Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Seasons of Sorrow ❯ Embers of Summer's Glory = Evening at a Gala ( Chapter 43 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Takaya-sensei's characters from Furuba are the core of this fanfiction, but the storyline is my own along with the sometimes peculiar OCs. Enjoy!
Embers of Summer's Glory
Chapter 43: Evening at a Gala
Special Note: Okay, I did mean for this to be released sooner, however, I didn't want to extend this event beyond this chapter. So, here it is, a very nice and LONG chappie release. Why not split it? First, many of my readers don't read the first part of the two-part release…I know, I've seen the stats under my profile that reveal this…bummer. Secondly, FFnet is really being a picky system as of late…one chapter upload goes through semi-okay, but try more than one, and you're in for a struggle. Whew…enough said…read on!
“Hold it right there.”
“My, the family really is showcasing this exhibit!”
“Of course, these are rare antiquities…many from their private collection.”
“I love the decorations! It all lends an air of aristocracy from the Heian period.”
“A little of every period in the Japanese history I think.”
“The family is very private. I'm very surprised they are showcasing this exhibit.”
“Well, it's perfect timing if you ask me. They will be having that performing arts center done later this year. I had heard that it would house some of the pieces here being showcased.”
“Who would have thought this family carries such old relics?”
“The family is very old indeed. Have you seen the granite statues in their private gardens? I was very fortunate to have seen one of them when I accompanied a close friend of the family's. That statue was magnificent!”
“The gardens are wonderful! Dear me, I hope they have something of the sort around the building they're putting together.”
“Another picture, please!”
The ongoing conversations swam through the crowds, many admiring the pieces in their glass casings or those that were hung on the walls around them. It was an exhibition of grand proportion that many across the land and even overseas were quite eager to view. People from high society to those from the archaeological spectrum were carefully and diligently taking note of the many rarely seen collection pieces this family was seemingly blessed with. It was certainly worthy of this opening gala prior to the public viewing to commence tomorrow.
Yet for all its grandeur and excitement, one amongst the well-dressed crowd was far from enthused with the event. In all truth, it was just too loud for his tastes, despite that much of the clamoring came from people that would like nothing more than to be in his company. To that end, he stood far and away from the noisy guests, preferring to stay in a secluded section of the large exhibit. Leaning against a wall, he stood staring listlessly at the tapestry before him, wondering how much longer he must stay…alone. His companion for the evening seemed to be persistently finding excuses to go to the ladies' room. All in all, the evening left much to be admired.
`I hardly know anyone here except for Shihan and Kunimitsu. I think I saw Yamagi-san and his wife Keiko-san… (Sigh) I hope Kagura comes out soon. I'm beginning to believe that Tetsuya-san isn't going to buy another excuse from her to go to the bathroom.'
“Remarkable piece, eh?”
Startled at the comment, Yuki refocused his gaze to the shorter, elderly man before him. Smiling politely, he bowed respectfully to the gentleman. “Please accept my apologies. I did not mean to ignore you.”
The elderly man merely waved off the comment. “None of that, young man. I was the one intruding on your apparent solitude. Don't blame you none…these gatherings can get so loud, so much like the New Year's parties we give at the Main Estate.”
“Oh, are you from the Sohma family as well?” asked Yuki curiously, mentally trying to tie down a memory with the gentleman's face on it. Unfortunately, his limited contact with the extended family left him at a disadvantage.
“Heh, just one of many old men,” chuckled lowly the elder Sohma. Taking short strides with his cane leading the way, he stood next to Yuki and stared at the tapestry on the opposite wall that had Yuki's scant interest. “This piece is always underappreciated whenever it's shown at these exhibits.”
“Oh, really?” Deciding to show more respect for the effort put in to show off all the pieces, Yuki inspected the large wall hanging. It depicted an old Japanese countryside that could have been one of the many Sohma properties they owned. “It's…very detailed. It's almost realistic in its simplicity of quiet rural living. Very calming…”
“Hah, that's right. It always brings back memories of how much of this area was once like this. Young folk nowadays don't appreciate good rural living.” Eyeing Yuki carefully, he carefully asked, “Do you like the hustle and bustle of the city?”
“Oh no…definitely peace and quiet for me,” quickly remarked the younger Sohma with a grin. “I…I live with Shigure, my cousin, in a remote part of town. Are you familiar with him?”
“Oh ho, the novelist of the family? Of course…one of my favorite authors.” Failing to see the falter in Yuki's grin at hearing that, the elder Sohma moved to another piece in a casing next to Yuki. “This here is probably older than this city.”
“Really? It certainly looks old. How do they preserve the folding fan so well?” asked Yuki while gazing at the old instrument one kept cool with in the hot summer months. `It's actually rather pretty. A nice mountainside…like the one at Ritsu's parent's hot springs inn.'
He patted Yuki lightly on the back with a smile that reached his eyes. “Heh, that takes a little more explaining. Have you had a chance to see the other art pieces? I guess I should say that they're more like weapons of yesteryear…”
“I'm sorry, I've not been actively looking at all the pieces…” replied Yuki lamely, ashamed that he couldn't at least appear interested in the exhibit when so many others were fawning over it. With resolve, he gazed steadily at the elder Sohma. “I will pay more attention to them as I come across them.”
“Well then, if that's the case…” He stuck his hand into his elegant yukata and pulled a small green badge. Placing the item in Yuki's hand, he replied, “This will get you into the more restricted areas of the exhibit with no problem. Feel free to do so later on or some other day, okay?”
`He must be helping with the exhibition if he has one of these.' Yuki smiled brightly at the elder man, grateful for the kind gesture. Bowing in acceptance, he asked, “I'm thankful, Sohma… Eh…I'm sorry, I never did get your name, sir.”
“Yun-chan! There you are! I've been looking all over for you. I've had to resort to taking to the walls like some kind of spider—” Stopping in mid-sentence, Kagura looked to the elder gentlemen in slight shock until embarrassment set in. She bowed in apology and quietly replied, “Sumimasen for interrupting you both.”
“We're just done here, Kagura. Say hello to your mother for me. I hope to see you another time…Yuki-sama.” Walking off with a grin, the senior Sohma left the two younger Sohma behind, leaving one to stare at his retreating back bewilderly.
“Yun-chan, what are you doing back here?” asked Kagura curiously as she took up her position next to her escort.
“Staying sane for your sake,” primly replied the youth as he took Kagura's arm into his own. “You know the Sohma that just left?”
“Hmm, well you could say he knows more about me that I know about him…heh.” Taking a deep breath, she took slow steps with Yuki in tow, carefully meandering her way through the crowd. She was about to explain further when she heard the melodious sound of her main worry.
“Of all the people you speak to, from the most prestigious of names to well-known scientists, you speak to a child. I don't mean to question you, Master Haji—”
“And yet you do.”
“Master Haji…please. I only mean for others that have greater importance to have a chance to speak with you if only for a brief conversation—”
“Heh, you are blind, aren't you, Seto-kun?”
“Master Haji, I'm a grown man with my own children, and I don't understa—”
“Where's your boy, by the way? I know your youngest is stayin' home with the mother, but Tetsuya-kun is supposed to be doing the PR thing. I hope he is `cause I'm ready to head back to the estate. At my old age, these things can get dull…”
“Haji-ojiisan, you're not old. And if things are `dull', I can assure you Kyo's presence will liven things up if only for you.”
“Kazu-kun, always a pleasure to see my grandson!” The elder Sohma quickly patted the shoulder of the martial arts teacher and grinned broadly. “So, the fiery boy is showing up after all? This I have to see.”
Grinning in return and not minding one bit the nickname given to him since childhood, Kazuma bowed respectfully and replied, “You and me both. Do promise me you'll…behave.” Turning to the other gentlemen, his grin faltered as he serenely remarked, “Seto…it has been a while.”
If anyone were to stop their chatter and stare at the two, they would have only seen the usual formality between two members of the family. However, to the knowing eyes of a few Sohma members, the tension between the two Sohma men could be felt in the air and seen in their locked gazes. It was to be expected since Sohma Seto was very much against the high position the Jyuunishi held in the family, and in particular, the continued release of the `monster'.
Master Haji was one of those few. Sighing heavily, he gave his two younger relatives a hard stare that was befitting of one of his stature. “You two, we are at a public exhibition. Don't add to it with your foolishness…Seto-kun.”
“Quick to take his side, Master Haji?” quipped Seto irately while looking back at the elder Sohma with a glare that wasn't quite to par with the one he was receiving. Relenting reluctantly, he quickly went back to the previous topic. “Master Haji, for the sake of showing respect to our other guests, please refrain from speaking to insignificant children—”
“My child is not insignificant,” quickly interjected Kazuma with a stare that dared Seto to defy him on the matter. He knew all too well of Seto's regard of Kyo. Master Haji once again stepped in.
“Fear not, Seto-kun, I will pay my respects to our guests at my own pace.” Taking a step closer to the taller man, Master Haji held a gleam to his eye as he continued with his next remarks. “No child is insignificant, Seto-kun. Least of all that child I was speaking to.”
“A boy that dyes his hair a sick gray and looks to be hiding out in a corner is cause for alarm, Master Haji, not a call for praise,” retorted Seto with renewed vigor.
“A boy…gray hair…?” Kazuma held back his laugh and covered his mouth to hide the large grin, although his eyes told all. “You really don't know who—”
“I won't stand here a moment more. I've said what needed to be said.” Walking away in a huff, Sohma Seto went off to mingle with the large crowd, taking careful aim to hide his inner war with his rage.
