Danny Phantom Fan Fiction ❯ Danny Phantom -- Return of The Reign ❯ Reunions and Nightmares ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Official Chapter One! YAY!
Danny and his friends, including Summer, were walking together. They were talking about random teenager stuff, homework, threats toward Lancer, the good stuff.
“So, any plans for the summer, Summer?” Tucker laughed.
Summer glared. “I'm getting really SICKof that joke…”
They had been out for hours and were just now starting to head home. Just then, Danny snapped his fingers. “Oh!” He turned to Tucker. “Hey, Tuck. Can I use your PDA to get online for a quickie? I need to catch up with Ali.” Tucker happily tossed his PDA to him and they continued walking as Danny punched away at it.
As Summer and Sam were talking, all three of them stopped when Danny started to talk again. “Huh…” He gave the PDA back to Tucker. “…Weird…”
“What is?” Summer asked.
Danny turned to her and shrugged. “She's not on.”
“I know! Usually I can't get that girl of my Instant Messaging!” Danny said, throwing his arms in the air.
“Danny, calm down.” Sam said. “Maybe she just doesn't have time to get on the computer.”
“But she's always on after school…” They continued walking, Danny with his hands in his pockets and his eyes downcast, discontented.
On the other side of the block, Alissa was walking across with a bag of medical things. She held a worried face and sighed. She then heard talking nearby. She looked around the wall and saw Danny and the group walking.
Alissa gasped deeply and happily, her eyes shining. Danny!! She mentally cried in bliss. She slammed her back against the wall and breathed deeply. She grinned and then slowly and quietly followed them. Nobody noticed her. When she was right behind Danny, she jumped up slightly and slapped her hands over his eyes.
“GAHH!!” Danny cried out in surprise. The others turned and saw Alissa, but she winked at them, telling them not to tell. They blinked, but smiled.
“Guess who!” Alissa told the blinded Danny.
“Uh…I know you?”

“Better believe it!”
“…You're a ghost, aren't you?!” Danny shouted. Though blinded, he struck a pose, the bright blue ring forming. “GOING…!”
“BABE, IT'S ME!” Alissa cried in slight fear, tearing her hands away. Danny blinked a few times, the ring disappearing. He turned and saw Alissa standing there. She stared at him, and then smiled. “…Hi.”
“…A…ALI!” Danny ran up to her and swooped her up in his arms before hugging her. They all started laughing and hugging and chatting happily.
“I'm so happy to see you guys!” Alissa said as she squeezed everyone in a hug. “I missed you!”
“So is this what you were planning for vacation?” Danny asked. Alissa nodded, and he ruffled his hand through her hair. “You little sneaky sneak, you!”
Alissa giggled, but gasped and picked her bag back up. “Wish I could savor our gathering more, but I need to get back home!”
Summer looked rather worried as she noticed the contents of Alissa's bag. “What's with the hospital stuff?”
“I…I found someone being kidnapped in the Ghost Zone.”
Everyone gasped.
“I saved him, but he's really badly hurt. And what's worse: Nightshade was the kidnapper.”
“NIGHTSHADE?!” Everyone shrieked.
Danny replaced his surprised look with an angry one, slamming his fist into his hand. “Is he back for more?”
“I dunno…but he woke a really, really big and nasty-looking ghost up.”
Team Phantom resumed walking, but Danny stopped. “Come again? `Woke?' `Big?' `Nasty-looking?' …Please tell me he didn't wake him up with a…key?”
Alissa turned to him. “Uh…yes?”
Everyone turned to each other and either slapped their foreheads, groaned, or both.
“What? What??”
“Ali…” Danny said, his hand over his eyes. “…That's the Ghost King.”
Alissa's mouth fell. “Oh, crud…”
Danny fisted both his hands. “Oh, swell…how're we gonna…”
Alissa gasped and started to rush off again. “Sorry! Wish I could help! Can't! Gotta save the elderly!” She said as she zoomed off.
The others stared at each other for a moment before Danny gasped and caught up to her again. “Wait…did you say `elderly?'”
Danny raised an eyebrow. “Who exactly did you rescue?”
“I don't know his name, but he seems pretty old and is dressed rather formally…not to mention, he has a ponytail.” She said with a shrug. Danny stared at her wide-eyed, but then his eyes narrowed fiercely.
“Ali…where do you live?”
