Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Tails of Troubles ❯ Eternal Farewell? Eternal Love? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tails of Troubles-

Rated: NC17
Timeline: Sequel to Claimed Love
Warnings: Sex, Incest, orgies, shounenai, yaoi, lusting…
Pairings: Goten/Trunks, Trunks/Vejita, Vejita/Gokou, Trunks/Goten/Vejita, vague Gohan/Videl and Gokou/Chichi
Summary: Trunks makes an unwise wish. Goten reveals his feelings. Chaos ensues.

A/N: Mmmmm... rewards for suffering... I do like that thought. *hugs X* Aren't I just the Devil! LOL! Thanks so for the reviews. Two more chappies to go!

Chapter 5: Eternal Farewell? Eternal Love?:

Trunks stepped out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his shoulders. A lamp burned in the corner of the room, casting faint shadows. The bed was made now - Goten's nervous doings, a common habit for the young demi-Saiyajin - and a few candles burned on the dresser across from the balcony doors. They were strong scented, to chase away the smells of musk and sweat without the coldness of night air. Trunks smiled softly as he saw Goten leave his closet, wearing a pair of loose blue jeans and a large gray shirt. His own torn and dirty clothing was crumpled in his arms, and his hands were shaking softly.

Why was he smiling? Trunks forced the expression to fade and managed to do so just before Goten looked at him. "You alright?" he asked with a raised brow. Goten swallowed and shrugged - an obvious no. Trunks sighed, dropping the towel onto the floor, and crossed the room to sit on his bed. "Go ahead," he stated with a frown.

Goten looked at him. "What?"

"Ask. What do you want to know?"

Goten remained near the dresser, holding the torn clothing that was the evidence of what he probably identified as a rape. Vejita's scent was in that cloth, and little telling what else. Shadows from the flames played across his face. The moon was still high outside, and Trunks was eager to find Vejita, but he couldn't leave Goten alone. The boy knew nothing about what a Saiyajin was. He didn't understand what they were feeling. It was likely, Trunks realized, that Goten had never been with another person before - male or female, Saiyajin or ninjin. Those facts, plus rut and the tail that was still behind him must be driving the young demi-Saiyajin to the verge of madness.

"It's incest, Trunks," Goten whispered.

Trunks sighed, bowing his head. Goten was anything but stupid, that Trunks knew. "Yeah," he said with a shrug. There was hurt in the demi-Saiyajin's eyes, but he bit his lip and tossed the cloth aside. "Damn it, Trunks! I love you!"


"No!" he shouted, fists balling at his sides. "I've loved you since we were kids! You were always too stubborn and self-involved to ever notice that I was even there! I was just your little toy! Your cohort! Don't…" he sighed, looking away towards the flames. Trunks could see the tears in his eyes.

"Goten… I'm sorry," he whispered, rising from the bed. Goten scowled and turned away as Trunks approached. The lavender-haired Saiyajin frowned sadly and reached out, grabbing Goten's arm and pulling him close. "I really am, and you're wrong, Goten. I do love you." He smiled, gently kissing the pouting lips. Goten's eyes were wide as he pulled back. Trunks brushed away a stray tear with a smile. He knew he loved Goten - Trunks always had. He had never denied those feelings from himself. That wasn't the question, though.

What Trunks didn't know was what he felt for his father. It was love… wasn't it?


Beneath him, every shiver that the prince released was felt. He relished the writhing body, sucking away each extra drop that Vejita spared while the elder Saiyajin regained his breath. Fingernails that had been embedded in his skin finally released as Vejita leaned back against the wall, eyes slit, breaths coming easily though still faintly ragged. Gokou smiled, hands tracing each curve of Vejita's thighs as he watched the warrior grow calm. Despite the cool temperatures of the lab and the faint goose bumps down his arms, Gokou was sweating and growing hotter with each touch. He wanted Vejita, and Trunks was the furthest thing from his mind.

"Vejita?" Gokou whispered breathlessly. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Vejita's small waist, hands wrapping around the motionless appendage, softly stroking the fur. The tail circled around Gokou's hands in delight, trapping them as if they would stop unexpectedly. Softly he reached up, nipping at the exposed throat, licking available skin. "Vejita, please," he panted, pulling the frail body closer. Vejita stared down at him, refusing to speak, eyes glowing with devious sadism. Vejita was enjoying it, he realized. Gokou didn't care, though. If Vejita wanted it, he would beg.

Gokou was aching for attention… for anything. "Please, Vejita… can I have you?"

"Hn," Vejita snorted with a grin, turning his head away - as if the words were some kind of joke. Gokou scowled, ripping his hands away from the soft caresses of the tail. He was beyond frustrated. Why couldn't Vejita just… why was he like this? "Damn it! Would you just stop playing this game!"

"But, Kakarrotto, it's such a fun game." Vejita grinned, jumping down from the counter and shoving Gokou across the room; the younger Saiyajin struck the wall, hard. A callous hand grabbed Gokou's arousal. Gokou winced, prepared for any form of punishment that Vejita could bestow - which in said Saiyajin's experience was quite a long list. Instead, a soft loving stroke caused him to shiver slightly as his eyes opened to gaze at the inconceivable prince. "Aren't you enjoying the game?" Vejita whispered gruffly, panting for breath as his eyes roamed down to what lay within his fingertips. Gokou grunted, head tossing back as he tried not to lose himself within the sensations.