“Well, that went well, eh, Kazu-kun? Heh, the evening is already starting to liven up,” commented Master Haji as he slowly but steadily made his way to an empty couch that was set before a large wall-sized fan.
Sighing with an air of hopelessness, Kazuma sat next to his elder grandfather, taking note of the large piece before him. “He really doesn't know Yuki, does he?”
“Hehe, would you if you were in his shoes?” Leaning onto his cane, Master Haji looked to Kazuma with a sly smile in place. “Akito-san did a wonderful job of secluding the boy from all eyes for most of his life. I'm surprised actually…hiding anything from this family is a miracle!”
“Still, it was quite obvious to see the Jyuunishi for what they are, especially if you know about them…” pointed out Kazuma. Shaking his head in mild disbelief, he smiled wryly. “Perhaps Seto is losing touch with private family matters…”
“Boy, you are on a roll! The day Seto loses touch with `private family matters' is the day I grow my hair back!” Master Haji patted Kazuma's shoulder as he laughed heartily at his own joke. With his laughter subsiding, he sighed tiredly and went on, “Don't mind him much today, Kazu-kun. He's got much on his mind lately…”
Letting the age-old topic close, Kazuma looked around and caught a glance of the Jyuunishi that held Seto's attention so unusually. “Yuki does attract all sorts of attention, ne? Are you certain that it's wise to engage in conversation with him, Haji-ojiisan? Akito-san would no doubt have an opinion of who in the family is allowed to associate with him.”
“Hehe, you are still the worrier, eh, Kazu-kun? Don't fret…Akito-san will pay me no mind. It'd be a first if the Head of the family looked over my way.” Looking in the direction where Kazuma has his gaze set, he commented softly, “He's everything and beyond what the Nezumi of the Jyuunishi should be, and yet, nothing at all of what I had imagined him to be. Is that how your first impression went with the boy?”
Kazuma looked to his grandfather, willing the old memory of his first meeting with the younger Jyuunishi years ago to come forth. With a smile, he asked, “You felt it, too, then? I had thought it overwhelming at the time. I have thought that any Sohma would feel…that. The…connection…”
“That's one way to put it. Not all Sohmas would like the notion when they meet up with the boy. It's no wonder Akito-san kept the boy out of reach all those years earlier…if only to keep the `unsavory' members of our family away.” Standing up, Master Haji took steps towards the direction of the doorway, another member of the Jyuunishi having caught his gaze, and he so wished to speak with him.
“Haji-ojiisan, may I ask why do many feel this…pull…towards this one Jyuunishi?” asked Kazuma carefully, having wanted to ask this of another Sohma from the `inner circle' for quite some time. If nothing else, it would help him in his understanding of the long-standing feud between the Rat and Cat. “In the end, he's just like any of the others…”
“No, that he is not. Heh, he's not even like previous Nezumi's…and I should know!” Drawing to his full height, Master Haji barely grazed the shoulders of Kazuma. Yet despite his small stature, he could make his presence known in any room of shape and size. Added to this, his low voice could reach across the large room, but in this case, it was set to only reach Kazuma's ears. “The Nezumi of the Jyuunishi is `God's' favorite…always. It's true now as it has been for centuries; more so now because for the first time in many generations of the Jyuunishi, `God' and Nezumi are together once again, making the little boy so very `special'. So don't feel guilty, Kazu-kun…”
Baffled at the last remark, Kazuma spoke, “I don't understand…”
“The more time you spend in his company, the more you…want… I think that best sums it up. It's to be expected…either you want to be in his presence more often or you develop an anathema to the poor kid. Very few stand in middle-ground. Hell, it's pretty true what's been said of the Nezumi…it's a blessing and a curse.” Walking steadily away, Master Haji called out, “Don't be hard on yourself. You're no less devoted to your boy than before…nothing can change that. And he should know better by now than to doubt that. Be at ease around the young Rat; you'll only make him unsure of himself around you if you're jittery.”
With a wave, the elder Sohma went on his way, leaving Kazuma behind with a relieved heart. It was always the same between the two…
`I'd be too worried for my own good, and he'd somehow know just what to say to make it all so clear.' Kazuma had thought his unvoiced concerns would go unnoticed, but he always did underestimate his grandfather's innate ability to perceive the worries on his mind. `It's so like him…to go to the root of my concerns. And laying it all out so simply…'
“I just hope it is that simple. Reality can make it all seem so much more…complicated…”
“They even hung tapestries up above us, Kyo-kun!” called out Tohru excitedly while her gaze took in all the other elaborate decorations. “I'm so happy I remembered to take my camera. Would you like for me to take another picture of you, Kyo-kun?”
“If you want…don't use too much on me though. Try getting some shots of yourself in, too.” Standing next to a statue of a warrior from ages past, Kyo looked to the camera lens and smiled softly at the person behind the lens. “I wonder where Shishou is…he said he'd be here.”
“He's here for sure. We're kind of late. I'm so sorry for taking so long, Kyo-kun,” apologized the young lady yet again since having arrived at the gala. Having entered through the main entrance after their invitation was verified was such a hassle since they didn't arrive at the appropriate time. She felt horrible for having violated decorum and not arriving at the time that everyone else had.
“Quit that. It's fine with me, and that's all that matters.” Seeing the flash, he went to stand next to her and link her arm through his. It always gave him a thrill to be able to do that. `It's like how it should always be…like I hope for it to always be…'
“Yes…thank you. Ano, will…ah…the tournament be held in this building, Kyo-kun? You said something about it before,” she mentioned as her way discreet way of changing the subject.
“Hm, yeah. This half of the building is more like a conference center…six stories of it. Just look way ahead of you…the second floor juts out from the rest with a balcony overlooking this main floor, but all the other floors are plain glass-windowed floors that have a clear view below. The arena just on the other side will hold the three day tournament.” Dodging a wayward female who was purposely trying to gain his attention (which he adamantly ignored), he carefully led them through the groups of people. “Damn, there are too many people here… Where the hell is Shishou, Tetsuya…hell, anyone?!”
“You know of Tetsuya-san, Kyo-kun?” she asked amazedly.
“Yeah…” Eyeing her warily, he asked her in turn, “How do you know of him?”
“Oh, I don't know much about him except that he occasionally stops by Sohma-san's office when his father is visiting. He…keeps to himself.” She really couldn't think of another way to word her thoughts on this family member. Perhaps her escort would know more… “What is he like, Kyo-kun?”
“He's cool…kinda quiet but mainly because he's a serious guy. His dad has him wound so tight sometimes. It's why he takes classes with Shishou…it relieves the stress. But what he's really into is jaido…or is it kendo…maybe iaido? I forget…they're all kinda the same…” Finding a nice secluded spot before an old wall hanging, he led her there in relief. “Finally. Let's stick to this spot for a minute. We'll then hunt Shishou down…he should be around…”
“Someday you need to stop referring to your father like some stranger, Kyo.”
`What the bloody hell…of all the people I had to run into…!' Kyo slowly turned to the man behind him and looked down to see his suspicions confirmed. “Look, Oyaji…”
“Oh ho, a lady friend! Who knew that our little ruffian could actually manage to find a fine lady to put up with his temper?” Clearly ignoring Kyo's pointed glares aimed to silence him, the elderly man took Tohru's hand into his own and blessed it with a kiss. “My dear, you may call me…yours.”
“EH?!!!” cried out Tohru in shock.
“DAMN HENTAI!” Soundly smacking the back of the poor man's head, Kyo took a dazed Tohru to the side in a huff. “Old man, you just don't ever change, ya old pervert…”
“That's Master Pervert to you, you WHELP!” The elderly man quickly returned the favor.
Kyo clutched his injured shin tenderly while grating his teeth in pain. The cane the man had was definitely made of tough wood…oak perhaps. “DAMMIT!!! SON OF A—”
“KYO!” Calling out his name sternly, Kazuma hoped he could mediate the quickly escalating tempers at this `reunion' between his grandfather and his son. “Now…let's calmly talk this out before the whole assembly hears us… Haji-ojiisan, you did promise me…”
“He sure did started it!” quickly jumped in Kyo while still nursing his bruised leg. Looking to Tohru who still stood in shock and gaping at them all, he griped, “Look, see! He's being all weird, and now Tohru's—”
“Ah, this is the famous Honda Tohru. (`Stop ignoring me!', cried out Kyo.) I've heard much about you, my dear,” interjected Master Haji with a gleam to his eyes as he took her hand yet again, much to her blushing embarrassment. “Now don't be shy, I'm merely giving my greetings, nothing more. You do look lovely tonight, doesn't she, Kazu-kun?”
“Look, Oyaji…” Kyo gritted through his teeth irately, his patience quickly becoming a distant memory to no one's surprise.
`Kazu-kun? Oyaji…?' She finally snapped out of her daze when she heard that diminutive in Kazuma's name and Kyo's reference to the elder man. She smiled brightly to this man, noting that there was a definite glint in his small eyes that reminded her of Kyo. “Are all of you related?”
“Allow me the introductions.” Setting his hand on Kyo's shoulder as his way of calming him down, Kazuma clarified their relationship with one another. “Haji-ojiisan is my grandfather's youngest sibling. So in a way, he's also my grandfather as well as Kyo's. He's better known as Master Haji, the one behind everything in arranging this whole exhibition.”
“And a shameless pervert with the girls…” grumbled Kyo lowly.
