Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kotahitanga / The Return ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Return - Kotahitanga - ANBM Sequel

Author/s: Deathdroid, Bura, S'rac, J'dee, Mabelle, Tobias, Lady Youko, Jan, Raine, Mysterious

Rating: NC - 15 (offensive language)

Genre: Interactive

Author's Note: Okay I'm moving house in just over a week to a whole new island… wow so I will update the other fics once I'm settled down there until then this will have to do sorry folks… I'm also still house sitting so I only have a computer when I come home to pick or drop something off…

Parasite Saga


"Well, I best be off" said a surprised Gohan. "I have to get home before anyone else in the house gets up, see yaz!"

With that he took off as fast as he could to his own house.

"I'm pretty fucked, ain't I?" I asked Paris. She nodded in reply. "Damn, I'm going to have to face them sooner than later, I'd rather it be sooner."

I put on my black Jeans and T-shirt, but then Paris tapped me on the shoulder.

"Maybe you should think about getting some *ahem* underwear?" I looked down. Damn, I hate it when someone gets something over me.

"But there are no shops open." I pointed out.

"Fine then" She pouted. "We'll go over to my house and you can borrow some for the now."

"Alright, if you don't mind."

So, the day went on pretty much as normal, except me being a woman. I decided to sleep on the couch that night, because I'm sure that Paris would be a bit uncomfortable with me being female now.


~Who left that brick there?~ I wondered when I woke to find myself lying on a brick. Paris was already up and dressed, and had made pancakes. Yum.

"So, what are you going to do?" asked Paris.

"Well, I'm going to go over to capsule corp to see if they might be able to find a way to change me back."

"And if that doesn't work..?"

"I'll try and find that evil clone thingie, and see if he can change me back."

"Oh... Duraham?"


"Can you become as powerful as Goten or Trunks?"

"Erm..." I wasn't sure. "I guess I could check, I'll be back in a minute."

I went outside, and tried to power up as much as I could. I felt the power flow through me, but then it stopped coming. I had only reached SSJ. Damn... I then heard the old mans voice.

"I didn't say you wouldn't have to work to get to SSJ 4 young one."

I heard his laughing fade. Paris came out to join me.


"Nope, nowhere near."

"I say you train before even *thinking* about going after the clone, get my drift?"

"Yeah, I suppose" I sighed in defeat. I would have to just hope that Bulma could help, and that Bananas was not, otherwise she would have a field day.

"So, shall I fly carrying you, or walk?"

"Carryings fine."


"Hellllllo??" I yelled. Strange, no-ones here, maybe she's in the lab...

"HELLO???!!!" I yelled louder into the lab. Still no-one. I turned around and there was.. BG!!

"AAAAHHH!!" I yelled. "Jesus christ!! Doesn't anyone know how to say hello anymore instead of sneaking up on you?!"

"So..." she said, "Who are you? Are you another author?"

"Well, no not really, I've been here for a while Banana."

"You have? And how do you know my name?" I moved my hair to give a clear view of my face. My hair had somehow grown 3 inches through the night.

"Hmm.." she muttered. "Puglins....?"


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA!!! This is too damn funny!! Are you just pulling my leg, pretending to be a woman?" She then without warning grabbed hold of one of my breasts and gave a hard tug.


"Well, sorrry!" she said sarcastically. "If you don't want to be a woman, then just wish it away!!"

"I tried that! It won't go away!!"

"Lemme get Quorky to give it a try. QUORKY!! Get your green ass out here!!"

"Hey! I'm trying to sleep here!! What do you want?"

"Wish this girl back into a boy, please?"

"Oh fine". He made the wish. Nothing.

"See? I told you it wouldn't work!!"

"Well, how did it happen?"

"I dunno! I was drunk I think!"

"That realllllly helps, dunnit?" She said saracastically.

"I know that, but I'm here to see Bulma. Is she with Vegeta?"

"No, Vegeta was with me. o.~"

"MEH??!! You mean you..?" She nodded.

"God damnit!! Bulmas gonna rip you apart!!"

"I'm not scared of a whore, I'll be fine. Com'on, I'll help you find the slut!"


"Well, I'm not sure, but from what these readouts say it means that you have been female ever since you've been born" said a confused Bulma.

"WHAT?! This cannot be right, I'm positive I was a boy a few days ago, I can prove that cause I still had my meat and 2 veg!"

"Meh?" asked a confused Bananagirl.

"Y'know, my meat and 2 veg, my sausage and rolls!! Anyway, Is there no way to become male again?"

"Unless you want that dumb surgery, then no."

"Damn, ah well, guess I'm stuck like this for the moment..."

"Go home, sleep, train, whatever!" pointed out Bananagirl.
"Ah fine" I said before taking off through the nearest window. "Damn, this is WEAK!!" I yelled to the heavens. I'm pretty sure this did not happen where I came from. Ah well, I suppose this is what makes it interesting....


*Bura / S'rac / J'dee / Raine / Mabelle / Mysterious / Tobias / Lady Youko / Jan*

J'dee stared at the person in the doorway and she grinned widely and threw her arms round J'dee's neck. "J'DEE-CHAN!!" She cried happily.

"B-B-Bura…" J'dee stammered. "How- Where- What?"

"Oh it was just a casual wish I don't know who made it though, now I'm only visiting I thought you would be here, it only made sense but…" She looked at Gohan who was standing there nervous.

"Ahhh yes I guess it would since you don't know what's been going on."

Bura smiled. "I know now. Gohan filled me in. I thought you two were going to be together forever you were so kawaii on Vegeta-sei."

"Hi guys." Gohan said rubbing the back of his neck in a typical Son manner. "Dada called form Capsule Corp and said you were on the…" He stopped seeing Two S'rac suddenly it was obviously the end of a battle. "Inside quick." He motions for the other to get inside and even pulled S'rac with him. Leaving the Evil clone. "Get off my property." He growled at the clone.

Once ushered inside Bura grabbed J'dee. "Catch up time."

J'dee looked at Tsunami and smiled as she was pulled in to Gohan's room Chibi Gabriel still in her arms.


J'dee sat in the bed room with Bura, it was great to see her old friend again, she wasn't even sure how she had returned but this was fun, Bura and Tsunami they were the greatest two friends a girl could have here. But here they were just chillin' out at Gohan's place while Gohan was outside in the lounge handling the situation with the two S'rac's the kids, Tsunami who was talking to Pan, and Mirai Gabriel.

Chibi Gabriel was sitting on the floor holding up some chick magazines and passing them up to the two girls on the bed.

