Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Sakura's Journey to Motherhood ❯ Sakura's True Identity ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sakura's Journey to Motherhood by AW Universal

Disclaimer: Don't own so don't sue.

CH 3: Sakura's True Identity


"But she's not here and her friends don't know where she is… Yeah, but… Fine!" CLANG!

Everyone winced at the sound. Tomoyo, Shaoran, Eriol, Kero, Suppi, and Rubymoon were already there. It had taken a lot of persuading to convince Fujitake that he wasn't having a nervous or mental breakdown. That and a lot of explaining.

"They said nothing could be done could be done until she's been gone for 24 hours or we have prove that she's been kidnapped." Toya snarled.

Just then Yue flew in.

"Any word?" were his first words.

"Nothing." Was the answer.

Yue snarled and smashed his fist through the wall. The group imitated fish for a minute.

"Yue, we're all worried." Tomoyo tried to tell him.

"Look Yue. I'm the one who has to find her." Shaoran stated standing up.

"Why you?" Yue shouted, getting in his face.

"I can find her with the Lasin board."

"I'll sense her magic."

"Err…Boys, isn't that the same thing?" Tomoyo interrupted. They both glared at her. Then, a bright light appeared around them. Kero started to fly at them, but they disappeared and he smashed into the wall.

~On the ship~

"Where are we?" Shaoran asked.

"I don't know." Yue replied.

"Good evening, gentlemen. You are on the ship Princess Sakura." A voice answered. Both whipped around and faced the voice in a fighting stance; Shaoran's sword drawn and Yue's water- like bow and arrow at the ready.

"Please relax. We won't hurt you or Sakura." A woman said stepping out of the shadows.

"Who are you? Where's Sakura? What do you want with us?" Shaoran demanded.

"I am Corporal Loun and Pri… Sakura is safe. I'm afraid you won't like what we want. We need Sakura. You see…"

"I won't let you take her!" Yue vowed, eyes blazing.

"Let me finish, please. You see, your Sakura is our Princess."

"What?!!" They shouted together.

"Queen Marygold sent her daughter to the future because of the war raging on Calmnor. We won the war but Queen Marygold lost her life. When the Queen died, so did the people's hope. Ever since, we've been searching for the Princess. We need a Queen…"

"So find someone else!" Shaoran yelled.

"Only one with royal blood can rule. Now let me finish. Okay, now. We came here to get her and we found that two people love her a woman. You two." Shaoran and Yue looked at each other. "Now, you have to prove that you love her. You'll fight each other and whoever wins gets to kiss the Princess. She'll awaken at her true love's kiss." Corporal Loun finished with stars in her eyes.

"Why don't we both kiss her to figure it out." Shaoran offered.

"It isn't as romantic." She protested, sounding exactly like Tomoyo-chan. Both sweat dropped.

"If you don't want to harm her, why is she asleep?" Yue questioned suspiciously.

"Why, for your test, of course." Loun stated. Both fell, anime style.