Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Forever Always, From Your Secret Admirer ❯ PART I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own SM or GW, or the idea for this story, which was Sere-chan's brilliance. Sere-chan's idea: What if Princess Serenity had a secret admirer? And what if he happened to be the well-known woman hater, Wufei Chang? This is my interpretation of that idea. Only the characters/places with a * by their name are mine.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is an AU (Alternate Universe) fic that takes place during the Silver Millennium. However, OZ, the Gundams, and the Colonies exist. The years will be AC (After Colony) and all that.

"...." People talking

~.... ~ People thinking

<<...>> Author Notes

^^^^^^^ Change of time or place

(...) Important information about the character, place, or event


WARNINGS: Mention of Yaoi and a couple scenes of Yaoi. Yaoi is male/male romance, so if that offends you turn back now. It's not one of the G-boys; it's one of my guys.

Forever Always, From Your Secret Admirer PART ONE

By: Rebekah Spake (Zpan Sven)

Serenity of the White Moon Kingdom sat on a stone bench in the middle of the garden maze. She was surrounded by the most beautiful and rare of flowers. These flowers could only be found here on the Moon. They were the Moon Rose and the Moon Lily. Serenity did not know why but the Moon Rose was her favorite; the Moon Lily was her mother's favorite. ~ Perhaps, it is because they are what he leaves me… ~ She thought to herself dreamily. The 'he' she referred to was her secret admirer.

"Princess Serenity?" Came a deep voice behind her.

"Yes?" She said turning to face Kafir*, the Prince of Saturn, elder brother to Hotura (sp?), Princess of Saturn, and 'bodyguard' to Serenity's elder brother Solaris*. Kafir was around 6 feet 2 inches in height and 210 pounds in weight. He possessed a moderate muscular build and had short, dark brown hair and deep blue eyes that were almost violet in color.

"Your parents and brothers wish to see you." He said calmly. Though in truth he was not calm. ~How will the princess react to her family's news? ~ He asked himself filled with dread. In truth, he loved Princess Serenity. Hell, most of Prince Solaris's court loved her, the same with Prince Quatre's.

Serenity followed Kafir into her mother's throne room. Not to her surprise it was filled. Her father, Solaris, King of the White Sol Kingdom, sat in his throne beside her mother; he appeared concerned. Standing beside their thrones were her brothers Solaris and Quatre, as did their respective courts. Her twin, Quatre, looked at her, concern filling his sapphire blue eyes; Serenity frowned mentally and wondered what could have upset her gentle twin. She then looked over at her elder brother and saw him scowling fiercely.

~ If both of them are upset, then something terrible has happened! ~ Usagi thought her heart skipping a beat in fear.

King Solaris looked at his wife and nodded. Queen Serenity sighed and rose from her throne.

"Serenity, something important has been decided about your future and We <<AN: Royalty usually don't say 'I' like normal people, but 'We' to signify their status of being for the people or something like that. >> are not sure how to tell you…" She said.

"Tell me what, Okaasan-sama (mother, with the highest term of respect)?" Princess Serenity asked her mother.

"They're marring you off to the Earth prince, Endymion." Prince Solaris said bluntly.

Princess Serenity paled. ~ No, not Endymion, please no! ~ She silently begged her parents.

King Solaris winced and nodded sharply while Queen Serenity looked relieved to of had it said.

"But…but, why?" She pleaded. Didn't they know of his temper and the way he treated his people. Princess Serenity shuddered at memory of the rumors she had heard about him.

"To secure peace between Earth, the Colonies, and the Silver Alliance." Queen Serenity said.

Solace (Prince Solaris) looked at his sister and saw her fear. He silently cursed Endymion and his parents. The only good Earth Nobles stood beside him and his brother Quatre. Prince Alantas*, Endymion's 4th cousin; Duo Maxwell, Prince and Heir to the American Provinces* and the L2 Colony; Heero Yuy, Duke of Corth* and Heir to the L1 Colony; Trowa Barton, Earl of Yartaq* and Heir to the L7 <<AN: what colony is he from, it never says? >> Colony; and Chang Wufei, the Heir of the Chang Empire in the Euro-Asian part of Earth and Heir to the L5 Colony. They were worth their weight in gold.

