Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Here I am ❯ Toxic ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Baby, can't you see
'm calling
A guy like you

Should wear a warning

's dangerous
'm fallin'

Pan grabbed a silverish colored tank top and put it on. She then looked through her suitcase and found some blackish silverish pants and then she put them on. Marron came in the room smiling.

"Well, looks like your going out tonight. Where are you headin?" Marron asked.

"A dance club." Pan replied. "Wanna come?"

"Can't. I'm goin over to Bra's later on to help her with some stuff."

"Aww. Well, maybe next time.."

"Yeah.. Who are you goin with?"

"Just a friend."

"Which friend?"

"Just.... A friend." Pan smiled and then she put on some lip gloss.

"Uh huh. Okay, well, see you later. Have fun with your friend, and don't do anything wrong." Marron laughed after wards.

"Heh, don't worry I wont." Pan said. 'That's a givin. ' Pan looked at the clock and it said 6:30 PM. She went into the bathroom and she straightned it. It took her a while to do that because she had to plug it in, wait for it to get heated, and then it takes a while to straighten hair. When she was done it was about five till seven. She grabbed her coat and purse and then went down stairs. "I'm going out for a while. I'll be back around-"

"Your 18 years old, you don't need to tell us when you'll be back. Come back when you want, just, don't be drunk and come back in one piece." Krillin said. Pan smiled.

"I will! Bye!" Pan took off towards Juu.s house. She landed by the front door and knocked on it a couple of times. The door opened and Pan was a little surprised at what Juu. looked like. He was wearing black baggy pants, a dark blue long sleeved shirt, and he pulled his hair back into a pony tail and some strains hung down becaue they weren't long enought to fit in the pony tail. 'DAMN! ' "Well well well!!"

"What?" Juu. asked.

"You did deside to get ready. I was afriad I was gonna have to do that for yah."

"Ha ha... Funny."

"Never ment for it to be.... Ready?"

"I guess."

"Alright lets go!"

There's no escape
I can
't wait
I need a hit

Baby, give me it

're dangerous
'm lovin' it

Trunks dryed his hair and then got dressed. His cell phone started ringing and so he went over to his dresser and picked it up.

"Hello Trunks speakin." Trunks answerd.

"Hey Trunks, it's me Crysta. I was wondering if you'd like to go to a dance club tonight with me." A girl on the other line said.


"Great. I'll pick yah up in five 'kay?"

"Uh, okay. Bye." Trunks hung up the phone. "Well, looks like my shower was perfect timing... What the heck am I gunna wear?!" Trunks jumped over his bed and opened his closet. He went through it and pulled out a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He put it on really quick and then ran down stairs. "I'm goin out mom dunno when i'll be back see yeah bye!" Trunks ran out the front door and saw a silver car pull up infront of Capsole Corp. He opened the front door and got in. "Hey. Thank for inviting me to come."

"No prob. I brought two other friends, you already know David and Lisa." Crysta said.

"Yeah, hey guys what's up?"

"Nothin much. Glade you could come." David said.

"Alright, now lets get to partyin! Woohoo!" Lisa said and Crysta yelled in agreement. Crysta took off towards the club.

Pan and Juu. were already inside the club and the music was blasting.

"And you call this fun? I feel like my ears are about to burst." Juu. said while making his way through the crowd right behind Pan.

"Oh shut up and stop complaining. It's fun when you start to dance." Pan said.

"Dance? You said for me to come to a club, nothing about dancing."

"Hello! It's called a dance club, that's basically the only thing you do here!" Juu. rolled his eyes. Pan grabbed his hand. "Let's get to dancin!" Pan pulled Juu onto the dance floor and started dacing. She stopped and put her hands on her hips. "Are gonna dance or what?!"

"I don't really know how." Pan bursted out laughing. "What the hell is so funny?!"

"It's sad that you don't know how to dance! Just look at the other guys and just do what they're doing." Juu. looked around. Defenatly not what he would call dancing.

"That's what we're gonna do? More like having sex with your clothes still on and your standing up while listening to music." Pan laughed some more.

"Come on. It'll be fun! Your just to cold to know how to have fun!"

"I have my own definition of fun and it does not include dancing, so if you don't mind-." Pan put her hand over his mouth.

"If you don't shut up and start dancing i'll beat the crap out of you tomorrow when we spare." Pan took her hand off of his mouth and Juu rolled his eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me!"

"I will if I want." Pan rolled her eyes and Juu. just stared at her for a while. He sighed and crossed his arms. "So how the hell are we gonna do this?" Pan smiled.

