Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Avalanche - White Danger ❯ Rescued and barely alive ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: Not much to say...I am busy right now...but I am always busy, so what?? Sue me...I think I am focusing to much on Davis...hey, I mean, I nearly forgot about the others in the last chapters :-( But then again, Davis deserves it, not? There aren't enough Daisuke stories...Hope you can forgive me. - Romance will come when I have finally managed it to rescue them all. Deal? ;-) Kaeera

Avalanche - White Danger

by Kaeera

Chapter 8: Rescued and barely alive

X-Veemon was flying. The wind was very cold, and snow blinded his sight, but he didn't care. He had to find his partner, for he knew that time would be over soon.
The huge digimon knew where his goal was, although he couldn't have explained. It was just this inner feeling, which told him 'Go right! Go left'. And he listened to it, following the instructions the best he could.
The area under him looked terrible. The snow was nearly 10 meters high at some places. Here and there you could see parts of broken trees sticking out of the white mass.
But this were small dots in the huge white scenery. Veemon frowned. This wouldn't be easy.

Not far away he could recognize some people of the rescue team. But the avalanche was huge, and time too fast.

X-Veemon closed his eyes and concentrated. Here...deep there, in the snow, a voice deep inside screamed, and his eyes shot open. There! He landed carefully and started digging.

Forgotten was the warning of his DNA partner, forgotten every caution, just the wish to see, to rescue his friend burning in his mind - and in his heart. So the digimon dug deeper and deeper, claws becoming cold. He didn't mind.

I will find him. I will.

I have to.

* * *

Daisuke stared at the sky. How long did it take? Didn't leave Veemon an eternity ago? He sighed.
The boy didn't want to admit it, but he was frightened. There was something pulling him, and he didn't know how longer he could resist. It was a mighty power.

He stared down at his hands and saw them flickering. He could see through them, and he himself felt weaker and weaker. Davis was shocked. He didn't want to disappear...die....whatever!

<Sleep> a voice called, peaceful and warm.

Daisuke perked up. Sleeping? That would be great...no more pain, no more problems. But could he sleep? Wasn't he sleeping already??

<Close the Eyes> the voice continued soothingly.


Daisuke didn't want it, but his eyelids dropped. They were so heavy..and he was...so...tired...
One part of his mind told him to fight, to stay away, but the stubborn part of his mind decided to ignore the other.

<Sleep. It will be over soon>

And Daisuke Motomiya closed his eyes.

There's something

which keeps calling me

A voice

urging, pleading, crying

And I don't know

If I shall obey; If I shall trust

I am frightened

Because a part of me knows why the voice is calling

And I am relieved

Because another part tells me to leave

And I don't feel

My heart anymore

It was always my heart

telling what is right

and what's wrong

But now my heart is silent

* * *

X-Veemon didn't move. The wind was howling around him, snow landing on his arms, but the digimon still didn't move. He had heard something. Something...strange, and he wasn't sure what it was. It had been there, the noise, for a short moment, but then it had disappeared and left only a fade memory, the shadow of something X-Veemon thought he knew...
He blinked and stared down into the hole he had dug. About four meters deep, but not deep enough...or?
The digimon froze. Wasn't there something blue in the snow?
Mowing slowly he crawled nearer, fearing that it might run away the moment he made a sudden movement.
But it didn't, and it took X-Veemon some moments to realize what it was.

An arm.

Joy and Worry, both feelings overcame the huge creature and he gulped. Had he found them? Had he solved his task?
Carefully he took the arm and squeezed it. No response. He pulled and dug a little more, until he could reveal the face of the person. With long purple hair and broken glasses Miyako looked as if she was sleeping. Only the blue lips and the pale face were destroying this impression, and X-Veemon knew that he had to hurry.
Shoving some more snow apart, he finally freed her body and lifted her up. He still hadn't found his partner, but first he had to bring Miyako to the hospital.

Hopefully not too late.

Why are you disturbing me?
What are you doing?

