handed Tomoyo the note, "He left this too."

Tomoyo glanced over it. "That's strange."

"I know." The other girl admitted with a sigh, "Is it a warning or a threat? I have no idea!"

Tomoyo shrugged, entering the math class. Miss Mizuki sat at her desk, and looked up as the two girls entered.

"Ah, Tomoyo..Sakura, I'm guessing you're here to get your marks?"

Both girls nodded as they watched her go through the papers in search of theirs. Sakura secretly crossed her fingers, hoping she at least passed it.

"Here you go," She handed the papers to the girls.

"I got a 98." Tomoyo grinned, looking over her paper.

Sakura took a big breath before looking down at her's, but she was soon rewarded. "I got an 85!" She declared happily.

"Good job Sakura!" Tomoyo smiled at her friend.

"I'm very impressed, Sakura," Said Miss Mizuki, "Tutoring has really helped you. I think that you should continue to be tutored by Syaoran. I'll speak to him tomorrow about it."

Sakura's smile faded. More tutoring with Li? Not that she really minded, but after the last tutoring session....her brother would kill him if he ever stepped foot in their house again. Nevermind what Kero might do. She sighed. Perhaps she could convince him to take her to his house instead? But then there would be Meiling to put up with...

She shrugged. She'd think of something better later. At the moment, she was happy with her mark, and couldn't wait to show her family. With a smile on her face, she left the room and got her things. Today hadn't been such a bad day after all, despite how tired she was.

To Be Continued...