Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Ain't Nothing But Magick ❯ The Chaos Begins ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Ain't nothing but magick

Author/s for this chapter: Tobias5, Mabelle, Saiyan Princess TRF, KumikoVegeta, Piccoloz Girl, BananaGirl, Lady Yuoko, DeathStorm, Jeril Dragonsoul, Kitty, Eternity, The Crazy Saiyan Stalker- J'dee.

Rating: G = General...


Author's Note: Hey! I want to thank Jeril Dragonsoul for being a good beta in this chapter *Disney Hades impersonation* "Twooooo thumbs waaaaaay up!!! What a dish what a doll!!!" But guess what happened after I sent it off to her I got two more pieces!!! lol So I just added you guys on the end. Oh and and and.... um.... Raine has been having trouble reading the ffn page for the last chapter it says it's just a bunch of symbols but when I check it, well it seems fine... if anyone else is having these problems... e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Don't forget my e-mail for enquires about this fic at mirashia@hotmail.com or at the more unreliable addy of yamchas_saiyan_babe@yahoo.com.

Added Author's Note: My Gram and my uncle Storm (hehehe yus he has the same name as my fic!!) are coming down for a week to update my compy well my uncle anyway- my Gram is paying for the fare... so well the updates won't be for a week... that's why this chapter is soooooooo big!!!!! I was gunna split it in two but i thought one big chapter is MUCH more entertaining than like two or three little ones....

The Disclaimer: We do not own DBZ, so there!! But I wish I did... does that count?? All I own is my crusty artec computer a bubble jet printer a stupid scanner that takes half an hour to scan a goddamn picture, eight DBZ hackey sacks, DBZ action figures of saiyaman along with a ssj Vegeta (stupid Veggie phase) GT action figures of Pan, chibi Goku, Gill and Trunks. Oh and I own 4 DBZ group posters my bro took my Goku one :( oh he owns a Mirai Trunks collared shirt. It looks cool and I'm tempted to steal it cause it's mirai.... but that means I'd literary being taking the shirt from his back cause he's wearing it as I type this... o.0;;; Okay I've had too much ice cream...

Other Author's note: I should mention that those little lines that I have before the chapter starts they're just taken from the song I happen to be listening to when I mesh the chapters together... be it a random song on the radio or whatever- just explaining that cause the line below you won't recognise unless you're a kiwi and like me have listened to the song over and over and over again. DECEPTICONZ!!

The real beauty of life is that it happens naturally...

***The Chaos Begins***


Tobias leaped out of the water, a gigantic fish in one hand. He landed near his clothes and yanked on his pants. He kicked a tree down and yanked off a huge branch, stripping the branch of its leaves and twigs. He blasted it with a small ki blast, making a huge fire. He cleaned the fish and spun it on the stick, roasting it over the fire. He smirked, never realising that his father teaching him how to hunt when he was younger would ever come in handy. He sat there, roasting the fish, his now enormous appetite driving him forward. As he waited for the fish to finish cooking, he drifted back to Jera's words.

~ Maybe I should stay away from them a long time. It seems they don't really like me. Especially Jera now. She is cute though. ~ he thought. His head suddenly jerked up at the thought.

"The hell? Where did that come from?" he muttered to himself. He pulled the fish back and began to eat, his mind wandering again.

~ Well, she IS cute. She did definitely stick out more than the others. Most women I know wouldn't have the gall to do that to in public but she did. I like that. Some one who knows how to keep people in line. ~ he thought. He finished his fish and snarled. He suddenly jumped up and threw the remains to the east, not even realising he threw it so hard that it landed next to Goku's house, scaring Chichi enough for her to call Goku in panic.

"What the hell am I THINKING?" he screamed to himself, "I just embarrassed her in front of everyone and now I have a crush on a women who with a flick of her wrist can send me back to the hell of the real world? What the fuck is WRONG with me, huh?" He screamed and fired a blast at some trees near the lake's edge. They fell over with a crash, and Tobias stared at them.

~ Hell, I might as well put this strength to good use. I build homes for people all the time. Maybe I can build myself my own cabin. ~ he thought. He checked his wallet and found he had enough cash to buy some nails, a saw, a hammer, and some tar for the roof. He nodded to himself and flew of for the closest town.


It was almost dusk, when Tobias finally stopped. He whipped sweat from his brow and gazed at his now new cabin. While had had been in town he had also bought a dresser, clothes, a radio, TV, a queen size bed, and bathroom and kitchen stuff. He found that when his money was converted to zeni he had more than enough for everything. He had made the windows and doors himself melting some sand form the lake shore into glass for the windows. He smiled and used his ki to heat the tar and spread it on the roof, with out spilling a drop. He glanced at the generator he had also bought.