"Okay, you see what the other guys are doing?"


"Just do that!" Juu. gave pan that 'you've got to be kidding me' look. "Oh come on!" Juu. sighed again.


Trunks Crysta, David, and Lisa all made it into the club.

"Alright! Let's get to dancin!" Crysta said as she grabbed Trunks by the hand and pulled him out towards the dance floor.

"I don't want to dance yet." Trunks said while stopping.

"Awww. Please? Just one song??"

"Okay, and then I want to get somthing to drink."

"Yay!" Trunks and Crysta started dancing and then David and Lisa did.

"Is this really how we're suppose to do this?" Juu. asked with a simi discusted look on his face.

"Yes! Now stop complaining and start dancing! I know that your not all boring." Juu. glared at Pan. "What?! Your acting like you've never even seen dancing."

"I have, but not this."

"Well, now you have."

"Kinda obvius." Pan rolled her eyes. She looked over to her right and then saw a guy with lavender hair. She stoped right what she was doing.

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh what?"

"Trunks is here."

"And your point being?"

"Well.... I don't really have one..." Pan looked at who he was dancing with. Her eye started twitching. "Ohh huh hoo! So your gunna play that way are yah buddy boy? Well, then the games just gettin started." Juu. raised a eyebrow.

"What the hell are you talking about." Pan smirked. Juu. relized what she had been thinking, and then that made him smrik.

Too high
't come down
Losing my head

`round and `round
Do you feel me now

Trunks looked around trying to find David and Lisa, but what he saw instead, was Pan. He didn't know who the other guy was. Trunks blinked a couple of times and rubbed his eyes. Yep he really saw Pan (it's no mirage buddy, your lil panny chan has moved on and is with marrons uncle!!!). The song Toxic came on next. Pan smirked and so did Juu.

"Hold on Crysta, i'll be right back." Trunks said. Trunks took off walking over towards Pan. He stopped by her and tapped her on the shoulder. Pan turned around and smiled.

"Hiya Trunks! Great night to be dancin aint it?" Pan said with a smile.

"I-I didn't know you were here. I didn't even knew you liked to go clubing." Trunks said.

"Ohh, that's 'cause you never asked." Trunks looked at the guy Pan was with. He had no idea who it was.

"Who's this guy?"

"I'm her boy friend." Juu. said. Pan looked over at Juu. and smirked. Now Trunks thought he was losin it.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, you should know me. My niece is over at your house helpin Bra with somthin, and Krillin and my sister are married." Trunks mouth hung open a little. He was in shock.

"Trunks? You okay?" Pan asked. "You look like you've seen a ghost." Trunks shook his head.

"Whoa,whoa, whoa, wait. So you, and 17 are dateing???!" Trunks asked.

"Took you long enough." Juu. stated. He put his arm around Pans waiste and pulled her close to him. He gave Pan a kiss on the lips and then looked back at Trunks. Trunks was now very very very confused.

"I need to sit down..." Trunks said while going back over by Crysta and then pulling over down in a booth. Pan broke out laughing and Juu. actually laughed a little (aw, so the big block of ice has a heart, i'm jp that was mean of me...:P)

With a taste of your lips
'm on a ride
're toxic
'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise

'm addicted to you
't you know that you're toxic
And I love what you do

't you know that you're toxic

Pan and Juu. went out to eat after wards. They were talking the whole thing over how they made Trunks almost go to the peek of confusment, and then (this wasn't mentioned) them dirty dancin to Get Low with Trunks watching from the booth (well duh your gonna get low on Get Low, that's kinda why its called Get Low)

"Did you see the look on his face? We should have gotten a camra and taken some pictures." Pan said.

"That would be funny." Juu. said. They started eating their dinner and continued to talk about other things. They headed back to Juu.s house after wards.

"Thank you so much for coming tonight. It was so much fun." Pan said.

"Yeah, it was fun. But I don't know if i'll be doing that again any time soon.." Juu. smiled.

'He has such a sweet smile.. If only he smiled like that more often around other girls then he most likely wouldn't be so lonely..' Pan stood up on her tip-toes and gave Juu a kiss on the cheek. She turned around and then flew back to where she was staying. Juu. put his hand where Pan had givin him a kiss. He gave a simi smile and went inside his cabin. Pan got back and then was about to head upstairs when she was stopped by Krillin.

"Sorry that this is so late, but, Yamcha and Tien had no place to stay so they are stayin here, Marron left becase of that, do you think that you could find another place to stay for tonight and maybe a few more??" Krillin asked.