Chang Wufei stood silently by Prince Quatre and watched the situation before him. If it had been up to him, Prince Endymion would by jettisoned into deep space. He knew the other Earth Nobles agreed with him. Endymion was a bastard it was true. Endymion got his jollies hurting those weaker than himself.

~ A truly despicable man, he is not worthy of Serenity's beautiful hand in marriage! ~ Wufei thought, silently seething.

The Earth nobles, Sailor Senshi, and Solar Senshi each wanted to destroy Endymion. Each had and opinion of how to dispatch Endymion to the next dimension: Makato and Zeus* of Jupiter wanted to stake Endymion out in the middle of an electrical storm on their home world; Rei and Ares* of Mars wanted to throw him into a boiling lava pit on their fiery home world; the twins, Minako and Eros* of Venus wanted to feed him to their mother's famous carnivorous plants; Sestuna and Ryoken* of Pluto wanted to leave him out in the winter months on their home world and let him freeze; Ami and Hermes* of Mercury wanted to entrap him in the ice springs on their home world; Kafir and Hotura of Saturn wanted to launch him in to the ice rings of their home world; Haruka and Hisharo* of Uranus wanted to set him in the middle of the deserts of their home world in the wind season; Michuri and Shawn* of Neptune wanted to toss him into the oceans of their home world and let the oceanic creatures devour him; Alantas and the other Earth Nobles each had different plans of how to dispatch the Kono Yaro (bastard, asshole) Endymion. Heero wanted to slowly shoot him in various, vital locations. Trowa wanted to use Endymion for dagger throwing practice. Duo, well Duo was of the same mind of Wufei in jettisoning Endymion into deep space. Alantas wanted to throw him into the Amazon River and let the piranhas devour him.

Solaris looked deep into his baby sister's eyes and silently cursed Endymion to the deepest fiery Hells imaginable. Solaris's strong fists clenched in his anger towards this…this situation. Hisharo watched his beloved Prince in silent agony.

~ He has no idea of how I love him and it would be best if he never knew. ~ Hisharo thought, sighing softly.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked him.

Hisharo blushed at Shawn's question.

"It's just the thought of poor Princess Serenity with that…that…" Hisharo's own fists clenched at the idea.

Shawn nodded her head in agreement, her dark green bangs falling into her violet-blue eyes. She was around 5 feet 7 inches in height and wore a cross between the Princesses' gowns and the Princes' samurai armor. She looked over at Princess Serenity with concern in her eyes.

~ There has to be another way to achieve peace! If we sacrifice Princess Serenity, then we are no better than OZ…and what of those rumors that Prince Endymion works for OZ? Has their majesties not thought of this? ~ Shawn thought, her mind racing.

"Your Majesties, if I maybe so bold…" Ryoken began.

"Say what you will, Prince Ryoken of Pluto." King Solaris said.

"Your Majesties, have you no thought of the rumors of Prince Endymion working for OZ?" Ryoken challenged.

"We have heard of these rumors." Queen Serenity said.

"Have they been investigated?" Shawn asked.

"They are rumors, nothing more and they shall not be spoken of again." Queen Serenity said, glaring at Shawn.

Shawn glared back at her. Ryoken looked at Shawn and shook his head at his cousin. Shawn snarled to herself and walked to Princess Serenity. The Moon Princess was silently weeping. Prince Solaris walked forward and embraced her.

"Is there no other way?" Quatre asked his parents.

"Well…" King Solaris hedged.

"What of one of the other Earth Nobles?" Prince Solaris asked his father.

"Well I don't see why not!" The King proclaimed.

"No! What would the King and Queen of Earth say?!" The Queen exclaimed.

"What about a challenge?" Wufei said.

All eyes swung to Wufei. He had a thoughtful, determined look on his face. Solaris was nodding in agreement.

"That might work!" Quatre said, "The King and Queen of Earth would surely agree to it!"

All eyes turned to the Queen.

"We'll have to see what they say about this. But I can not promise anything!" The Queen sighed.