~ It was easier than I thought to do the electrical part by myself. I wonder what Jera would think of this place if I brought her? ~ he thought. He shook off the thought, and took his things inside. After he finished, he walked back outside and sat by the lakeshore to watch the sunset.

~ I definitely like it here a whole hell of a lot better than back in that other world. This place feels more like the real world than that place. ~ he thought. He sighed and lay down on the grass watching the sunset, his normal smile appearing back on his face.



I sighed as I let Goku help me walk, it was like I was having my energy zapped from me. I shook my head, I needed to get away, but I couldn't leave; I had to ask Jera about something.

"Um, Goku, where's Jera?" I asked as I kept my eyes low, we were getting close to those evil powers again. Goku gently rubbed my arm in a comforting manner.

"She's at the picnic table, you want me to carry you there?" he offered and I blushed, he was so nice, I wish I had someone in the real world to treat me this nice.

"Thank you," I said and he quickly lifted me up and carried me over to the table, slipping me down in the place across from Jera. She smiled at me and I smiled at the kitten on her arm. I suddenly missed my cat. "Um, Jera, you mentioned something about bring back the dead. I was curious if we could bring back Burdock. I know a little about magic, enough to cast protection spells and other minor ones. If I have an experienced spell caster with me I can help with more powerful spells." I gently stroked the kitten's head and wondered if my mom was taking care of my cat.

"Where'd you learn magic?" she asked as the kitten purred. I looked at her and sighed.

"My mom is a descendant of the Druids, but she doesn't believe in magic, my cousin and I started to play with it when we were ten, but my mom found out. She thought it was sacrilegious for me to practice magic so she forbid me from it," I said as I looked at Jera and she nodded. "So can we try to bring him back!"

"Bring who back?" Goku asked and I nearly jumped out of my skin, I had forgotten he was standing right there.

"Oh, just an old flame I've had," I laughed as I rubbed the back of my head Goku style. "So what about it Jera?"

"We'll see," she said.

"Okay, come get me, I'll probably be with Goku or unfortunately sparring with #17," I said as I waved and slowly got up and staggered as I tried to walk. One of them was close by.

"Let's get you away from those girls, we don't want you throwing up again!" Goku said as he picked me up and carried me off as I waved to Jera over his shoulder.



Gohan smiled as Syrina wandered past him following or stalking someone he wasn't to sure.

"Hey where you off to Syrina?" Trunks called out from the grass.

She stopped and looked at him. "I'm gonna go train. Now that I uhhhh feel better..."

Trunks laughed. "You saw Goku go that way didn't you?"

"Trunks shut up!!!" Syrina exclaimed. "Don't make me come over there and beat you!!!" She added angrily.

Gohan chuckled watching the two. He wandered over to where Yamcha was.

Yamcha sighed. "I can't believe you talked me in to taking her in."

"Relax Yamcha. She's good."

Yamcha sighed. "How do we know she won't end up like them. I'm getting odd feelings of a couple of these others are turning to their side..." He said as he looked over at Lady Seru the female Cell and Lady Icer the female Frieza.

"Look dad searched her feelings, she's got a troubled past but she is not evil."

"What am I going to do with a teenage Saiyan?"

"Ummm send her to school?" Gohan offered and rubbed the back of his neck.

Goku came wandering outside and he looked at Tien. "Hey can you watch over Mabelle for a minute. I'm gunna count how many people we have here."

Tien nodded. "Sure thing Goku." With that he walked in to the Capsule Corp building to where Goku had taken Mabelle.


*Saiyan Princess TRF*

I walked around the lawn of CC wondering what to do, almost everyone was gathered around Vegeta and a very confused looking Bra. I decided I'd wait for the crowd to die down a bit before going over there...#17 had camouflaged himself somewhere probably so I couldn't glomp him. I went into the house and thought for a moment...

'Where would I go if I were an Android trying to hide from an obsessed fan girl?' I asked myself, 'well, I think I'll check Bulma's lab first because even if I don't find him I'll still have other stuff to mess around with.'


#17 was hiding in the bushes, he now had grass stains on his clothes but frankly he didn't care as long as THE GIRL stayed away from him.

~*back with me*~

I'd been walking for about 20 minutes before I realised that I didn't know where the lab was.

