Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ First Time I Love Forever(fanfiction contest) ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 3

That night,Kaho visited her master in his bedroom.She was not the least surprised to see him staring dreamily at a picture in an ID.She didn't need a crystal ball to predict who owned the ID.

"Good evening,Master."she greeted as she sat in front of him.

Eriol's face burned as he quickly tried to hide the ID but the woman quickly swapped it away from him.She sighed before showing the picture.

He turned into a deeper shade of red."S-She means nothing to me."

"I hope so,Master.I trust you're aware of the impending crisis."said Kaho gravely.

He shut his eyes tight."Yes,I have no means of escaping my fate."

"That is why I don't want you to get too asttatched to MS.Daidouji.I want you to accept your fate easier.If you fall in love with her and the time comes for you to go,you might find it hard to say goodbye."

He opened his eyes and looked beggingly at the red-haired woman."I want to retire to my bed now."

She stood up."Goodnight,young master.Be strong."She returned Tomoyo's ID before leaving the room.

December 18

"I haven't thought of a good idea for our art project yet.How about you?"asked Tomoyo as they walked to school that morning.

He smiled mysteriously."It's a secret."

She pouted before laughing."Ok,if you say so.Speaking of gifts,I'm shopping for christmas presents tomorrow afternoon.Do you want to come?"


"If it's not possible,I can change the schedule.."she added.

"No,tomorrow is fine."he replied.He didn't have the heart to turn her down again after she had been so kind to offer him so many invitations.

Her face brightened."Great!"

Eriol's pencil broke off for the fifth time.He was irritated..VERY irritated.He looked at the boys who were flocking around Tomoyo's desk like butterflies as Tomoyo dictated the recipe for blueberry cheesecake.

"Of all the recipes in the culinary world,why did they have to choose THAT recipe for the Home Ec project?"he muttered wryly.

"Eriol!"Sakura called him over to her desk.

He stood up grudgingly."Good morning,Sakura."he said through gritted teeth.

"Oh Eriol!Wipe that silly scowl of your face!It's almost christmas!"

"I can't help it!Those fools are surrounding our desk and suffocating me and Tomoyo!"he said as he sat down in front of her.

She winked."Admit it!You're furious!Very,very,VERY furious!"

He forced a blank stare.

"You know what I mean!"She leaned over to his ear and whispered conspiratorially,"It's only natural!Tomoyo is one of the prettiest girls in the campus.Of course half of the male population would pounce on the opportunity to get to talk to her!"

"Why are you telling me this?"

Sakura smiled."Because you look quite homicidal to me.Just to avoid the bloodshed.."


"You're jealous."she stated softly.

"OK,so even Sakura knows that I like Tomoyo.Big deal!Surely nothing can be much worse than that!"Eriol told himself soothingly while inside the Men's CR.


"Or maybe not."he muttered as he scooped some more water to his scarlet face.

Li Syaoran sat on the sink,frowning."We need to talk."

"If it's about Tomoyo,forget it!"he snapped.

Li shook his head."Why did you go back to Japan?Are the cards on the loose again?"

"No,I just want to get away from the gray loneliness of London."

"Will you still go back there?"asked Syaoran.

"No.I will spend the rest of my days here."replied Eriol.

"Is it because of a certain someone?"he pressed.

Eriol immediately knew where the conversation was heading.He was tired of denying so in a resigned tone,he said,"Fine.I love Tomoyo.Satisfied?"

Li jumped down and grabbed him by the collar."Listen Hiragizawa,you better be sure about your feelings!Both Sakura and I love Tomoyo very much,and if you dare hurt her or make her cry,I swear,I'll kill you."

He smiled weakly."Don't worry,Li Syaoran.I do not intend to tell her how I feel."

Li released him."But why?"

At the same moment,Eriol collapsed to the floor.He was twisting and turning in pain as the fluorescent lights of the room flickered.All the faucets turned on at the same time while the mirror and the windows cracked.

"Hiragizawa!!"Li quickly attended to him."What the hell is going on??!"

When Eriol didn't reply,he used his power to calm him down.Minutes later,Eriol slumped down the floor,catching his breath."See..see what I mean?This is the reason why I can never tell her how I feel.."

"Hiragizawa,don't speak!Rest if you must!"Li ordered.

"I'm dying."

"B-But how.."

"My power is eating me up."explained the boy.Though still dizzy,Eriol forced himself to sit up.He looked at the brown-haired boy."Do not tell anyone about what you have seen and heard in this room,understood?"


"Understood?"His voice sounded more urgent.

Li nodded."Gentlemen's agreement."The two men shook hands.


"What do you want for christmas,Eriol?"asked Tomoyo eagerly.

"Long life."He absentmindedly replied.Realizing what he said,he covered it with a forced laugh."A girlfriend would be nice too."

Tomoyo froze."A girlfriend,you say?"

Eriol was silenced too.