Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ Silent ❯ Bittersweet Temptations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer- :Sniffs: I still don't own CCS, but maybe mommy will buy me them, then again theirs not enough money in the world to cover CCS's value. Life sucks right about now.
Silent- Bittersweet Temptations
“His name is Li, Xiao Lang. He comes from a rich family in China and is the quietest boy in school because he's mute.” He started grinning.
The other information he had wasn't going to leave her very happy. “It also seems like he's taking a liking to the Kinomoto girl.”
That really got her pissed. No one got anything she wanted. She decided to alter her plan somewhat.
“You know what? Don't put the plan into action tomorrow, because I got some changes to make.”
Back To Sakura and Syaoran
"Tomoyo are you coming with me to Syaoran's?" Sakura didn't like going to people's houses without Tomoyo.
"Sorry Sakura but, I have to go to one of my mother's fashion shoots." Sakura knew her mother. Sonomi Daidouji was not a woman to mess with.
"I still want you to go without me. That way you can tell me about it later, okay?"
Sakura didn't want to go by herself but agreed any ways. "Okay, but you better call me back later so we can catch up. Also, I'm going to tell Touya that I'm over at your house so he won't go on a man hunt."
As soon as Sakura turned around to look for Syaoran, she ended up finding him. To their embarrassment, their faces were only two millimeters apart.
They ran backwards in opposite directions to get away from gravity pulling them together.
Apart from the blushes that would make a lobster jealous, they acted as normal as possible.
He began scribbling. `You ready to go?'
"Yeah, how far do you live?"
He already had the note pad ready. `Not too far, only a few blocks. Do you happen to have any roller skates with you?'
"Yeah, they're in my locker. I'll be right back." He was already putting his on.
She came back a few moments later to a very impatient Syaoran, who already had his notepad ready, as usual.
'Took you long enough.'
"Well excuse me for bumping into teachers telling me to slow down."
He was finished with his scribbling. 'Hurry up and put on your skates.'
"Jeeze, your mood swings are worse than Touya's."
When she looked up he was forever scribbling on his note pad. 'Who's Touya?'
"He's my older brother, and by the way, don't let him see you around me." He arched his brow.
"He hates guys near me. According to him, I'm not allowed to date till after I get married. I can't get married till I get menopause."
'Whatever just hurry it up and put on your skates.'
"Okay." She began taking her dear sweet time putting on her skates, and a whole 3 minutes later finally had them on.
"Which way?" He simply pointed to the left.
A few seconds later he noticed that she had sped away passed him.
She reached the corner and waited for him to catch up.
He was already panting, but was scribbling on his note pad too.
'How the Hell did you get ahead of me?'
"Being the captain of the track team for four years running, it makes it kind of hard to be slow."
She hadn't realized that midway through the sentence he was already going to the end of the next block.
She quickly got back the distance she lost and more. She thought she had passed him but as soon as she looked up, he was already waiting for her.
"H-how the hell did you get in front of me?"
He already had his note pad at hand. 'It's very hard being slow when you're the captain of the track team in China for four years running' (A/N: Deja Vu?)
"Which way now?" She hadn't realized that he was already opening the gate to his house.
When she went in, she noticed that there were only two pairs of slippers in his house. 'One pair is his and the other I guess is for guess. Wait, does that mean he lives alone?'
While she was in a daze he was scribbling away on his note pad. She didn't notice him writing on his note pad until he shoved it in her face.
Almost as if he had read her mind his message said 'I live alone.'
He ran upstairs to what looked like his bedroom, and got some books from under his bed.
He brought down the heavy books. "I have to read all of those!"
He nodded. He knew she really didn't but felt like annoying her. He looked at her. Her eyes looked as if they were about to bulge out of her head.
"Maybe we can stick to the note pad." He was scribbling as she spoke.
'Gotcha. You can stick to the baby book. It's just easier that way.'
She smile and said that would be a lot easier and then laugh.
Li pointed to the chairs and made a sign with his hands to show what chair was. She smile and went over to the chair to sit down.
For about fifteen minutes he began pointing at random things and showing her the sign for each object.
With out her noticing that instead of looking over the book he was looking over her.
He had thought that she was pretty from the moment he had laid eyes on her. Now he knew better, she was beautiful. The way her white jean skirt fit her, her long legs, and she had to be a cruel person to wear a pink tube top that showed her silver belly button ring. However her most defining features were her light brown hair and green eyes, which were rare features amongst the Asian society. Her hair had pin curls in it she also had two pink pins holding the longer strands of her hair out of her face.
After a few moments of staring he noticed her about to look up. He quickly returned his eyes to a random page in the book.
She could have sworn that he was just looking at her. After looking up she couldn't help but stare at him for a while. He had a green muscle shirt that exposed every perfectly cut muscle on his torso. He was like a work of art in her eyes. His messy chocolate spiked brown hair would make a rock star jealous. He was wearing these jeans that hung off his ass perfectly. He had the most beautiful amber eyes that could make the planet melt into the sun.
After a moment he caught her eyes looking at him. She couldn't help but blush. He gave her a big cheesy million dollar smile. He signed her something hoping she didn't figure it out. Unfortunately for him she knew what that meant
"So what if I like what I see. A girl's business is her own." He just gave her another million dollar smile.
She looked at the clock and realized it was about time for her to head home.
"I had a great time, but I need to head home, before Touya goes on a rampage. Can I borrow some of the books?"
He simply nodded. He walked her to the door. Before she left the gate he gave her one more sign. She didn't know what that one meant but decided to look it up at home.
At Sakura's House
She sat on her bed looking at her books looking for the sign he gave you. She found it and read what was next to it aloud.
"I like you."
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I had plenty of help from my friend Nay (The other author to this) Thanx to her I think my shoulder is officially dislocated since we didn't save it once and nearly lost this file again afterwards
Anya: Sniffs; Owie
Nay: I hope yall like it I came up with the ending
Anya: I hope you're paying for my hospital bill
Nay: No, I let you just die, No wait then I'll have to write
the story all alone there no one here beside me Got that from Shrek
Anya And Nay: Hope you enjoyed. I like purple buttons don't you? Read and review if you want any more chapters...
Ja nee