"I wish I had a MAP!" I yelled, and all too conveniently a nice little map of CC appeared in my hands. I walked back into the room I started out in, rounded the corner, and ended up in the lab silently fuming that I'd been so close before and hadn't even bothered looking. There were a lot of cool little gadgets in there, but what REALLY caught my attention was a machine behind glass with a sign on it that said "TOUCH AND DIE!" as I looked at it a little angel appeared on one of my shoulders and a little devil on the other.

"Oh god...I've gotta be dreaming," I muttered looking at them, later I would reflect upon that as strange how I hadn't questioned if I was dreaming when I landed in the DBZ world but NOW I was asking if I was dreaming because of the little angel and devil...

"You aren't dreaming you idiot!" retorted the little devil that later called himself "Frank".

"I'm afraid he's right," the little angel on my shoulder stated, "we're the bodily forms of your inner confliction on whether or not you should take that time machine."

"Time Machine? That's a TIME MACHINE?" I asked.

"Well gee I wonder..." "Frank" rolled his eyes.

"Ok...screw both of you! Go away and shoo because I'm taking a trip!" I said smirking evilly.

The angel gasped before disappearing and "Frank" patted me on the head, "Good girl. Remember to make such wise decisions in the future!" he then disappeared along with his angel counterpart who, as a side note, was named "Frankette" so they'd have matching names.

"Here I go!" I didn't know how to set it so I just pushed random buttons before the 'start' one, I hoped I'd meet Bardock but kept in mind that I could end up anywhere. When I woke up again I landed with a PLOP on the floor of a room with 2 figures looking down at me...it couldn't be...I looked up again, ok yes it could.

"Father," a little boy asked glancing at me then at his father, "Who's that and how dare that person have such disrespect! Dropping in on us like that! Really!"

"Uh...hi uh...your majesties!" I said bowing, I wished I knew more about Saiyan customs but unfortunately...I also stole a quick glance around me for the Time Machine but it wasn't there, I decided that there was probably a code that only Bulma knew that she could put in the Time Machine so that you only had a way back if your trip was authorised. Oh lord...



I laughed a bit when J'Dee used the codes authors use to talk about DBZ, it was quite funny seeing the confused faces on all of the fighters. But as I watched I took notice of who was around me. Somewhere I heard a girl vomiting and saw her hunched over a bush with Goku behind her. She is Maybelle or something like that. She is very sensitive to bad Ki. I wonder if she noticed what I have? I watched as this Tobias guy started fighting the Cell girl Lady Seru I think, and J'dee started to yell at him and he took off. I was a bit sorry for him, but I shrugged it off, I had more important things to do. Getting up I saw a girl was talking to Bulma, but I just waited, what I needed to say was very important. After she was done I took my chance and walked up to Bulma to talk to her.

"Bulma, hi, umm can we talk now?"

"yeah sure, hey do you want to stay here?"

"I would love to, plus I don't think I will be welcome anywhere else."

"Ok come with me we can walk over to that tree and talk."

Bulma and I started to walk over to the tree on the far corner of the lawn, we sat down and I looked at her seriously. She glanced at the crowd of people who looked like they were beginning to move or power up. Then on the other side of the lawn I saw another girl power up to SSJ3, I smiled but back to the important stuff.

"Bulma, When I came here there was something in the back of my mind that I wasn't too sure I could control. There is a darkness inside of me and I don't know how to control it. A person in my head told me that I have two hours to decide what to do, but either way I'm going to change into something that is not too nice, maybe deadly. I need your help trying to restrain it."

"Oh my Kami, have you talked to J'Dee yet?"


"Come on lets go talk to her."

We walked over to J'Dee who was talking to Gohan, I looked really embarrassed as Bulma ask J'Dee if we could talk to her. I looked at her and then taking a deep breath told her the story about the voice in my head and what was going to happen. She looked at me not really saying anything but taking in what I had to tell her.

"Do you want to go home?"

"No I don't but I don't want to be bad either. I just want to be strong with a cool brother and train under Goku and stuff, but the transformation I did in the house is just the tip of the iceberg. Every time I look at Lady Seru and the girl Frieza I know I am going to be going to their side. I need to be restrained or to find out what the hell is happening before it happens. You have the power to bring us here, you have to have the power to help me. Please J'Dee, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Bulma can you do anything?"

"I can try. But if she needs some one to restrain her then I think Goku and Vegeta should know about it. They can do something. Maybe you can talk to Goku while I talk to Vegeta."


