Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Memiors of an Amiercan Gundam Pilot ❯ Pool Sharks ( Chapter 42 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.

To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)

Chapter Forty-one: Pool Sharks

It was now July 3rd, and we were all told by our trainers to workout before the opening ceremonies. I decided to head to the weight room that day to do some benches, squats, and others. I was tired after working out, so I decided to crash early. But for some reason, I had this gut feeling that something was going to happen.

The next morning, I found a note hanging from my doorknob covering the "Do Not Disturb" sign.

Do not go find the Gundam pilots.

P.S.: No cussing in the Olympics in your event or to your rival.

I knew right from the start I was going to have a hard time doing both because: one, they find us first; and two, it's really hard for me not to cuss.

We were invited to a brunch buffet, and I think we didn't leave any ounce of food untouched; we tore up that place.

We had a few hours to rest ourselves before the opening ceremonies would take place, so we all went to the pool. Amy was doing laps while Jason and I were doing a cannon ball contest. Trel, Niki, and Savanna were in the hot tub letting the strong jets relax their muscles.

I was a bit tired and thirsty, so I headed to the bar and got myself a drink. Then I noticed 10 people that looked familiar. When I looked closer, I saw the Gundam pilots, Relena, Zechs, Noin, Lady Une, and Mariemaia all walking. They walked past the diving board, and Jason, who was attempting another cannon ball, stopped in mid-air for a second and blinked, screamed, and then screwed up, resulting in a belly flop. We all heard a loud splash as he crashed the deck, and all the girls came to his aid. Jason had enough power to pull himself out, but he quickly passed out after. His belly and chest was glowing a bright red. Niki ran to get some water, and then sprinkled some herbs in it, making the water turn green.

"Drink this Jason," Niki said handing him the glass.

"No way, that stuff looks like…" Jason said before Savanna cut him off and said, "Drink it Jason."

"Yes mother," Jason said in his child tone as he drank it. "This actually tastes good," as he drank more. The stinging in his body and the redness started to disappear.

"That's Niki: always thinking something tasty and helpful at the same time," Trel said, slapping Niki's back.

"So Jason, what made you break the laws of gravity," Amy snickered, "this time?"

"Was it the baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back ribs?" Savanna mocked.

"No," I said while I was walking towards them sipping my drink. "It was them," and I pointed to the Gundam pilots.

"I don't get this. How can they find us?" Savanna said.

"Newspapers," Jason said taking another sip of his drink.

"What?" asked a confused Amy.

"Like I said, newspapers," Jason said as she took another sip and picked up today's USA Today. The headline read "The Elite Six" and it had all of our pictures on the front cover. "After all the national media attention we've been getting, it would be a miracle if they didn't find us."

"So, what's the plan?" Trel asked.