“RECKLESS PUNK! Speak out of turn again, and I'll leave you black and blue all over with this cane!” threatened the smaller Sohma to the taller one.
“It's the truth, OLD MAN!” shot back Kyo heatedly as he rubbed his other shin.
“I admire beauty! Get your facts straight!” argued Master Haji vindictively.
Kyo gawked in absolute disbelief. “I can't BELIEVE you're actually defending your groping of girls' backsides—”
“DAMMIT, QUIT THAT!!!” screeched in pain Kyo while rubbing his previously bruised shin.
“You're much too young to be speaking of such things before young ladies' ears!” Turning to Tohru, Master Haji laid his hand on her shoulder as if in consolation. “Please forgive my grandson's mouth…he knows no better. So…what are your plans for later this evening?”
“Shameless HENTAI!!!” raged Kyo as he was about to throttle the neck of this Sohma, grandfather or no.
“Please, please…'shameless lover of all that's beautiful'. That's closer to the truth…” quipped Master Haji happily as he started to escort Tohru in the other direction.
“Ano…Master Haji…” nervously remarked Tohru.
“Ano…Kyo-kun…” she continued anxiously.
“Shishou-san...shouldn't you…ano…” she trailed off in her comments as she helplessly looked on between the bickering relatives.
“Oh, don't fret, Tohru-kun. This is actually their private way of saying hello to one another. Believe it or not, they are each other's best supporters.” Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Kazuma further explained. “Haji-ojiisan cares for Kyo as much as I do, as you may well know why. He just likes to rile him when the opportunity arises. It's been quite some time since they last saw each other…Haji-ojiisan lives up north in a more remote rural area.”
“It's just that…Kyo-kun never mentioned it before…” commented Tohru quietly, trying to recall any memory of Kyo talking about his family. It was in vain, as she knew well, since the older Jyuunishi in general were very tight-lipped about their immediate families. And of course she wouldn't pry…
“Heh, it's not surprising. Kyo chooses not to speak of those important to him.” He eyed her carefully as he voiced this particular line of thought, hoping that somehow she will understand this, if not now, then later on. `She is among the very few selected…' Smiling softly, he went on, “My overprotective son always tends to keep his loved ones in the dark…to him it's his way of protecting them. Silly, ne?”
She turned to Kazuma with a surprised look, clearly mulling over what was just said. It really did make perfect sense since Kyo often took the option to not voice his concerns with her although it may involve her or someone close to him. She grew more concerned when he did that, yet, was it truly silly? Honestly…
“I understand his reasoning. I'm not fond of it myself, but…I sometimes do the same. You would do anything for your loved ones to spare them of anything hurtful. No matter how silly it may seem…” Returning the gentle smile, she shrugged her shoulders feebly. “I suppose I'm silly, too, then.”
He closed his eyes to her, recalling his own dealings with this very same issue. How often did he keep his silence just to keep the peace with his son and the family? Even now, with very serious matters at hand within the family, he never once voiced them to his son, no matter if it involved him directly. And he would not regret any decisions he makes concerning the welfare of his son. Even if it did mean keeping his son in ignorance…
“I'm afraid we're all guilty of being silly like that, Tohru-kun…all of us.” Taking his solemn gaze over to his bickering family, he sighed heavily. “And speaking of being silly…”
“Gentlemen…” stressed Kazuma as he `kindly' took them both by the arm. “Let us postpone this reunion for another day, shall we?”
“I'm the adult here, Kazu-kun…tell the `mold-breaker' to apologize and all will be forgiven,” remarked Master Haji glibly as he turned his head away with an air of superiority.
“Hell, you can croak, and you still won't get your apology, BAKA HENTAI!” retorted Kyo crossly while looking the other way in defiance.
“They must truly…care for one another…a lot,” murmured Tohru quietly from behind Kazuma.
“A little too much,” grumbled Kazuma in agreement. `I'm in need of assistance with this one…where's Kunimitsu when I need him?'
“When will you learn to control your tongue in public, baka neko?”
`Eh, not exactly what I had in mind, but this will work…' Smiling brightly, Kazuma turned to the slim youth who towered over Kyo's dazed form on the floor, compliments of the quick sweep of the legs that landed the poor red-head on his back. “Yuki…still quick on the reflexes I see. I didn't even catch you making the move until you did it.”
“Please forgive my idiot relative who has no sense of propriety, Sir,” apologized Yuki with a low bow to the elderly Sohma. “It's better to ignore his presence when he gets this way…”
“Yuki does know him best,” added Kazuma as he knelt next to Kyo, lightly smacking reality back into him with Tohru fanning the youth with a flyer given to her at the door.
“My, my, Yuki-sama, you do bring down the wild boy with style,” stated Master Haji gleefully while poking the still dazed boy with his cane.
“Ano…Yuki-kun…is Kyo-kun going to be okay? He was…I mean to say he is my…kind of like a…I'm doing him a favor…” babbled Tohru endlessly as Yuki finally took notice of the audience around him.
“Tohru-san! What are you talking about? What are you doing here?” asked Yuki incredulously. He then took in her appearance, her very elegant appearance. Smiling softly, he replied, “You look wonderful this evening, Tohru-san. I didn't know you were coming to this gala.”
She bashfully wrapped her pink shawl more securely around her shoulders, her face reddening slightly upon hearing his compliment. “Kyo-kun only just asked me late last night. I was hoping to tell you this morning, but you had gone early today to have your checkup with Hatori-san. Did that go okay?”
Her last remarks barely registered. Really, his mind was barely catching up with him on the details he overlooked when he charged over here upon seeing Kyo haggling with the elderly gentlemen he had spoken with earlier. For one thing, she was here. Secondly, Kyo was with her. They're both here. They were on what looked like on all accounts to be a date. Simply put…
`They're together.' A hollow feeling came over him then, starting from his chest then spreading to the very tips of his ears. However hollow this feeling was, it felt terribly heavy enough that he couldn't breathe freely as before, his throat constricting painfully. Quite aware of his public setting, he schooled his facial expression to never once falter, always a serene appearance gracing his face.
“Yes, everything is fine. It was just my monthly checkup,” responded Yuki to her question.
“I'm relieved!” Turning her attention back to her companion for the evening, she saw to her delight that he was finally coming around. “Kyo-kun, can you hear me?”
“Mmm—dammit…” groaned Kyo while rubbing the lump on the back of his head.
“Kyo, I'm amazed you hardly get a concussion, what with all the falls you receive,” commented Kazuma lightheartedly while easing his son back into a seating position.
“It's that head of his…hard as brick,” put in Master Haji from behind.
All turned their attention to a panting lady who had another gentleman just behind her. Tohru stood quickly and happily called out, “Kagura-san! What a pleasant surprise to see you!”
“Tohru-kun! You look great…oh my goodness! The black lace overlay on the satin fabric is just the right touch for that A-line dress…just at the knee, too! Love your shoes, too!” prattled on Kagura as she gleefully took note of Tohru's elegant attire. It was all she could do to hold in further compliments…it was after all her forte to choose the very best outfits. Finally noting that Kyo was on the floor in a slight daze, she immediately brightened further. “Kyo-kun! I had wondered why Yun-chan ran off like he did. That's your graduation gift you're wearing, ne? It looks wonderful on you! I always knew you would look very becoming in a suit.”
“Oh, but Kagura-san, you look wonderful, too!” Eyeing Kagura's attire, Tohru could see it was of course of the highest quality, nothing less for a Sohma. Her dress held the soft flowing features of a floor-length ballgown in a creamy peach color that Tohru was so fond of. It was then that she noticed that her Sohma friend had let her hair grow past her shoulder blades, the chocolate tresses cascading freely behind her. “You look like a beautiful princess!”
“Heh, not really. But thank you anyway,” replied Kagura bashfully.
“Kagura! What are you doin' here? No…wait…” Focusing better on his surroundings, Kyo took in finally as to what happened and how he managed to be on the floor. He quickly stood up, however that proved futile since he landed right back on his butt. Groaning as his vision swam momentarily, he growled irately, “Dammit Nezumi, what the hell did ya do to me? And why in the HELL are YOU here?!”
`Nezumi? Why do they always call each other by those peculiar pet names? Strange…' Passing the errant thought to the back of his mind, Tetsuya asked abruptly, “Kyo, what are you doing on the floor?” Gazing at the others present, he politely greeted them all with a bow. “Shihan, Master Haji, Honda-san…good evening.”
Tohru immediately returned the gesture. “Good evening, Tetsuya-san. I hope your evening has gone well.”
Glancing briefly at Kagura then Yuki, he courteously replied, “Yes…in a way. I see you are well acquainted with other members of my family. I was not aware of this.”
“Tetsuya-kun! I was wonderin' where you've been hidin'! Aahhh…” Using his mental prowess developed from years of observing the blooming love between youths (he does pay careful attention to Shigure's novels), Master Haji slyly remarked, “Oh ho…my dear Kagura-chan does tend to turn heads her way, ne?”
“Master Haji…still full of compliments,” was Kagura's response as she bowed in respect, also putting in an effort to deviate the conversation to safer grounds. “Your exhibition is incredible. Tetsuya-kun is very kind to show us around. Shihan, are you both making your rounds with the guests?”
“Yes, and we'll need to continue to do so,” responded Kazuma, catching the discreet `push' Kagura gave him to take Master Haji along. Smiling happily, he guided the elderly man tactfully away from their younger audience, praying that further mayhem will now be averted. “Haji-ojiisan, let us be off…I'm sure these young ladies and gentlemen would like to continue to enjoy the evening to themselves.”