We walked away from J'Dee as she just stood there watching the others. I wasn't too sure she would help me, but I hoped to Kami that she would. I was scared, more than I had ever been. I followed Bulma into the house, where she led me down the stairs to her lab, on the way down we saw a girl coming up, she said something about being lost and then she ran away. Bulma strapped me to the table and said she would be right back. Just as she left the voices started again.

"You won't get away from what you will become! You will turn I promise you."


Just as my eyes started to clear over and my pupils started to disappear I saw a figure, a lady with long white hair laughing at me. Before I could ask her who she was I fainted.


*Piccoloz Girl*

I was shocked with how J'Dee had taken care of the fight and I shook my head, she was a little too hard on Tobias for my taste, but who asked me. I smiled as I notice Piccolo was staying close to me. Maybe I should play with his little mind a little.

"HEY! I GOT AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE, I CALL FLUTE, SO ALL YOU LEECHES GO BUG VEGETABLE!" I cried and a few girls shook their heads, others laughed as they saw me. The couple of guys chuckle and I winked at one of them. I watched as Tobias flew off and I decided to take his lead. I took to the air and began to spin and zip around in the sky. Dente! Was flying nice!

"Where do you think you're going?" Piccolo asked and I looked behind be to see him following me. I looked at him and for a second I thought I saw a blush on his cheeks. I turned around and started off again.

"Nowhere fast," I said as I flew and spotted a waterfall, was it his? Well, it was nice, so I flew down and landed on the grass by the large pool under the waterfall.

"What are you going to do?" he asked as he landed beside me. I smiled at him and he looked uncomfortable.

"I'm going for a swim," I said as I took my shirt off, Piccolo quickly turned around and I smiled as I dropped my pants. "My, you sure are shy around members of the opposite sex."

"I'm not, you're not a Namek, it's not possible, we're asexual," he said still staring at the forest. I smiled as I jumped into the water and he slowly turned around.

"Oh, I am a Namek and I am female, so you better get used to the idea," I said as I continued to swim in my underwear. Piccolo looked so funny, this was very enjoyable.


I sat in the sun almost purring I was so happy to be sunning. Piccolo was meditating over the waterfall, looking at me every now and then. I sighed as I rolled onto my stomach and stared up at the green warrior, he was a little darker green than I was. I ran my eyes over his face and then his clothes. I smiled wickedly, I wonder if he wears boxers or briefs. I slowly hovered up behind Piccolo and threw him into the pool of water. I laughed hysterically at the look of shock on his face.

"Why the hell did you do THAT?" he growled as he came out of the water. He was dripping wet and I smiled as I pulled his turban off and played with it.

"You looked hot so I thought a swim would cool you down and then you could sun with me," I said as I closed my eyes while I smiled. I heard him chuckling and I looked at him as he stared at me in a very Vegeta-like look. "What?"

"You couldn't wait to get me out of my clothes could you?" he chuckled as he dropped his cape and I suddenly realised what he was teasing me about. I turned bright purple.

"You know I didn't mean THAT!" I said as I turned away, I heard his clothes fall to the ground and he laughed as he climbed onto the rock I had been on.

"Well, the look on your face was good enough," he said and I turned to stare at him. He was on the rock sunning himself; I slowly floated up and landed next to him. Boxers.



I wasn't sure what to make of Kumiko's situation. I held powers to keep people in line. But I didn't hold enough power to control someone's instinct for good or evil. The most I could do for her was a spell with her permission of course!

I went to stand up to follow her to ask her when I got tapped on the shoulder. I looked at the author. I guess I had some more questions to answer before I myself went off gallivanting about.



"Damn, you'd think they'd never seen someone eat bananas before." I whispered to Quorky, noticing the glances and stares I was getting.

"No, not so quickly anyway." Quorky eyed my rapidly decreasing pile.

"I don't care, they can tell me if they've got a problem." I said in a threatening tone.

"Uh huh, you're going to take on a room of Namek's, Saiyan's and god-knows-what-else when you yourself are a mere mortal?" Quorky looked at me sceptically.

"Mere mortal and damn proud!" I said, with a hint of resentment towards those lucky Saiyan authors.

"What are we going to do then?" Quorky asked me.

"I dunno. It's the DragonBall Z world, there must be an endless list of what to do." I shrugged.

"What about all those fan fictions you read? Any ideas from that?"

"Nope. Its usually only one person at a time and they end up falling in love and having hot, sweaty sex with the Saiyan Prince. I highly doubt that." I glanced over at Vegeta and sighed.

"If only your mother knew what you do on the computer when you're supposed to be doing 'biology'." Quorky sniffed haughtily.

"Hey, I have needs ya know!" I stuck my tongue out at Quorky, then munched another banana.

