Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Where there's Love, There Will always be Hate! ❯ The Truth Revealed ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The next day, the digi destined were all gathering at Tai's house for a barbeque dinner, and partially to discuss about Davis' uncalled for actions yesterday.
“I've never seen Davis do something like that before” said Sora. “I agree, but like he said, it was a bad headache, he'll get over it” said Tai.
But Yolei, and Ken who were standing at the other side of the yard, didn't like this at all.
“Do you think we should tell them Yolei?” Whispered Ken, his girlfriend frowned. “No Ken, they can't find out the truth about Davis' troubles.”
Meanwhile Kari and Jun were sitting on the porch thinking about Davis. Jun was only worried because he was late in coming, but Kari's was somewhere else.
`Davis has been acting very strange lately' she thought to herself, `We've hardly spoken to one another, he hasn't even said Hi to me or TK,'
Kari was snapped out of her trance by Davis coming through the front gate, with a rolled up blueprint clutched in his hands.
Kari and Jun slowly approached him with caution, for his eyes were still twisted with that same anger as they were yesterday.
“Davis, how do you feel today?”, asked Jun. “I'm alright.” Davis replied.
“Davis, are you sure? You still look tired.” Said Kari,
Davis put sternness into his voice. “I Said I'm Alright!”, and Kari backed away, as if she came face-to-face with a ghost.
Davis walked over to the table where Mimi was setting up the plates, “I hope you're hungry Davis, were going to have a great…”
She was cut off by Davis shoving all the plates in his path off the table, catching everyone's attention.
“We'll talk about food later!” he told them, “Right now I have something more important to talk about…”
He looked up, and seeing that he had everyone's full attention…
“We're going to get the Digital Portal in the sky to open and close on our command!”
Everyone's eyes bulged to the size of the burgers.
Davis revealed his blueprints to them, “I've devised a pair of machines that can help us do that”.
Izzy took the blue prints to examine them more closely. “Whoa, Davis, this is incredible”
“But it will work.” Said Davis “I didn't say that it wouldn't.” Said Izzy.
“What I'd like to know,” asked TK. “Is, Why you didn't tell us about this before?”
Davis' features hardened even further. “Since When Is It That My Plans Are Appealing To You Takeru Takashi?”
Kari, and TK were a little stunned at Davis using TK's full name.
“Sure no problem.” Said TK in shock.
“Now I've worked out an opening schedule.” Davis continued “It calls for us to open the portal within one week's time. In order to obtain that goal, were going to have to work day, and night!”
“Well, why do you need it this early for?” asked Kari,
Davis stood up and looked her dead in the eyes, “Because, I want it that way Kari!”
Davis picked up his blueprints, and turned towards the gate, “Somebody bring me my dinner please? I'll be working in the school tonight!”
Davis left, with everyone else one else feeling even more confused than ever…
* * *
That night, everyone was completely exhausted, for Davis had made them work all day designing the machines to open the portal in the sky with only one lunch break.
Now it was Ten-o-clock at night, and Jun invited everyone to stay at her apartment, which was a few miles down the street from Davis apartment building.
“I have never worked so hard in my life.” Moaned Cody!
“And to make it worse,” added Kari, “Davis still hasn't been himself lately”.
“I agree with you Kari”, her boyfriend said. “One minute he's all gentle, and then “POW” He's become someone you've never met before.”
Jun looked from her chair, “Were obviously dealing with outrageous side effect, of a pure case of illness”.
“You know Jun, as surprising as it is, I'm even willing to take advice from you too” Mocked TK.
“Thank you TK”. Replied Jun “I'll go talk to Davis, and maybe I can find out what's troubling him and how to stop it”.
“Can you really do that?” Asked Cody. Jun rolled her eyes
“Cody? What does the title Dr. Jun Motomiya tell you? As a Doctor, I know several ways in the art of psychiatry, as well as paramedics.”
“You know, maybe Jun should give it a try”. Said Kari “Hey? What's good enough for you, is good enough for me.” Stated TK.