"Yeah. I have a place. I'll get my stuff and go."

"Alright." Pan went upstairs and grabbed her capsole. She picked up her purse and Tia and then took off towards Juu.s house. As she ws flying it started to thunder, and then started to rain. She sneezed and then coughed a couple of times. Pan tryed to fly faster but she was so worn out for some reason. She had finally made it to Juu.s house. She knocked on the door a couple of times. Juu. opened the door and saw Pan standing there soaking wet.

"Could I stay with you for a couple of days?" Juu. had Pan come inside.

"You can dry off in the bathroom." Juu. said as her pointed over in the direction.

"Thanks." Pan started walking towards the bathroom. Tia jumped out of Pans arms and then ran over by the fire place to lay down. Pan went inot the bathroom and put on some new dry clothes. She pulled out another capsole and tossed it on the ground. A small dryer poped out and she put her wet stuff inside it. She capsoled the dryer and put it in her purse with her other capsoles. She walked out of the bathroom and back out into the living room. Juu. had pulled out the couch which was also a bed. He had it all made up and everything for her to sleep in. "Thank you again."

"Why did Krillin and my sister kick you out?"

"They didn't kick me out. Tien and Yamcha both needed a place to stay, that's why Marron went over to Bra's and I came over here."

"I thought you'd go over to Bra's too. Looks like I thought wrong."

"Well, I would've, but then I desided no." Pan coughed a couple of times and then sniffed.

"You okay?"

"Gah, i'm fine. Probably just a small little cold." Juu. walked into his bathroom and then came back out.

"Take that." He handed a small bottle to Pan.

"What is it?"

"Just drink it. All of it." Pan opened the bottle and then drunk it.

"What was that?"

"It was medicine. It helps get ride of whatever caused your cold right from the start so you don't get sick. I suggest you get to bed or else that stuff might not work. See you in the morrning." Juu. walked into his bed room and went to bed. Pan layed in her bed.

'Why is he being nice to me? He's being more nice than earlyer... Why should I worry about it! H'e bein nicer! That's a good thing! *yawns* Gah... So tired... Need... Sleep. *falls asleep* ' Tia jumped up on the bed and slept by Pans head.

It's getting late
To give you up

I took a sip

From my devil cup


's taking over me

Too high
't come down
's in the air
And it
's all around
Can you feel me now

Pan woke up to the sound of the bathroom door being slammed closed. She sat up and saw Juu. with only a towel wrapped around his waste. Pan blushed bright red and pulled the covers up over her head.

'OH-MY-GOD. OH-MY-GOD! I DID NOT JUST SEE THAT! This is all just a dream... And when I wake up, it'll all be over. ' Pan poked her head out from under her covers and saw Juu. walk into his room, still with only the towel on. Pan pulled the covers back over her head. 'I'm awake.... And I now relize, that was not a dream...... GAAAAAAH! Well, at least he had somthing covering his lower department area.....' Pan took a deep breath. 'Okay, now i'm gonna get out of bed, and just put on my robe, go outside and breath in the nice pine air and stuff. ' Pan got up and out of her bed. She pulled out a capsole and tossed it on the bed. She unzipped her suitcase and pulled out her robe. She capsoled her suitcase back up and then put on her robe. She went outside and took a deep breath of air in. 'Real air! ' "It's so peaceful up here... No wonder he likes it here so much."

"Coco?" A person said from behind. Pan jumped and then turned around.

"God, you scared me."

"Sorry. Thought you'd want somthing to drink." Juu. handed Pan the cup of coco.

"Thanks." Juu. went back inside and Pan followed. He sat down at the table and then so did Pan.

"Have a good sleep?"

"Yeah, thanks. The pull out bed is really comfy."

"Good." Pan drank some of her coco.

"This is really good."


"Did you buy a mix and make it?"

"No, I made it on my own."

"Ooh. Home made. No wonder it's so good."


"So what do you wanna do today?" Juu. looked up at Pan and then took a sip of his drink.

"Do? I don't know. I don't really do anything."

"Well that kinda gets a little boring every now and then don't yah think?"

"Not really."

"Well it would be to me!"

"That's you. I'm not you now am I."

"Your such a smart ass.."

"Isn't that a good thing." Juu. smirked. Pan rolled her eyes.

"I'm gonna get dressed and go see if Trunks is alright from last night." Pan laughed a little. "Poor guy. I feel sorry for him!" Pan grabed her purse and went into the bathroom. Juu. finished his drink and then put his cup in the sink. Pan came out and was dressed. "I'll be right back." Pan took off into the air. Juu. went over to where she slept and put it back into the couch form it is originally. He went into his room and then made his bed. He sighed. He yawned and then stretched.

