Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Sister Saga ❯ Party At Erasa's ( Chapter 13 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: *Blows a raspberry*

A/N: Umm, enjoy? OH, and thanks for all the reviews. Yeah, that's it.


Gohan - (has grown tired of listening to the loser next to him go on and on about some retarded video game, so he migrates to the kitchen in search of refreshments)

Videl - (is also in the kitchen standing near the cokes, watching some guys chug beer)

Gohan - (notices Videl and walks over to her) Hey, what are you doing here?

Videl - Hey, Gohan. I'm watching those guys exercise their stupidity. You?

Gohan - Enjoying a few minutes of free time.

Videl - Well, I'm glad. (looks around for Mikomi, but doesn't see her) So, you came alone?

Gohan - (shrugs) Yeah, I didn't have a date.

Videl - Too bad...You know if you (is interrupted)

Idiot Guy #1 - (walks over, reeking of beer, and leans on Gohan) Hey, look guys! It's that brainy kid from school! (to Gohan) You here to party or what?

Gohan - (shrugs) I guess to party.

Idiot Guy #2 - Right on, dude!

Idiot Guy #1 - (hands Gohan a beer) Here, little man, drink up!

Gohan - (looks at the can like it's poison) I don't think so.

Idiot Guy #3 - What are you, chicken? (starts making ridiculous clucking noises and flapping his arms like wings)

Gohan - No, I'm not a chicken.

Idiot Guy #1 - Then drink it, man!

Videl - Look, if he doesn't want to, leave him alone! (takes drink from Gohan and pours it on his tormentor) C'mon Gohan. Let's get away from these losers. (leads Gohan out to the den)

Gohan - (lets Videl lead him) Uh, thanks.

Videl - (stops) Don't mention it. Those guys have been drinking all night. They're wasted.

Gohan - I noticed. (uncomfortable silence) So, you wanna dance or something?

Videl - Sure, why not? (they dance)

Mirai Trunks - (been searching house for Gohan and spots him dancing with Videl, then notices Mikomi, who has her back to them. Goes to Asuke) Gohan and Videl are right over there. (points) Mikomi should notice them any minute.

Asuke - Great. (yawns) I was starting to get bored.

Mirai Trunks - You won't be for long.

Asuke - I hope not.

Mikomi - (spots Gohan) Sharpener, dear?

Sharpener - Yes?

Mikomi - There's a draft here. Why don't we go that way? (points toward Gohan)

Sharpener - Sure thing. (dances over. Recognizes Gohan and Videl) Hey!

Gohan - (stops) Hi.

Videl - What are you doing here, Sharpener?

Sharpener - I brought Mikomi. (proudly exhibits her)

Videl - (unhappily) I see.

Mikomi - Sharpener, why don't you be a dear and get me something to drink? (eyes Videl)

Sharpener - Sure thing!

Videl - (catches Mikomi's look) I'm thirsty too, Gohan.

Gohan - Well, I'll get you something then.

Videl - Water, please.

Gohan - No problem.

Sharpener - (glares at Gohan) Water too?

Mikomi - Yeah, whatever.

Gohan and Sharpener - (leave to fetch drinks)

Asuke - Looks like things are getting interesting.

Mirai Trunks - (looks where Asuke's attention is focused) Yeah, I'll bet.

Asuke - The girls are going to have a showdown. I wonder if we'll get to see them catfight...

Mirai Trunks - I hope not!

Asuke - Why?

Mirai Trunks - (whispers) Mikomi's a Super Saiyan.

Asuke - (eyes widen in surprise) You're right then! Poor Videl wouldn't stand a chance!

Mirai Trunks - I know.

Asuke - C'mon. (grabs Mirai's hand and drags him closer to the action so she can hear what's happening)

Videl - (coolly) I see you brought your boy toy.

Mikomi - Well, not everyone can be so lucky.

Videl - Cut the crap. I know what you're planning.

Mikomi - (innocently) Planning?

Videl - Yes, planning.

Mikomi - I didn't know I was planning anything. Do enlighten me to my own scheme, since I seem to be in the dark.

Videl - You're trying to get Gohan!

Mikomi - (feigns shock) Gohan?!? Why would I want him? I have Sharpener.

Videl - Big whoopie, Sharpener. You want Gohan! I just know it!

Mikomi - (seriously) And what if I did want him? Who's going to stop me? You? Don't make me laugh.

Videl - (angrily) Yes, me!

Mikomi - Yeah, uh huh. Whatever.

Videl - He's mine, so just back off!