J'dee grinned. "Soooo what about this!" She held up an article and Bura cracked up laughed.

"Can you believe people actually write their bloopers in to this magazine, talk about embarrassment?"

The article was a fairly small one not really an article but more of a paragraph about a girls and her boyfriend and her giving him desert at an empty restaurant with the waiter walking up to them, the girl bumping her head on the table and snag the fork landing right down on his member.


"Oh my god..." Bura whispered nudging J'dee, "imagine if you did that to Tobias." J'dee's eyes went wide in disbelief, the FUN she would miss out on if that had happened.

She grinned and shook her head absently, best not tempt the fates. 'Oh well,' she thought, 'best get back to business'. Too bad Bura wasn't here to stay.

Bura grinned at J'dee reading her mind waving a finger at her. "Sorry but I can't stay, but I can be summoned to be a muse." The silver haired girl grinned waving a peace sign.

Everybody sweatdropped except ye silver hair.

She scratched her head, "Was it something I said?" she asked while looking at everyone.

A collective groan was heard, around the room.


"What was that about?" Gohan asked S'rac inside.

"On my way back from the battle today I ran in to him." S'rac said pointing toward the door with his thumb. "He almost killed me and I would have died if Belle hadn't saved me," he said looking down. "Something's wrong with her."

"What?!" Gohan raised his voice, looking at S'rac concerned.

"I dunno, looks like a major case of schizophrenia to me," he muttered. "Looked like she was battling with some inner voice in her head. Some evil voice," he said looking solemn. "Told me to tell everyone not to trust her. I've still gotta tell everyone at Capsule Corp.," he said, getting up, but cringing slightly from a wound he'd gotten from his evil counterpart.

"We can just call them," Gohan told him, as S'rac sat back down on the couch. He was hiding it well enough, but S'rac could tell that Gohan was really worried about Belle. S'rac grabbed the phone as J'dee and Bura walked downstairs, with Chibi Gabriel.


J'dee walked her friend to the door and Bura gave her a hug. "Now I'm off me and Bard-kun have some catching up to do." She winked at J'dee. "See you later. I'll muse you when ever you need it."

"Bye." J'dee watched as her friend headed out and took to the sky giggling.

S'rac scratched his head and looked round the clone was gone from sight and Gohan stood at the door his arms crossed.

"I didn't defeat him, he just took off, guess my mystic power up scared him off."

J'dee looked to the ground and held Chibi Gabriel up to Gohan. "You're son." She said meekly and quickly averted her gaze.

Gohan took Gabriel in his arms and smiled.


Tsunami couldn't help but smile at the heart-warming moment and got up from the couch to go and speak to Pan.

"Hey Aunt Nami, what's up?" the teen Z warrior asked while peeking over Tsunami's shoulder occasionally to look at J'dee, her father and the baby he now held in his arms.

"That's my half-brother, ne?" she asked quietly.

Tsunami nodded, "And I expect you'll be going over there to meet him soon."

"Of course," Pan nodded.

"I wanted to ask if you'd be free this week to watch Zane and Jubilee this weekend," Tsunami asked.

Pan nodded again, "Yeah. Ju-ju bee's almost got the hang of walking now!"

Tsunami scoffed with a smile, "Right. She's too busy causing mischief with her new playmate."

Pan's smile brightened, "You mean him?"

Tsunami nodded, her smile warming, "Yeah. The two met and things just clicked. The two talk to each other like old friends."

Pan laughed lightly, "It would be nice if Gokin had a playmate too."

Tsunami looked at her, "If Mabelle and your father allowed, we could always arrange a play date for Gokin, Jubilee and Gabriel to play together."

Pan smiled, "That's a great idea."

She thought with a grin, Gabriel...that's a nice name.


I grinned to myself as I flew, enjoying the beating my wings. Ah it felt so good to be out in the open again. I flexed my hands, feeling the injection tubs slide out of my wrists. Perfect, everything was in order. My new host was weeping from my latest torture. Such lovely anguish. Hmmmmm, now that's an interesting memory. I opened it to me, and searched. I saw faces of people, people who were evil, at least to him. They could be quite useful to me, yes indeed……………


Tobias huddled, shivering, trying to block out all of the images that came to him. It was no good. It was as if his eyelids were being forced open.

"Having a good time?" Uro asked. Tobias couldn't pronounce this thing's name, so he just called it Uro, when he was able to.

"Please," he whispered, "no more." He heard her laugh, and he shivered.

"Really, the proud Saiyan warrior, Tobias, Vegeta's Elite servant, reduced to a pile of weeping, crying shit. You are now mine boy, and it is time to cast you into Hell itself." Uro snickered. They began playing again, but so rapidly, all at once, repeating over and over again. Tobias shrieked in his own mind as he was cast into madness.


"Come, Iczer, we must find J'dee!" I hissed as I held my son close to my chest, it had taken me too long to get over what I had seen happen to Tobias.

"Mommy, what happened to Dad?" Iczer asked as he clung to me. I rushed through the woods on foot, there was no way in Hell that I was going to fly with that…that….that THING up there. I finally felt safe and took to the air.

"I don't know, baby, I don't know, but I know we'll get him back, that's a promise," I cooed as I rushed to the cabin. J'dee would know what to do…I hoped.


<Fool,> she hissed and I snarled as I bared my fangs at my inner voice.

"What now?" I asked as I walked in the dense forest, my stomach growling as I went stumbling along.

<We should be in charge here. Correction, I should be in charge. This body is stronger than you've let them know. All those midnight training sessions in your private gravity room. You even felt it when you powered up there a moment ago. This body is the strongest, it should be me in control.>

"Sounds like someone has an inferiority complex," I muttered as I fell to my knees as she roared into my head.

<FOOL! I'M YOU! YOU ARE ME AS MUCH AS YOU DENY THAT I AM!> I snarled again. She laughed in my head.

<Where do you think I came from? I am the personification of all that rage you've kept hidden from them all. You remember, when you killed Babidi, that's when I was truly born. Your anger and hatred spawned me. However, that goodie-two-shoes attitude of yours has kept me out of reach. Thanks to the others returning I can get stronger and soon, you'll be a voice in my head, but I can ignore you so much better.> I hissed at her.

"You'll not be around for much longer," I whispered as I took to the air. I would go to Dende, he would have to help me.


"Excellent." I murmured, opening my eyes. I stood atop a large hill, as I finished taking care of Tobias. Soon his mind would be reduced to nothing but a withering, whimpering thing, which I would easily be able to push down with the hundreds I already had. Their bodies were long gone, worn out over years, but their minds were still with me, trapped for all eternity.

