Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Black & White Heart ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 30 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 30: Feelings

Kane had always loved Basketball. From his window in his home he had a good view of the local playing court not to far away, and had taught himself the rules just by watching the older boys plays when he was little, although admittedly when he was older he was watching the boys for an entirely different reason. Still, it was his favourite game regardless, but whenever he tried to join in they'd push him away. He used to keep trying, but in the end there wasn't must point, it was better to walk by and watch rather than get laughed at for asking to play.


As Kane walked past that said Basketball court on his way home from dropping off the dress, he turned to hear a voice coming from the court,

And a basketball smacking straight into his face.

"Argh, sorry about that." Said one of boys running over to fence, "You alright?"

Kane picked himself up from the pavement with his hand to his forehead, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Cool, could you pass the ball back?"

Kane looked down to see the orange ball lying by the side of the road. He wanted to ask if he could join them but, he didn't feel like being laughed at today. Picking up the ball he began to walk away, chucking it over his shoulder without looking, flying over the fence,

And straight through the basket!


"Ergh, err, sorry, but it looks like you may have to walk from here, we're not too far away."

Yuki opened his eyes at the sound of the driver's voice running through the speaker system inside the coach. Somewhere along the journey he had fallen asleep, in fact Haru was still asleep, his head resting on Yuki's shoulder. Yuki looked out the window trying to see nearer the front of the coach outside. All he could see was a lot of cars, horns blowing as angry drivers tried to get through the heavy snow on the ground and the traffic caused by…is that a lamppost on the ground? Suddenly a siren was heard coming up behind them, as an ambulance speed past them using the pathway at the side to get through to the car that had skidded on the hidden ice and crashed straight into a lamp post, causing a massive traffic jam filling back right to the junction at the end of the road.

"Haru." Yuki nudged him gently.

"Mm, soft…" Haru mumbled in his sleep, as his arms suddenly wrapping around Yuki pushing him back against one of the seats.

"H-Haru-" Yuki stuttered, as he found himself lying with Haru right on top of him, still fast asleep hugging Yuki close.

"Mmm, hmhmhm," Haru giggled in his sleep, "Hug me…"

Yuki sighed in exasperation. He was about to push Haru up away from him, when Haru's expression suddenly changed to an almost evilly grinning one in his sleep, his hand suddenly running up underneath Yuki's shirt to his back, his Black side taking over his dream,

"Heheh, I bite hard--"


"Huh?" said a White Haru, waking up to find himself on a seat over the other side of the coach, lying upside down his head hanging off the edge of seat near the ground.

Yuki got up and walked over to him, knelt down at the still upside down Haru, eye to eye, and asked with lowered eyelids,

"What exactly were you dreaming about?"

Just then the side door opened and the driver popper his head round the corner, "Sorry, but it looks like we won't be moving for a while. If you want to walk, leave your luggage here and I'll drop it off as soon I can get out."

"Thank you." Said Yuki, half glaring across at Haru as he fell back off the chair onto the floor and stood back up again.

"I don't know," Haru said, thinking, turning back to Yuki, "Why?"

Yuki closed his eyes and sighed, a slight curve to his lips, "Never mind," and took his arm leading him out of the coach to the wintry air outside.


"I'm back!!" said Tohru, taking off her snow covered shoes by the door looking curiously at the bookcases cluttering up the hallway.

"Ahh, Tohru my dear, enjoy your weekend with your friends?" said Ayame, walking into the hallway.

"Ohh! Ayame!" Tohru said excitedly, "Oh if I'd known you were going to be here I would have come home earlier to get dinner started!"

"Tohru? Is that you?" came a voice from the living room, as a head poked round the corner.

"Kagura!!" Tohru once again exclaimed, happy to see all the Sohma's, but now getting into a fluster, "Oh, I'll go start dinner right awa-"

"Tohru Tohru it's alright!" chuckled Shigure walking out of his office, but it was too late.

Tohru had sped through to the kitchen, apron already tied around her waist and a saucepan in her hand. "Huh?" she said, finally acknowledging Shigure had said something.

"We weren't sure what time you'd be back," Shigure continued, standing in the doorway to the kitchen, "So we've already ordered takeout, don't worry yourself."

"Oh but, but-" she started, before she noticed something was missing, "Where's Yuki and Haru?"

"Oh they'll be back soon enough!" he said, but now a little more interested in something else, "So, what did you and your two friends get up too? Three young girl all alone you-"

"SHUT UP before you even START!!" screamed Kyo, as Shigure cowered away a little and laughed nervously.

"SHIGURE!!! What are you doing you haven't finished explaining you're your new idea about!!" said Mii, standing in the doorway to the lounge.