"You're disgusting."

"Yep." I agreed, grabbing two bunches of bananas and putting them in a pocket each - they'd do for later. I stood up.

"Hey, where are you going?" Quorky demanded, jumping off the table and running after me.

"See if anyone knows anything. Excuse me." I patted the girl who had listed the rules earlier. "What the hell are we doing here? I mean, I don't have any clothes, CD's, anything. Plus, I'm starting to smell a bit funny."



I blinked looking at the two banana's in her pocket and I smiled. "Well we're here cause.... um..." I frowned and added in all typical Goku answer. "I goofed." I rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry about that..." I looked at her and I thought for a moment. "as for clothes and CD's I came prepared." I pointed to my yellow material bag, which conveniently enough when in anime looked just like Gohan's from when he was at high school. "Well if you want those things just wish for them you're an author you have power here to turn the place upside down... well probably not completely upside down cause then we'd all be on the ceiling and the ceiling would be the floor and being as there is no ceiling cause we're outside we'd probably keep falling through a blue abyss and I think we've all done enough falling for one day..."

"Maow." Tiger interrupted me. I rubbed her on the head patting her affectionately and she mewled at me again in the cutest kitten squeak.

"Aaawwww ain't you cute?!" I gave her another affectionate rub and she started purring contented with the attention.


*Lady Yuoko*

Several of the authors here were staring at me and I chuckled as I looked at them. I watched with glee as that girl had started vomiting after I had made I contact with her. I looked at the girl as she talked to other people and I frowned.

"So, we have a Wiccan, hmmm, that could be a problem," I said as I looked at the female Cell. I slowly walked over to her and bowed politely. "Hello, I am Lady Icer. I have to say, you have an interesting trophy there." I indicated the clothes in her hands. She smiled as she looked at them, the jacket was a nice fit.

"Thanks, I thought it was a nice way of showing off whose butt I kicked," she said and I nodded. People were staring at me and I chuckled as I watched that boy who had attacked the female Cell fly off.

"Too bad you couldn't have shown that hothead whose the boss," I said as I crossed my arms and looked sideways at Blake. "We should team up, but we'd have to take the little witch out first." She suddenly seemed to like that idea. "I mean, we can't go tempting people into fights. Which I think I'm going to do now. So if you like the idea of teaming up and taking down these monkeys, find me." I walked off, I had see Vegeta around, it would be so much fun to taunt him into a fight.


I smiled as I saw Blake staring at #18, so my potential partner in universal domination had a crush on the tin can. I smirked as I approached the small group, they stood there and gapped at me as I swung my tail around behind me.

"My, my, my, the our kind Hostess has made it clear, we can't have any real fun," I said. I saw Krillin shaking in fear or anger, I didn't really care which. "Now be nice, Q-ball, I wouldn't like to do to you what Frieza did…oh wait, yes I would." I laughed and I could see the hair on his head stand on end.

"How did you know what he did?!" he cried in anger as he powered up, lots of people started watching and I smiled.

"My people have a telepathic link amongst each other, I had a fondness for Frieza, when he fought in his transformed states I like to watch," I said as I leaned in close, a cold hand landed on my shoulder and I turned to stare into the blue eyes of #18.

"Back away from my husband!" she said in a calm voice and I smirked.

"So sorry," I said as I stood up and stared into those eyes the same shade as my own. "I didn't realised there was a life form desperate enough to find Q-ball there attractive." I wasn't shocked in the least when #18 took a swing at me. I laughed, if Wicca girl even came on over I'd blast the android, not kill her, but make her wish I had. I began to fight back, much as the female Cell had.



I thumped my forehead as the chaos suddenly began and I sighed. At least they knew the rules now... I saw Yamcha shoot me a look as in asking me to step in and I looked at Banana Girl, then I felt something... someone else was arriving...



I glared at the screen and waited for the stupid Internet to load. I growled, stupid Earthlink just causes more problems than AOL! May be cheaper but it sucks- my thoughts turned from upset to extremely happy once fanfiction.net loaded.

"Yes! Mwhahahaha!" I shouted excitedly and quickly went to check my favourite stories.

"Yes! Major updates by PurePsychicEspeon, J'Dee, Jeril Dragonsoul, Bananagirl, and Chelsee!" I did a little celebration then sat myself down for a good half-an-hour's worth of reading.

"Man, wish I had time to insert myself into that story! It'd be fun to meet my Mirai, Goku, Veggie man, and all the rest! Not to mention seeing all the authors!" as soon as I said that, something weird happened. I found myself in a palace of some sort and next to…Shin?! All I could do was stare open mouthed at the guy.