"Well what is this?" I murmured to myself, as I watched a female Saiyin go flying past, not even noticing me. A quick search of Tobias memories revealed she was his former whore. Well, well, well, this could be most amusing. A true test of this body's newfound powers. I smirked and blasted off after her.


I caught the scent of Tobias and turned to warn him off when I saw the creature.

"What the Hell are you?" the voice in my head and I spoke at the same time. The creature was huge, large black armor covered its body, large wings kept it air-born, sharp bone claws came from the ends of it's fingers, and it had long fangs. It was a predator….and it smelt like Tobias.

"I don't know who you are, what you are, why you smell like Tobias, and why you chose to mess with me, but I advise you to keep flying along," I hissed.

<Foolish bitch! This creature has come to fight you!> "I know that."

"I don't care what you know, I've come to see that lovely Primal form that you used to fight Tobias," the creature said and I looked at it. I had known the creature wanted to fight me, but I rather not unless I had no other choice.

"No thanks, I'm not in the mood for a demonstration," I said as I started to fly off again.

<IDIOT DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON THAT THING!!!> I dropped in time to dodge the ki blast and I hissed as I glared at the creature.

"I said I RATHER not!"

"Let's just say I'm not giving you an option," it chuckled and I hissed as my tail whipped around me.

<You know what you should do? Not that you'll listen to me, but you should take out its eyes. They look like heat vision.>

"You're right of course," I said and the creature again took it as if I was talking to it. I let out a long roar as I went to SSJ3. "But I play by my rules." I attacked quickly, testing the creature's speed and power. It reacted well, but it didn't use its claws as weaponry, now that I was on the offense it stopped using its wings to fly. I felt my lip curl, this creature was death and I sighed.

"This will hurt," I began to concentrate on my clairsentience.

<You're right, this will hurt….more than either of us can imagine.> I placed a hand on the creature's shell-like skin. TOBIAS!! PAIN!! REJECTION!!! PAIN!!! STOP THE PAIN!!! PLEASE!!! OH GOD!!! NO NO NO!!! THIS IS HELL!!! PLEASE!!! PAIN!!! OH OH OH!!! NOO!! REJECTION!!! MY ARM OH GOD MY ARM IS GONE!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! NO NO NO!!! CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!! PLEASE GOD NO!!!! THIS IS HELL!!! WHAT ARE YOU!! PAIN!!! STOP PLEASE!!! NO MORE NO MORE PLEASE!!!!

The voices of hundreds of people cried and begged this creature to release them. I felt the mental tortures that this creature used. Their experiences in life became their tortures in her mind. I was thrown back, my heart and soul hated this creature. I was going insane but I recognized several voices, Bra, Marron, Trey, and Tobias. I opened my eyes and dropped down to my normal form.

<You are not doing what I think you're doing?>

"No choice but to go Primal, I guess, I suppose I should have run off when I felt it first arrive, but then again, I wouldn't be a hero if I didn't fight," I said, but I wasn't going to fight to win, I was going to take a dive. This creature was as strong as Tobias, but he and I were equals, well almost.

<Clever, bitch, what if she kills you?>

"That won't happen." I whispered as I concentrated. The creature beat its wings, flying again using muscle over ki. Resting yourself?? Don't worry, today I will let you live, but I will make you pay for every voice I heard crying out. I concentrated and let out a howl. My body began to change. My pupils became vertical, my teeth sharpened and lengthened, my claws grew, my hair became spikier and longer, and my tail became a long train behind me.

"You want Primal, you got Primal," I said as I focused to keep my ki lower than it actually was. I would save my energy for afterwards. I closed my eyes and heard them again. NOOO!!! STOP IT PLEASE!! DADDY SAVE ME!!! I WANT MY MOMMY!!! PAIN!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! OH GOD!!! OH KAMI!!! OH DENDE!!! OH LOKI!!! OH PLEASE!! HELP ME!!! HELP US!!! PAIN!!! REJECTION!!! NO MORE!!! PLEASE!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!!! PLEASE!!!

I opened my eyes and looked at the creature.

"Bring it you immortal, piece of Hell, BITCH!!!" I screamed in a voice that was too close to the one in my head. The one that was suddenly very quiet. I fought her, but she would have to win this battle, but I would win the war!


"What's wrong?" I cooed, "Hurt a bit are we?" I asked. I laughed and backhanded her down. She snarled, flashing those fangs at me. I laughed again.

"You cocky bitch!" Mabelle snarled, firing a ki blast at me. I sighed and backhanded it away. It exploded, destroying a mountain.

"You honestly think you can defeat me?' I chuckled. Calling upon Tobias memories and his training by the Kia's, I formed my hands above me and bellowed my attack, making the woman freeze.



"Shit," I hissed as I looked at that ki blast. "I will have to bitch Kiobit out about this." I formed a shield around me.

<Hmm not a bad trick, getting your ass kicked to use the Saiyan healing to go up in power. Maybe you aren't such a fool.>

"Shut up, I'm fighting here." I caught the blast head on, my own ki forming a cone into the round blast, honing my ki to match hers, and using it like a snowplow to push her ki to the side. She looked rather shocked to see me but I lowered my ki as if that had drained me and I looked at her.

"You are unnatural," I stated and she smiled and laughed. "Does it please you to torture those souls for the rest of your life?" She looked shocked but I assumed she used Tobias' memory to know about my clairsentience.

"Ah, you heard them," she smiled. "You didn't go insane, most who have peered into my mind have become lost in it." I smirked as I spat some blood to the ground.

"You meant to say you absorbed those who looked into your mind," I said, she smirked again, it was not a pretty sight. "One day you will be defeated."

"Oh please, is this the usual hero speech? Like the one Mirai Gohan gave the androids before they killed him?" she laughed and I smiled.

"No this is a prediction, I don't give a damn who kills you, because I know only two things," I whispered as I looked at those red eyes. "One, there is always another bad guy. And two, there is always someone there to destroy that bad guy." She clapped her hands and looked at me.

"What a lovely speech, but quite useless," she said and I smiled and laughed.

"How true," I let out a sad sigh. "I suppose you, have a few more tricks that I'm not going to foresee coming." I looked at her and she smiled.

"So, you're not that stupid," she began powering up with a laugh, it was high, it would be hard for a regular SSJ4 to defeat or even a Mystic. However if I took the hard road I would get the power increase that would give me the advantage to teach this Hell-spawned bitch just who and what she was dealing with. No one fucked with a Saiyan, especially a Saiyan who was going insane.