“Of course…duty calls. Ladies…it's been an ultimate pleasure to greet you both this evening,” wryly remarked Master Haji while `hobbling' next to Kazuma. Pausing momentarily next to Kyo who was still getting his wits about, he smiled widely and tapped the young man's head with his cane. “Kyo, you best take care of yourself. I can't have my grandson looking like a fool while sitting on the floor.”
“Just drown yourself already, Oyaji!” cried out Kyo in a huff, but quickly regretted the remark as it seemed to echo in his head. Grasping his head in order to contain the `echoes', he moaned lowly. `Damn rat…of all the times I let my guard down…'
Chuckling lightly, Master Haji knelt down carefully and gently patted the youth's throbbing head. “You just got the wind knocked out of you...little koneko. Behave now.”
The old moniker wasn't lost on Kyo. Being called `little kitten' would have blown his top off to no end, however, coming from his `grandfather', it was meant as an endearment. And he would only tolerate it from him alone.
“Yeah, yeah…just get on outta here…” grumbled Kyo with a softened gaze, yet still very much put out. “You behave, too, Oyaji.”
“Ha!” Standing back up, he took Kazuma by the arm and led him away. “Now, Kazu-kun, quit dawdling…our guests await my presence.” He again paused briefly, this time standing next to Yuki. He gazed steadily at him, the youth merely gazing back at him with a bewildered expression. He abruptly bowed his head to him, further baffling the youth. “Yuki-sama…a pleasure as always. Tetsuya-kun, I'll speak with you later about the exhibitions' hours for next week.” With Kazuma by his side as he walked away, he left them behind with there baffled expressions in place, both not understanding Master Haji's behavior.
“Old fool…” muttered Kyo as he stood up on his own, carefully this time.
Noting that it was said in a somewhat affectionate manner, Tohru smiled widely, content to see that all worked out as it always does in any of Kyo's physical confrontations. “Should we be on our way, too, Kyo-kun?”
“Honestly, I figured we could get outta here…this party ain't much for fun,” replied Kyo disinterestedly.
Tetsuya suddenly came across an idea. It made perfect sense, and it also ensured that Kagura stayed in his company more often than in the ladies' room. “Well, then you need a private tour. I can explain things much better than any pamphlet you may have. What do you think, Kagura? Is it fine with you that we have them accompany us?”
Although glad for the arrangement and female company she would finally have, it did give Kagura cause for concern. Sure she would have more people with her that can distract Tetsuya's attention from her, but, was it was wise to keep the Nezumi and Neko in close proximity, especially after what just happened? Looking to Yuki, she saw the resigned smile he gave her. Yet before she had a chance to respond, Kyo voiced his disagreement rather vocally.
“Hell no! I ain't spendin' one more damn minute around HIM tonight! No, no, HELL NO!” protested Kyo ardently while grabbing Tohru's hand with all intentions of stomping off. He called out over his shoulder, “After his little stunt, I don't even want to SEE him in pictures! Count yourself lucky, kuso Nezumi, that we're in Oyaji's exhibition, or I'd be kickin' your pathetic—”
“Kyo-kun…um…I…I'd really like to stay for a little while longer, if that's okay,” interjected Tohru hurriedly in her attempts to calm the escalating temper of the Neko. She also caught the slight hope come across Kagura's apprehensive gaze when the arrangement was suggested. Giving Kagura a wavering smile, she leaned into Kyo carefully and whispered, “It would be only polite to accept Tetsuya-san's offer. Besides, I…I think Kagura-san is really needing my company tonight. It'll just be for a little while…then we can go right after to wherever you want to go. Is that okay?”
The wide-eyed innocent, pleading look of her expressive eyes was all that was needed. Her words were lost on Kyo as he drank in her presence into his personal space that only she and few others were allowed to enter. It gave him a sense of completion to have her there…with him, not with a certain other.
`Aw hell…' Stopping in his retreat, he sighed heavily and looked over to Kagura and Tetsuya, pointedly ignoring Yuki's presence off to the side. “Okay, we can hang out for a little while longer. Just lead the way.”
“Thank you, Kyo-kun, Tohru-kun. This will be great…all of us together.” Grinning at Tetsuya, she then smiled hopefully to Yuki. “Right, Yun-chan?”
Yuki inwardly admitted that he was strongly averse to saying `yes'. He admitted that being here in the midst of all this celebration, he felt more detached than ever from the human race. He admitted that he longed to feel the soothing sounds of his music wash over him, taking away each and every ache he felt in his chest. He admitted that this night would stay with him always for a very simple reason.
For the first time, on this night, Tohru hurt him.
Yes, he also readily admitted how ridiculous it was to actually blame her for her innocent actions when around Kyo, the very fact that she was with the Neko being prominent in his mind. Yet his mind was not one to be completely devoid of selfishness as much as it distressed him to admit that, too. No matter how hard he tried controlling his thoughts from becoming self-centered, he feels what he feels. And he freely admits that he won't deny them…he won't deny himself to feel.
Feeling every joy from her smile…every ache of disappointment…every deception to his heart no matter how unfounded… He would feel it all…he wanted to feel it all, if only to have her near. If only to have a hope for something beyond the pain…
Serenely he smiled as he replied, “Certainly. Let us go.”
The gala was in full swing now if the clinking of wine glasses and ongoing conversations were any evidence. With the backdrop of instrumental music, fine wine still being poured, and delicacies of every sort being served, the merriment was fully set to continue through the night. And through it all, a group among many groups was touring their way through the different encasings of artifacts well beyond the years of many there.
“This katana was borrowed specifically for this exhibition. It has National Treasure status in Japan,” stated Tetsuya with pride as they all surrounded an encased piece.
“Hey, Tetsuya, what do you mean by `borrowed'? It's not `permanently on loan', is it?” asked Kyo with a smirk.
Tetsuya returned the smirk with a dry grin. “Very funny. No, it's just on temporary loan I assure you. It's known as the O-Kanehira, named so after the famous swordsmith of the Ko-Bizen school during the Heian period.”
“Incredible!” exclaimed Kagura while examining the sword further. “Tohru-kun, that means that this artifact is from the twelfth century. The twelfth!”
“Hai. It's in such good condition for its age,” replied Tohru in awe.
“To this day, the preservation of the sword is of the utmost importance. This, along with several other rare artifacts being shown down here, will be kept in the private viewing area up on the sixth floor. We can better control the flow of traffic up there.” Pointing to the different levels above them, Tetsuya paused momentarily so that their gazes settled to where he was pointing. “This conference hall is of an unusual structure. Instead of multiple rooms, it holds multiple levels, which does suit our needs. Master Haji was very pleased with this location.”
“Pft, old man always liked the unusual,” mumbled Kyo lowly while viewing another piece behind them. “Hey, how come this has weird drawings while some of the others didn't?”
“Hmm…” Taking a look at the piece Kyo was staring at, Tetsuya remarked, “Oh, this was from the Tokugawa era. Usually from then on the sayas had a more artistic touch to them. It could be anything relevant to the user's likes…flowers, plum blossom…or even dragons taking flight, like this one, that would be etched into the sheath. Kagura, I recalled you mentioned that you had taken a class at school related to the art of ikebana. The ideals that come with arranging flowers in a structured pattern are much like the development of these designs…very organized.”
“Yes, I can see the correlation.” Paying mind to speak as little but as politely as possible, she smiled calmly before spotting another item to direct his attention. Taking a look behind him, Kagura saw a tall statue of a warrior with ancient armor on display. It also held in its grip another weapon popular in ages past. “The naginata is definitely popular. That's the eighth one I've seen.”
Tohru looked to the piece in question, seeing that the glaive was much taller than the warrior on display. “Is this also from the Heian period?”
“It is most likely used as a votive offering since it's too impractical in size to be used in battle,” explained Tetsuya. He then pointed to a bow and quiver full of arrows that were strapped on the back of the statue. “These were more practical to use in long distance combat and most likely done from atop a horse. A yari also proved effective since the spearhead tended to cut as well as pierce through many an armor.”
Wrinkling her nose at the mental image that evoked, Kagura turned to see Tohru mimicking her gesture. Smiling wryly, she then saw Kyo enthralled with the statue, talking further with Tetsuya about something or other related to the battles these armor and weapons might have participated in. Shaking her head at the obvious male attraction that bespoke of physical prowess, she suddenly realized something that had somehow escaped her. Not that it was a shock, though, seeing that she was very set on keeping her focus on avoiding unwanted `bumps' into mingling party-goers as well as politely keeping her distance from Tetsuya.
`Where is he?' She turned back around to search for her escort, who she finally spotted sitting at a bench by the casing that housed ornate sayas along with the family crests that they represented. `He may attract attention everywhere he goes, but he sure can slip away unnoticed when he wants to.' She softly called out, “Yun-chan…”
Tohru turned her attention from the conversation between the two Sohmas to Kagura. Seeing her look to Yuki at a bench away from them, she called out to her, “Kagura-san, maybe I should—”
“Oh, we'll just be a sec! Just taking a breather, you know…don't mind us!” quickly put in Kagura while walking calmly away to her escort.
“Oh…okay. I'll…wait here.” Tohru remained by Kyo's side, wondering if she should still go over and speak with Yuki. Even with all that was going on, he was…quiet, offering little to say on his part. `I should have noticed sooner. He doesn't really like large celebrations…maybe it's too much for his Nezumi instincts to handle?'