"I-I-I-I-" my speechlessness was cut short when he interrupted.

"I'm aware that you think I'm a cartoon, but there's other things we need to discuss" he said simply and walked ahead of me.

"Cool!" I choked out and rushed to follow him.

"Hey, where are we anyways?" I asked once I caught up.

"You should know, you created it," he smiled and I looked around the palace. It was…yeah! The palace of the Divine! One of my stories first took place here! Thoughts ran rampant through my head as I pieced it all together.

"I think you may already know what's going on. But in case you forgot, a witch from you world, J'Dee…" he started calmly.

"You mean…" I interrupted then stopped " YES! I'm in!" I jumped around excitedly and he watched in surprise. That dude never ceases to be surprised by anyone or anything. I find that quality quite amusing myself.

"Well, yes. You are one of the people…authors I should say…that got to cross over," Shin said.

"Really?! Do I get to be like…" I trailed off.

"Look at yourself…DeathStorm" Shin smirked and I did so. I was a little more muscular and trim; a golden spaghetti strap dress hugged my body and ended right above my knees showing black baggy pants underneath it. My brown hair was still tied in a ponytail but it went down to my waist where a black Saiyan tail had located itself. I looked to see a sword on my back and rushed over to a mirror. I was…kind nice looking actually and I looked about seventeen.

"Wow" I breathed. I turned to thank Shin but he was gone. I blinked. Weird guy, but I'll thank J'Dee when I see her! Now, how do I want to make an entrance? I thought to myself but then grinned mischievously. Maybe I wont just yet...there's so many things I can do if they don't know about me! Only problem is I forgot if I can prank peoples...I'll ask J'Dee! It won't be a problem cause she probably already knows I'm here. I can't wait to meet her; Storm is one of my favourite stories! And with that, set out to have the best time of my life.

"I am a goddess, I am a goddess, I am a goddess, a goddess who created the Saiyans!" I sang happily as I flew.


*Jeril Dragonsoul*

(AN: This is switching to first person now)

I tapped my fingers on the wall. I was bored and so was my brother. "Jeril?" Jeff asked.

"What?" I answered in an irritated tone.

"I'm bored."

"Shut up and go away." I snarled. Jeff opened his mouth in a reply but no sound came out. Then, he disappeared. "Shit!" I yelled, "Where'd he go?" I thought for a moment, "Jeff, come back." He returned but he still couldn't talk. "Jeff, go away." He disappeared. "Come back, go away, come back, dance like a ballerina!" I grinned evilly as I watched him dance. This is going to be loads of fun. I looked over to where Master Roshi was drinking something. "Spill!" I said. It upended all over his ugly shirt. I rubbed my hands together, Yes, loads, and loads of great fun. Muwhahaha! I grinned to myself. People were beginning to give me strange looks but I didn't care.

I looked back at where Jeff was still dancing, "Jeff, go home." He disappeared. I chuckled to myself, I'd love to see the look on my parents' faces when they find out they have a son.

I went in search of Vegeta. "I think no one's claimed him yet…" I mumbled to myself as I weaved through the many authors and DBZ people. Oh look! It's Piccolo, but that girl's claimed him. And there's Krillin but 18 would blast my ass to hell if I made a move one him. Besides, he looks bad with the hair. I looked for Vegeta but I couldn't find him. "Damn… Oh well, there always Mirai…" I grinned as I made my way to the Trunks from the Future. But, alas! He glared at me and made a slitting motion over his throat. "Damn it! He must be used to women stalking him… Damn! There's no one to get…"

That's when I noticed a familiar, well, kind of, face. She was talking to J'Dee and had just finished. "Where have I seen her before…" Then it hit me when I noticed the bananas in her pockets, "Banana Girl!" I ran over to talk to her.



Katrina Granger yawned and looked at the screen. "I can't believe it... They still haven't reviewed my story! What's the deal? I updated just the other day!" She shook her head, then clicked another area. "I wonder if there's any good DBZ fics today..." She commented.

"Hey, Kitty?" Her little brother asked from the door. He opened it and looked in. "Can you log off? I need to talk to Sara..."

Katrina groaned. "In a few minutes, okay? I'm still doing some... Important stuff..."

He glared at her, a Vegeta glare, really, then stomped out. She shook her head.

