Dragoon Fan Fiction ❯ The Dragoons of Ultimate Darkness and Ultimate Light ❯ The Dragoons of Ultimate Darkness and Ultimate Light (Chapter Two) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Dragoons of
Ultimate Darkness
Ultimate light

Chapter Two
Basil and Sad Memories

'Please don't be destroyed, please don't be destroyed' thought Dart as they cleared the third forest.

"Dart! Dart! Open your eyes!!" yells Leona.

Dart opened his eyes just to see him self walk into a tree. The two women giggled as he rubbed his forehead.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, sorry about that, I was just worried about my friend King Albert"

"King!? You're friends with a King!? Wow this will be so super!" says Leona happily.

"It gets better, he's also the wind dragoon"

"Wow! We don't even have to look!"

"This is interesting, a city that is still standing"

Dart turned his head to see Basil still standing, he sighed in relief.

"Come, let's go."

They all began to walk toward the entrance of the city, once they arrived, they headed straight toward the castle.

"Wow so beautiful!" says Leona in awe.

"Yeah, Albert knows how to take care of his country very well"

"Well, let's go meet him!" says Leona as she started to skip toward the entrance of the castle.

Dart bent down and whispered to Remiya.

"Is she always this excited?"

"She's never been outside her village before, this is her first time out in the real world."

"Oh do you know who the father is by any chance?"

"No I do not, she herself doesn't even know"

Dart was silent as he didn't know what to say, and followed Leona to the castle.

~:~Wingly Village Ruins~:~

A hooded man walked through the barrier without hesitation. If his hood wasn't covering his eyes you could see the shock and horror inside of them. He ran over to the green platform, as he was transported to the top of the tree, then stepped on another as he was transported into the village ruins. As he appeared in the village, every thing was destroyed, every single home has been burnt down into ashes, but no bodies were found on the ground.

"You're wondering what happened here, are you not?" a voice asked out of nowhere.

"Ancestor Yes what has happened here?" He asked in a mono tone voice.

"A man with an evil spirit and dragon suddenly appeared and attacked us killing everyone but one I myself is a spirit of these ruins still protecting these spirits of the dead."

"What of Meru? Is she the one that survived?"

There was silence as the ancestor didn't speak.

"Answer me!!"

After a few minutes of silent the ancestors spirit appeared before him.

"Follow me" he said as he floated away.

The hooded man followed the spirit into a grassy field of graves and a statue in the middle which was Meru in her dragoon form holding her hammer in her right hand next to her side. There was writing on the statue, as the man walked over to it and started to read it out loud.

"In a founding memory of the dragoon wingly Meru"

The man bent his head down in sadness as the ancestor spoke to him in a soft tone.

"As you see, you and the other are the last of the surviving winglies, if you wish to know who that other is keep on reading the memorial inscription"

The hooded man raised his head and began to read the rest of the inscription.

'"In a founding memory of dragoon wingly Meru, a mother of one, who is the only survivor of the wingly village destruction, good bye mother may your spirit rest in peace from your loving daughter Leona."'

The hooded man looked up at the ancestors spirit confusingly as if he could see it.

"I have a daughter?"

"Yes, for she is now the water dragoon that Meru once was and she's on a dangerous quest to destroy the dragoon of Ultimate Darkness, known as the Devil's Eye for she is not alone, she is traveling with a woman named Remiya Semor who is the dragoon of Ultimate Light, known as The Guardian of Light and Soa dragoon they are on a journey to search for the rest of the dragoons to stop the dark one and it's dragon"

The hooded man stood up abruptly and started to walk away.

"I must go"

"Know this, protect her for she is the only family that you have left also the young one sleeping waiting outside the barrier"

"How old is my daughter?"

"She is now the age of fourteen, her birthday was four days ago when this village was destroyed she is now in Basil with Remiya and Dart, also soon to be with King Albert"

"Thanks you ancestor, I bid you farewell and may your spirit be in peace" The hooded man said as he disappeared into the wingly village ruins.

"FarewellLloyd" said the ancestor as he disappeared.

~:~Basil Castle~:~

"Your majesty King Albert?"


"A sir Dart and a few friends wish to see you"

King Albert looked bit surprised of the sudden visit.

"Really? I wonder what he's doing here, bring them in then"

The soldier bowed and left out the chamber doors. Then his wife Emile came up to him with a baby in her arms.

"Who was that dear?" She asked.

"It was a messenger, Dart and a few of his friends are here"

"Dart? It's been two years since I last saw him, I wonder what he's doing here"

Just then a man and two women came in the chamber with serious faces except for the woman next to them who was so excited by the smile on her face, then they all bowed to him.

"Dart what brings you here? And who are your friends?"

Before Dart could say anything, Leona started to squeal.

"Oh my goodness is that a baby!? It looks so cute!"

Queen Emile giggled at the girls cheerfulness and nodded.

"Yes, his name is Lavitz, named after the Lavitz that died of a great honor"


"Forgive my friend your majesties, for you see she has never seen a kingdom, nor a king or queen before"

King Albert chuckled as he waved off his hand.

"It's quite all right, do you wish to see him miss?"

"Leona, my name is Leona your majesty, and yes I would love to"

"Emile would you please excuse us and take miss Leona to the nursery?"

Emile smiled and kissed him on the cheek and left with Leona to the nursery.

