Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Battle For Acceptance ❯ Is What I Fight For Real? ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer-DBZ isn't mine

Is What I Fight For Real?


Gokou looked up. "Hi, Chichi."

"Is everythin' okay?" She sat down next to him. They were both on Kami's Tower a few hours after the whole Buu affair had settled. Goku was sitting Indian-style by the ledge; Chichi hung her legs over, letting her feet swing involuntarily. "You're strangely quiet."

"Well…not really." He saw her face, and continued quickly. "I mean, I love bein' on Earth, and I can't wait t' go back home. But I can't help but wonder…how will we fit in again?"

Chichi looked puzzled. "But, Gokou-sa, you yourself suggested that in 4 months we erase everyone's memories."

"I know, but…" Gokou paused. "Maybe…maybe this time we should…we should let them remember."

"Son Gokou, are you even listenin' t' what you're suggestin'? Lettin' people remember your battle with Buu? Going Super Saiyan in th' Tenkaichi Budokai? We'll all be banded as freaks. It will totally ruin any shot our sons have at normal lives. We won't go anywhere without bein' bombarded with reporters, or fans, or even anti-alien haters. Because if they question you about your Super Saiyan transformations, you'll talk. And you don't lie."

"Chichi, listen t' me," Gokou said, taking her hand. "We've worked so hard t' protect this world, and nobody knows it."

"Have you become a gloryhoun' like Satan, then?"

"No." Gokou shook his head. "I'm not a thin' like Satan. What I'm sayin' is that it's time we act like we're proud o' what we are."

"Gokou-sa, we ARE."

"We have to show it. Look, Chichi, I've saved this world at least half a dozen times. You know why?"


"Because I've believed that humans have somethin' inside them that makes them special. A kind o' love, I guess. Maybe even acceptance. And each time we erase their memories, we rob them o' that. I think it's time we show them who we are, and let them prove that what I think is inside them is really there."

"And if they don't have it? Will you stop protectin' them?"

"No. I know that there are people out there who DO have it. I mean, look at you."

She laughed bitterly. "Fine example I am. I ran a tirade against aliens in that whole Namek affair."

"You had reason. Our son was on the line. And besides, you cooled down. You married an alien, remember?"

"I didn't know you were an alien when I married you."

"You could've divorced me when you foun' out. But you didn't. Why?"

"Because I love you."

"And accepted me as an alien?"

"Well…well, yes."

"It's time t' see if the world has that kind o' acceptance. If, after 4 months, they can't pull it off, I'll get Shen Long t' erase their memories of us."

"Gokou-sa, are you absolutely sure…"

"Yes, very," he said. "We're all tired of hidin', I think. Even you. Gohan's tired of hidin' things from Videl. Goten doesn't understan' why he has to act ashamed of his Saiyan heritage. It's like we're hidin' in shame of ourselves."

"Gokou-sa…I suppose you're right. But think o' th' dangers…if people attack you, you can't fight back, 'cause it'll reflect bad on us."

"I'll take every risk and danger involved, if it'll prove that what I fight for is real. If everyone agrees, and I'm sure they will, we'll go through with this."

He stood up, and held out a hand for Chichi to take. "Listen, if somethin' goes wrong an' it all backfires on us, we'll call on Shen Long."


"An' no matter what happens, I love you, OK?"

Chichi looked at him for a long time. Then she took his hand and allowed him to help her up.

"Come on," Gokou said. "Let's go tell everyone else."

There! How do you like it so far? I wanted to show Chichi in a nicer light than most authors do. A lot of people show her as an unforgiving, bad-tempered 6!tc# but she really does have a good heart underneath.