Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Tails of Troubles ❯ Conclusion ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tails of Troubles-

Rated: NC17
Timeline: Sequel to Claimed Love
Warnings: Sex, Incest, orgies, shounenai, yaoi, lusting…
Pairings: Goten/Trunks, Trunks/Vejita, Vejita/Gokou, Trunks/Goten/Vejita, vague Gohan/Videl and Gokou/Chichi
Summary: Trunks makes an unwise wish. Goten reveals his feelings. Chaos ensues.

A/N: Currently statistics: 23.9% of readers actually are reading this!

It's over. *watches flamers cry* Yes, yes, I know. I know. You people won't be able to flame me anymore. It's okay. There's still the two sequels that will follow this! (Pairings revealed later onwards.) "Love Reins Supreme" and "Reclaim My Place". Should be fun. "Sympathy For The Devil" will begin tomorrow. No incest... yet. *snort*

No warnings. WOW!

Cool note: I began my flame collection today!!!! (3/14/03) Check it out at my website: www.angelfire.com/darkside/jadyarewar, under flames! I can't wait for MORE!!!!! GIMME MORE!!!!! Muwhahahahahaha! An entire page dedicated to mocking people. Oh my joy... my rapture...

Anyways, enjoy the fic!

Chapter 7: Conclusion:

Morning would come soon. The sky was dark; the moon hidden. He was tired, and wanted to sleep, but to see the sun rise just once more… that's all Goten really wanted. He watched the surface of the water move slightly in the wind, reflecting what few stars managed to shine through the darkness of the heavens.

He moved to the edge, kneeling down at the shore. He sighed softly, contently. It was warm, a faint breeze moving through the air. The world was so beautiful, and Goten knew he would miss it greatly. He would miss his parents, and his brother… and especially Trunks.

Life was so hard, though. It was… almost a relief to know that it would end. Time moved slowly now. Each breath of the moon wrapped Goten in warmth and love. Tears stained his eyes, but they did not fall. Goten fell back, sitting on the grass, hands behind him, holding him up from the ground. Curious eyes roamed around the trees, memorizing each leaf, noticing each ant.

"You're still… here," came a voice behind him. Goten sat up, turning around sharply. Trunks moved closer through the forest, combing a hand through his tangled lavender locks. Goten knew what the elder Saiyajin meant. He was still alive. "Yes," he whispered. "What are you doing here?"

"I came after you," Trunks responded, sitting down beside Goten, his eyes locked on the teary-eyed demi-Saiyajin. "I came as soon as I… saw the letter." A glare appeared in the glowing blue orbs. "Did you think I'd just stand aside?"

Goten shrugged, looking away. Had he really thought Trunks would just let him do it peacefully? Could he be that idiotic? Trunks wouldn't let him do anything so stupid… even if he hated Goten. Maybe… maybe Goten had expected it… wanted it. He sighed, feeling the overwhelming despair begin to settle in. "Fine, I won't do it," Goten muttered, loathing full in his voice. He moved to stand, but Trunks reached out, grabbing his arm. "Goten, stop," demanded the young prince. Goten froze, eyes looking across, engulfed by a blue sea of emotions. "I… I was afraid," Trunks whispered.

"What?" Goten's voice trembled.

"I was afraid." Trunks released his arm. Goten reclaimed his hand and held it against his chest. Trunks turned his face away, staring out into the lake. Once… so many years ago when they were just children, barley ten years old, they had stood at the lake shore, just feet away from where they sat now. Curiosity and… Goten had believed it was love… had drawn the two of them together, into each other's arms. The kiss had been brief, but what could have followed haunted Goten for months to follow.

