Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Hell's Angel, Heaven's Demon ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hell's Angel Heaven's Demon

Chapter 5

Duo and Heero made it to Duo's house without getting spotted. He noticed that his aunts and mother weren't home, which was kinda suspicious. He just shrugged it off and labeled it as an odd day and locked the door. They would know someone was in there because he locked it. Now how to avoid twenty questions with Heero? Distract him! He had perfect ideas.

"Hey you hungry? I am!" Duo said automatically and ran to the kitchen. Heero followed behind slowly glaring at Duo's back the whole way. He knew what Duo was trying to do. So he just sat at the table and waited till Duo brought out some food. To tell the truth he was hungry. He never had lunch yet.

"Heero I hope you don't mind leftovers that's all we have right now, I can't cook so you have to make do," Duo called out from the kitchen. Heero rolled his eyes and stood up. He wasn't in the mood for leftovers. In the kitchen he saw Duo rummaging through the fridge. He sighed and walked over to the other teen.

Duo almost jumped as he felt a tap on his shoulder. This usually happened when someone surprised him because he just got beat up and he momentarily forgot to heal any scratches or serious injuries. Heero noticed.

"Go change. You look like you've been through hell. I'll take care of this," Heero offered. Duo smiled at him and walked off to change unaware of his friend's eyes following him till he exited out of sight.


Setsuna sighed. It's been a few days since she witnessed Duo spying on her. She knew he was worried. But now she had to have a talk with her nephew. And it had to be soon. She went home and found the door unlocked. That was kinda odd, it was only lunch and Duo wasn't supposed to come home from school until three more hours. When she entered she smelled the aroma of food, something she knew wasn't done by either of them at all. Someone else was here. She heard voices in Duo's room and went to investigate. As she entered she saw something surprising.


Heero finished cooking some stir-fry noodles with added side dishes of tempura and miso soup. He wondered what was taking Duo so long. Usually Duo would be here by now with the prospect of a meal. Then he figured that Duo was showering. He might as well tell him that lunch was ready. He knocked on Duo's door. When he received no response he frowned and began to worry. He opened the door and looked in shock. Had he have something in his hands he would've dropped it.

Duo was unaware of someone seeing him as he brushed off the dirt on his wings when the bullies pushed him to the ground. When he heard footsteps did he turn around. He gasped in shock as he saw Heero standing in front of him. Now he didn't know what to do or how to explain why his wings were black. He could've just said he died them that color though he doubts Heero would believe him. He froze as the other's hand reached out and touched his wing. Duo shut his eyes waiting for the taunts or anything type of violence being done to him. He slowly opened them in surprise as Heero just stroked his wing instead. Maybe he was just going gentle at first before the real thing happens. He waited but it never happened because Heero dropped his hand and turned away.

"I'm sorry. I should've knocked first. I have to go back before Mother gets me again for skipping class," Heero said.

Before he could walk out the door opened and Setsuna was standing at the door looking surprised. Heero walked past her and left through the door. She turned her attention to Duo. He slid down the wall till he sat on the floor. His head was down and his wings were drooping. Droplets of tears dripped to the floor. Setsuna walked over and kneeled in front of him.

"Duo…" she began.

"This isn't fair," he whispered, "Why did I have to be born differently? Why couldn't I have white wings? Why am I different from everyone? He probably hates me now. He'll probably tell the others and they'll leave me alone except for Hilde. But it's not the same. It's not the same without him. I can't help it. I love him. Though he probably never saw me that way besides everyone will look at us funny and we might not be accepted around society. I wish I could just tell him how I felt. I wish he said something instead of just leaving. Am I really that ugly?!" He slammed his hands on the carpeted floor. Tears fell down his face as he cried his heart out.

Setsuna looked at him sadly. She was never one to pity because she knew that everyone would hate that. She sighed. She needed to make this all better. She lifted his head up. She almost cried at his words and now looking at him made her want to cry even more. Duo turned his head away from her. But she placed it facing her.

"Duo, look at me," she stated sternly. He looked at her hesitantly.

"You are not ugly. Besides, you aren't the only one who was born differently. Look at my eyes. Tell me what you see." Duo looked into her eyes. He was staring into Garnet pools. It was close to the eyes of demons. He gasped, as he looked further. Setsuna erased his memory of that talk he spied on between her and his father a day ago without him knowing.

"Your eyes are red," he said in surprise.

"See you aren't the only one. When I was your age I wondered the same things. I wondered how why I had been different because my eyes were red. I was alone. No one wanted to see or even speak to me. My father was a demon just like yours except angels and demons weren't not in good terms in my time.

"My mother was raped. When I was born and opened my eyes, I actually remembered her face looking at me in disgust. She would always say to me, 'If only your eyes weren't red'. Then I even attempted to tear them out to see if it would make her happy. But someone came and stopped me. It was a demon. He seemed to be wandering around since the gates between our worlds were open because of the war. He taught me that it's okay to be different because that just makes you unique. He told me, 'Don't you think that it might be used for something good in the future?' It turns out, he was right. My mixed blood contained that of a demon healer. My blood could heal any damage done by a demon to another angel.

"To this day I haven't forgotten what he said to me and I searched for him. Turns out he died during the war serving my father. But I still haven't forgotten what he said to me that day and I cherish it. So you're not ugly. Your eyes are just as beautiful as your mothers. Don't forget that." She stood up.

"C'mon. Lets eat. I'm sure you're hungry." Setsuna stated and held out her hand for him. Duo smiled slightly at her and accepted the offer. They walked into the dinning and saw that the food Heero cooked was still there and smelling delicious. They both sat down and took samples. Setsuna was surprised.

"You know if you two make up you guys should really hook up. He can really cook. You can't cook to save your life and yet you live with women who can."

Duo attempted to hit her but she got out of the way.

"Shut up, Auntie Suna. It's not like I can't cook, it's just that I don't do it right," Duo defended himself saying the wrong words.

"Ah, you just admitted it." Duo was about to say something then shut his mouth.

"You're so mean auntie Suna."

"All is fair in love and war." Duo growled and threw his plate of food at her.

This began a food fight.


Hotaru sighed. It's been a busy day. She thought she would collapse from exhaustion. She wondered why they had to do all these jobs. She felt sorry for Serenity. During the days she felt like she was harassed with all this stupid things going on. There was an uprising though no one knew among whom. She figured the angels would blame the demons and the demons would blame the angels. And then they would be back to World War II just like what the humans went through. Hotaru was tired.

Serenity suggested that she should go home and rest since she saw Hotaru enter early in the morning hours. Hotaru complied with the request. But going back home proved to cause even more problems for her. Because, as she came in the dinning room it was a complete mess. Food was strewn everywhere. And luckily for her, she didn't have to search for the two culprits. She sighed. Apparently Duo and Setsuna were also covered in muck.

"The two of you clean up then help me clean this mess up," she stated firmly. They both went to clean up while Hotaru started to clean their mess.


Kinshin: People I'm so sorry I took so freaking long! I apologize further if this happens again which it will for some reason or another. Anyways don't worry for you people who like the 3x4 pairing! I'll have them in the next chapter, I promise you! I thank you people for your reviews and visits!

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