<For once, we are in a full agreement. Let her show us her tricks. If you don't defeat her, I will crush her.> I started to laugh as the creature attacked. I would return, Hell, how many times had I come back from the edge already?


"Oh, dearie, looks like you got dirt and blood over you." I crooned, grasping her chin in my hand. She snarled digging away from me. I laughed and held firm, hearing her jaw crack a bit as I increased the pressure. She whimpered, and I laughed as I licked the side of her cheek.

"I like you, so I won't infest you. Just tell everyone that I am now in control of this body. You can call me Uro." I sneered.

"What the Hell are you?" she gasped. I smirked.

"I am death incarnate, and everyone will die by my hands until I achieve my goal. Tell J'dee to come to the 314-mountain area. I know you know it. If she doesn't come I will gather my people and kill everyone until she shows herself. I think I'll start with your brats first." I snickered.

"No, please no." she moaned. I laughed.

"Really, you Saiyins put up a good fight but you're so pathetic when beaten. Tell J'dee to be there in three hours." I said and flapped my wings, taking to the air. This was more fun than I could have imagined!


I watched as the creature flew off and I got up, giving her the finger as I stood up.

"You fucking touch a hair on my children, Uro, and I'll show you what true pain is," I said as I looked down at my body. I was in rough shape.

<Our jaw is broken.>

"I know that," I grumbled as I calculated the damage done.

<Our left shoulder is dislocated, our tail is broken, you have a rather long gash in our right leg, and I think four ribs are broken.>

"Thank you, but it's five ribs." I looked after Uro, smiling through the pain. "That was stupid of her to help us like that."

<Are you going to bother with the message?>

"Why, that beast is going to leave another message. I actually feel sorry for Master Roshi, but I have no energy to fly."

<Use a senzu bean.>

"We won't increase in power if we don't heal naturally."

<Don't worry, we will destroy her.>

"That we will…..You do realize we sound like Gollum?" I asked as I staggered on my way.


"Like I care about your opinion of me," I grumbled. My mind lingering on those cries of pain I had heard inside of Uro's mind, I would avenge them.


I rushed to the cabin door but fell back a few feet from the edge of the door.

"What in the…DAMN!" I hissed as I held Iczer, J'dee, being the powerful witch she was not only locked the door, but put a spell on the damn cabin. "CRAP!! Of all the days she had to go out and cast as spell!!" I slammed my tail into the ground as I held Iczer close.

"Mommy, what should we do?" Iczer asked and I sighed as I hugged him.

"We have to find J'dee and tell her what we saw," I said as I closed my eyes and concentrated. A little know fact that I had discovered was Tsiru-jinn had a difficult time finding power levels that were far off. I closed my eyes and put all my energy into finding J'dee. "What the hell…is she…she's not….THAT BITCH WENT TO THE MALL?!?!


"I wish that Blake were to appear before me as well as another of even more evil ways!" I cried. Blake appeared in his human form. Hmmm, I'll have to fix that. The other I wished for appeared and she began to laugh hysterically.

"Hey, what am I doing hear?' Sei asked. He looked at me and cringed. I smirked.

"Why you're here to help me my friend. In exchange for that, I will give you 18." I said. The reaction was instantaneous. He changed into Blake and I grinned.

"We have a deal." He rumbled and I bellowed my laughter. I turned to my other arrival.

"As for you my dear, it's time for your revenge." I said. She whooped for joy and flying around us. Oh yes, just two more and my army would be ready.


Seisetsu had been enjoying his time back in the real world, life though had been pretty dull, this was one of those moments he was having lying back on his bed lazily reading. It was there that he felt a familiar pulling sensation and he frowned. He had no computer now, it had somehow blown up, so he'd been using his friend's computer to read up on the events online with his friends. But that pulling sensation remained and continued…

"How odd." He muttered and stood up looking round.

Then it was done he was pulled from the real world snatched more like it and he landed with an ungraceful thud on his behind and he blinked looking up at the sky, he held his hands out in front of him and noticed the familiar anime form with a flicker of paleness shooting through his vision he knew the reason he didn't want to return was slowly surfacing. That evil obsessive side of him.

"Hey what am I doing here?" He demanded, he'd told J'dee he didn't' want to return for that fact if he did his evil side could be uncontrollable,

"Why you're here to help me my friend. In exchange for that I will give you 18."

He noticed it was Tobias' body but he could sense it was not his mind. But that didn't matter the magic word had been said… 18…

"We have a deal!" Blake smirked.


"I'm back! EXCELLENT!" I cried, hugging myself. Blake and Uro looked at me. I giggled and licked my lips.

"Come we have to gather two others, plus Blake's payment." Uro said. To think, I would be working with Toby. Uro said he had willingly become her host! So COOL!

"First 18." Blake rumbled as we took off into the air.


My eyes widened as I nearly fell out of the sky.

"Mommy!! Mommy, what's wrong?!" Iczer cried in alarm from my arms and I hugged him tight.

"It's not possible that HE'S here, he…he couldn't be…." I closed my eyes and the vision of the Metal Kooler came into my mind and I gasped. "It has really hit the fan this time."

"What, Mommy? What happened? What hit the fan?" Iczer asked as I put on the speed towards J'dee's ki, she was moving again almost as fast as I was. Was she trying to avoid me or something? This was bad! Blake was back!!

"A very bad Tsiru-jinn is now on Earth, baby," I said as I put on more speed. "I fear we are in for a very big battle.


I summoned everyone to me except for Bra, who was preparing for our infesting of her mate, Alpha, and Brolly. Marron and Trey arrived quickly. I sent a message to all my normal human hosts to kill themselves. I felt the eggs die one by one as they all leaped to their deaths, hosts and all. That would be an interesting thing to see on the news. We landed on the island and I motioned to Marron to come over. The egg made her come over and I grinned.

"Lure them outside, all of them. Then Blake will grab 18, and Trey, grab Krillin. Roshi is yours my dear." I said. The new comer grinned.

"Go now." I said. Marron hurried off, and I smirked. Too easy.


I felt S'rac's hand on my shoulder, I didn't move from the couch. I was fidgeting with my wrist support, it was one of those ones that covered the palm as well, my scarred palm, from the jenova infection Blake had given me last time we were here. I was writing furiously on a piece of paper channeling something that I indeed felt was here to warn me.

"Bura will come back and visit ya know." S'rac comforted.

I continued to take notes from the book.

"Did mom do this when you two were together?" Mirai Gabriel asked Gohan.

Gohan shook his head. "Uh no writing down prisoner of war camps from world war two in alphabetical order wasn't a habit she made very open with me."

