Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Avalanche - White Danger ❯ Arriving at the hospital ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: HmHmHm...I have learned something...never write more stories at the same time...*scratches her head* Because I, as stupid as I am, did this, with the result that I have to write two stories now AND the story I am writing together with Latrisha. Phew!!! But I guess that doesn't interest you...you just want that I finish Avalanche, not?*snickers* Okay...I will...although I keep writing chapters with nearly no action, and the story has no progress :P - I am sorry for that!

Avalanche - White Danger

by Kaeera

Chapter 9: Arriving at the Hospital

Even the weather was against him, X-Veemon had the impression. For the wind became stronger and stronger, dark clouds covering the sun. It snowed like mad, and the digimon had difficulties to recognize his surroundings. He feared that he wouldn't be able to find the hole he had dug, but the fear was quickly shoved away by a strong will not to give up, not to leave his friend hanging when he was relying on him.

But bad weather in the mountains is unpredictable...only someone who has experienced this can understand it. Fog meant fog - if it's foggy in the mountains, you can't see anything. Especially with the snow around you - everything is white and blurry. As a skier, you have to be afraid of loosing the track, which can happen very easily.

As a flying digimon, however, it's even more difficult. For you haven't any track....just your instincts. Luckily X-Veemon had always been lucky in trusting his instincts...

* * *

Daisuke hugged his knees.


The boy was rocking back and forth, unable to flee the nightmare his mind was caught in. Now he could understand how Kari had felt when the ocean of darkness had 'kidnapped' her...
The darkness was everywhere, even in his heart.

Give up

A voice whispered inside his head, but another voice stated

Fight against it

Daisuke did neither want to fight nor to give up. He just wanted his peace, but obviously this wasn't possible.

Leave me the hell alone

He thought grimly and grinned by the surprised silence which followed his words. It seemed as if his voices hadn't expected his presence.

After all it's my head. He continued his musings and found the whole situation slightly amusing.
He was still frightened, though, but he was annoyed, too.
He knew that he was dreaming. And he knew that it wasn't good if you were dreaming of dark clouds and darkness. But he couldn't change it - he didn't know how to wake up from dreams. The usual method - to think "Wakeup! Wake up!" - didn't work, and he was too tired to think of another one.

Guess I just have to wait.

Damn, I don't have that much patience....

* * *

X-Veemon would have laughed if the situation wasn't that serious. Now he was here, he, who was able to digivolve to Paildramon...digging in the snow like a lost dog. He felt his powers weakening, and he knew that they wouldn't last any longer.

He felt so terribly alone in the white of the snow that his heart was bleeding. More than ever he wished desperately that he could talk with his partner...images appeared in his head, memories of times which seemed so far away. He remembered the day he had went Daisuke and the other digidestined. He remembered the happiness he had felt when he had seen his partner, now knowing that he had a friend for life-time.

A friend he didn't want to loose.

There....he had discovered something...a hand...Hikari! Slowly he moved the girl, carefully avoiding to hurt her in any way. He wanted to lift her up, when he noticed another crumbled silhouette in the snow. His heart pounded faster as he stretched his claw and touched the person. He knew this jacket...he knew it, like hell...

He had found his partner.

Looking into the face of his friend made the huge creature frown - Davis looked so pale and frightened that X-Veemon feared the worst. Carefully he took the two kids and made his way through the snow-storm.

* * *

She felt so weak...and annoyed...and frightened...and everything!! In fact, she didn't know how she felt. There were voices all around her, disturbing her sleep, but then again she didn't know if she was sleeping or if she was awake...she had never experienced such a situation, and it did really frighten her.

I wanna go home! she wailed, but she couldn't hear her voice. She wasn't speaking.
So, where was she? The voices became louder, but she couldn't make out words.

I don't want to be cold anymore! she complained, but complaining has no use if there's only one person listening to it...you.

Why was she cold, anyway? Oh yes, the avalanche...

Was she alone? No...not really, or? She hatted being alone...and she hated freezing....
"Hawkmon!", she shouted, but no response came. She wanted to cry, but no tears came.

"MIYAKO!!", Hawkmon shouted and jerked up. The other digimon looked at him with weary eyes.

He stared at them and started to explain: "I...Miyako...they have found her...I think...I have heard her voice...", he shifted uncomfortably. The experience of hearing the voice of his dear partner had frightened the usually calm digimon. Miyako had sounded so frightened and weak!
The other digimon looked at each other. "You think they have found them?", Gatomon asked cautiosly.