“Pft, maybe we're boring him too much. If that's the case, he should just go on home,” commented Kyo with a hint of hope in his voice.
“I didn't realize my `tour' would be so dull,” added Tetsuya as he steadily stared at Kagura walk off to sit down next to her escort.
“No, not at all, Tetsuya-san! Your guidance has been wonderful! I…I've learned a lot about history with what you pointed out to us so far. Ah…it's rather difficult to understand history when it doesn't seem real, but here it's all around you and…” Seeing that both Sohma men were staring at her while she babbled on, Tohru grinned sheepishly and decided that it was better to just make her point lest she forgets what she was trying to say. “It's just that Yuki-kun did wake up very early today for his doctor's appointment. And I'm sure he had a busy day with his class. He's not one for crowds either…he's just fatigued, that's all.”
Seeing her attempts to cover for Yuki, Kyo grew irate, but shoved it to the side since she did go through so much trouble to keep the peace. Drawing her closer to him, he hooked his arm through hers, and replied, “Well, whatever it is, they can catch up. Let's move on.”
She smiled gratefully at him, so much so that she hardly noticed their closer proximity with one another than from before. Now drawing the attention from Tetsuya from the other two at the bench, she asked, “Ano, Tetsuya-san, aren't the naginata and yari the same thing? They certainly look the same…sort of.”
Feeling Tetsuya's gaze turn elsewhere, Kagura relaxed next to Yuki. Seeing that he had his eyes closed, she nudged his shoulder. “Yun-chan…are you feeling okay?”
Yuki cracked one eye open to glance at her briefly before sighing heavily. “I'm fine. Just…here.”
“Here? Well, you are `here', but not really.” Not wanting to pry where it wasn't her business since she knew full well the `why', she sat quietly next to him. Truly, what else could she say to make him feel better? Partly, this was her fault for being so afraid…
“I'm sorry, Yun-chan,” she quietly stated.
He turned abruptly to face her, clearly not expecting that remark. “Why the apology? Actually…I was thinking that I should be apologizing to you. I've let you alone with Tetsuya-san when I promised I was going to be with you at all times.”
“That's fine. And I am sorry…for dragging you here. I know you don't like being around so many people like this. And then…well…” Wrapping her arms around his arm, she leaned in on his shoulder and settled herself comfortably, finally feeling a measure of calmness that had been avoiding her all evening. (Sigh) “I wish Ri-chan were here… Then you wouldn't be hurt because of me.”
“I'll be fine, really,” he replied quietly, eyeing some in the crowds around them that were starting to stare at them curiously. Set on ignoring them as he has all night, he asked, “When is he getting back from his parents' inn? He is visiting them more often than before…”
“Hai…his Kaa-san isn't doing so well at times, so he wants to be as much help as possible when that happens. He's just so…dedicated,” she remarked with a soft smile.
“Kagura? I…I need to ask you…” replied Yuki tentatively as he pulled away from her to face her fully.
“Yes?” She looked to see him seriously gazing at her, making her feel anxious since she had a good idea of what he wanted to ask her about. Turning her head to the side, she saw that Kyo and Tohru were both speaking with Tetsuya animatedly about the relics they were examining. `Maybe they'll keep him occupied all night long…maybe…'
Yuki needed her full attention and so reached out to turn her head to face him as well. “Did you speak with Akito about Tetsuya-san's advances?”
Unable to hide from his piercing gaze, she sighed tiredly, but brightened quickly. “Oh, it's nothing too serious…he's just an old friend that likes to be around me. He really is a nice guy…a little on the serious side, but then again a lot of us are like that. I think it's a Sohma trait, all so serious, we really need to lighten up this family someday—”
“Kagura…” Hearing the ranting stop, he stood up and looked down at her, hoping this posture would be enough for her to be serious with him. `She's right…we are the gloomy sort of people…' “Is it his father? You told me I'd understand if I met him, but I've not seen him. Is he causing you problems? It's all the more reason—”
“No! It's fine, please… I'm sure if I just hang out with Tetsuya-kun, it'll be enough. Nothing more is necessary.” She stood up to walk off, but he was quick to grasp her arm firmly.
“If you haven't noticed, you're going to get my help whether you want it or not.” She refused to look at him now, preferring to keep her head bowed to the floor. Letting her go, he quietly remarked, “I thought you trusted me…”
“I do!” she immediately retorted as she looked to him square in the eye. Seeing the doubt still in his eyes, she hugged him tightly, her ear pressed firmly so that she heard his heartbeat beating steadily through his chest. “I trust you…Ri-chan does, too. It's why he did what he did…”
This didn't sound good to Yuki's ears. “What did he do? What happened?”
She pulled back a ways to look to the smooth silk of his mandarin-style outfit, smoothing it out gently with her hands. She shrugged her shoulders noncommittally as she relented to tell him the whole story. “He had wanted to take care of it. And he did…sort of. At least, he spoke of it with Akito.”
`Oh. Well, that must have been some meeting between those two.' Knowing how important the smallest of details was when involved in a conversation with Akito, he pressed, “What was said? Exactly…”
Recalling the instance, she carefully laid out the worries she carried around. “He was pretty nervous, as you can imagine. But he got his idea across. He told Akito about Tetsuya-kun's father's pressure on our families, his and mine. It's nothing definite…the pressure I mean…at least that I know of…still, it's just there all the same. It's weird…you really need to meet him to know what I mean.”
“Okay…so what did Akito say exactly?” He hoped the emphasis was not lost on her.
“Exactly? `To think my little Monkey is capable of coming before me without his mother…how mature.' Ri-chan told me he didn't know what else to say, that he had felt so disappointed, too, because Akito started…laughing…” She recalled those awful moments when he came over to her house after that meeting. His disappointment clearly weighed heavily on him, and what's worse, he blamed himself for `failing her' as he put it. Shaking the gloom from her eyes, she went on with her story. “I wanted to talk with Akito about it the next time I visited, but Ri-chan said to leave it alone for now. He wanted to try fixing it…making it up to me, and so he was going to talk with his parents on this trip to see what else they could do to help.”
It was as she finished recanting her tale that she realized that the weight of her troubles were a little better to bear. Smiling a little, she sat back down on the bench, heaving a heavy sigh as she stared helplessly at nothing at all. She then looked over to see if the others were still at the same spot as before, hoping that they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice her dramatic moments here.
`It's no wonder she's been acting strange lately. Putting up with so much on her own…' He knew well what were the stipulations, as it were, for Kagura and Ritsu to continue their relationship—the main stipulation being that it be kept discreet…very discreet. It did make him wonder if Akito had known that this would happen, as if she knew that they would never be able to fulfill their end of the bargain. It's definitely a possibility, and surely it was a theory that had crossed Kagura's mind multiple times by now. Still, if what she said was what exactly was said, then…
He sat down next to her and softly replied, “Thank you. I think I understand what you mean. (Pause) Let Ritsu know that it's okay and not to worry anymore.”
The Boar looked to the Nezumi in sheer amazement. “EH? Yun-chan, we—”
“The fact that he made an effort to even see Akito didn't go unnoticed. Trust me…it'll be fine. It was implied as much,” he explained with a soft smile that practically yelled for her trust. `Please don't ask me to explain…'
Thankfully, it was enough. The doubts cleared her eyes, and those doubts that had weighed so heavily in her heart for some time finally ebbed away just a bit. It all came down to trust, and she was very willing to believe in him. Thus far, it never steered her wrong, and she wasn't about to second-guess her instincts. They were the reason she had Ritsu after all, and the reason she can fully smile from the heart, even at dire moments such as these.
Seeing her smile gave him reason to feel relieved for the time being. Patting her head lightly, he felt satisfied to close the topic for now, seeing that he could do little else at the moment. But he'll make it up to her later…when he personally takes a look into this problem. The greatest enemy is those from inside the family circle…didn't he learn this long ago? It might not be a requirement on his part, but he be damned before he sees those of his family, particularly those of the Jyuunishi curse, be submitted to any form of antagonism from anyone, not when he resolved to do what he can for them from now on. His fellow Jyuunishi were after all very dear to him…even the loud Neko. If only to spare them some of the grief he had been through early in life, he would do anything for them…
`No one should ever have to feel less than worthless. Or feel intimidated by true worthless beings…' It was while in his musings that he noticed that the orchestra hired by the family for tonight's festivities started to play a very familiar waltz. Smiling widely, he then turned to Kagura who also shared his grin.
“Hehe, that's so funny! Who would have thought, ne Yun-chan?” asked Kagura merrily, her mind wistfully remembering those precious moments. “Wow…the memories! Whew…now I really miss Ri-chan…”
Yuki saw in her expression how far back her memories went to that time at the school festival he had helped her in. It was the same with him, he supposed, since he could still vividly remember Ritsu and Kagura dancing to this same waltz. Not wanting her evening to be spent in melancholy thoughts, he abruptly stood up and pulled her up as well, quickly leading them through the crowds with practiced expertise while heading towards the orchestral group at the far end of the hall.
“Yun-chan! Where are we going?” asked Kagura while sticking close to her escort, trusting him to lead them safely through the throngs of people around them.
Reaching the far end of the hall, Yuki saw how large this string orchestra was and so was happy to know that they could play this waltz fully instead of the abbreviated version they just played. Leaving Kagura momentarily, he spoke quietly to the lead in the group who readily accepted the rare request. He returned to her side, smiling down at her while she stared at him with profound confusion, prompting him to explain as he heard the starting notes of the favored Second Waltz.