Alissa returned home, Team Phantom hot on her trail. She was very confused, though, at how Danny practically commanded her to bring him to her house. The mere mention of the man she had rescued caused Danny to totally change in Alissa's eyes…and she didn't like it.
“Mom! Dad! I'm back! And look who I found!” Alissa said, motioning to her friends. Her parents were sitting on the steps leading to the house, waiting for their daughter.
David and Kelly got up and happily greeted the kids.
“It's been a while! How've you been?” David spoke.

“Great, but listen.” Danny said. Alissa stared at him; he sure didn't want to waste anytime with…whatever was buzzing around in his head. “Ali told me she…rescued somebody?”
“Why, yes!” Kelly cried, taking Alissa's hand. “Come in, everyone.” They all entered through the door.
Danny widened his eyes.
Sure enough, Vlad was unconscious upon the Living Room couch. He looked severely battered.
“Oh, my gosh, what happened to him, Ali?!” Summer cried, her hands over her mouth, despite her Punk nature.
“I don't know…he's been unconscious since 3!” Alissa answered as she reached into her bag, pulling out some bandages and wrapping them around the wounds on his arms and legs. “I just saw Nightshade capture him, attack him, and then sic the Ghost King on him!” She finished.
“Ghost King?” David asked, blinking.
“I'll explain later.” Danny said, never turning his narrowed eyes away from Vlad.
When Alissa was done treating him, she got up and turned to Danny. “…By the way, do you know him? When I was getting him to safety, he mumbled `Daniel.' Did he mean you?”
Danny's face flinched in surprise, but his glare soon returned. “Yes, Ali. I know this person.” His eyes then changed to show concern and fret. He gently placed his hands around each of Alissa's arms, making her blush hotly. “Listen, about this man…Alissa, he's--”
Just then, Vlad groaned. Alissa gasped as she turned. “Oh! He's waking up!” She looked at everyone. “Remember, we don't know that he was captured by ghosts! All we know is that he was beat up and left at our doorstep!”
Vlad's old, cerulean blue eyes slowly blinked open. “Where…” He mumbled as he looked around the room.
“Oh, thank goodness!” Alissa said as she clasped her hands together. “You're alright!”
Vlad's eyes sleepily looked around the room, searching for something.
“What? What is it?” Alissa asked.
“You…what…what…what time is it?”
Everybody was confused, not expecting that to be one of the first questions he asked when he came to. Alissa answered anyway. She looked at her watch. “It's about…10 to 5. You've been unconscious for about two hours!”
Drat…one more hour with my ghost form shorted out…Vlad thought. “I see…am I in Amity Park?”
Alissa nodded as Vlad placed his left hand on the rim of the couch and his right on the rim of the cushion, pushing himself to get up. His legs were buckling as he did so. “Whoa, whoa! Take it easy, sir!” Alissa cried, gently pushing him back against the couch. “Look at yourself, why don't you? You're bruised and your clothes are torn! Jeez!” Her face slowly twisted to become more sympathetic. “Please…tell me…what happened to you?”
Vlad thought carefully before answering. “I…” He held his head. “…don't remember.”

“Yeah, right, Vlad.” Danny said sternly.
Vlad's eyes widened suddenly and he looked behind Alissa to see Danny. “Ah, Daniel! I had hoped I'd see--” He once more attempted to get up, but once more groaned in pain and fell back against the couch.
“Mister! Good grief!” Alissa cried in exasperation. “So…you know each other?”

“Oh, let's just say…” Vlad smirked at the boy. “…we have a bond…”
Danny growled under his breath.
“So your name is Vlad…wait! Vlad, as in Vlad Masters?!” Kelly quickly cried out. She gently took Vlad's hand and shook it lightly to not hurt him. “It's a pleasure to meet you! I just wish it was under, ah…better circumstances.”
Vlad chuckled. “I share your empathies.”
Alissa smiled. “Well, as long as we're being introduced, welcome to the Baker household! Those are my parents, David and Kelly; and I'm Ali. Just call me Ali; everybody else does. We found you outside our house very injured so we took you in and are currently treating you back to health.” She said with a wink and a smile. “But…do you honestly not remember anything? Where you were? Who beat you up?”
Vlad thought carefully again. What happened was really none of their business, but…He glanced at (still glaring) Danny. “Well…I--I…I…” He faked, holding his head.