I tapped the paper staring at the words. "Auschwitz, Belson…" Then a memory flickered through my head and I knew who it was…

It was Queenstown and we were sitting on the small brick wall watching the ocean with two guys we'd just meet at the local pub. I was with some guy called Craig and she was with some rugby player Mark.

"Ireland huh? So you're gunna play rugby for Ireland?" Krista asked Mark and grinned.

"Yeah what about you two what do you have planned?"

"Well I'm a legal secretary, and my friend here is a photography student at Canterbury…"

I glared at Krista we weren't even out of high school, but this was something that we did. Clubbing and the ability to pass off as someone much older.

Craig moved in a bit to close for my comfort and I shuffled away and Krista stood up on the brick wall and began to recite. "A is for Auschwitz, B is for Belson, C is for… hmmm concentration camp… D is for Dachal…"

"Urk!!" Craig jumped up and backed away from the two of us. Mark looked at him confused. Mark had his arms wrapped around Krista's waist as he stood on the brick wall with her.

"Hey what's wrong cous? Do you know what she's going on about?"

"Y.y.yes… now Mark, c'mon let just get these girls a drink and go home."

"Irish cabbie!" I announced and pumped a fist in to the air.


Mark laughed. "Krista you are one odd girl nothing scares Craig yet you seem to…"

Krista beamed me a smile and winked.

I tapped the paper the memory fading. Krista she was forewarning me. I could feel it. But I didn't say anything.

Mirai Gabriel took the paper from me. "Mom are you okay?"

I held up the book entitled 'Eva's Story' "I was one of these people in my past life same with Krista." I sighed and looked tot eh side. "She knew of you before I did. Amazing telepathic, psychic ability."

"J'dee's having an insane moment…" S'rac pointed out, "Don't worry it will pass."

I get it now." Mirai nodded. "She misses her friend."

Pan cleared her throat. "Chibi Gabriel wants o tell you something." she pointed out.

I looked over to see my Chibi son sitting with some alphabetical building blocks and laughed at what he'd spelled out.

"Awwwww so Kawaii." I cooed.

"And smart." S'rac scratched his head. "He can't even be half a year old."

"Smart ass is what he is… gets it from me. My trait I tell you."

Mirai Gabriel looked at the building blocks reading:

'CaN wE go HoMe NoW? I bored!'

Before I could answer my son's question the door burst open and we looked at the new arrival.


I landed at the Son house, Gohan's I assumed, and rushed to the door, throwing it open.

"J'DEE!!" I cried as I rushed in. I saw them sitting in the next room with Gohan and that other one…S'rac was it?? I was panting as I stood there, J'dee, Gabriel, Tsunami, I think, a young man I didn't recognize, a girl infant, a little boy and girl dressed in matching outfits, were they the young Mabelle carried??, and an infant that looked like Chibi Gohan.

"Icer??" J'dee was shocked to see me, not shocked enough. Iczer jumped from my arms and went over to the twins.

"Tobias…(pant) …he…he changed…(pant)…mutated into some sort of….(pant)…of….of monster," I gasped as I stood there. The young man stood up and cursed. "Not all…..(pant)….Blake is back!" My pregnancy must have been what was draining me, it was the only explanation, that or I was in shock. Could I even be in shock?


They came out, all of them, even turtle. Hmmm, that pest wouldn't be of any bother. I smirked as Blake leaped out with Trey as they grabbed their targets.


"What's the big idea?"

"Blake again?!"

"Silence fools." Uro said as she stepped out of the shadows. She motioned to me and I grinned, advancing on Roshi.

"Time to die." I growled, flashing my fangs. I leaped upon him, ripping off his head. He blood gushed out in a fountain and I thought I heard a shout of horror. The proceeded to dismember his body and hang it all over the front of the house. Uro took an arm and wrote out in blood where to meet us for the final confrontation.

"In case that bitch dies before she tells them." She said and I grinned.


"Well we just can't stay here!" I hissed in rage as I stalked back and forth across the room, the children were in the next room playing while we talked.

"We may have to destroy Tobias," Mirai Gabriel said and J'dee and I turned to him at the same time.

"NO!" we cried and looked at each other. I would save Tobias, but I would need J'dee as she would need me.

"Truce?" she said and I nodded, we shook hands and then turned to her grown son.

"We're going to save him!" J'dee said and I nodded as my tail lashed.

"Well, we have to do something soon, if this thing has revealed itself, it must be forming some sort of attack," Gohan said as he walked over to us and placed a hand on J'dee's shoulder. "We need a plan on how to treat this threat."


"A plan…" I mused. I was to distracted by Gohan's hand on my shoulder to think and I looked at it. He looked at me and then saw my glance at his hand he removed it quickly.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"We need more information on this thing before a plan of attack is formed. Like what it is, who it affected, where it's from and what it wants." I commented. "But who has that kind of info?"

The moment and who could come up with a plan out of us were frustrating me? This thing was about as annoying as the whole Frieza saga on it's 50th over kill repeat.


"Stop!" Krillin cried, watching his old master being torn apart. I smirked and extended a tub from wrist.

"You have other things to worry about." I said, as I jammed it into his ear. The egg was injected in a liquid form and became solid. He convulsed as it took him over. I motioned for Trey to let go and he did.

"You bitch!" 18 cried., and I bellowed laughter.

"No, you are a bitch, soon to be Blake's bitch!" I cried doing the same to her. As soon as the egg formed, I commanded it to be loyal to Blake and fulfill his EVERY desire. I smirked as my new colleague began to spread Roshi's bloody parts all over the front of the house. Turtle was gone. I took an arm and wrote message on the front of the house, the same one I had told Mabelle.

"In case that bitch dies before she tells them." I said.

"We go now." To my ever growing army. They all grinned at me.


We landed at Capsule Corp, and I commanded Trey to go wait with his sister. He would be told when to reveal who his true master was. We slunk down the halls where Bra was waiting with Alpha. I grinned, he was sleeping. Bra nodded to me, and I injected him quickly. Ah another under my command. Then, as if the Gods of this world favored me, Brolly walked in too. I struck fast, injecting him quickly. I had al my troops ready and it was almost time.

"Come," I said, waving a hand at them. "It is time for the showdown."


I couldn't think and I felt faint, frustrated, annoyed confused. I wanted to lash out at something or one. Then Trey walked in through the door like he owned the place, his arrogance was starting to grate at me. He had his ki but he didn't feel his same, so I decided to put him to the test.

"So now you greet us with your presence." I drooled my voice thick with sarcasm.

