Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saijin Love ❯ From Dying to Crying ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Five: From Dying to Crying

Vegeta jumped into the car,speeding along the highway,enjoying his daughter's screams grow fainter.He flicked on the radio,the music blaring along through the dark night.The wrecked car was still pushing ninty,smoke billowing from the engines.
Vegeta contemplated his frenzied attack and enjoyed the moment of savagery,the moment that he had regressed,and he wanted to feel it again.
He knew where he could find the perfect candidate:Pan...she had blabbered enough.He would have to kill her anyway,he thought,so he might as well make it enjoyable.
He also wondered what he would do at home;could he plainly continue his life of kindness and normality?His glimpse of freedom had wowed him.He couldnt just go back to having a family dinner or a quick sparr with Goku....or could he?Could it be that he would live two lives?He relished the thought of being accepted and able to move freely...able to acess vulnerable people.Vegeta licked his lips and felt the blood of his daughter still fresh and warm.
He relished it,too.

Pan awoke.The room was very dark,now,and the lighting had gone.It felt like she was on a ship in a storm.The room rocked back and forth,but her mind was clear.The one and only thing she thought about was Bra and how to save her.She struggled weakly to her feet and lumbered out into the dark corridor.
Dead bodies littered it,blood seeping out all over the place.Pan focused solely on Bra and she continued through the eerie passage.The stairs shone slightly,and Pan deduced that there must be some faint light down there.She creeped downwards and reached the lobby,her body aching all over.
Surges of hatrid exploded over her trembling body.Blood was everywhere.Bodies were littering the floor.She inched towards the door and collapsed,and unconciousness took her.

Pan awoke in a hospital bed.It was night now and the sunlight shone in through a window to the left of her bedstead.Get-well cards were plastered onto the walls.
A pink card with a rose taped to the front was on her lap,a dark red one beside it.
She picked up the pink one and tore it open.
Pan...Please get well.Live without you would be unimaginable.
You may not know how much I love you but I hope you do now.
I also hope than you may love me in return.All these years of light dating;has it meant anything?Please tell me...
Pan threw it aside and picked up the rose,twirling its stem,the petals brushing her nose and shining eyes.
She wondered why she was here,she didnt need help.It was all those dead people that needed it....all because of Vegeta.A bang of savage hate erupted again,but she quenched it and turned to the blood red card and opened it's envelope.
Bra's dead,wench,I made sure of it.Dont look for her or breath a word to anyone or your dead.
Yours rapingly,
He had signed it in blood with the words "BRA IS A STUPID DYKE".
Pan began to cry for what she had lost.She didnt need to card,it only intensified her pain,she knew that Bra was dead.
She knew that maybe she should die too,I mean,what was the point in her living if Bra was gone?
She got out of bed,and noticed that she only wore a hospital cloak,which went down to a few inches above the knees.Her sleeveless arms and legs were cold with anger,hatrid and sadness.She needed Bra back because only Bra could make her happy.She didnt need to live anymore,she could be with Bra if she died.
Yes,she decided,it would be better that way.She wondered how she would kill herself;it was not a pleasent thought.It was more,to her,an intriguing though sadistic thing.
She wondered what it would be like to die,and wondered how she would fill the endless days with Bra...She moved forward,and to her delight found that it was just after dawn and most of the staff would be asleep.She ran along,tears,for reason unknown to her,streaming from her eyes.
She burst out of the hospital doors,the morning light catching her face.It felt strange to know that it would be her last day of looking up at that thing.
She looked away and moved along and saw the capsule corperation building standing solemnly beside her.
Knifing her wrists should be good,she thought.But then again maybe that would be too slow and painful...but to be with Bra,wasnt that worth it?She wanted to try as best to enjoy her final hours.She should do that...then she wondered;what was worth giving up the Earth?Giving up her hopes,her dreams,her oppourtunies,the shining summers day like this,the times of joy.
Bra is your times of joy!Bra is worth it!
Is she?
Of course!You love her,dont you?You want to be with her as much as possible,dont you?
Yes,I definately do
Then you MUST!There is no other way around it...and DONT try the dragonballs!
BECAUSE then Vegeta will know and go after your remaining loved ones!
DO IT! A voice in her head screamed.But her other voice was beggining to reason:Was suicide worth Bra?She loved Bra,but...that much?
Then,what is love if not to spend time with someone forever?So it was just a meaningless fling?!
NO!You love Bra and you love and dont want to hurt your family.You have to die for everyone's sake!
Pan looked despairingly at the beautiful sun,and made up her mind.
While Vegeta slept soundly with the feeling of a job well done,people searched for Bra.And a teenager was about to take her life because of it.

Pan wandered across the fields of Mount Pao.The grass was dewy,it was still early.She thought it a nice,proper day to die,if not a proper way.
As the blood seeped out of her arms,painlessly,and her heart worked hard to give more blood,she thought of all the happy times in her life.
The world seemed at peace,the clouds didnt moved across the sky in a rush,the birds sang slowly and softly and the sun shone brightly and welcomingly.
Pan felt conciousness begin to slip from her grasp,to ease her out of her short life.
And,she would meet everyone up there when their time came...everyone with goodness in their hearts.Being with Bra created a feeling that Pan had never had before,she felt alive and natural.She sighed as her arms began to lose feel,and she lay down beside a tree.
Blood was coming out of coat now,pouring down into the grass.
She wanted it to end like this...didnt she?
She wanted it to end calmly and smoothly...but did she want it to end at all?Did she want to die?
It's too late anyways the voice said serenely.I'll be dead soon
But...then again,no...maybe she DIDNT want to die...but her bloodless body was wrenching conciousness from her like an impatient baby.
She needed more time...she wanted more time...
And all of a sudden she WANTED to live.But Vegeta would just ruin it though,wouldnt he?
No...stand up!Maybe try the dragonballs!Be with Bra and go naturally,together!
"Its too late!"she whispered,her mouth dry.There was no sweat or pain,now.She was going to die feet away from her home,as it shone in front of her.She fell sideways,and as much as she wanted to cry she couldnt.The pain came in,and the sadness,and she wanted to live.
"No..."she whispered."No!Let....me...live!"her half-closed eyes struggled.
If it had not been for a lavender-haired admirer,she surely wouldnt have got her wish.

Trunks dived down and grabbed Pan,lifting her back up.He threw a bag of senzu beans down her mouth and ordered her before she went completely to swallow.She did so,but only barely,and her arm's sealed up and filled with blood and nutrients.She felt alive,and tears burst from her like a snapping dam.She threw herself into Trunks' chest and cried down it,him holding her,in what he thought as deeply lovingly,but she,for the moment,only saw as friendly.Because really she did not love him back;and maybe she couldnt.
"Its all right,I've got you"he soothed."Let it out...your alive now,Pan"
"I...was about...to die!"she squealed,tears flooding Trunks.He felt for her;many a time he had thought of the same thing.It was her uncle that pulled him out of that spot...and convinced him that death was not the option.Trunks smiled at this memory...but then threw it away.He grasped Pan more tightly,and his heart leaped with the feeling of deep love.This is what it meant,he thought,two people helping each other in times of need.Two people who can communicate and lean on each other,and when one needed to cry and let all their deepest feelings burst out,the other would be there to help.
But that wasnt Pan's veiw of him.And in time,Trunks would learn that painfully.
Nearly at his expense.