Gohan - (returns to hear fighting)

Mikomi - Not from what I hear. He hasn't said anything about having chosen you!

Videl - (bares teeth in vicious snarl, preparing for a fight)

Mikomi - (laughs) I guess I'm supposed to be scared now, huh?

Videl - (raises a fist to strike Mikomi)

Gohan - (steps between the girls) What are you doing?!?

Videl - (is too shocked and embarrassed to say anything as she realizes everyone is staring at her and Mikomi)

Mikomi - (smiles sweetly) Nothing really, just having a disagreement is all.

Gohan - You two knock it off! This is ridiculous!

Videl - (glares at Mikomi) This isn't over.

Gohan - C'mon Videl. Stop being so childish.

Videl - Childish?!? (her beeper/communicator thingy goes off, summoning her to assist the police) Grrr...Well, I have to go. (looks at Mikomi) But I will be back.

Mikomi - (sarcastically) I'm so scared. Don't worry. I'll be here.

Videl - Good. (shoots one last set of daggers at Mikomi and leaves)

Mikomi - (watches Videl leave before turning her attention to Gohan and smiling) Well, since Sharpener seems to have gotten lost, I guess we're alone now.

Gohan - I can't believe you! I had hoped once you started dating Sharpener you'd quit trying to ruin my life. I just backed off and hoped you'd cool down but I guess I should have known better from the sister of Vegeta!

Mikomi - Well, I'm sorry. Once again, I'm nothing but a burden. Sorry for caring, Gohan. I'll butt out. Have a nice life! (storms to the kitchen)

Gohan - (is in shock) [Does he ever have bad luck or what with Mikomi or what?]

Mirai Trunks - (takes a step toward Gohan)

Asuke - (stops Mirai Trunks) Not yet. Let them try to resolve it on their own. When they are unable, we will offer our assistance and be heroes. Besides, it's more fun to watch them try and fail, more entertainment for your buck.

Mirai Trunks - Um, okay.

Asuke - Good. Now I want to have some fun, maybe a dance, before we're interrupted by more drama.

Mirai Trunks - (smiles) No problem. (steps to Asuke and they dance together, slow dance)

Mikomi - (walks to the kitchen)

Idiot Guy #2 - (spots Mikomi and walks over to her, carrying a beer) Hey there gurly!

Mikomi - (looks at him like he's lost his mind) What?

Idiot Guy #2 - Get dumped by your man or somethin'?

Mikomi - You know, that's really none of your business.

Idiot Guy #2 - (puts arm around Mikomi's shoulders and offers her a beer) Here. You look like you could use this.

Mikomi - (eyes it momentarily before taking it) Why not? Down the hatch! (chugs the beer)

Idiot Guy #2 - Right on sista!

Mikomi - (wipes her face and belches loudly) More.

Idiot Guy #2 - Woo Hoo! (grabs Mikomi's arm and leads her to the keg) Drink up!

Mikomi - (smiles) Thanks! (gets a glass and chugs it, then another, and another…)

Mirai Trunks - (dancing with Asuke and hears something in the kitchen) I don't know that I like the sound of that.

Asuke - Me either. Mikomi went in there a few minutes ago. Maybe you should go check on her and I'll keep and eye on Gohan.

Mirai Trunks - (glances at Gohan)

Gohan - (is sitting in a corner, alone, thinking)

Mirai Trunks - Well, okay. I'll be right back, so don't you start dancing with any other hot guys while I'm gone.

Asuke - (smiles) Don't worry about that. Now go check on your aunt.

Mirai Trunks - (goes to the kitchen and fights his way to the front of the crowd)

Mikomi - (is draining a keg, drinking straight from it while everyone cheers her on)

Idiot Guy #3 - (turns to Mirai Trunks) Hey! Check out the chick! I wish I had asked her out before Sharpener did! (drunken grin)

Mirai Trunks - Why? So you'd be sure to get laid?

Idiot Guy #3 - Heck yeah! (takes another drink as he turns his attention back to Mikomi)

Mirai Trunks - You really shouldn't talk about my family like that. Something might happen. (quickly and gently taps the guy on the back on his head)

Idiot Guy #3 - (succumbs to Saiyan strength and falls to the floor unconscious)

Mirai Trunks - (shrugs) Oops…

Mikomi - (has finished the keg and is trying to stand) Woo…World go `round…(her face turns green) Me no feel so good (leans on a counter for support)

Mirai Trunks - (pushes his way to her) Here, let me help.

Mikomi - (smiles) Who are you?

Mirai Trunks - I'm Trunks.