"So my good friend, who is your friend? And why are you here?"

"This is my friend Remiya, and I'm here to tell you that all dragoons are in danger"

"In danger? What do you mean?"

"An evil dragoon and his dragon is coming to destroy all dragoons' homes and tries to kill them Seles was destroyed, he killed everybody including Shana"

"Shana is gone? Oh Dart I'm so sorry"

"It's all right, I'm going to hand you over to Remiya, she will tell you everything excuse me" he said as he went to the balcony to be alone.

"This is so hard for him he's blaming himself for not being there in time to save her"

"Yes Dart and Shana were childhood friends until Dart moved away from seles with his father and mother for who knows how many years"

Silence filled the room until Albert spoke once again.

"So tell me, who is this evil dragoon?"

"He is the most feared evil dragoon that has ever been made, the dragoon of Ultimate Darkness known as the Devil's Eye my ancestors wrote a book about two special dragoons one of good and one of evil, the one who holds the Devils Eye shall be the destroyer of Soa. A man named Malice once held the Devil's Eye a hundred and ten years ago destroyed half of Soa, to destroy him one must combine all eight of the dragoons strength and power to destroy him, and that one is the ninth dragoon called the dragoon of Ultimate Light, known as The Guardian of Light and Soa, and that's who I am the Guardian of Light and Soa.

"For you see, your kingdom, your wife, and your son is in danger unless you put them some where safe until this is all over, this is a life and death situation for us dragoons, he'd already killed one"

"Who was it?"

"That girl that you sent with your wife and son was Meru's daughter, she is now the water dragoon, Meru died for trying to save her home and only child"

"Meru's daughter? Last time I saw her was two years ago, how could she have a daughter that is that old?"

"After the death of Malbu Frehema, there ancestor put up a new barrier from the outside world to make them age longer than the outside, for them a year, there is seven years"

"So she's fourteen? How strange yes I'll give word to my people to evacuate immediately, and send my wife and son to Fletz tomorrow to live with her father for a while if you'll excuse me" He asked as he excused himself to give out orders.

Remiya bowed her head as he left the room, she then turned to where Dart had gone to and started to walk towards the balcony.


She spotted him leaning against the balcony looking out into the city in silence. She walked up to him in complete silence until she spotted a few tears going down his cheeks.

"Oh Dart"

"Shana would be twenty right now if she was still alive we made a promise to each other that when she turns twenty we will get married in the next month, now that she's gone it wound happen because she is gone and never coming back never coming back" says Dart as he started to break down with tears.

Remiya watched him slide to the floor as he cried into his hands. She sat down next to him as she put her arms around him for comfort. Dart put his forehead on her collarbone and wraps his arms around her. Remiya shed a few tears as she thought of her family that had died, also felt sorry for Dart for losing his best friend and lover.

"This is all my fault Dart, I'm so sorry" thought Remiya as she held him tighter as more tears flowed from her eyes.

Leona was heading down from the nursery to check on Remiya and Dart. When she got to the chamber room it was empty. She was about to go look for them, but heard crying noises coming from the balcony. She looked silently at the balcony and saw Remiya and Dart crying emotionally in each others arms. Leona smiled sadly at them and backed away from her spot silently and back in the chamber room only to be bumped into King Albert.

"Oh, I'm sorry Leona, Leona, what's wrong, you're crying"

"Dart and Remiya are in an emotional state right now so just leave them alone for a while ok?" she asked tearfully.

Leona was about to walk away until Albert put his hands on her shoulders to stop and face him.

"Leona what is wrong that is making you so sad?" Albert asked in a brotherly tone.

More tears came down her face.

"I miss my mother I miss her holding me and whispering comforting words into my ear I just want to be held by her one last time" cried Leona as a river of tears came down her cheeks.

Albert pulled her into a comforting hug as she cried on his shoulder as he whispered comforting words into her ear. About fifteen minutes of her crying on his shoulder was starting to cease as she yawned. Albert smiled when he saw it and picked her up bridal style and started to carry her to one of the spare rooms. His wife saw this and smiled as she walked over to him and opened the door for him. He silently thanked her as he walked into the room as Emile waited at the doorway watching the scene.

Albert placed her on the bed and took her shoes off as he covered her with the blankets and smiled at her as he kissed her forehead and whispered 'good night' to her. Before he got to the doorway Leona called his name softly, he turned back and kneeled at the bed.

"What is it Leona?" he asked softly.

Leona smiled at him tiredly.

"I'll do anything to have a brother like you" she whispered to him.

He smiled and placed his gloved hand on her tear faced cheek and whispered to her softly like a brother would.

"I'll be honored to adopt you as my little sister Leona"

Leona smiled as her eyes started to close, before she went to sleep a joyful tear went down her face as Albert gently wiped it with his gloved thumb. He then got up and walked over to a tearful Emile.

"My dear, not you too" he whispered as he closed the door silently.

"I'm sorry Albert it's just so touching what did she say to you?"

Albert smiled at her as they started to walk toward their chambers

"Leona is my adoptive little sister now, from here on out she is part of this family from now on."

"I'm glad she is" she whispered as they entered their room.

(Hey everyone BG16 here, did you like number 2? hope you did, if you want to know the rest keep on readin and keep on reviewin lol bye!)