Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ It's Our Secret ❯ Timid Lioness ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shot Five: Timid Lioness
A/N: Hey there everyone! It took me a while to get this one-shot up because I've been so busy, but, I hope you like it anyway. Now, on to the story. : D
The bell, which signaled the start of school, rang and the children began to take their seats. It had been three years now, since she started to come back to school, yet, while the others didn't ignore her as much-anymore…she didn't have any true friends either. But the bell had signaled a new school year, and thus, a new chance for her to form some kind of friendship.
Kisa fingered the charm that Tohru had given her for good luck; since Kisa had made mention of her still persistent problem. Tohru was her first friend that wasn't, officially, family, though, that changed only a month or so ago when she and Kyo got married. The young girl couldn't be happier for the couple because it was Tohru who had been the first person to say, “I love you.” It was because of Tohru that she was here now, in her 3rd year of Junior High.
Slowly the day started to creep by as teacher upon teacher entered the classroom and told them the same thing over and over again. They talked of the rules of the classroom, what they would cover, and etc. The monotonous flow of the day could have put Kisa to sleep, that is, if only she could sleep in class. Yet, no matter how many times that thought came to her she never could; sleep and school just never mixed for her. So, she relaxed into her seat that lain, almost forgotten, in one of the corners in the back of the room.
Finally, break came and Kisa let out a sigh of relief. Though, the realization that the day still wasn't over was fully recognized and acknowledged. Why couldn't the day just end? Of course, right after she thought that she glanced upon a small group of kids, all of whom, seemed to have surrounded someone. Gingerly she got up from her seat and made her way over; she had a pretty good idea of the situation she was about to come upon.
Kisa could hear the taunts from the bullies. They were the same sort of taunts that she had received in her 1st year of Junior High. They sneers of how ugly and unnatural the non-black or brown hair was, the disgusted tone used to talk of eyes that held color instead of the natural bland color most Japanese had. Yes, she knew it all too well, and Kisa could only close her eyes. She took a deep breath as she forced the unshed tears, which pressed against her shut eyelids, away. She had to be brave. Her hand reached for the charm; she had connected it to a chain, and kept it safe around her neck. Her fingers brushed over the charm…
She had to be strong.
Eyes now opened, Kisa marched over to the group, and she tried her hardest to make her voice loud enough for all of them to hear, “Stop! Stop it! Can't you see that you are hurting her feelings? This girl has no control over her hair and eye color. It not her fault! So, don't berate her for something she had nothing to do with!” There, she had spoken as loud and as clearly as she possibly could, and they had heard her.
Cruel eyes landed on her and Kisa could feel the fear that lurked inside of her. Thus, her fingers clutched desperately onto the small charm. The charm that probably had no real powers over luck; yet, if she believed it did, then it would. Kisa always assumed that things worked that way. And, with that muse in mind, Kisa took a cautious step forward; eyes alit with an unspoken determination. She would not back down, not yet, not now.
Because of her words, they turned on her; voices echoed the same threats and harsh words only to a different target. Kisa just continued to walk forward, with each step she grew more confident and certain, and instead of witty come backs, she stayed silent. She ignored them. Kisa knew that they only said such mean words because they yearned for that attention and reaction that came by such spoken thoughts.
Kisa would never give them what they wanted.
By then she stood in front of the new girl and, if her memory served her correctly, the girl had just came her from Germany. Her parents had to move here because of a job offer, thus, she must have understood the language very little. That just made Kisa angrier. How could they discriminate against someone who wasn't even from this country and who could probably only speak and understand a limited amount of the language? To her, it just seemed inhumane.
Now that she stood in front of the girl, who looked up at her with pale blue eyes and a few strands of her blonde hair that slipped across her checks, Kisa spoke, “Hi there, what's your name?”
“Hello, my name is Adelina.” Her voice was softer than Kisa and her eyes were downcast as each letter was formed on her lips.
“It is a pleasure to-” Kisa was unable to finish her sentence as a hand roughly grabbed her shoulder and twisted her around. All Kisa could do was let out a gasp as both her arms were pulled and held behind her back. This move made it so Kisa was not capable enough to protect the precious charm. With one swift movement the classmate had ripped the charm right off of the chain and crumbled it in their hands. The teenager let out a short laugh and tossed the crushed charm into the trash as they walked away, the group of instigators and spectators dispersed.
Brown eyes began to water as Kisa kept her orbs, which glistened due to the tears, trained upon the trash bin. How could they? How could people be so mean? At that moment, Kisa wanted to give up, she wanted to forget the promise she made to herself about how she would try to be strong and make friends. She wanted to erase it-tear it to pieces. Until, a quiet voice rang in her ears, “I'm sorry.”
Confusion took over Kisa features as she glanced behind her at the foreign girl, “Huh, what for?”
“You didn't have to do what you did for me. Your charm got broken because of me.” She didn't seem to talk much, more like the type that went right to the point.
“It's okay; really, I don't need some charm to give me good luck or strength anyway.” She smiled. It was true; she didn't need any charm to give her those attributes. “As I was saying before; it's a pleasure to meet you, Adelina, my name is Kisa.”
Adelina let a childish smile grace her features, “It's nice to meet you, too, Kisa.”
“So, your name, it sounds kinda like German, but…” Kisa admitted to herself that she wasn't fluent in German, but she had heard enough random spouts of German from Momiji to understand how German sounded. Adelina just wasn't completely like other German words or names she had heard.
Adelina let out a quick giggle, “That's because my name is from Old German, so it sounds slightly different, it means `noble'.”
Noble. Kisa liked the sound of that name. She giggled and smiled back. It was then that she realized just how well Adelina spoke Japanese, “Hey, how is it that you speak Japanese so well?”
“Oh, you see, I've always liked the sound of the Japanese language and decided to learn it a while ago.” The answer was simple and obvious enough.
“Oh…” Kisa wasn't quite sure what else to say, yet, by the end of the break both girls had started to chat. The bell rang to signal the end of break and school resumed, though, it didn't seem to bore Kisa as much as before.
Finally, the bell rang to signify the end of school and the students began to file out, Kisa rushed up to Adelina. For, she wished to walk home with her or, at least, walk as far as she could with her. And so, the two girls began to chat again as they made their way home.
A new day began and as Kisa walked over to her desk she saw a charm bracelet on it. As she picked it up and examined it, the two small charms on it sparkled in the sunlight. Her eyes scanned the classroom until she spotted Adelina, who raised her hand in a wave, an identical bracelet on her wrist and a grin on her face. Kisa grinned back.
No longer would she be a timid lioness, for, from now on she was a lioness ready to pounce.
A/N: Well, that's the end of this one-shot. I'm very happy with how it came out and I already have the next one-shot in mind. Please tell me what you think of it and thanks to anyone who has read and/or reviewed. Please, take care. : ) Ja ne!