"Why am I so tired?" He asked himself. He layed down on his bed. Tia came walking in. You could hear her from her dog tags jingeling every time she took a step. She hopped up on the bed and layed down by Juu.s head. "And why do you keep following me? Your worse than Pan." Juu. yawned and then slowly fell asleep.

With a taste of your lips
'm on a ride
're toxic
'm slipping under
With a taste of poison paradise

'm addicted to you
't you know that you're toxic
And I love what you do

't you know that you're toxic

Pan came back and she sat down on the couch. She let out a loud sigh which made Tia jump on Juu.s stumic and then off the bed to where Pan was. Juu. woke up and then got up. He came out of his room and saw Pan with her chin in one hand.

"Have fun?" Juu. asked with sarcasim.

"Oh yeah. Loads of it. And to make thing better, I have to go back to my appartment tomorrow... And then more clubbing!" Pan rolled her eyes and then layed on the couch.

"Why do you have to go back to New York tomarrow?"

"Well, one of my friends has no where to stay, at all, and so, I have to go back and be the nice friend that I am and have them stay with me..."

"What's the truth."

"One of my friends got me a job, and it deals with kids, and i'm not to fond of kids unless they are the ones who I can handel. Well, turns out that I get to be a nanny for a while...." Juu. bursted out into laughter. "I'm not kidding around i'm being completely serius."

"Oh, well, have fun!"

"Shut up... I need to leave today so I can learn what this kid is like... It's a girl I know that much for sure." Juu. looked a little dissapointed.

Don't you know that you're toxic

"Oh. Well, arn't you going to say bye to anyone?"

"Well, the only person i'd say bye to is you because everyone else is out doing other stuff. So, bye. Now I have no more people to say bye to." Pan sighed. "I better be off..... I'm sorry. It was really fun last night with the club and all. I'm really glade that you came with me!" Pan got up. Tia jumped into Pans purse and Pan picked her purse up. Pan walked out of the house. Juu. walked up to the front door with his arms crossed and a emotionless face. Pan turned around and came face to face with him without even knowing it. It kinda shocked them both, but the just started at each other. Pan smiled and then gave Juu. a hug. He didn't know what to do. He was kinda really confused at the moment, but, he gave her a hug back. They stopped and pan turned around, Juu. went back into his house and closed the door. Tia jumped out of Pans purse without her knowing it. Tia started scratching at the door for it to open. The door finally did and Juu. looked down at the small dog. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't you ever quit?!" He asked as he picked up the dog and then took off into the air after Pan. He could never catch up with her because she kept speding up, and she wouldn't be able to hear him from the wind she he just followed her.... All the way back to New York. Pan got on the elevator and then pressed the button 18. Juu. ran into the elevator before it closed.

"Juu.?! What are you doing here?!" Pan asked. Juu. held out Tia.

"It wont stop following me." He replied. Pan laughed. "Do you wanna stay for a while?"

"Um, sure." They reached Pan's floor and she opened the door to her appartment. "Nice place."

"Thanks. Trunks and Bulma are paying for it untill I get a good enough job that'll let me pay for atleast half of the rent." Pan set Tia down. "So, uh, well, it's night, so, i'll show you your room you can stay in." Juu. followed Pan down the almost endless hallway into a green room.


"There are some spare clothes for if you want to change that are in the closet. Tomorrow we can go shoping and get you some more."

"I have a place that I can go to to get my clothes."

"Alright. Well, then you can get your clothes and stay back here!"


"I'm gonna go to bed... I'm so tired. Night.


With a tast of your lips
I'm on a ride..

Pan went into her bedroom and then got into some pajamas.

..You're toxic
I'm slipping under..

Pan sat down thinking about some stuff. She kept going back to the same thing, where Juu. had kissed her on the lips when they were at the dance club. 'Even if it was just to make Trunks confused or whateverm it felt so right. ' Pan thought to herself. 'God damnit... The hell with it. I need to know.'

..With a taste of poison paradise..

Pan got up and went stoode infront of the door across the hall. She took a deep breat and knocked on the door. Juu. opened the door and what happened next kinda surprised them both.

..I'm addicted to you
Don't you know that you're toxic..

Pan put her hand behind Juu.s head and pulled his head towards hers and their lips met.

Intoxicate me now
With your lovin' now

I think I'm ready now

I think I'm ready now

Intoxicate me now
With your lovin' now

I'm ready now