“We never did finish that dance…” he explained with a knowing gaze that didn't escape her understanding. Bowing low to her in the fashion that was proper for a gentleman to ask for the hand of a lady for a dance, he took her hand and gently guided her to meet him closely for this dance.
“But…there's no one else dancing…” she stammered in response as she took her position opposite of her partner, thanking those months of hard work to learn the waltz for that school festival long ago.
“Good. Maybe they'll keep on ignoring us,” he replied with a hopeful air. Seeing that she started to fall back on her thoughts from before, he pointed out quietly, “Ri-chan wouldn't want you to be sad on his account. Not tonight…not on any night. It's what I would never want…for that one person that's special to me. I would want her to be happy…even if I'm not the one that's able to bring her that smile.”
Kagura looked to her relative steadily as he said this, knowing full well that he was also talking about himself. `Here I am worried about my own problems when he's going through so much. That hurt…I know of it all too well.' “You do bring her smiles, Yun-chan…you do.”
Letting their remarks settle in their hearts, she pulled in closer to her partner, wordlessly conveying of her intents to be here whenever he was in need of her assistance. As they swayed to the classical rhythm of the waltz, she knew that it was all that she could do other than live her life along with his and others, watching it unfold before them all to reveal what was to become of each of the them. A typical Sohma life as it were…
Not that Yuki noticed, but his wishes weren't fulfilled this evening in the least. They certainly attracted attention around them, but thankfully he was oblivious to it all as he was lost in his own thoughts as was his partner. So he and she also missed the hard stare from a Sohma just off to the side of the gathered crowd.
“Hey, what's up with this crowd, Tetsuya?” asked Kyo irately as he stood behind Tohru, careful not to bump into her or anyone else. Thankfully his pursuit of the elder Sohma led them to a more secluded spot next to the crowd that were murmuring happily amongst themselves.
Tohru was certainly caught off guard when Tetsuya abruptly stopped his lecture on one particular item and simply went off in the direction of a gathering crowd at the other end of the hall. Standing behind him, she noticed the rigid posture of her host. Not wanting to intrude on his private thoughts, she asked tactfully, “Tetsuya-san? Is there something wrong?”
Kyo finally noticed what went on just beyond Tetsuya's shoulders. `Pft, figures the Nezumi would cause a commotion.' He answered for Tetsuya, “Not actually. Just Kagura and Yuki dancing…something. What is that called anyway?”
Finally catching a glimpse between elbows, Tohru smiled brightly. “Oh, that's a waltz! Let me get in closer.”
Shaking his head to see his date enthusiastically take leave to look at the couple from a better angle, he glanced over to Tetsuya, noting for the first time that he was clearly miffed about seeing them dance. Nudging him by the shoulder, Kyo asked, “Oi…is there a problem with them doing that? You know, I can go over to the baka Nezumi and stop him easy…”
“No, that's not…” trailed off Tetsuya, his words clearly not coming forth due to his apparent resentment. Wrenching his eyes from the scene, he breathed in evenly to keep himself steady and sure, a characteristic that has saved him in countless confrontations, both professionally and in life. “It'll be fine. Why don't we…go…Kyo?”
The disbelief across Kyo's face caught Tetsuya off guard. Looking to where his red-headed relative was staring at, he saw that it was to the couple on the floor. Not seeing anything spectacular about this (they were dancing a waltz impeccably well, not that he'd say anything of the sort out loud), he called out to him once more. “Kyo…KYO.”
`This can't be happening. Not here…not now… Of all times…why?' Kyo's profound disbelief turned to alarm when he saw the object of his concern calmly twirling around the couple, having little care in the world if anyone saw him, which no one did.
But he did…he saw the little boy from before still dressed in his robes of fine silk prancing about with a smile of utter joy that nothing could ever erase. How is it possible for no one to see a single hair on this boy when he's right before their very eyes? And strangely, the waltz became silent as well as the audience as the only sound ringing in Kyo's ears were the soft patters of the boy's footfalls on the marble floor. They came to a stunning halt as the boy laid deep-ocean blue eyes on his own fiery red-orange ones.
`Good evening? That's all he has to say to me?!' thought Kyo incredulously as he was about to yell that thought out loud.
“You're supposed to say it, too!” pouted the little boy. He immediately grinned and covered his eyes with glee. “Ne, count to ten like this then come and find me! Ready?”
`What the HELL! He wants to play a GAME?!' Just as he was set to put a stop to this nonsense, he felt a wave of nausea hit him…so hard it was that he closed his eyes momentarily, only to open them to find that the boy had disappeared. Frantically searching through the crowd, he finally spotted the silk robes disappear just around a corner beyond the impromptu dance floor. He wasted no time…
“How beautiful.” It was truly beyond beautiful, but any word would truly fail to describe what Tohru saw before her eyes. How could anyone put into words to see the essence of music flow through two people as it did with her Sohma friends? It's certainly a rare treat to see a waltz, but to see it so well done took many an observer's breath away, her own included. She was about to voice this when she suddenly felt a shift in the crowd around her and see Kyo dash out across the `dance floor' and run around a corner.
`Kyo-kun…' She caught Tetsuya's glance, the question reflected back to one another as to why the fiery young man practically ran off. With one final look to the dancing pair, she followed his lead to pursue Kyo albeit discreetly.
`Damn! How many stairs are in this place?' thought Kyo bitterly as he climbed another wide flight of stairs in quick precision. He had the followed the child in this direction, and with a quick jump over the belts that closed off the stairwell leading up, he was in hot pursuit of the youngster. He could never get close enough to catch him, only to see the small silk robe disappear around the next flight of stairs, dark black hair bobbing all the way up. And the laughter… The boy continuously laughed as if the game was all that mattered to him, regardless of the flight of stairs that he was climbing at an inhuman pace.
Finally, Kyo was at the top floor, with very little breath to his name, only to find that there was no sign of the child. No laugher, no silk robes, no smile…just one large room devoid of life and light, the only illumination being spot lighting. It greatly unnerved him, and it did make him wonder if perhaps the boy did take to hiding. He figured that he just needed to walk around some more in order to find him here, although this floor was sparsely decorated. True to Tetsuya's words earlier, there were very old pieces being shown here, mainly ancient weapons of all sorts. The glass casings were mainly within the walls, leaving the floors empty of anything other than seating.
Suddenly a reflection off the casings against the wall caught his attention. He whirled around to see what he'd been looking for. “Hey, kid, this ain't a place to be running around in—”
`Dammit. It's just my reflection on the glass.' He growled to himself at the absurdity of it all. `Yeah, me chasin' some creepy kid up TEN flights of stairs! STAIRS, DAMMIT! And where the HELL is he?? NOT HERE!'
“Heheh, Aniiue, you look so funny…hehehe…”
“THIS ISN”T FUNNY!” yelped Kyo as he whirled around to look behind him, certain that the voice was right behind him. Instead, to his shock, the young child was far off at the other end of the room, looking straight ahead through the ceiling-to-floor glass walls that made up that half of the room.
“Come and look.”
The child had looked back at him with such an innocent smile that it truly reminded him of a certain young lady that he was escorting that evening. Not daring to blink at the moment lest he lose sight of the boy again, Kyo walked with trepidation to that end of the room, the way at times dark then light again, depending where the spotlights were along the way. The boy's smile never wavered, almost as if in reassurance for the wary Neko.
“Come on, hurry!”
The child's impatience was clearly conveyed in how he reached out to Kyo with his small hand, slender fingers twitching for the young man to pick up his languid pace. As Kyo finally reached him, the boy made motion to grab his hand, which the cautious Neko quickly pulled back. The images from the last time around were still fresh, and he wasn't keen on visiting them anytime soon. His hesitation didn't go unnoticed.
“Heh, so silly. You're not scared, are you?”
“Little punk, you got a lot of nerve…” grumbled Kyo irately at the obvious baiting from the boy. Grinding his teeth together, he gritted out, “I'm NOT afraid.”
“Skittish kitty, skittish kitty, skittish kitty!”
`DAMN THIS BOY!' Showing great restraint on his part, Kyo clenched his fists tightly, willing away the urge to throttle the little boy. Taking deep, many deep, calming breaths, he evenly spoke, “Why are you here?”
“It's getting darker…”
The abrupt solemn tone caught him off guard. “Huh?”
“The ends of the sky…it's darker. Look.
The boy's gaze went back to the glass wall, yet not it at all. No, his gaze went much further, past the invisible wall, even past the outer wall of the building itself, paying no mind to the activities below them.
`Do I even dare to look at what he sees? Last time, it scared the hell out of us. The poor kid was so desperate. Damn…' Begrudgingly Kyo knew that he couldn't refuse the request of a child in need, no matter how creepy or annoying the kid was. With a reluctant sigh, he touched the boy's slim shoulder and demanded, “Show me.”
And just with that touch alone, oblivious to the strong glow of his beaded bracelet, Kyo saw straight past the walls around them, only to see the far distant darkening of the horizon. It was obviously still daytime in this image, but at the same time the darkness loomed ever so closer, closer than the last time he'd been shown this. It was all so desolate…as if the world was being swallowed whole. The complete picture was rather colorless, save for that one lone, towering tree that he knew all too well. Said tree stood lifeless, stark blackened, yet the immense aura emanating from it was as strong as ever. How could a tree be this way after supposedly burning away to nothing?