"Honestly, what a brat..." She blinked and looked at the screen. "What's this?" She leaned back and the summary silently, then smiled. "Sounds cool... I'll take a look." Katrina murmured as she clicked on it. As usual, the screen went white, but this time it stayed white. "Huh? Oh, stupid computer..." She groaned, shaking the cursor. The Fanfiction.net logo also went blank, then standard font slowly began running across the page, as though someone was typing it.

<That's not nice...> It said.

"What the?!?" Katrina said, reading it. She could have sworn she heard it talking, too. After shaking her head, she looked around nervously. All sound outside the room seemed to have stopped, even her brother's whining. Almost as though time itself had stopped...

<Enough of this. Kitty, you must go, and now.> Appeared on the screen.

"Go...? What are you talking about? Who are you?" She said frantically.

<Stop playing the cliche hero, it's wasting time. You wouldn't have been needed, but the girl we sent is being tempted to join them, and we may not be able to stop her. You must go and assist your teammates, possibly in her place, if need be.> Katrina read this as well, then sat back to think. From what she could tell, some fight ('between good and evil, no doubt...' she thought giddily) was going to take place, and she of all people was being asked to help! "Wha...What do I n-need to do?" She asked nervously.

<Place your hands over the keyboard and face the screen.> She complied, but looked annoyed. "No, I meant when I got... Where ever you're sending me..."

<It shall be made clear when you arrive. Now, remember your deepest wishes, and say them out loud.>

"T-to have a tail..." She said softly, then smiled as she closed her eyes. "To meet Trunks, and... To be able to fly..." The screen glowed fiercely, and she disappeared.

"Oof!" She exclaimed as she fell on the ground. "Wha... What on...?" Katrina murmured as she got to her feet shakily. She was standing in the woods, surrounded by trees, but they weren't as... real, as they had been before. "Where am I...?" A beeping sound came from her feet, and she looked down. There was a small laptop sitting before her, with the same writing as before.

<You're in the forest, surrounding Son Goku's old home.> She read it and nodded wisely, then blinked and stared back at it.

"Son Goku?!? But he's from DragonballZ! Unless..." She looked around. Everything did, actually, look kinda anime-ish. Katrina blinked, picked the laptop up, then followed the path that she had fallen onto. There was a pond of water just ahead, and she looked into it. Her appearance had changed. Instead of the long brown hair of before, she had auburn hair almost to her shoulders, seeming to stand in the air slightly. Her eyes had turned a blue/violet color, and her face... didn't have any more pimples. However, there was a reddish scar down her right cheek. Also, she was wearing what looked similar to Goku's sparring clothes, except they were light blue, and made for a girl.

"My god..." She murmured, pulling back. "How... How did this? I'm in...?"

<You're in one of the many worlds created by people like yourself, who use machines like me to show your ideas to other people around the planet. And, yes, it is the equivalent of being in the show called DragonballZ.> The computer 'replied', and this time she really did hear it talking.

"Wow..." Kat muttered. She looked up. "Dang, when the Fanfiction.net people say 'unleash your imagination', they aren't kidding..." She sighed and stretched, then froze as she felt a new set of muscles. She moved them again as she slowly turned her head. Sure enough, a reddish tail met her eyes. "No... way..." She whispered hoarsely. "I'm... A saiyan?"

<Half-saiyan. Similar to Gohan, Goten, and Trunks in the respect that you're more powerful than any pure human or saiyan could ever become.> The computer commented. She continued to stare at it, then let out a whoop of joy.

"I'm a saiyan! I'm a saiyan! ...But... I've never written any DBZ fics... I barely know anything about it, besides the main characters and the basic story... Er, history... How do I know what's going on?"

<Maybe you should find those people that do know... I believe most of them would be at the Capsule Corp...> Katrina looked at it.

"But... How do I get there? I don't exactly know how to summon the flying nimbus, unless..." She looked thoughtful, then concentrated. The grass around her feet began to part, and she lifted in the air. "SWEET!!!"

<Won't you want to take me with you?> The computer asked dryly. She blinked and looked down at the laptop again.

"Oh yeah... I need directions..." She grabbed it, then rose again, faster this time. "Wheee!!!" She yelled as she soared into the air, hopefully in the right direction. She felt a ticklish feeling in her mind.

"Can I sense their ki? 'Cause there's a lot of... something, this way..." She asked the computer, glancing down at it.

<You should be able to... Remember, there are many others like yourself here, it's not only the characters from your show. But where ever there is a large group of them is where you should be going.>

"Okay, then... Hey, could I go super, if I tried?" Katrina wondered, swerving to avoid a red balloon.