He just glared at me. "Fuck you." He snapped.

"Oh what a witty retort, you think that up all on you're lonesome?"

Gohan stepped between us before anything could come from the mockery. "Now, now, sibling rivalry can wait, we need to get somewhere populated namely with Vegeta and my dad there." Gohan remarked.

"Capsule Corp. it's a good place to start." Trey offered.

"You just love their pool don't you?" I smirked.

"oh shut up." Trey growled at me. I was really pushing his buttons today, it seemed easier to aggravate him than normal. It was just a tad suspicious.


I glared at Trey as he smiled at J'dee, the little traitor, but then again I had sensed something different about him earlier.

"Go now, Trey," I hissed as I powered up. "Go to your master you little bitch!" I threw a small ki blast and he gave me a dirty look as he took off.

"You didn't have to do that!" J'dee growled and I snarled back at her.

"We need a plan!" I hissed. "We'll just end up walking into that trap!" Suddenly I was knocked to the ground my a large blast. I hissed as I rolled over the ground. I heard screams and cries from inside.

"THE CHILDREN!" I screamed as we rushed into the house.


Maternal instincts got the best of me as Icer called out about the children.

I raced inside and looked at Trey as he held Chibi Gabriel.

"Meet you at Capsule Corp." He remarked.

"Boy wait! Not Yet!" I cried out.

He used the instant transmission and was out of Gohan's place. I picked up his ki as it arrived at Capsule Corp. like he said.

But Icer's point on him leading us to Capsule Corp. had to be a trap, we had no choice but to follow now.

"okay plan if it's a trap. I take on the leader or reason with it. I have the feeling it's after me, the rest of you back me up. This puppet master is after all in Toby's body, he could be in there somewhere still. Hopefully it can't kill those he cares about, but we can drive it out exorcism is still in fashion ya know."

"How about we beat it up if reason fails. I can go mystic after all, it's a fair match. Then you can do your little exorcism thing."

I sighed in defeat. "Fine lets do it the Vegeta way and blast it."

"But it… it's Toby-" S'rac began.

"C'mon give me a reason to pound him."

I sweatdropped. "Gohan no. Reason, blast, exorcism. That order."


"Hide." I commanded. Everyone did as they were told except for Blake and 18. My surprise was also waiting with them.

"Blake and 18, stay with me. You go hide over there. You'll know when to strike." I said.


"We'll leave the children here," I said as I looked at the twins, Jubilee, and Iczer.

"Not a bad plan," Mirai Gabriel said as he shook his head, so disappointed at his inability to save his chibi self.

"Mommy, I want to come," Iczer said and I grumbled as I looked at him. "I can help!" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but when we get there go warn Bulma to stay inside!" I said and he smiled as we took off.


I moved down to the bushes and suppressed my ki with the others. I hissed as J'dee arrived with a bunch of others. Revenge would be MINE!!


I stood there and glared at Blake and #18, my tail lashed behind me, hitting the ground and leaving large craters. I could sense that Iczer was inside CC and I was thankful we had this bunch's full attention.

"This should be an interesting fight," I muttered as I looked Blake over, he had height and bulk, but I had a transformation above his. I could use #18 as a hostage, this was not a good thing, I snarled as I let J'dee do the talking, I was here to kick ass and get Tobias back.


I looked at this thing that had manifested in Toby's body further. It made me wonder if reasoning with it would work. Trey was in the distance holding Chibi Gabriel.

I didn't want to be here anymore. It was that evil looking at me from eyes of someone I cared about that drove a pain through me. How dare it use Toby's body like that. But I was here and I had to attempt a decency of reasoning. Perhaps it would agree and back down and then we could all return to our happy existence in this world. The inner tormentive side of me reminded me we were in the dragonball world and that wasn't the way it was going to go down.

"I'm not gunna give you some dramatic speech of good vs. evil and how someone stronger comes along. I'm just gunna say reasoning with me would be the best option. We want Toby back and well if you don't there are gunna be some people, saiyan, Tsiru-jinn who are not gunna reason with you."


"HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! You expect to frighten me with a former evil being, her son, you, Trey, Tsunami, and your other friends?" I bellowed. J'dee growled and floated up. I noticed Trey was holding her son. Excellent.

"Give me back Tobias!" she cried. I smirked and patted my chest.

"He's mine now." I said.


"J'dee no, please leave her alone." Tobias whispered. Uro laughed and continued to taunt him.

"Oh no, she will know of your love. And that will not let her kill me, because she must love you too."


"Oh my, did you know, he loves you and the blue haired whore?" I asked. Icer growled, and J'dee paled.

"D-d-d-did?" she stuttered. I smirked.

"Yes, he did. Of course, now he's trapped in his own mind unable to express it but at least he fucked Icer. Too bad he couldn't choose you eh? Maybe he could have been shared, ne? HA! But you fight over him like a pack of dogs!" I sneered. J'dee put her hands to her ears.

"Stop it!" she cried.

"I'll tell you what, come with me and I won't kill your son." I said. She glared at me.

"Trey will protect him!" she cried. I threw my head back and bellowed laughter.


"Bitch, you will learn to keep that large, unattractive mouth shut!" I snarled as I power up, it was almost time to attack, I would wait till Gabriel was safe then…then Blake would find out the difference between a human playing Hulk with a Tsiru-jinn body and a real Tsiru-jinn who was REALLY REALLY REALLY PISSED!


"You see, your brother is under my control." I said, as I held the baby Gabriel up by the diaper. It was openly crying.

"No, please no!" J'dee screamed, and I smirked.

"Then you shall come with-" I was cut short as pair of feet slammed face first into me. I dropped to child but it was snatched it time by it's mother.

"Who the Hell are you?" I bellowed. The boy with black hair and dark blue eyes glared at me.

"I am Gabriel, your angel of death." He said and leaped at me.


I let out a breath of relief as I held on to my chibi son. He'd stopped crying and I hugged him, enough to let him know it was me his mother.

"I'm here Gabriel. It's okay." I comforted him.

My hear was beating rapidly. Trey she'd infected my own flesh and blood. It was new pain all on it's own, how dare she do that to my only living family I had left form the dimension of the real world.

I rushed Chibi Gabriel in to capsule corp. and made sure Bulma and Iczer would watch over him and I raced out to see the tail end or what I hoped was the tail end of the battle of mirai Gabriel and Uro.

Mirai was more adept at fighting than Uro / Toby realized. Powering up he flashed straight in to super saiyan three skipping the first, ascended, and second level and he fired several ki blast attacks at Uro, who seemed to be able to deflect them easily inside the body of a mystic Toby.