Everything was okay until you came, whoever you are. I was sleeping, and it was warm and peaceful. But then you moved me. You hurt me.
Don't you know that it hurts when you move my arms, my feet, my body?
Why are you doing this?
Let me in peace. Live your own live, unknown person. I can't see your face, why do you want to see mine? It's cold again and it's your fault. I was on my way, and you pulled me back.

You didn't ask if I wanted this.

X-Veemon tried to fly as fast as he could, but he had to be careful. The fragile girl in his hand was far more responsibility than he wanted to bear, but knowing that he had no other chance, the blue digimon grimly made his way through the icy wind.
But all this couldn't stop his mind from circling around one thing: Daisuke.
He had left his friend in the snow, and time was running too fast.

It's even colder than before. It's so cold that I can't shudder. What's that? Someone is carrying me...

There! X-Veemon nearly screamed of relief. Under him was the valley, and he could see the ambulances with many people rushing around. There Miyako would be save. There would be a doctor who could help her.
And he could search for the others.

X-Veemon landed, causing some of the men to jump away in shock.

What's that now? I don't feel the wind anymore...

"What's THAT???", a man yelled, pointing towards X-Veemon. The digimon snorted and growled: "Take her!"

"W-what?", the man stuttered, fear evident in his eyes.

"Take her.", X-Veemon repeated impatiently. "She's one of the kids who have been run over by this avalanche. Her name is Miyako.", he lifted her and gave the girl to the man, who still seemed to be shocked.

"What are you?", he asked.

"I'm X-veemon.", the blue creature informed him, and - because he didn't get a reply - added: "A digimon."
The man nodded and put the girl down, calling the others for help. They brought a stretcher and lied Miyako on it.

"I will bring the others.", X-Veemon said and prepared to start again.

"Wait!", the man shouted, "How many?"

The digimon stared down on him. "Three.", he whispered harshly, and was gone. The man shuddered and turned back to the girl. He had heard about some strange creatures which called them digimon, but had actually never seen one. But it didn't mind now, he told himself and checked for a pulse. He had more important things to do. And if this thing helped him...well, they could need every help they could get!

Many hands...hey! Stop that! Stop touching me! It hurts! Stop moving me, I told you already...ARE YOU STUPID???
Why does everyone want to wake me up? Huh? Who are you, anyway?
I bet you are a jerk, that's it, because you can't stop disturbing me...put your hands away from my wrist! It's MY wrist! You have no right to do that!!

It hurts!

She screamed. And opened her eyes.

* * *

X-Veemon was flying back, already feeling tired. But that didn't stop him from continuing his digging. And soon he had found the next body.
The boy looked so calm that it was frightening. The blue hair surrounded the pale face, matching the color of his lips. Just like Miyako.
He sighed and lifted the boy.

I am...moving?

What happened? I was..I was thinking...I was dying!
But I am not dead...and I am moving. I can feel something...can feel hands gripping at me, can feel the cold snow in my clothes.
Who is there?
I have to see...

He wanted to start, when he heard the groan. Surprised he looked down on his burden. "Ken!", he gasped, when he realized that the genius had opened his eyes.
The boy blinked and look at him with foggy eyes. His lips were moving, but no words came out.
"Don't talk.", X-Veemon whispered. "I will bring you to the valley. They will help you. You will be safe." He frowned when he noticed how weak Ken was. He liked Ken. the boy was a very good friends, one of the few who never made fun of his partner, who actually believed in him and trusted him, like himself. And although he had been the digimon kaizer, X-Veemon had forgiven him. He trusted his partner, and when Davis forgave someone, he did so, too.
And the real Ken was a very good friend whom he accepted and loved. He looked up to him, because he was so intelligent. In his own way, he was strong. Had become strong the moment he had stopped being kaiser.
But seeing the boy in such a vulnerable state frightened X-Veemon. What if Davis...would be like this?
He stood there for a moment, then he shook the terrible image away and decided to drop this topic.

"You will be safe...", he repeated softly, glancing down on the boy.