<I don't know everything, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you all of it. But yes, despite your current lack of abilities, you could. I recommend against trying it, though... You might drop me.>

"Oh... Okay... Hmm... I wonder how fast I can go..." She muttered, speeding up dramatically and leaving a trail of dust behind her.



I watched everyone with a real fascination. I was always the curious one, and under the circumstances...who could blame me? Now, who should I talk to first? There was the girl with the blond streaked red hair who seemed to be in charge of this show, but she seemed rather busy talking to Gohan and some of the others who I didn't recognise. It would be a top priority to speak with her.
I saw Bra with Vegeta, and Trunks, Goten, and a couple of girls I didn't recognise sitting in the grass. Talking to Trunks was also on my priority list, but not quite yet. I turned around, took two steps and slammed right into somebody. 'Oh yeah, that was impressive' Slowly, I raised my eyes and saw Goku standing over me.
" Hey there, " he grinned, " are you all right? "
" Um, yes. I'm just fine. Are you okay? " I could feel myself blushing. This was so embarrassing! Talk about lousy first impressions.
" Of course. You know, I don't think I saw you here before. "
" No, I just dropped in a few minutes ago actually. I can't believe all the people that are here. "
" You're not kidding, " he laughed, " they keep showing up everywhere. I'm still wondering where we're going to put everyone. "
" I can't begin to imagine, " I said making a futile attempt to count everyone, " but I'm not particular. Just stick me in a corner somewhere, and I'll be happy. "
He looked at me a bit oddly then grinned, " Watch what you say, we may have to do that. "
I laughed, " Oh well, I've been through worse. "
" Hey, you know, I almost forgot. What's your name? "
" It's...um...Eternity. Yeah. "
" You don't sound very sure about that. "
I looked up at him, unwrapped the tail from around my waist and waved it back and forth a few times, " Well, after everything else that's going on today, I had to think twice about it. "
" Hey, Dad, can I talk to you a minute? " Gohan called.
" Be right there, " he said then looked down at me, " I gotta go, but it was great meeting you. "
" You too, " I smiled and watched him jog over to his son. He really seemed like a great guy.
I glanced over my shoulder at Trunks again hoping he hadn't witnessed my stunning show of grace. He must have known I was looking at him because he turned in my direction. I could feel my cheeks growing warmer by the second and thanked Kami that he was too far away to see.
I guess he must have figured out that I wanted to talk to him because he waved me over to the little group. Part of me wanted to run in the other direction, but somehow I managed to make my legs carry me over to where he was sitting. " You looked a little lost over there. "
" This is all kind of...overwhelming, " I said.
" Do you want to sit down? "
I glanced at the patch of ground next to him and knew I was still blushing furiously.
" Ah, sure. Thank you. " I lowered myself into the grass. I nodded a greeting to Goten and the girl next to him.
" By the way, I'm Trunks, " he introduced himself.
As if the guy needed an introduction, I thought. " It's an absolute pleasure to meet you. "
After a moment he arched a brow, " Do you have a name or should I just call you 'hey you'?"
" Eternity. I'm Eternity, " I replied. 'How embarrassing' My track record was getting worse by the moment. I stole a glance at him and noticed a hint of a smile there. Well, at least he seemed amused by my stupidity. It could be worse.


To Be Continued....

I'd like to thank the following authors for contributing to this fic so far and making it the most entraining thing I've had the pleasure of being part of!!

Raine, Cristen Lebeau, Ardin, Seisetsu, BananaGirl, Kabocha, Dragon Empress, Kari, Mabelle, KumikoVegeta, Piccoloz Girl, Jeril Dragonsoul, Tobias5, Maria Cline, Saiyan Princess TRF, Lady Yuoko, The Dragonball Fairy, AlphaOmega, ellendaimioh, Eternity, DeathStorm, Kitty..............

*breathes out* whoooooosh that was a mouthfull good thing I'm typing.... *grins stupidly*

There are three spots left till we reach the limit... I would like to say that...

once again I do not write people's entrances to this fic, if you wish to enter send your two paragraph entrance to my mirashia@hotmail.com e-mail and I will place you in... unless the author limit has been reached... once there if you want me to write for the character, you'll have to provide me with information about your character so I can do so...

http://www.angelfire.com/dbz/andotherfanartworks/j'dee_anime. jpg

'Tis a pic of me!! If you think I draw okay and want me to draw your character let me know cause I can probably draw this week instead of write the fic... But personally I think I draw a big wackie... but that Speed Racer shirt she's wearing I OWN it really and I do dress like that... *rubs feet* stupid evil chunky heels...

don't forget r & r...................