Mikomi - You're not Trunks. Trunks little.

Mirai Trunks - I know. I know. I'll explain later. (helps Mikomi to the front lawn)

Mikomi - (takes a deep breath)

Mirai Trunks - Feel better?

Mikomi - (begins to nod, then quickly shakes her head, bends over, and pukes on Mirai Trunks)

Mirai Trunks - (grabs Mikomi's shoulders and moves out of the way)

Mikomi - (finishes painting the lawn and sits, smiling goofily) Better…

Mirai Trunks - (looks at his clothes and sighs) Good…Well, I guess I need to get you home.

Mikomi - (nods) Home good.

Mirai Trunks - (starts toward the house, then turns back) You stay put until I get back.

Mikomi - (sound asleep)

Mirai Trunks - Okay, that'll work. (goes back inside to find Asuke)

Asuke - (is keeping her eyes on Gohan)

Mirai Trunks - Asuke!

Asuke - Yeah?

Mirai Trunks - I found Mikomi.

Asuke - And?

Mirai Trunks - She's passed out on the front lawn.

Asuke - Drunk?

Mirai Trunks - Pretty much.

Asuke - Sounds about right. I see she also got your shirt.

Mirai Trunks - Yeah…I noticed too.

Asuke - (turns her attention back to Gohan)

Gohan - (is sitting alone again) Why did I even want to come?

Sharpener - (walks in and sits besides Gohan) What are you doing just sitting here? I thought you were hanging with Videl.

Gohan - I was.

Sharpener - Where is she?

Gohan - Gone.

Sharpener - Well, Mikomi's disappeared too.

Gohan - Mikomi too?

Sharpener - Yeah. I went to get her a drink (holds up glass) and now I can't find her. When I was leaving the kitchen there was a big commotion and then I couldn't find Mikomi. (shrugs) I guess she left.

Gohan - Guess so...

Sharpener - So, what's it like being dumped for a perfect guy like me?

Gohan - What?!?

Sharpener - Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.

Gohan - I don't, but I'm sure you're about to tell me.

Sharpener - Oh, just how you and Mikomi were so chummy at first and you had the hugest crush on her until she dumped you for a better man, a cooler, better looking one at least.

Gohan - (quietly) I so don't need this right now. (aloud to Sharpener) Look, I didn't get dumped for you.

Sharpener - Then what do you nerds call it?

Gohan - Sharpener, listen closely, I'll speak slowly so you can keep up. Mikomi doesn't like you. She's using you.

Sharpener - (finally recovers from Gohan's words) For what?

Gohan - To get to me.

Sharpener - I don't believe that! You're lying!

Gohan - (sighs) I wish.

Sharpener - You're just saying that because you're jealous!

Gohan - Jealous of you? (laughs) Thanks man, I needed that!

Sharpener - I wasn't joking.

Gohan - Then why was it so funny?

Sharpener - Alright! I guess we're going to have to take this outside so I can prove which of us is the better man! I'll be sure to not hurt you too bad though since Videl seems to think you're a friend.

Gohan - (laughs) It's your funeral.

Sharpener - (fuming) Out back, right now! (storms outside)

Asuke - Trunks, do something!

Gohan - (stands to follow Sharpener)

Mirai Trunks - (steps behind Gohan and knocks him unconscious)

Asuke - (joins him) Well, I guess that's one way to do it.

Mirai Trunks - (nods) Take him on home. We don't need anymore trouble tonight. I'll take Mikomi.

Asuke - (nods and picks Gohan up, slinging him over her shoulder) Interesting night.

Mirai Trunks - (nods and leads her out) That it was. (Picks up Mikomi)

Asuke - We should hang out again sometime.

Mirai Trunks - Yeah, we really should.

Asuke - Um, I guess, I'll be on my way...long flight...

Mirai Trunks - Yeah...me too...

Asuke - I'll, uh, see you later.

Mirai Trunks - Sure thing...

Asuke - Well?

Mirai Trunks - Well, what?

Asuke - Leave.

Mirai Trunks - Yeah, uh, sorry (lifts off the ground and waves before flying home)

Asuke - (takes to the air with Gohan over her shoulder)

A/N: Hmm, I wonder when they'll see each other again. Maybe tomorrow? I don't know, haven't written that chapter yet. Before anyone leaves a review fussing, I know I got Gohan a little OOC. Please forgive me. Well, next time we'll all find out what happens the next day. I'll bet Mikomi has one heck of a hang over. Well, maybe she'll learn to stay away from alcohol. Now, leave your reviews people! Me love reviews!!!