`Hell, what does any of this…STUFF…have to do with me?' pondered Kyo sullenly, exasperated of the lack of sense any of this made.
“Betrayal is a deadly blade…”
That's right. The boy had spoken last time of a traitor. But now…that expression eerily sounded like a warning heard long ago from the depths of a nightmare. It was horrible, and he cursed every known being for thrusting him into that `hell-on-earth'. It's a miracle that his sanity was still whole after several bouts with these disturbing images from god-knows-where.
“From who? Dammit, kid, I can't help if I don't know from who!” cried out Kyo angrily, feeling utterly helpless that he knows so little but has the sinking feeling that he knew enough to know the answer.
Inconsolable…resignation…sorrow. It all seeped from the irises of the young boy's eyes. Kyo hitched his breath with what the boy whispered next…
“Anyone can wield the blade of betrayal. Will you wield it? Will you take it? Will you betray us?”
His words echoed in this mirage before them, all around them. Yet not once did he look away from the piercing gaze of the helpless boy. Slowly, a sad smile graced the youngster's features.
“Someone will…it always starts with someone. Then it'll come…for her…”
Before he could demand more clarification, the loud `ding' of the elevator shattered the world they had encased themselves in. His glance wavered to the elevator, then back to the spot where the child was, only to see nothing on the spotless floor.
“Are you still afraid of the rats?”
The soft whisper breezed past him, his head whipped to see behind him, only to see the reflection of his haunted eyes stare right back at him. `Damn. Why does he keep asking that?!'
“There he is! Wow, Yun-chan, you are good,” chirped Kagura happily as she strode ahead of their entourage, feeling happy and free from the confines of the tense atmosphere that was prevalent in the elevator. And all because of Yuki…what a surprise. `Well, Yun-chan had to stay close by me. Neither of us could risk bumping into Tohru-kun or Tetsuya-kun in that elevator.'
“Yuki-kun, how did you know Kyo-kun would be up here?” asked Tohru curiously as she followed Kagura out.
Her curiosity wasn't unfounded. Tetsuya and herself were searching for the missing Neko high and low before Yuki approached them after his dance with Kagura. He simply asked if they were looking for Kyo, which they were, then advised them to follow him. Yuki's sure steps to an elevator had her baffled, but shocked her companion as Tetsuya immediately pointed out that the elevators was on restricted operations. Yuki merely flashed a green badge at them and asked if it was sufficient. Thus, here they were, but not without a pointed stare from Tetsuya to Yuki the whole way up.
“He's not hard to figure out. Just look for the tallest point in a building,” explained Yuki with a soft smile to Tohru. Looking to Kyo that stared out the glass walls, he heavily sighed. “Hey Kyo…this place is off limits. Why come up here?”
Blinding light flooded the floor now, the main fluorescent lighting lit to illuminate the dark floor. Tetsuya emerged from a closed door against a wall, now satisfied that he could see his way better around here. “Kyo, was there something wrong? You ran out on us downstairs…”
Kyo was oblivious to much of the conversations around him until the lights blinded his vision. The view below now was harder to see what with the light casting a perfect mirror reflection of all in the room. He turned to Tetsuya with a dazed look. “What?”
“Downstairs? You left like the devil was at your heels,” commented Tetsuya further.
“Kyo-kun, are you okay now?” asked Tohru worriedly, hovering closer to Kyo in case there was need of her assistance.
Blinking his eyes tiredly, he looked to her with a lop-sided grin. “I'm good. I just…thought I saw someone I knew that went up the stairs. Sorry…didn't mean to rile everyone up.”
“That's good to hear,” replied Kagura, “because if it were anything else, I'd have thought you would have been plenty mad! That was a lot of stairs to take to get to this floor!”
“Pft, I can take twice the amount of stairs I took with no problem,” assuredly remarked the rather tired Neko. Not that he'd ever admit that to her.
“Of course you can,” stated Yuki with a disbelieving air.
“Well, I CAN, OKAY, NEZUMI?” retorted Kyo crossly.
“All right…uh…ano, this floor…wow, it's so well decorated…sort of…um…” stammered Tohru blindly. She was thankful to hear Kagura pick up on her efforts to stave off a round between the Neko and Nezumi.
“Hey, look, Yun-chan! You can see a perfect reflection of us on the glass walls!” Taking a closer inspection, Kagura saw that she could see the large tapestries hanging from the high ceiling outside, many reaching several stories in height. It created a cascading effect of beautifully preserved cloth that hung over the heads of many of the revelers below. “Oh, the second floor balcony is seen pretty good from here, too.”
Tetsuya joined her here, leaning against the wall as he stared at her serene smile. “Yes…actually, only the third through sixth floors have the tempered glass walls…pretty unbreakable. The second floor has an open balcony and has some very nice artifacts on display. But here…”
Kagura followed Tetsuya's gaze, seeing that it was now focused on the art pieces on this floor. “What's here, Tetsuya-kun?”
Tetsuya led the curious lady to the other side of the room. As he stood before the pieces that were housed within the walls behind secure glass as well, he pointed out the differences of these pieces from the ones below at the somewhat public viewing. “These particular ones are from our very private collection since they belonged solely to our ancestors. They are rarely seen at all, only when they're being inspected.”
“Inspected? What does that mean?” asked Kagura.
“Well, not anyone can be there when a presenter presents the sword to the inspector. Even then it comes down to rank and station between them. It's why I love to see these out so that others can admire them.” Tetsuya looked down at these pieces with pride, clearly conveying how thrilled he was to show them to her.
Curious to a fault, Kyo asked, “What's so special about these swords and their sheaths? They look the same…”
“Well, not actually, Kyo-kun. See here…” pointed out Tetsuya to one large glass display that housed several of these items. “Apparently our family has had this fetish of the Jyuunishi for quite some time. The sayas of the katanas all have some influence of the Jyuunishi legend. Even the hilts carry some form of this. Strange how our family history is so steeped in this myth, ne?”
The ignorant remark was met with nervous smiles or slightly abashed looks. Tohru quickly interjected, “Well, it's certainly a well-known legend, heh. How old are these pieces, Tetsuya-san?”
“They're all pretty old, from around the Muromachi period. However, there are those two from the top that can't be determined…their origin or age. Strange…” Eyeing the daisho set that carried the more original version of the Chinese calendar year with wariness, Tetusya noted then that Yuki was sitting at a bench behind them, clearly not interested in hearing anything he had to say. Lightly scowling (Yuki had pretty much monopolized Kagura all evening long), he carefully asked, “Am I making this too boring for you, Yuki?
The loss of a suffix wasn't lost on anyone, particularly Yuki who did snap out of his thoughts. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but the pull he felt earlier with trying to reach Kyo was urgent and demanding, and it still left him ill at ease. He only came out of his musings when he heard Tetsuya speak with him…and so informally, too.
“No, Tetsuya-san, I was just lost in thought,” remarked Yuki icily, conveying clearly that the `implied' insult wasn't appreciated. Ever since he showed the green badge to Tetsuya earlier, it's been a never-ending vibe that he perceived from the usually collected Sohma. Not that it mattered to him, really…it was just aggravating to the senses. He had hoped to at least pass the night with little fuss from others. That was not to be apparently.
Kyo could only look on with satisfaction, satisfied that this Nezumi was definitely getting the more cool side of Tetsuya's behavior. It was about time someone showed the Nezumi that not everyone will fall over themselves to seek his approval. Respect was earned, not given freely away, and Tetsuya was such a person to teach that to him the hard way.
The two ladies present could tell that this wasn't turning out any better than when Kyo and Yuki were at it. Kagura was the first to act, sensing that this was her fault in the end. “Tetsuya-kun, why don't you lead us the way downstairs? I'd like to take the stairs this time, if that's okay. Some fresh air would do us good, ne?”
As the troupe silently marched down the large winding stairwell that took them to every level, Kagura stayed close to Yuki, instinctively squeezing his arm to assure herself that all is okay. He grinned back at her to confirm this, and so she happily chatted with Tohru who stood between her and Kyo. Upon arriving at the bottom floor, they were all a bit out of breath, which Kagura was silently thankful for since it meant that the cold vibes between the male Sohmas dissipated into fatigue instead.
`DEAR GOD, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING.' Slowly Yuki turned his head…slowly…ever so slowly…
And quickly, so very quickly, the eldest brother of Sohma Yuki zipped through the crowds with little care to the hustle and bustle. With wide arms Ayame reached out and hugged his slim brother with vigor, enough to make Kagura's hugs seem like child's play. “Fear not, dear brother, for I am here to help you enjoy your night with your lady fair!”
Aghast, Yuki turned to his brother with veiled rage as he `discreetly' struggled in his brother's clutches, er, embrace. “What are you…I have no lady fair tonight! I'm help—”
“Tsk, tsk, to think I came here for nothing. Well, it can't be helped…OOOOH! Tohru-kun, Kagura-chan! Beautiful ladies in the most fashionable attire! I swoon to this!” stated Ayame while fanning himself, his large, summery overcoat fluttering from some unknown breeze.
“Argh…NII-SAN!!!! What are you doing here?” bit out Yuki impatiently.
“Now, beloved... You shouldn't make such angry frown lines; it'll mar your beautiful skin. Then how can you grow up to be like your older brother? Really, you must think…” advised Ayame nonchalantly. His focus changed yet again as he saw Kyo and Tetsuya off to the side gawking at them. “Kyon-kichi!!! You're here, too? You do look well today…not as good as my precious little brother, but I am biased, so don't feel hurt on account of my prejudices.”