"I saw the letter… and I was afraid you were gone. There is so much you don't know, Goten, about the last few years. There is so much about me that you don't know. I think there's a lot about you that I don't know." Trunks paused, breathing in the breeze that played in his long hair. Goten stared at Trunks in awed silence, watching as the ends of the locks playing against the dirt. "Trunks…"

"No, Goten," Trunks whispered, finally looking at him. A tear fell from his eyes, causing Goten's breath to catch in his throat. "Father was right, I think. I love him.. I want him… I… I thought I needed him to live." A tongue snaked out, licking dry lips. "But when I thought you were gone… and I would never see you again… I was… so afraid." He reached out, wrapping his arms around Goten's neck and pulling him forward. Goten stumbled, falling into Trunks' arms, knees into the demi-Saiyajin's lap. He grabbed Trunks shoulders, looking into the eyes that were so close. "We can learn, Goten," Trunks begged before warm lips claimed their mate. Goten smiled happily, wrapping his arms around Trunks' shoulders, pulling him closer until their bodies meshed together.

They could learn what happened all those years they had been apart, and whatever Trunks had done, Goten would forgive.


Gokou had figured it all out.

It had taken him nearly twenty years to solve the puzzle, but the picture lay before him just as vividly as the morning sun shone above them.

He huffed for breath. Every bone of his body throbbed with pain. Vejita's mocking laugh of victory reined supreme over the morning songs of the birds. He was on the verge of unconsciousness with exhaustion. He couldn't ascend if the fate of Chikyuu depended on it.

Vejita had finally won.

The Saiyajin no Ouji couldn't be happier.

Gokou understood.

Slit eyes watched as the victorious Saiyajin descended the heavens, landing on the ground with a thud of his feet. He, too, was worn from battle. His clothing was in shreds, and he could not ascend past level one, but he rubbed that in Gokou's face, allowing the pale golden aura to surround him and emphasizes every curve of his muscular wounded body. Blood dripped from the corner of his lip, and his left eye was cut and forced to remain closed. They both needed sleep and food, but first Vejita had to gloat.

"The Legendary Kakarrotto! Undefeatable!" He scoffed, circling the ground-ridden body. Gokou smiled as much as he could. A long scar ran down the left side of his face, causing expression to be a difficult thing. Dried blood on his skin itched. His blue undershirt was soaked with blood; the orange shirt gone, shredded. One of his boots were missing - how that thing got off, the Saiyajin hadn't the faintest idea.

The morning was bright and pleasant - a good day for Vejita's first victory against his longtime rival. Morning due slowly evaporate from leaves and blades of grass. Birds that had not been frightened away from the battle sung happily. Animals hunted for breakfast. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Gokou would congratulate Vejita, but he knew it would only make the warrior angry.

"The man that can do anything," Vejita laughed, pausing at Gokou's feet and staring down at him, a sadistic horny gleam in his eyes. His hands were on his hips, head tilted to the side. "Beautiful injuries, Kakarrotto."

"Created by the master," Gokou muttered, wincing. He forced himself to sit up. It was all so very clear, even through fatigue and hunger. Sitting up, his good arm behind him to keep him from falling back, Gokou gazed up into the black eyes of the handsome Saiyajin prince. "You did well, Vejita. You won… but I want you to know that you don't have to be in control to be free."

Vejita fell silent, eyes narrowing as he looked Gokou over. A moment of silence passed between them, awkward and yet comfortable, before familiar rage rushed through onyx orbs. "You've struck your head again," Vejita snarled, turning to leave.

"Vejita, wait." Gokou exclaimed, slowly climbing to his feet. He hadn't known he'd be fighting last night, or he would have brought senzu beans. "Vejita! Listen to me." Thankfully, the Saiyajin no Ouji paused, glancing over his shoulder as his wounded foe struggled. Gokou limped over to Vejita, reaching out and grasping the shorter man's shoulder. "I understand now, Vejita," he whispered, offering a smile. "I understand why you've always been so… cruel to Trunks and I. You don't have to do that anymore. You've proven you're stronger than me. You've always been stronger than Trunks."