Ken shuddered and slipped back into unconsciousness. He didn't notice the soft grip on his arms, and he didn't notice that he was flying through the air.
He just felt somewhat relieved. You will be safe. Four words, but they meant so much.
It was...over?
At least for him.

* * *

He ran, but he didn't move. When he looked back, he could see the cold darkness seeking for him, scanning the area, never stopping.
He tried to ran faster, but he was frozen.

He didn't want to end like this.

He looked back and saw again the darkness, nearer and nearer, and fear gripped his kind heart.

He had no chance, and he knew that. But he didn't give up. He tried to move his legs with all power he could afford. Tears were in his eyes and he bit on his lower lip. Nothing did help.

Then the darkness was there.

He stared at it, eyes wide in shock, some part of him knowing that this was the end of it all - and some other part telling that he couldn't give up hope - yet. That there was something worth to live for.
And images flashed through his mind, images of friends and family.

Then the darkness had reached him and surrounded him.

Daisuke screamed.

* * *

"Here!", X-Veemon barked, as he handed Ken to the doctor. The man checked quickly for a pulse and sighed relieved. He out the boy on a stretcher with the help of some other people and then turned back to the digimon.

"We need his name. We have to contact his parents!", he said breathlessly. X-Veemon growled. "Ken Ichijouji. Take care of him. He's a good friend."

The doctor sprang back when the huge creature started in order to search for his remaining two friends. "Vanessa!", he then shouted to a woman who passed by. "Can you contact the parents of these kids? They must be worried like hell!"

"Okay.", she replied simply and scribbled down the names on a piece of paper. Then she left.

And again Veemon was flying through the air. The wind became stronger and made it even more difficult to navigate and to fly, and he feared that his powers wouldn't be strong enough. That he didn't have enough energy to stand through this.
No! he mentally slapped himself. It had no use to think of 'What if's'. He had to think of the 'now'.
He had to concentrate!
And slowly he reached the hole and started the whole process again. Digging, searching, digging, searching...never stopping, although his claws were hurting and he couldn't feel his feet anymore.
Never stopping, because there was a fire in him which told him to continue.
And never loosing hope, although it was a difficult task. He wished desperately that he could digivolve to Digmon...it would have been of better use in this unfriendly place.
And then he found her.
Hands blue and eyes closed, Hikari Kamiya looked more like an angel than ever. And unlike the other two, she didn't have a pained expression on her face. More...worried. As if she would think about a difficult problems. 'Maybe', X-Veemon wondered silently, 'Thinking about the possibility of your death was a difficult problem.'
And he lifted her up.

I closed my eyes

I wanted to die.

I wanted to give up.

But there was something. Suddenly. It's touching me. It's...warm. And cold. Two warm hands. Whatever.

So I do not die?

Will I live? Will I see the others?

It depends on me, not?

On me...I, Hikari Kamiya, won't die!

I don't want it anymore.

The doctor sighed and turned back to his two patients who were prepared to be brought into the hospital. As far as he could see, the two had had luck. Some minor injuries and bad bruising. The only problem would be the freezing. Sadly he watched the face of the girl. She had woken up before, and she had screamed. he didn't want to know through what she had had to suffer and what aftereffects she would have. Immediately he had to think of his own kids who were just at this age. And he shuddered when he imagined that his kid would lie there on a stretcher, face white and lips blue...he would have freaked out. And the poor kid? He didn't know...kids' soulds were fragile. Like glass. And the possibility that it was broken - and shattered into pieces - was huge after such an event.

"I just hope that this...beast will find the other two in time.", he thought and stared at the grey and stormy sky. "For I fear that every minute which passes might be their last one."

To be continued...

Yes, I know, another cliffhanger. Hehehe*puts hand behind head* I guess I will stop the cliffhangers when I have finished this piece...It was just that I wrote and wrote and wrote, and there were so many things I added that it was longer than I intended. And then I decided to post it so far, because I didn't want you to die of suspense...ehm, and then Igive you another cliffhanger*slaps herself* Duh! I am stupid! Sorry! *Kaeera