“Well, hold on! Don't hurt yourself!” Alissa held him by the arms.
Vlad chuckled lightly. “You're very kind, Alison…”
Alissa blinked. “Alis…oh! Oh, no, no, no, no!” She laughed, swinging her palms left and right. “Ali's short for Alissa! Not Alison!”
“But, uh…if you really want to, I guess you could call me Alison…” Alissa smiled with a shrug.
“Oh, gag me.” Sam perked up from the back.
Alissa whipped her head around to glare at the Goth, but then turned back to Vlad. “Well, listen,” She started, slapping her hands together. “My parents and I are gonna go for a second to make something for your cuts, and…we'll be right back!” She said as she grabbed her bag of medical things and ran into the Kitchen with her parents. She called for Summer and she went in, too.
Vlad turned his head, watching them go, before he was yanked by the shirt folds to Danny's angry-looking face. “Alright, spill, Plasmius: what's going on?” Danny demanded.
“Honestly, Daniel, we haven't seen each other in quite a while! You don't visit, you don't write, and this is how you greet me?” Vlad answered with a mocking smile. “After all we've been through, the least you could do is send me an e-mail.”
Danny growled harshly, his eyes flashing green. He was then hit in the side by Tucker, who motioned to the Kitchen, revealing Alissa and the others coming back.
Danny immediately released Vlad and stood back where he was standing before.
Alissa blinked. “Um…what happened?” She asked, noticing that Vlad looked a little more disheveled than before.
“Uh, nothing…!” Danny said, eyes not facing Alissa's. She still looked confused, but she walked back to Vlad. She was carrying a bowl in her arms.
“This might sting a little, but it'll help with the wounds.” Alissa warned as she soaked a washcloth in the liquid in the bowl. After wringing it, she carefully applied it to Vlad's injured arm.
As Vlad hissed in pain and Danny turned his head away, chuckling a little, Kelly began to speak. “Listen, Mr. Masters…”

“Please, call me Vlad.”

“O--okay, Vlad…” Kelly giggled like a schoolgirl; David crossed his arms. (Jealousy, perhaps?) “Anyway, is there anything we can do for you once you heal more?”
“Well…” Vlad looked at Alissa and Danny. “It seems you're friends with the Fentons.”
The Bakers nodded.
“And it seems you are, too!” Alissa said; she then slowly came to a realization. “You…wanna see them, huh?”
Vlad turned to Kelly and David. “Smart girl you have here.” Alissa giggled as he turned back to her. “Well, yes, I'd like to…but you won't let me get off the couch until each and every cut is closed, eh?”
“Nope!” Alissa laughed with a wink. “No, seriously, when you think you can get up without pulling a muscle or something…and, uh, I believe the Fenton's household is about 5 minutes from here. Think you can handle it?” She smiled sweetly.
Vlad simply looked at her, and then struggled to get off the couch again. After a while, he was able to get off and stand tall, but he then started to wobble and Kelly and David grabbed him by the arms, keeping him up.
The kids just stared. “Uh…” Summer started. “…maybe we should take the van?”
Sure enough, everyone packed into the Bakers' van, driving to FentonWorks instead. Sam, Tucker and Summer came along as well; Sam and Tucker stayed likely because they wanted to keep an eye on Vlad; Summer just wanted to be with Alissa, her best friend she missed dearly.
David and Kelly were, of course, in the driver and shotgun seats; Danny, Vlad, and Alissa were in the middle seats, and Sam, Tucker, and Summer were in the back seats.
Alissa was in-between Vlad and Danny, Danny on her right. Danny kept a hard gaze on Vlad; he knew he was up to something, but he didn't know what.
Vlad seemed extremely tense about something, but before Alissa could ask him what it was, Danny grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close to him.
“Listen, Ali,” Danny whispered. “After he meets with my parents, meet me in my room; I gotta tell you something.” Alissa was confused, but she nodded.
Soon, they arrived at Danny's house. Danny opened the door. “Mom? Dad? Jazz? Anybody home?!” He called out.
Maddie and Jazz came through the walkway between the Living Room and the Kitchen. They gasped when they saw the Bakers.
“Oh, wow! What are you guys doing here?” Jazz asked with a smile.