Hawkmon thought for a moment and nodded. "I believe so. I can't explain why, it's just a feeling."

"Then X-Veemon has rescued them!", Wormmon said somewhat relieved, and added: "Shouldn't we go to them?"

"I want to, but I have no idea where they are.", Hawkmon admitted.

"Well, let's ask."

Gatomon closed her eyes and said: "Wasn't there some thing called 'hospital'? A place where ill human beings go? Maybe we should search there."
"You are right!", Wormmon walked towards the door. "Ken has told me about these. Let's go!"

Ken tried to open his eyes, but heavy weights were laying on them, he had the impression. It was an incredibly difficult task, and it annoyed him that he couldn't do it. At least his senses were functioning, if not his body. He could hear some voices, but he didn't recognize them.

Memories of a huge blue digimon crossed his head, and for a moment he didn't know where to put them. Then he remembered piece for piece...he was safe now. He was in hospital. Was he?

He would have smiled, but suddenly another worry crossed his mind.


He hadn't seen her...and he didn't hear her. What if X-Veemon had just found him? What if...Wait a second. X-Veemon? Veemon had digivolved? Did that mean that Davis was there?
But he had seen how the avalanche had overrolled his friend...hadn't he?
Now he was confused. So he chose the best solution.

He went back to sleep.

* * *


Taichi stared blankly at the screen. He didn't know what show he was watching, and in fact, he really didn't mind. His whole thoughts were just whirling around one topic: Kari was buried under an avalanche. His sister Hikari Kamiya. Child of Light. Probably dying.

And now he was here, sitting in the flat while his mother packed some things. In an hour or so they would depart to the village in which Kari had spent their holidays, along with the Motomiyas.
Maybe they would find his sister until then...if not...
Well, if not he would tale Agumon, make him digivolve and then start his own search.

Taichi zipped gloomily through the channels. "Mum!", he yelled. "Aren't you ready yet?"

"In five minutes, dear. But we first have to pick up your father.", his mother cried back through the flat. He sighed and wondered shortly what the other three families would make. Or his friends. Did they know about this? The image of his best friend Yamato popped in his head, and remembered that TK should have come along with Davis and the rest, too.

What a luck that he didn't. I bet Matt would have flipped out of anything happened to his brother.

And Jun? What was she doing now? After all, she was Daisuke's sister, but they didn't have such a close bonding like he and Kari. In fact, they did only quarrel, and Taichi just couldn't imagine a worried Jun. Like he couldn't imagine a worried Daisuke.

Slowly he stood up and walked towards the door. How funny. Only two hours ago he had been complaining about his homework. Now he wished that homework would be his only problem.

But isn't it always like that?

You wish adventures...and in the middle of such an adventure, you just want to be at home where it is warm and save...
You want to be famous, but when you are, you wish nothing more than being able to walk without hundreds of fans hunting you.

We always get the things we don't want, do we?

But most times, we laugh about it - when it's over. Like we laughed about the digimon adventure - when we were at home again.

I hope someday I will laugh about this, too...

* * *

"Here, take them!", X-Veemon said breathlessly and handed the two kids to some men with stretchers. After he had done so, he devolved back to Veemon and fell to his knees. He felt so exhausted!!!! But he couldn't sleep, not now, although his eyelids dropped down every second.
Worried, the small digimon followed the men with the stretcher into a huge car. They didn't notice him, and he crawled into a dark corner, listening to the conversation with huge eyes.

"What's with his pulse?"

"Still there, but weak. He's hardly breathing."

"What's about the girl?"

"The same. Hardly breathing, body temperature way too cold. We have to warm them up!"

"Okay, we need more blankets. And we have to massage their arms. Someone shall phone the hospital that we have two more survivors."

"Yes. You know something about the other two?"

"Not much. A girl and a boy, as far as I know. They are alive, but I can't say anything about there current situation...their parents have been contacted. We have to find out the names of these kids, too, but this can wait."

"Let's just hope that these kids are strong..."

"I don't have much hope when I watch the boy...he's hurt pretty bad. As if it wouldn't be enough to freeze to death..."

"Don't be too pessimistic! There's work to be done!"

Veemon covered his ears. He didn't want to hear this! Daisuke would be okay, he would survive...his friend was strong! He would never give up in something like that! He would never leave Veemon...the men continued their efforts while the ambulance was racing down the streets. They ignored Veemon; busy with their jobs. And Veemon was happy about that, for he didn't know if digital creatures were allowed in human cars.