Mirai held up his hand and formed a sphere of light he looked at Uro. "A little something Vegeta taught me. ARTIFICAL LIGHT PEOPLE! THOSE WITH SAIYAN TAILS SHOULD COVER THEIR EYES!!" He shouted and threw the sphere in to the air.

I heard a rustle in the bushes and before Mirai could begin his transformation in to super saiyan four a figure I though I'd never see again leapt at him, and fast.


"Not so fast!" I cried, bursting from the bushes. I heard gasps of shock as I latched onto Gabriel, sinking my fangs into him. He bellowed as I drained him enough to weaken him and made him drop to the ground.

"JAN?!" J'dee screamed, and I smirked.

"I'm BACK!"


I laughed as the others rose from the ground. I waved my hand at them.

"Kill them, but leave J'dee to me. Jan, to my side."


I flew straight at J'dee with Uro. She blocked my kick, and I swung a fist at her head. She ducked and I found a fist in the nose. I cursed, and drew back. Mirai Gabriel had gotten to his feet, and had charged at me. He grinned.

"I'm going to kill you and Tobias for what you're trying to do to Mom." He said. He slammed a kick into my middle and sent me hurdling away from the battlefield. DAMN!


Double-teaming I smirked, the saiyan I had refused to acknowledge in me resurfaced as they attacked me. A simple kick from Jan was easily blocked with a mid-low block and I spun round and dropped back ducking a punch. For a vampire she wasn't as fast as when we'd last fought I was expecting something a little faster. I guess part of me owed my speed to the training I'd done on my own in the GR when Toby had refused to train me.

I watched as Mirai jumped in kicking Jan away from Uro.

I looked at the being in Toby's body. "Stuff this human thing, lets do this the good old saiyan way." I formed a ki blast between my hands in front of me and the electricity began to spark and shoot out like wild electricity from a power cable that had been severed from the continuation of power cables.

"Vegeta makes this look fun." I smirked.

Mirai grabbed the Uro creature from behind. "Ready!"

"Hold on tighter this could have some recoil."

I watched as Mirai did so.


Sure I didn't put my full oomph in to it. Toby's body after all. But I put more that I should in to it. That whole sleeping with Icer had me mad, but sure enough he chose her over me then so be it. He was still a friend and had a right to live to tell me the truth in person.


I smiled a nasty smiled as all Hell broke loose, I quickly helped three of the creature's allies into lower Earth orbit as they made the mistake of attacking ME! I soon found myself in front of Blake and I hissed at him. I powered up to transform when #18 struck. I quickly found myself stuck between the two of them taking on a double assault. I knew my history well enough and anyone who is trapped in a two front battle is going to lose, I mean, look at Germany in the world wars…

I don't know who hit the base of my skull but suddenly I didn't know anything but darkness.


Now I was down one ally and up one opponent. I saw Icer lying on the ground unconscious. I thrust my hands up.

"SOLAR FLARE!" I bellowed. I heard everyone scream, and I sent a message to my eggs to flee. Blake also left as soon as 18 did. I dived down, and landed on Icer, straddling her. I opened her mouth and clamped my fangs down over her mouth. She instantly woke up and tried to scream. I smirked and liquefied my body. I flooded her system, and began to dig in when I felt it. SEARING PAIN!


My mouth was open and there was horrible pain! I tried to scream but something was being forced down my throat and I snarled as I realized that that Bitch was trying to get into MY body! HELL NO! I began to thrash, my tail hitting the body above me, cracking the black armor shell, not enough to do much damage but to cause a minor sensation of pain. Suddenly there was terrible pain and I felt the horror of hundreds of people trapped for all eternity inside this creature's mind. I learned her name, her race, and the fact that she was far older than I could guess. Her heart was pure darkness and I could feel the pain of each and every one of her victims. Then as soon as the pain started it was over and I felt the shock of Uro's own mind at her inability to make me her host, then I felt my own superiority come. This creature…of course!! It was a parasite, she couldn't infest me because I was a Tsiru-jinn! We had an advantage now!


I coughed and hacked violently as I was forced out of her body. I lay on the ground, shivering. Her blood, it was like acid to me! How could this be?!

"Looks like we win." I heard some one say. I collapsed onto my face, letting the darkness slip around me. When I awoke, I would be back to full strength, and kill them all.


Stepping over Uro the parasite I smirked and looked down at it. "Looks like we win. And I would say good luck for next time, but we're gunna make sure there isn't one." I booted it in the side of the ribs and walked off to check on the others.

Mirai Gabriel looked at me. "So if Toby's infested then it was this thing that killed you in my time… but why?"

"Upon contact I'll find out, visions are my trademark."

Gabriel nodded. "Get him, her, it, inside right?"



I coughed, spitting the vile taste of whatever Uro was shoving down my throat was. I stood up, fighting the urge to pound the unconscious creature into a spot on the ground. I forced myself to vomit, not stopping till the foul taste of bile filled my mouth.


Uro was unconscious, and Tobias was able to see a bit through his partially closed eyes. He still had no control but it was a welcome relief from the pain of torment. But in his current insane state, he wouldn't be able to tell when the torture had started or stop. He was in Hell now, this time fueled by his own mind, which fueled the Hell Uro had started.


"Mommy!" Iczer cried as he came running out and I held him tight to my chest as I wiped my mouth clean.

"Iczer," I whispered as I held him close and looked at Bulma as she over looked the creature.

"Let's get her…him…it to my lab," Bulma said and I nodded as I helped Mirai Gabriel, Tsunami, and J'dee carry the body into the lab.


They picked up Uro/Tobias, gently. They were being carried gingerly, everyone afraid of them, or what Tobias had become. They strapped them down on a table in Capsule Corp. and Bulma began examining them, as Icer told everyone what had happened. They sat and planned, but the question on their mind now was, "What was going to happen now?"


While carrying Toby / Uro inside I avoided any physical contact with the skin, due to the knowledge I could be forced with a vision and become vulnerable to an attack from any one. I wanted a vision within a safe environment. While we were still outside it wasn't safe.


"Interesting," Blight mused quietly as she watched the latest events take place through her 'mirror'.

Turles stood by her side as she sat on her throne, also enthralled in what had happened.

"This should bode well for our plans," she said as she interlaced her fingers.

"They'll be too distracted by this 'Uro' character to realize that I'm still here," she sat back with a satisfied and then waved her hand over the image of the group plotting to take down this new threat.

The image rippled like water until it faded into a new image. One of a hover car flying at top speed towards Capsule Corps.