"Ooo, but I need to sort these bookcases out, you can come round tomorrow! I promise I'll be here!" Shigure pleaded.

"Oh no, no no no no no," she repeated, walking over and grabbing Shigure's arm, dragging him back to his office, "You tell me now while I've got you here!!"

"Ohh oo, farewell my friends," he said dramatically, as he was dragged back, his office door closing behind them as a faint "Be gentle, I'm fragile." voice was heard before a very loud, "SHIGURE!!"


Several times during the walk back home Haru had tried to hold Yuki's hand, but every time Yuki would move it away, looking around him nervously. He wondered why. They had held hands at the resort, held hands on the coach, why not now? He reached for his hand again, when he noticed Yuki look up to see a mother and a push chair waiting at a bus stop, and quickly moved his hand away again.

"Why won't you let me hold your hand?" Haru inquired.

Yuki glanced at him only for second, and then looked away awkwardly. Oh, I see Haru thought. Yuki was still shy to show any feelings towards him in front of others. Together alone he was alright, but with other people watching…well, this was going to have to change wasn't it?! After all, how could Haru survive without hugging his Yuki during the day?

Especially at school tomorrow.


Kyo sat up on the roof away from the clutter of everyone downstairs. It was getting a little too crowed for this cat, so had decided to wait up on the roof for Haru and Yuki to return. If Shigure wasn't going to tell him what those bookcases were for except that they were going in Haru's room, then he'd squeeze the answer out of Haru instead! It was his room, he had to know!

Speaking of which, coming out into the open snow covered grass in front of the house walked the zodiacs in question. Kyo did his very best to ignore Haru clinging to Yuki's arm, Yuki looking entirely too uncomfortable, and jumped down from the roof straight in front of them.

"What are the bookcases for?" he asked bluntly, crossing his arms not letting them in the house until he got an answer.

Haru stared at him for a moment, "What are you talking about?"

"The bookcases!! Don't pretend you don't know!! They're going in your room!! You don't have that many books!!"

Haru looked past Kyo to the bookcases in the hallway and shrugged, "I have no idea."

"Move out the way you stupid cat it's freezing out here!" said Yuki, trying to edge away from Haru.

Halfway through their walk Haru had given up trying to hold Yuki's hand and had instead grabbed his arm and clung to that so he couldn't shrug away. All the people they had walked past stared at them, Yuki melting with embarrassment every time someone's eyes met his. Deep down a part of him was thinking there wasn't anything to be ashamed about, if he loved Haru then holding hands wasn't much, but it was a little too soon after the whole confession thing, so right now there was a stronger part of him that was simply embarrassed to be showing any feelings at all!

"Shut up you damn rat I wasn't talking to y--!!"

The next few moments were a quick blur as Haru watched Kyo fly backwards, luckily though the already open door, but unfortunately straight into one of the bookcases. Yuki, Haru, Kagura, Ayame and Tohru all watched as the line up of bookcases played dominos, as Kyo crashed into the first one making that one topple towards the second, the sound of splitting wood as all five brand new bookcases crashed to the floor one after the other.

As the dust settled and silence filled the air, Yuki and Kyo glancing at each other, Shigure's voice once again making an appearance behind his office door,

"I take it Kyo's usual prey has return then?"

Opening the door, Shigure came to look upon the disaster that was now his front hallway, the bookcases not only splintered and broken on the floor, but having scrapped down the walls marking them as well. Shigure, a rather large sweat drop running down the side of his head, sighed,

"Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait until I can afford to buy some more for my books."

"Your books?" said Kyo.

Shigure grinned, "Oh yes, that new room that was being built, didn't I tell you? It's my new office!"

"WHAT?!" chorused Kyo and Yuki.

"Huh?" Haru said quietly, "But what about me?"

"Oh I never had any intention of that room being your's…"

Yuki's eye's widened. But, that was going to be Haru's room so he could stay here!

"…I've got too many books as it is and it was getting a little crowded in here…"

Was Shigure saying Haru couldn't stay anymore!? But, but, if he doesn't have that room…

"…Aya and I's plan to get you two together was right from the very start, so no need to look worried Yuki, Haru's staying with you!"

He can't move out he…! Yuki blinked, "Huh?"

This was like déjà vu. The very same expression and very same situation it had been when he had come home that afternoon to find Haru sitting there, Shigure saying he was staying with them and to share Yuki's room until his own was finished, apparently anyway. And it really was the same! Everyone turned to look at him just like they had before, but this time, there was one small difference.

Why the heck had Haru just made a dash for Yuki's bedroom!?!