Vejita stepped back suddenly, a smile on his features as he shrugged. "Fine. You want me, Kakarrotto. Take me."

Gokou's eyes widened suddenly. Vejita stood still, staring at him, arms limp at his sides, waiting. He looked deliciously supple, a faint smirk dressing his lips. His chest gleamed beneath the harsh fluorescent lights above. Was he serious? Would Vejita really let him? "See… I knew it. Coward. You're not Saiyajin. You never will be."

It all snapped together as Gokou heard these words. In a panic, he lunged forward as Vejita began to move away. A harsh shove had the younger royal Saiyajin on the floor. "You're mine, Vejita!" Gokou snarled, grabbing Vejita's legs and thrusting them over his shoulders. He knew Vejita was ready for him, and with an easy glide of his hips he was buried within the tight caverns, being squeezed by Vejita's inner walls. Gokou thought he would pop at the luscious warmth that surrounded him. He grabbed Vejita's shoulders, holding them down. Fierce eyes gazed up to him, angered, but Gokou smirked in return, meeting the gaze.

It was what everything was about - Saiyajin rituals. It had to be. Vejita had never been claimed… not the way he wanted. Gokou was sure of it. Did it mean Vejita wanted him? Did Vejita love him? His mind was spinning with inane vague unconnected thoughts, but the pleasure was making him blind. With each trust Gokou thought he would burst. Vejita wriggled beneath him, narrowed eyes watching Gokou mockingly. His chest rose and fell rapidly with each gasp of pleasure. Outside of those wordless sounds, he refused to speak. They didn't need to speak, Gokou realized with a chuckle. He leaned down, hands leaving his prince's shoulders, traveling down, circling his hips, holding them still against every drive of his own.

Gentle taunting of his balls caused Gokou to jerk. His tail looped between them, wrapping around Vejita's newly awakened shaft. Gokou knew couldn't last much longer. Vejita was so tight, and he had wanted this for so long. Gokou needed to taste him… to hold him… to have him. He was on the verge of lunacy with wants and needs. Gokou wrapped an arm around Vejita's neck, pulling the prince's upper body atop his. Their lips met fiercely, teeth grazing skin until blood coated their tongues.

Gokou grabbed Vejita's hips, allowing the knees to fall off his shoulders, pulling the Saiyajin no Ouji completely atop his lap. "Ride me, Ouji-sama," he purred, teeth grazing Vejita's ear, once again permitting Vejita control. Gokou watched with a grin as Vejita stared down at him, outrage and amusement burning in his onyx eyes. Only a few seconds passed before Vejita's hips slid upwards before shoving down again, encasing Gokou in tight warmth. Gokou leaned backwards on his elbows, eyes halfway rolled up into his head in bliss.

He could prove to Vejita that it could be both ways. Happiness and bliss could coexist without power and control. Pain didn't have to go hand-in-hand with excitement. Vejita could release his death-grip on life occasionally and let someone else please him. Gokou smiled faintly, forcing his eyes open, gazing at the dark angel that pumped him. He reached out, grasping the arousal that protruded from between the warrior's legs and stroking it hard as he felt himself reaching his own climax. Vejita's teeth gritted, brow contorting with a growl as he came, coating Gokou's stomach white. The inner caverns tightened around Gokou and in an explosion of white spots in his vision, Gokou came, filling Vejita with his seed.

Vejita collapsed blindly atop Gokou. Strong arms encircled the elder Saiyajin, holding him close, hands stroking his sculpted back. Vejita remained still, ignoring the wetness between them, a faint smile drifting across his face as he felt a tail intertwine with his own.

"I love you, Vejita," Gokou whispered, hands becoming stagnant, still wrapped around Vejita tightly, possessively.

That smile faded, but a frown did not replace it. He allowed the embrace, tired and content, though confusion was still swarming his mind.


They both felt it at once, the wild erratic ki of their fathers intermingling. Goten's curious eyes drifted to the sky out of habit, but Trunks' first reaction was rage. His fists balled at his sides as his eyes drifted to the floor - the direction the ki originated from. Gokou was here… beneath their feet… with Vejita. His fists grew stiff and trembled, knuckles fading to white. Goten stumbled back with a gasp, eyes wide as he watched the ki around his friend increase, becoming visible and tangible.

"He has some nerve…" Trunks growled, hair stiffening, lightening in color. "Trunks!" Goten cried out. "You have to…"

"Shut up!" Trunks roared, darting through his bedroom door. Goten watched the form fade down the hallway, eyes wide and filled with hurt. The bedroom door crashed to the floor, dust fading slowly. What was Trunks playing at? Goten turned, looking out the balcony door. He should leave, return home and stop suffering himself to such torment. Trunks had never changed. The world revolved around him and his wants, just as it always had when they were children. Why couldn't he move towards that doorway? Why couldn't he go home and wash Trunks and Vejita's scent off his skin? Gods… why had he allowed Vejita to… to do that to him? He was disgusted with himself. Goten was a dirty filthy thing. Of course Trunks didn't want him!

Tears danced down Goten's cheeks as he tried not to sob. He needed to bathe… but he couldn't leave. Not without apologizing to Trunks. His gaze drifted to the bathroom just feet away. A quick shower… then he would leave a note to Trunks… and never see the lavender-haired Saiyajin again.


Rituals demand reviews. Now someone get the chickens ready!