Vejita winced, turning his head away. Gokou never lost his smile. "Mirai Trunks wasn't your Trunks. He never was. They are very different people, and Mirai Trunks was from the future. You have to remember that. In his timeline, you were a Super Saiyajin." Gokou circled Vejita, standing before him. "You've ascended, and you are in control, but you don't have to be, Vejita. You can love. I promise you the world won't fall apart around you… never." He leaned forward, gently kissing Vejita. It took only a moment for Vejita to respond to the gentle motion.

Unlike any time before, it remained gentle. Their hands were soft against each other, keeping in mind injuries that the other lover had caused just minutes ago. Tired and breathless, they pulled apart, and a soft smile played across Vejita's lips, though worry remained in black eyes. "Kakarrotto?"

"Hai, Vejita?"

"You promise?" Lashes batted as Vejita looked up, a faint blush burning on his cheeks. That was apprehension in his eyes, Gokou realized with a frown. He nodded, cupping Vejita's cheek, knowing that whatever the past had offered him had caused such behavior. The past was history now. Gokou would keep it that way. "I give you my word, and I will protect my promise." He smiled as Vejita nodded, looking away.

Gokou's stomach rumbled.

"That's one way to ruin a moment," Vejita scowled.


Tossing her bag across the room, Bulma rushed through the foyer of her home and sighed, shoving aside cleaning bots. She didn't even want to know what chaos had been caused during her days away. "HELLO!" she bellowed. Why hadn't she checked her calendar before leaving? Had she known there would be a new moon she would never have left. She was lucky the house was still standing! Poor Gohan and Videl… left alone with not one, but two demi-Saiyajin girls!

"TRUNKS VEJITA BRIEFS!" she shrieked, flipping back her long hair as she toed off healed shoes. It was mid-afternoon! The boy should have been awake for hours!

"In here, Kaasan!" Trunks called from the kitchen. Bulma spun around and stalked forward, shrugging off a long overcoat, leaving herself in a short gray skirt and blouse. "Trunks, there you are…gah!" she gasped, seeing the shorthaired demi-Saiyajin sitting at the table over a large stack of sandwiches. Goten sat across from him, feet propped up on the long wooden table. "You… cut off your hair," she whispered, looking her son over. He actually looked male!

Trunks shrugged with a blush, looking at Goten guiltily. Goten smiled, turning to Bulma. "We need to tell you something, Bulma-san," he smiled.

Bulma stared at Goten. She hadn't seen Gokou's youngest son in months, it seemed. "What is it?"

"Trunks and I… we're in love," Goten smiled. Trunks bowed his head, eyes wincing in preparation for the scream.

"Well, it's about time," Bulma huffed, shaking her head. "That's wonderful. I only wish MY son had the courage to tell me." She glared at Trunks, shaking her head in disdain. "Anyways, great news, Trunks! Capsule Corporation Industries is yours!" She clapped her hands together, watching with a giggle as Trunks jumped to his feet in shock. "What? Already? Kaasan! I'm… I'm not ready!"

"Oh, of course you are," Bulma laughed. "I'll help you get adjusted, don't worry. My son! President of Capsule Corporations!" She turned, walking out of the kitchen, repeating the title over and over again.

Trunks collapsed in the chair with a painful sigh, burying his head within his folded arms. Goten smiled, rising from the chair and circling around to kneel beside his lover. He reached out, grabbing Trunks' arm and pulling the lavender-haired demi-Saiyajin around to face him. "Don't worry," he said with a smile. Trunks chuckled and leaned down, kissing his adorable mate. "Thank you," he whispered with a smile as they pulled apart.

Goten rose, holding Trunks' arm firmly. "Why don't we go upstairs and celebrate?"

Trunks grinned. "Yeah."


THE END!!!!!!

Two wrap-up one-shot sequels coming soon, one per pairing. The first - Goten/Trunks: "Love Reins Supreme" The second: Gokou/Vejita - "Reclaim My Place"! Do review! "Sympathy For The Devil" begins tomorrow!