“SHUT THE HELL UP!” cried Kyo angrily, all set to put down the Snake permanently. “I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! AND STOP CALLING ME THAT!”
“Really, Kyon-kichi, you shouldn't yell in public. It makes for a scandalous scene,” replied the Snake with an `all knowing' air.
“YOU'RE THE ONE MAKING A SCENE, BAKA!!! AND WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THAT OUTFIT?” yelled the Neko who now had his arm held back by a panicking Tohru.
“Kyon-kichi, you just don't have fashion taste. Why, half the gentlemen here are wearing my designs. But don't fret…you can't be as talented as I am. You lack in some things, but rest assured you'll always make it up in others.” Dismissing the raging Neko with a flip of his long hair, he refocused his devotion to the sole reason of his existence. Reaching back to a retreating Yuki, who failed to escape in time, Ayame hugged him firmly with no intention of letting go. “Now, be a dear and take us a picture…brotherly bliss! That's the beauty of poetry in motion…the sonnet in my—AHGH…Yuki…breath…breathe…!”
“How's this for brotherly bliss?” remarked Yuki irritably while giving Ayame a nice version of a headlock that was lovingly bestowed on their cousin not too long ago.
“Oh, that's wonderful, Yun-chan! Hold it…” (Snap!) Kagura took her camera into a different angle and shot another picture of the bonding moment. Seeing Tohru in a worried state, her glances darting back and forth between Kyo, Yuki, Ayame and Tetsuya, she patted her shoulder to calm her down. “Don't worry, they'll be just fine. We always do okay…we are Sohmas.”
“Damn straight,” quipped another voice from behind them.
“Master Haji…did you…finish your…visits…” murmured his words Tetsuya as he warily watched the `tender' moments between brothers.
“Hai, Tetsuya-kun…and I'm sick of it, too. Aya-kun! Welcome…fashionably late as always! Thank you for the delivery the other day! Kyo! What're you standing there gawking like some fool? Step in and take control!” commanded the elderly Sohma.
Kyo blew him off. “Pft, YOU step in! I ain't goin' anywhere near the—”
“Gentlemen…” pleaded Kazuma hopelessly while rubbing his eyes tiredly. `I'm leaving…it's just not worth the effort anymore.'
“Master Haji…good…to…see…you!” wheezed in response Ayame with a wide smile and wave, many looking on with awe that he can take the abuse from his brother so well. “Isn't (gasp) Yuki…ahggh…divinely (gasp) beauti-(GASP!)
“Take that back!” cried out Yuki ardently, his lock on his brother's head tightening more. He suddenly loosened his hold upon hearing his brother's cellphone ring…a ringtone that suspiciously sounded like a squeaking toy mice.
“Heeellllooo?” chirped Ayame normally albeit a bit hoarsely, still prostrate against Yuki's slim form as he held the phone non-plussed. The tailor's face immediately brightened like the sun on a cloudy day. “Tori-san!!! I can't wait to tell you all the details of my exquisite brother's night out—heh? Oh, okay! Une minute! Here Yuki, it's for you!”
Keeping his hold firm, Yuki grabbed the phone from his brother's grasp. He wasted no time in voicing his displeasure. “Hatori, get him to leave…NOW!”
“NO! I just got here!” protested Ayame while shifting to a more `comfortable' position. “I went through a lot of trouble getting this outfit done in time for tonight, and you just wouldn't believe the looks you get from some idiots at the door. Pish, those fools have no sense of what's stylish, and there they were gawking at me. I think they were rather perverted—(GASP!)
“JUST MAKE HIM STOP, HATORI!!!” implored the youngest brother into the phone as he tightened the headlock yet again to stop the slew of unwanted details from spilling forth.
“OH, IT'S ON!”
“Hm, have you ever wondered which of the two is the more mature?” idly commented Kazuma as he stood against the wall while munching quietly on his snacks and drinks he retrieved while the `matches' continued. He was so thankful that neither party took their grievances away from this secluded area by the elevators. It certainly pays to have clout as a Sohma so that it could be used as leverage to keep people away.
“M-hm,” mumbled Kagura happily as she munched on her snack, discreetly keeping tabs on her escort to be sure he didn't stray far from her. Although Tetsuya's presence now didn't distress her as before, she still preferred the wholesome presence that Yuki represented. Although `wholesome' isn't exactly what Yuki was emanating at the moment…
Not daring to physically interfere with her best friends in public—she would be clumsy enough to bump into one or the other Jyuunishi—Tohru sipped from her cup of punch in a remarkably calm manner. Truly, it made her feel nostalgic to see this more familiar environment…the part of the Rat and Cat venting their frustrations so expressively. It's what helped define them as who they are…and that's always a good thing.
Tetsuya was the only who observed the scene with a sense of disgust. However, his disgust was mainly aimed at one Sohma in particular. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that this one Sohma, like his friend Keisuke pointed out not too long ago, just rubbed him the wrong way. It was disconcerting to say the least, and he honestly didn't know what to make of Master Haji's strange deference to the youth. And what's with his relation with Kagura? As long as he's known the Sohma beauty, she kept her warm gestures to herself, and now… There was obviously more amiss than he perceived, and it made him all the more determined to demand an explanation from his father.
`I will find out what cats are hiding in this bag. I always manage…'
Well, words don't fail me now! It's been a long ride on this one! I'm sorry to those I said I'd be releasing this LAST week. It's a little late, huh? Please forgive! Hopefully you find the lengthened chapter a plus!
Um, where to start? There's so much that went on here that I can't remember it all! (SIGH) Well, first off, how do you like my OC? Too much for you to handle? Heheh, well, he was inspired from basically all the personalities the Jyuunishi shared. Kyo had to have gotten his attitude from somewhere…extended families influence those within I think. Too bad he has such a rocky and vivacious relationship with his family…heh, an old man has to have his hobbies! I hoped he was memorable!
Family intrigue is at play again. I'm glad I finally `named' Tetsuya's dad (Seto is a nice name). It's so unnerving to keep these characters anonymous. And boy was he a jerk! Yep, that's my depiction of him; after all, you can't just have one bad apple in a batch…there's always more. You'll really hate him in future chapters. There's my cookie to you!
Regarding Yuki's status as the Nezumi and the invisible strings it pulls on everyone, I wanted to emphasize this in this chapter with Kazuma as my point man. Remember, everyone either hates or loves the Rat, very few actually don't care either way. It's an issue that must be kept in mind when you read other characters' perceptions of the Rat. Of course, most don't know him as such, but their behavior speaks volumes of how they regard him as. Kazuma was just one of many characters in the storyline that react a certain way with Yuki's presence. I will have others behave according to this perception as well (you may have already noticed this)…any questions, just let me know!
Our lovers' triangle is becoming more poignant to see, and Kagura is certainly having issues of her own. If you want to understand Kagura/Yuki moments better, please visit Sometimes…, chapters 4 and 5. It should clear up whatever questions you may have regarding their moment together.
The close encounter of the childish kind had definite allusions to moments marked back in chapters 29 and 39…look `em up if need be…I did! Anyway, the storyline is certainly picking up tempo in the angst department and these moments reflect that. Please remember what the storyline is all about (summary sums it up!), since that's why the story is going the way it is. It's hard to keep the main plotline going with so much going on…hopefully my juggling act doesn't fall flat on my face!
Now I know many will be wondering how much effort was put in to the setting of this chapter…the details on the exhibition I mean. Heh, I did read up on this, the ancient and the not so modern methods of warfare Japan had used way back when. The specific details of these items are accurate, taken from a very nicely illustrated book entitled…hmmm, I forgot! It's not from me mind you, so I give credit to this wonderful book borrowed from my local library. I'll need to find out the title…it's only proper! And to just add another cookie to your jar, this setting and other details will be important later on. Now, no more goodies!
The last portion was merely to wrap up loose ends for this chapter, plus bring back our beloved Ayame. To those that wished for him, here he is in all his glory!
Good songs for this release! Let's see…I may repeat myself, so please forgive me. I liked the song from Jo Dee Messina's “Bring on the Rain”; rather fitting for Yuki's struggles here. Heh, I even have a good song for our distressed Kagura, although to many of you it may not seem understandable…Spanish songstress Laura Flores' song “El Alma No Tiene Color”, translated as “The Soul Has No Colors”, which mind you should be really called “Love's Colors”. If you read a translation of the Spanish song, you will see how poetic and beautifully it fits with Kagura and Ritsu. So touching…SIGH. Also another plus for this list would be Howard Jones' “No One is to Blame”. Its lyrics aren't exactly applicable, but again the meaning behind it does fit. Yuki aims to reach out to Tohru, but somehow all his efforts prove futile. Hm…that sounds familiar… Heh, also, if you've read Sometimes…, then you know I'm really a big fan of Andre Rieu's rendition of the Second Waltz. Ever heard of it? Do nab yourself a copy of it, or at least listen to it on the public radio broadcasts of his concerts. Lovely!
Okay, now here are my BIGGEST and BEST thanks EVER to all my readers and reviewers, for this story and others! You are all wonderful and continue to be my fuel in moving this fic forward. So be kind, and let me know your thoughts…any and all of them! I do get inspiration from those lovely reviews sent to me! Take care everyone—see you soon in a review bin near you! Ja ne!