Turles stepped closer towards the image, growling as he got a good look at Yamcha.

"I want him dead," he growled.

Blight smirked, "In due time, my pet. But for now, we watch."


Tsunami sat quietly as the group tried to brainstorm what could be done about this 'Uro' and the return of Jan and Blake. This was definitely bad. Those two caused enough trouble the last time they were here, and now they had this Hell-like creature with them who seemed to have control over Tobias.

She looked down at Jubilee who seemed to have easily been calmed after all of the excitement and was already dozing off, curled into her chest with her tail wrapped around her mother's wrist. Tsunami sighed and stroked her back before sitting back against the couch.

There was suddenly a loud, screech-like noise and all heads turned to the exit of the CC living room. Tsunami bit her lower lip, worried that there was a second assault, but then she concentrated on who it was. There were two kis...she suddenly groaned when she realized who it was and was on her feet out of the living room.

She uttered an "I'll take care of it" as she headed out of the room. Judging by the smoke coming out of the front of the hover car, her husband had come speeding through the air to reach CC. She sighed and calmly approached the car as her husband practically bum-rushed out of the car and latched his arms around her before she could blink.

"Are you alright? I could sense trouble," he kept asking her dozens of questions and she found herself smiling.

She silenced him by placing a finger over his lips, "I'm fine, baby. A battle broke out, but we're both fine."

Yamcha looked down at his baby girl who yawned and stared at her father through half-open eyes in curiosity. He smiled warmly and kissed her on the forehead. She quickly forgot about the two and dozed off to sleep again.

"Mama!" the two turned to see Zane come sprinting towards them.

Tsunami smiled and knelt down to pull him to her with her free arm and hold him tight, "Oh, you don't know how much I've missed you two."

"We were only gone for a lil' bit," her son said as he looked up at her.

His mother smiled and nuzzled his nose with her own, "I know, but that was too long for me."

She suddenly frowned and turned to Yamcha, "We've got problems."

The two headed back in and exchanged quiet greetings with Bulma before heading to the living room to join the others. Tsunami sat between Yamcha and J'dee while she kept Jubilee in her arms.


I looked at Tsunami; I would wait for the vision. This whole thing was making me more distant from my friends.

My cellphone warbled out an old tune and I pulled it out answering it.

"Jera here."

It was Videl on the other line. "You're on call ya know?"

"Right and you called, so shoot."

"Two junkies with bugs in their throats, they choked to death on them."

"Wow how silence of the lambs." I noted. "Well anything else? Junkies bugs?"

"How about Trey, Marron and Bra listed on their vid phone for contacts?"

"Ohhhh-kay you have my attention I'll be there shortly." I ended the call.

Mirai Gabriel looked at me as I picked up my chibi son. "Work huh?"


"You're going to take our son to a murder scene?" I looked at Gohan as he entered the room, Pan carrying Gokin, the twin rushing inside in front of them.

"Well as a solo mother-"

"You can begin by giving him to his father. To watch over him while you work."

I sighed and handed chibi Gabriel over to Gohan. "Sure, fine, whatever, later." I walked away in a huff.

"Be careful, you died while on a case in my time." Mirai Gabriel pointed out. "Uro maybe here, but it's minions aren't."

I nodded. "Blake is my friend. I'll find him and talk to him. If I hear anyone has harmed him, you will have to face me." With that I left the Capsule Corp building and instant transmissioned to the scene of the double junkie choking bug case.


So what do we have?" I asked walking inside with Videl wearing her police badge and I flashed my forensics badge.

"Well there's a bigger case that's popped up. Oolong your pig friend has reported Master Roshi's disembowelment and entrails decorated of Kame house."

I clenched my fists. "You're kidding me?! DAMN!" I know like ever other female author out there I wasn't much of a Master Roshi fan, but that meant one thing… The dragonballs would be activated and that meant two wishes and if we didn't get to the dragonballs first someone else could use those wishes.

I entered the room of the scene of the crime of the junkies, needles. Drugs cut up on the table the vid phone playing out music and the list of contacts on the screen, plan and clear for all to see. I walked up tot eh girl and knelt down and opened her mouth I spotted the tail end of a bug and it's tail wiggled I jumped back.

"Oh yeah the bugs are still alive." Videl pointed out.

I shuddered. "Some warning would have been nice."

"No one warned me." Videl smirked.

I placed a hand on the girl's forehead ready to receive a vision of sort, it was the wrong move to make. All I could see was torment after torment of her life and how horrible it had been for her to resort to drugs then came the infestation of the junkie an egg I could feel it forced in to her throat and then everything started over again and again like a bad movie then a voice commanding suicide. The suicide was to jump off a cliff butt he scene unravelled that her and the boyfriend couldn't get the car started so they lined up the drugs and decided to OD instead only to have some sort of reaction to the drugs, or at least they didn't the eggs did and split open forcing the bugs out and trying to escape ending in the junkie and his girls friends death by choking on these bugs.

Standing up I shuddered and felt a sudden cold. 'Oh megami we have to get that thing out of Toby.' I thought to myself quietly.

"Vision?" Videl asked.

I nodded. "Get these to the lab, pack up the drugs and get them to toxicology I want a report on what drugs each of these are, what ones were injected in to the system and I want an autopsy report a.s.a.p." I ordered.

Videl looked at me seriously. "Something's up?" She noted.

"Yeah, I've got to get back to Capsule Corp. you can contact me there."

Videl nodded and I raced out taking off to the sky I needed air and I needed lots of it.

Flying alone and flying alone I was to preoccupied and then I felt it something slam in to my back and it sent me falling out of the sky and in to a pile of trees in a public park I jumped out off the tree and looked up in to the sky to see Blake hovering there.

"I can't let you report your findings back to them."

"How'd you know?" I was confused and his tail flicked about and I saw him hold up his scarred hand and I looked down at my hand.

"You wonder why you can't get stronger? That's cause of the Jenova cells. You are my clone, I won't let you. Defeat me and I might consider it."

I crossed my arms. "I'm not fighting you."

"It would be a wise move if you wanted to live." I looked to the side to see 18 step out from behind a tree. Blake hovered there in mid-air.

"She can't infect you so she bribed you." I realized. I had wondered how she had got Blake's control after seeing her reject Icer.

"Fight me." It was a definite command.

I crossed my arms across my chest in a block as Blake began the charge.

There were screams as people began to scurry from the park. I didn't understand this sudden need for a battle until I got a glimpse in to his mind and I saw what he wanted me to become.

To Be Continued…

R & R