Alissa tried to smile back, but it was weak. “I'd love to get reacquainted with you guys, but we have a crisis on our hands.” Before the girls could ask what she meant, Kelly and David wobbled Vlad into the room. The girls gasped.
“Vlad?!” Maddie cried, rushing to him. “What happened to you?!”
“Ah, Maddie…” Vlad practically swooned. “…always so quick to one in need…I've missed you.”
Danny pretended to gag while pointing to his mouth with her finger; had she not have been in Vlad's sight, Jazz might've done the exact same thing.
Maddie looked uncomfortable, yet also looked like she was expecting something along the lines of what Vlad had said. “Please, Vlad, not now…what happened?”
Before Vlad could say anything, he was then attacked by a bear hug via none other than Jack. “Hey, V-Man! Is that really you?! It's great to see ya!”
“Jack…” Vlad croaked. “Release…the V-Man…before he snaps in two…”
Jack hastily let go and the billionaire fell to the ground, glaring at Jack as Maddie helped him up. Jack giggled a little. “Oo…sorry, Vladdie…but you know how I get seeing an old chum after a long time!” Jack explained.
“Yes, I do, old chum…” Vlad said darkly. But as soon as he did, both Jack and Maddie stared at him, but they both shrugged it off and helped him sit on the couch.
Danny kept his glare, and then took Alissa's wrist roughly.
“Sorry, Ali…c'mon!” Danny headed for the stairs, his grasp on Alissa's wrist still strong.
“Danny, where're you going?” Jack called to him.
“Uh…” Danny started, eyes zipping back and forth and wincing as he tried to think of an answer.
“We were just going to Danny's room.” Alissa answered truthfully before shrugging. “What's the problem?”

“The problem is that dinner is almost ready!” Maddie said in her usual motherly tone. Danny groaned and smacked his hand against his eyes. Alissa, still not getting it, looked at Danny with a confused face.
“Everyone, will you be staying for dinner?” Maddie asked. Sam, Tucker, and Summer exchanged glances while the Bakers agreed.
“WHAT?!” Jack roared, balling his fists. “Nobody makes a specter meal outta my college buddy!” He claimed as he continued eating messily.
Vlad ate in a more civilized manner as he told what he could “remember” of his tale. “Relax, Jack; I don't think they were attempting to eat me.”
The entire group sat around the dining table eating dinner. (Use your imagination for what they're eating!) Danny just twirled his fork around his food, keeping a dark eye on Vlad as his face was placed in his palm.
Alissa and Summer were extremely baffled by Danny's odd behavior. However, Summer formed a smirk and mumbled to herself, “Meh…the kid's too nice for his own good, anyway…some nastiness will do him good.” Shortly after, Alissa smacked her.
“Besides…a young ghost girl rescued me before I was seriously hurt.”
Both Jack and Maddie spewed out their drinks at that. “WHAT?!” They both cried, even standing up from their seats.
“You were rescuedby a ghost?!” Maddie practically screeched.
Alissa widened her eyes and shot a death glare at Maddie, but sighed and ran her hand through her hair, closing her eyes. Don't say anything…they won't get it…
“I know. Perfectly impossible…but she seemed…different, somehow. She looked…” Vlad turned to Danny and Alissa. “…no older than you, Daniel. Well, before she…passed on, anyway. She apparently carried me away from my kidnappers and out of the Ghost Zone.”
“But that is just… harder to understand than when Jazz says her big, fancy words!” Jack cried. (Jazz glared.)
“What did she look like, Vlad?” Maddie asked.
Vlad once more pulled on the amnesia charm and scratched his head. “…The details are a blur, but…I do remember that she had long black hair and a strange black necklace…” Danny stared at Alissa as Vlad spoke.
“But what I remember most of all…” Vlad glanced at Alissa absentmindedly as he spoke, but he did a double-take at her and she flinched in surprise, her eyes wide and naked with what was going on in her soul. “…was that she had this gaze…this gaze from her dark blue eyes that told you everything would be alright…”
Vlad was staring intently at Alissa as he spoke, as if noticing something. “…What did you say your name was?” He asked.
Alissa was nothing if not totally confused. “Uh, Alissa. Ali. Remember? You call me Alison?” She squeaked nervously.