"I think the girl is waking up.", and really, Kari was trying to open her eyes.

It's so cold...why is it so cold? And who's there? I remember some hands...and then someone was lifting me.
I remember the avalanche....what? Yes, I have been buried...and I believe I dreamed.
I wanted to die, and suddenly there was this warm feeling. Yes...warm and fuzzy...it was funny....
But now I don't feel warm anymore. It's cold, and my body is hurting. Where am I?

Open your eyes, Hikari, open your eyes!

"Hello there!", a warm voice said, and she frowned. She didn't know this voice.

Who is this? Open your eyes! Say something! Maybe it will answer your questions...

And slowly, with much effort, she managed it to open her eyes and to look at the doctor. Everything was blurry at first, and he had to blink a few times until she could recognize the face in front of her. It was a woman in her forties, with friendly eyes and a warm smile, although she couldn't hide the concern in her eyes.

"Hell dear!", the woman greeted her again, and continued, "You are here in an ambulance. Do you remember what happened?"
Kari nodded weakly.
"Good. You don't have to be afraid, small lady, everything will be fine now. You are in best care, and your families will be contacted. You just have to do one little thing for me", she smiled, "Just stay awake, will you? Try to talk with me. I know that you are tired, but it's the best for you."

Why shall I stay awake? And I am no 'little lady'. Sleeping would be great - it's far too cold for my bearing.

But wait...I am in an ambulance! I am hurt? She tried a mental check on her body, but she was just feeling cold, so she really couldn't say.
And what's with the others?

She wanted to ask about her friends, but her lips were frozen. She felt helpless, and it was really annoying her. The woman continued talking. "I hope you don't mind if I search your pockets. We need your address, don't we? After all, I can't refer to you as 'the girl'. I want to call you by name."
She pulled her portemonnaie out of her left pocket. "Ah, I was searching for this. Let's see...you are Hikari Kamiya?", she asked and Kari nodded again. If she wouldn't feel so damn weak...it took her all efforts to move her head a little bit, but when she did, she could see something out of the corner of her eyes which startled her. There, lying on the left side of her was a boy with a famous hair-color.


She wanted to see more, but gentle hands turned her head back, and again she had to look straight into the face of the doctor. "Now, now", the woman said. "Just look at me, won't you? They will take care of your friend."

Kari tried to clear her throat and finally managed it to say something. "Is...", she whispered, but no more words came out. She would have never believed that speaking could be that difficult. Luckily the doctor was experienced and knew what the girl wanted to know. "You want to know whether your friend is okay or not?"

Again, the small girl nodded. The woman smiled, but this time, Kari had the impression that the smile was a bit shaky. "He's a little bit worse than you, but he can manage it. Are you good friends?"

Hikari realized that the woman wanted to distract her from this uncomfortable topic. He can manage it.. can! That meant that he could also die...she didn't want to think about that. She preferred to play the game and to answer the questions. And she nodded.

So the woman talked and Hikari answered the best she could until they reached the hospital.

To be continued...(I bet you hate this sentence by now^^)

How I said, no real progress...I am just torturing cute little Dai-chan*evil grin*. Thanks for your reviews, guys! I try to write as fats as possible...like always...*coughs*

Settiai - Hehehe...seems that I don't follow your orders*blushes* because there are still cliffhangers. They seem to like me! Believe me! It's not my fault...I am just a victim! Yeah...sounds good...I am a cliffhanger victim!*whistles and puts her hands in her pockets*

Traveler - I share your opinion...everyone *does* underdestimate Veemon and Davis - that's why I write fics about them. Unfortunately my stories never come out as I would like they do...

GLAY - I am happy that you like it that much! Here's the next chapter - tell me your opinion about it!

Goldenstar555 - Yeah, you'd better hope that they are allright...only kidding! I could never kill poor Dai-chan^^

Mandi - I don't know what is wrong with me - I just like torturing! But here's the next chapter...so calm down a little*runs away and hides in a corner* I know, another cliffhanger *throws a warning glance at Mandi, who's searching for a knife* I warn you! If you kill me, there will never be an end to this story!!*flees out of the room*

Demiveemons_Candy_Eater - I rule? Really?*blushes* Gee, thanks...I am glad that you like it that much!!!! *smiles* I RULE!!!!!*shouts and makes a quick dance*