With that, it was settled. Jun was on her way to confront her little brother, but Ken, and Yolei hopped that June wasn't making a mistake about this.
* * *
Davis was sitting in his bedroom, on his bed, writing up tomorrow's work plans, when his sister burst through the door, and snatched the clipboard from his hands.
“What's The Big Idea?” Snarled Davis
“I am going to give you a psycho therapist session!” Jun snarled “So You just, SHUT UP AND DO AS YOU'RE TOLD.”
“If I must”. Said Davis, as he lay down on his bed. Jun sat down in the office chair beside the bed.
“Now then,” Jun began, “Close your eyes, and look deep inside, and you will feel your emotions calming you down”,
“All I feel is boredom”. Davis mocked. “Don't speak now!” Demanded June.
“Now, continue to concentrate, fix your mind on what's bothering you, and think of nothing else!”
Davis looked up at his sister. “Now tell me what's wrong”
“Jun” said Davis,
“You're A Fool!”.
June's features hardened. “What Did You Just Say?” She snapped.
“I Said You Were A Fool!” Said a strange voice from out of nowhere. Jun jumped from her seat in fear.
“Wh-who said that”. She stuttered. “I did”. Said the voice. “Who-Who exactly are you?”
“I will tell you”.
Jun was then surprised by hearing Davis speaking in place of the voice.
“My name is KANTOMON.
I'm a great leader, and warrior from the Digital World, from the land of Kwasty!”
“Is there anything else you'd like to know?”
“N-N-No there isn't”
Jun inched towards the door. “Stay where you are!”
“Nobody said you could leave!”
“You are not to mention anything that you have learned in this room to anyone! Is that understood?”
“Y-Y-Yes I understand”. Cried June.
“It would be wise to remember what I had just said. For if you mention a single word about this to anyone…”
“…I will be forced, to destroy you!”
Jun ran out the room like lightning, screaming like blue murder, and Davis' sinister laugh only made her run faster.
* * *
The next Day…
Jun sat on a rock in the park, still scared about last night's discovery to why her brother was acting so weird.
“What's on your mind Jun?” Asked Izzy who was sitting beside her, tuning up Sid…Jun just sat there.
“Is it about Davis?” Jun finally looked up “Oh yeah, Davis.” She sadly replied with.
Izzy just sighed, “So, what's the deal Jun, what's wrong with Davis?”
Jun almost flinched; she couldn't tell him the truth. “Oh Izzy, he's just fine”. She lied, “All he needed was a good night's rest, and he'll recover in no time”.
Izzy sighed in relief, but Sid did not seem impressed. “Dr. Motomiya?” He spoke
“What you have just stated was not true! My sensors indicate that Daisuke Motomiya's conditions have grown worse”.
Izzy turned back to Sid, “Please Sid, tell me more!” He demanded,
Jun tried to beg Izzy not to ask Sid anymore, but Izzy was determined to get the answers he desired.
Then when all was said, Izzy picked up Sid, and went over to the school where everyone else was taking a well-deserved break.
* * *
The team's minds were on two things,
one was continuing to build the necessary machines that would open the sky port, the other,
`What the hell is up with Davis'?
Ken decided that he had taken enough of this, and would have to come clean about Davis' secret love for Kari.
Even though Yolei agreed to the idea… “I think we should wait it out Ken”. She whispered.
Kari was getting really suspicious about Ken and Yolei's behavior.
`Yolei and Ken have been hiding something from me”. She though to herself. “And I want to know what it is!”
She was about to excuse herself from TK's company, when Izzy and Jun came into the room like lightning.
“EVERYONE?” Shouted Izzy, “Sid has something to tell us, it's about Davis”.
Hearing this, the whole team gathered around Izzy's laptop, and paid close attention to the wise voice of Sid.
“I have computed Daisuke Motomiya's condition, and have arrived at certain conclusions.” Yolei and Ken both looked nervous.