Vlad blinked and pulled away from Alissa, holding his eyes and laughing nervously. “Ah, that's right…my apologies, Alison…”
“Uh, no problem…uh…” Alissa faked a yawn as she stretched her arm up. “Uh, listen, I'm really sorry, but can I be excused? I'm really tired…”
Maddie gave a smile. “Well, of course, sweetie. If you'd like, you can take a rest on the couch.”
“Thank you so much, Mrs. Fenton.”

“Please, call me Maddie.”
With a nod, Alissa trotted away from the table and into the Living Room. As she fluffed the pillows, she thought about what just happened. She wasn't really tired when she excused herself, but now that she was inches away from the couch, she could feel her eyelids dropping. “Weird…” She murmured to herself.
Alissa crawled onto the couch and curled up against the pillows, sleep immediately claiming her.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
*Amity Park was all-ablaze. There were people screaming and running amok as countless numbers of ghosts roamed the streets. There were people trying to fight back, but in the end were becoming either attacked or devoured.
Alissa gasped as she ran across the doomed town. She ran past screaming and sprinting people. She wanted to find the one responsible for this. She looked up and gaped her mouth open.
Alissa saw someone flying in the sky. She couldn't tell who it was in the shadows, but the figure proved to be female. Her hair was long and flowing, and she held a sword.
Alissa held her hand over her eyes to shield the blazing light from the fire. She gasped at whom she saw.
Her as Lisa Phantasm.
Her eyes were no longer clear midnight blue, but a cold, dark scarlet that rivaled the fires in sinister radiance. She was smiling wickedly and then turned slightly to her right. Alissa gasped when she saw Lisa fly so very quickly downward. She followed her and saw that she was right in front of Danny Phantom, who was lying on the ground, holding his many wounds.
The Ghost Boy groaned in pain and he transformed back into Danny Fenton. Lisa smiled cruelly again and raised her sword. Danny and Alissa both gasped. Danny started to back away, a terrified, pleading look on his face. Lisa's face never flinched.
“NO! NO! NO!! NO!!!” Alissa screamed again and again as she ran toward them. “NO!!! NO!!! NOOOOO!!!”
Lisa thrust her sword down toward Danny.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Alissa's cry carried out into the real world.
Maddie quickly came into the room, followed closely by the others. “Are you alright, dear?” Maddie asked, kneeling down to Alissa's eye level.
Alissa shook her head, shaking away the aftershock of the dream, and nodded. “Yeah…yeah, I'm…” She turned to Danny, who cocked his head in confusion at her serious expression. “…I'm fine…”
Just then, a blaring alarm rang through the house. Jack and Maddie gasped and ran over to what seemed to be a blank wall. But they pressed a button and a radar appeared; it showed images of ghosts crowding the Ghost Portal.
“No, not again!” Maddie cried.
“What? What?” Summer cried, dragging the still half-asleep Alissa to the radar; Alissa woke up more when she saw it.
“Summer, Bakers, this is the Ecto-Exodus Alarm! It's only gone off once before, but when it does, it means a colossal ghost assault is at hand!” Jack cried.
Everyone gasped. Danny zipped his eyes back and forth, making sure the getaway was clear for when he rushed to the Ghost Portal. But before he could zoom off, everyone gasped again at the sight of the radar.
“This…can't be…” Maddie said breathlessly.
The ghosts looked like they were being pulled back.
Everyone blinked at that, but the moment every ghost had disappeared from the screen, Jack shrugged and turned the radar back off. “Oh, well. Guess at the last moment they remembered whom they'd be dealing with: me! Jack Fenton!” Maddie giggled while Vlad rolled his eyes with crossed arms.
“So…who wants fudge?” Jack offered.
As everybody started to move back into the Kitchen/Dining Room, Summer stayed with Alissa, who remained standing there, eyes on the floor.
“Ali?” Summer asked as she placed her hands on Alissa's arms. Alissa looked back at her friend and gave her a weak smile.
Summer smiled back, but then frowned once more. “Girl, what happened? Tell me what went on in that nightmare you had!”
“It was nothing big, really! Just…” Alissa frowned deeper and shifted away from Summer slightly when she saw her eyes narrow; her lie wasn't working.
They both looked up at a blaring sound. The Ecto-Exodus alarm had started again.
The others ran back into the Living Room (Jack holding a bunch of pieces of fudge) and gasped at the radar.
Somehow…the number of ghosts was larger. And they were heading toward the portal faster.
Oh, crud…
Next chapter soon!!