Daa! Daa! Daa! Fan Fiction ❯ [Kanata X Miyu] : Coüple de Grace ❯ Getting to Know Each Other ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kanata stares at the calm waters as he and Miyu both sail through a dark tunnel.
Miyu just looks at him knowing that she had lost Kanata's trust and perhaps her friendship as well.
Miyu : Well, if you're not going to talk to me ever again at least please try to listen what I have to say ok?
Kanata didn't do anything he just swirl his fingers into the water.
Miyu : I'm really sorry Kanata… I know that I hurt you but please… as you can see no one's perfect and I'm only human.. (she takes off her glasses then starts to shed tears) you know… it's hard …. Even for me… to make such mistakes… if I made some.. it made me want to…. Cry…
Kanata can't help but hear Miyu's little cries so he faced her.
Kanata (uses his finger to wipe her tear but he is still in a cold feeling towards Miyu) : Don't cry
Miyu : You see… My childhood friend Nozomu came yesterday and he had asked me to a date yesterday and my mind just went blank… I'm really sorry!!
Kanata : I guess it happens all the time, people tend to forget other people because something really important is coming up. I would probably made the same mistake.
Miyu (smiles a little) : Kanata… I hope you forgive me..
Kanata : Well… yeah… (giggles).
As the couple sails through the tunnel they didn't notice that about half way through the tunnel there's a camera that would take the picture of the couple in the boat and there would be a heart shape frame surrounding them so when they get out of the tunnel they're picture would be shown on a big screen.
Miyu : This tunnel is really long… it's been 5 minutes.
Kanata : Hmm? What's this? maybe you're starting to miss Nozomu.
Miyu : As a matter of fact yeah! It has been a couple of days but I already missed him.
Kanata : so would you mind telling me how you met?
Miyu : well it happened long ago..
Haruka : Hey! Look it's Miyu the geek from our school.
(When I was at 3rd grade I was always ignored by the girls and by the boys. They say that I'm a geek and I study too much. No one would ever talk to me until..)
(I was walking down the hall when I dropped my glasses).
Miyu : I.. I can't see without it.. oh no.. (feels around to find her glasses).
Then a boy handed them to me his name is Nozomu.
Nozomu : here you go. (gives it to Miyu).
Miyu : Thanks a lot! (she didn't smile because she knew that she is going to be insulted as usual so she decides to walk away).
Nozomu : Hey how rude.. I am just trying to be friendly.
Miyu quickly looks at Nozomu and says “Hontone which means Really in Japanese.”
Nozomu : Don't let them disgrace you… you must stand out because you're very intelligent… you're beautiful eyes… they're saying something, they are saying that one day you'll become really popular in this school.
Miyu : Arigatou (Thank you in Japanese).
(Those are one of the few words that I told him “Hontone” and “Arigatou” that's why we use those words)
Eventually Nozomu had to leave Japan because his father had some business in Europe. Nozomu didn't say anything to me that he is leaving. Nanami is the one who told me that Nozomu is leaving and I cried for hours and didn't pay attention to studying. Than I remembered what he said that I'll someday become popular in the school. So I try to make a nice impression to the school.
And a couple of days ago.. he came out of nowhere… he surprised me in our cheerleading class and I had totally forgotten about our appointment.
Kanata : Oh that's nice…
Miyu : So Kanata… why don't you tell me you're side of the story…. On how you became soooo famous among the girls.
Kanata : Me? Well it all started when I was at 5th grade, My father said that to be a great Buddhist one must look good and charming to everybody. He says that I should look good just like my mom. And that I should continue to give positive images to the people all around.
Miyu : So what you're saying is that you're father is the one who made you this popular.
Kanata : Well not exactly, I tried to do what my father said and then it occur to me one day. I was playing soccer with Santa then some girls are watching as if there is some kind of a tournament or a show. I didn't notice that they girls were watching me. The first one to notice me was Christine, she was cheerful and kind she is always there when I turned around. She also started a “Kanata” fan-club which eventually reached the 500 members mark.
Miyu : Wha? You're that popular? Well that's nice.
Kanata : But the point is… I just want to look good because my father says so, I didn't want to look good for the girls in our school. It is some kind of a tasks that is a heavy burden. I wish my father didn't say that because I want to live a normal life. Sometimes I envy my friend Santa because he is always not disturbed and that's what makes my life happy to live in peace and to cherish all the moments while it last. I don't like to die one day and all I can say is that “my entire life, I only became popular and that's it” I want to explore and learn new stuff but if all this people came after me, I can't even move freely. It's such a heavy burden. And I tried to ask myself … what if the people who follow me accumulates? What will be left for me? Can I even walk home safely? Those are the questions I want to answer. (huh? Looks at Miyu who is looking at him in the eyes).
Miyu : Oh it's nothing… I can't believe it… we have the same idea, I only want to look good for Nozomu and not for anyone else. I can't imagine that they're making a fan club for popular guys in our school.
Kanata : Yeah… Miyu..?
Miyu : Yes?
Kanata : I was just wondering… about you and Nozomu… how long have you been together? Not physically but in mind and in heart?
Miyu : Me and Nozomu since the 3rd grade we always write letters to each other. I can't really wait for his letter to arrive it always drive me crazy.
Kanata : Oh I see.. (picks up her glasses).
Miyu : Kanata?
Kanata (looks at her glasses) : You know Miyu… if you didn't wear this glasses you would've looked more cuter.
Miyu (blushes a little) : What're you trying to say? Are you saying that I should wear contact lens?
Kanata notices that her glasses “grade” aren't that high.
Kanata : No… why don't you practice this… try reading without you're glasses for a while if you could read this book it means you're in a process of curing.
Kanata hands her a book which has small letter written on it.
Miyu (smiles) : I.. I can't read this..
Kanata : (uses his cellphone to give it some light for Miyu to read). This book is a new one and the writer is going to make a new fan fiction, this is the upcoming title will you please read it?
Miyu : Okay.. umm… (half closes her eyes). W..Wings…of…Heart 2!
Kanata : Wow that's nice! You're in the process of not needing you're glasses anymore. It is some kind of a practice where you're retina is getting used to read without you're glasses.
Miyu : Hontone? Thanks Kanata!! (Gives him a friendly hug).
Kanata (blushes a little with a smile on his face) : Miyu-chan?
Then the camera takes aim at them..