Of course!! He remembered now!! As soon as Shigure had mentioned staying with Yuki, Haru had remembered where he had left his secret little item!! He had quickly shoved it under Yuki's pillow when he had been ill that night, just before Yuki had brought that pizza up. It would still be there, after all no one had any reason to go into his room while they were gone. As walked up to the bed and picked up the pillow, his face faltered in worry once again.

It wasn't there.

How can it not be there? No one's been in here.

"Lost something?"

Haru turned around to see Kyo leaning on the door frame, smirking rather all too suspiciously for his liking. Looking back at the pillow then back up over at Kyo, Haru frowned annoyed, knowing exactly who had it now.

"Where is it?"

"Hmph," Kyo sneered, "You're such a weirdo."

The annoyed frown quickly turned into a piercing glare.


As Ayame and Kagura chatted with Tohru about her weekend and theirs, Shigure and Yuki watched them from the hallway.

"I'm sorry about the bookcases." Yuki finally said into the uncomfortable silence between them.

Shigure smiled and sighed, "Oh don't worry about it, living in a house like this I always insure everything the second I buy it." he said, looking around at the mess on the floor. Another silence beheld them before Yuki spoke again.

"One of the maids asked me to give this back to you. I'm not even going to ask." Yuki continued, holding the camera out.

Shigure quickly snatched it out of Yuki's hand, hiding it under his kimono, "Ohhh, opps, did I leave that there?"

Another silence filled the air again before Yuki spoke once again.

"Umm…thank you…for letting Haru stay." He said awkwardly, but Shigure just smiled warmly at him, "And err… thank you for…for the weekend." He was looking away so Shigure couldn't see the redness in his cheeks at the memories. Shigure blinked surprised. Had Yuki just thanked him for that? Smiling once again, Shigure placed his hand on Yuki's shoulder.

"I think you should be thanking Aya Yuki. I may have organised it, but it was his idea."

Yuki looked back to Ayame sitting next to Tohru talking and laughing, as Kagura had started braiding part of his hair. Hmm, saying thank you to Ayame?

"Not a chance!" Yuki said firmly, "It'll only go to his head anyway."

Shigure still smiled, "I'll tell him then."

Yuki spun round to him, "Don't you dare!"

But it would seem Shigure wasn't listening, he was staring up the stairs with a thoughtful look, "Hmm, now my office is built and Haru's staying in your room, maybe we should put some sound damping around your room to keep the noise down for the rest of us."

"……………………….&# 8230;why?" Yuki glowered.

Shigure turned back to Yuki and grinning stupidly, "After all, two young boys such as yourselves, you'd need a bit of pri-"


"-vacy too…" Shigure stopped and blinked, "Duck?...." he asked Yuki, before looking back up the stairs, "...ARGH!"



Kyo, having been practically thrown down the stairs straight onto Shigure, was now being hovered over by a Black Haru glaring dangerously down at the cat.

"Why?! Embarrassed?" Kyo snickered, getting up from the floor and landing a well aimed punch at Haru's stomach, which was quickly counteracted with a kick to Kyo's stomach.

"Yes, definitely need to get some more furniture, a new bed for you and Haru of course, who knows what kind of antics you tw…"

"I take it back!! I'm not thanking you!! Not for anything!!!" Yuki shouted, Shigure continuing on his plans thinking of all the 'noises' that could interrupt the 'peacefulness' of his house, as Kyo and Haru continued to battle to the death, destroying even more of what was left of the bookcases….and the walls….and any ornaments…


"What was that all about?" asked Yuki, walking into the bedroom and sitting down next to Haru after dinner. Dinner which had consisted of tearing Haru and Kyo apart for the evening, wondering what on earth Haru was talking about every time he ordered Kyo to, "Give it back!!"

"Nothing." Had been Haru's reply whenever someone had asked him, even Yuki now.

But before Yuki had a chance to question it further, he was suddenly pulled on Haru's lap, his hand brushing a bang of Yuki's hair out the way before kissing him softly. He couldn't care less if Kyo kept that item, as long as no one else saw it, he could do what he liked with it. He had the real thing now, there was no need for that anymore, although it was kind of annoying it had gone. Maybe he'd get it back from Kyo later so he could keep it as a remembrance, but right now, Yuki was his.


Yuki pulled away from Haru so fast he nearly fell off his lap when Kyo walked past their still open door way, a look of utter shock and disgust on his face at seeing them kissing, while Yuki's face simply flushed the brightest red it had ever been. As Kyo ran off down the hallway to barricade himself in his room, trying every possible way of removing that image from his mind, Haru simple cuddled the still blushing Yuki on his lap.

He had no problem with other people knowing how he felt about Yuki, besides, even if Yuki wasn't ready to show feelings in front of others, the way he blushed with embarrassment was just too cute!!

To Be Continued…