“First off, the reason he'd run off to the Digital World in the first place, was because he had been going through a trauma of pain, and sorrow, because Hikari Kaymiya has chosen to be with Takeru Takashi instead off him!”
Kari looked up in concern, “Davis knows that I've chosen TK?” she asked.
“Kari, don't listen to him!” Snapped TK “This has got to be some kind of hoax”.
“No TK. He's telling the truth.” Ken told him.
Kari's eyes widened, “He saw you two in the park…Kissing each other” cried Yolei.
“And…he left these behind”. Ken said handing out Davis torn diploma, and
grad pictures.
Kari's blood turned ice cold, and she knew by the way they looked, that Davis had deliberately torn them up with anger, and jealousy.
“We swore to him that we would keep all this a well-guarded secret”. Ken spoke.
TK did not look pleased, but Kari had immediately recognized, that Davis was really in love with her,
“But now that I've made my choice…” She sadly thought, “He doesn't want to even live anymore…Oh Davis!”
“That Little Bastard!” snarled TK. “There is more”. Said Sid, reclaiming everyone's attention.
“The reasons for his current lack of behavior have also lead to certain methods, and are as follows.
He is not mentally, nor physically ill from his sorrows”.
“He's not sick?” snapped Tai. “Well if he's not sick, and not crazy, then what the hell is wrong with him?”
“He is possessed, Possessed by a Digimon's spirit.”
A chill seemed to run up everyone's spine, including Ken and Yolei.
They knew Davis was feeling sad, but had no idea that he was being controlled.
“But how, and why?” Asked Sora, “My source of information is limited” Sid explained, but Izzy saw it differently.
“Sid, you're hiding something from us!” he growled, “Now tell us what it is or no new batteries for a year!”
Sid had no choice, “Very well, but it will distress all of you, especially you Hikari Kaymiya.”
Kari put on a brave face and said “I want know!” and Sid continued.
“The Digimon spirit has not yet gained full control of Daisuke Motomiya, but time is growing short”.
“Unless you can find a way to ease his pain, in which there is no other possible way, and seeing as how you are responsible for it”
“Then Daisuke Motomiya will be completely taken over, and lost forever!...I am very sorry!”
Kari's heart almost stopped beating, “Oh TK,” she cried, “What are we going to do?” TK rolled his eyes, “I wish I knew Kari”.
From down below, outside, Davis was starring at them through the window, listening to everything that was said.
“The mechanical machine has told them what is happening to you.” Said the voice of Kantomon, “That could be unfortunate.”
Davis didn't seem concerned at all.
“There Is Nothing They Can Do To Stop Us Now.” He said with confidence.
“Perhaps,” argued Kantomon “Still that could lead to uncertain disasters for us!”
Davis narrowed his eyes. “Then We Must Remove Them… Permanently!”
Kantomon laughed hysterically, “That's a good lad.. I'm most impressed on how we easily agree with each other.”
* * *
That night, while everyone was fast asleep, nobody noticed Davis slip off to the Digital World. No one…except Kari. She got dressed, and began to pursue him at once.
Once in the Digital World, Kari followed Davis' footprints in the ground.
This way she could follow him without being seen.
The footprints led Kari into an old cave, the same one where Davis was trapped when he ran off.
Kari continued to follow the prints, suddenly, she found herself standing in a room with weapons, statues, and a large golden casket on the other side.
Kari stepped over to the casket, and almost reached to open it, when she felt Davis' arm on her shoulder.
She shrieked in panic, and turned around looking into Davis' eyes, which blazed with terror.
“I Thought I Had Told Never To Come Here Kari!” He roared,
“Davis please don't do this to yourself?” Kari begged, But Davis pointed at the doorway.
“GET OUT OF HERE NOW!” his voice echoed through the cave, and Kari was out of there like a bullet.
After Kari had left, the casket opened wide, revealing Kantomon's golden mask.
“I have brought you back to this tomb for a reason Daisuke Motomyia”. He exclaimed
“It is time for me to take total control of you!”
“I am ready!” snapped Davis. And with that, his body began to glow...