Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Time Passes By ❯ Chapter 11

[ A - All Readers ]




Before any of the girls could say anything, a loud bang was heard. Mist surrounded them, and the same two people that they met before came out of the mist.

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"Missed us?" the woman asked with a smirk.

"Who the hell are you? And why are you after us?" Raye asked angrily.

"Fiery. But that's what I expect from the princess of Mars." The man said.

"What?!?" The girls and the G-boys asked. The G-boys came running when they heard the loud bang.

"Hahahaha. Two years ago. Does that ring a bell?" The woman asked.

"Two years ago….." Amy repeated.

"Foolish. I am Ansem, the seeker of Darkness."

"And I am Beatrix, the guardian of Darkness."

"What? But I sealed you away two years ago in Trunks' and Goten's dimension. How could you have escaped?" Serena was desperate for an answer.

"Ahhh.. The Z Fighters. They were an obstruction to us. Now that they are gone, it is easier to take over now, for our master." Ansem replied.

"No, you will not! We stopped you before, and we will again!" Serena said angrily.

The girls were surprised with her anger.

"Let's see about that. Once we obtain you're crystals, you will be nothing." Beatrix said, laughing.

"You'll pay for what you did before. My friends sacrificed their lives, even Trunks, just to seal you away." There were tears coming from Serena's eyes as she choked out the words.

"And Goten." Mina spoke up, angrily.

"You guys, they were revived by the Dragon Balls." Amy said softly.

"We know, but still." Serena started crying.

"Who should we start with?" Beatrix interrupted them..

"Get the show started already." Ansem said with a laugh.

"THAT'S IT!!!" Raye yelled angrily.


Raye was surrounded by fire. Her clothes were the same, except for the colours. Her skirt were layered with blood red and bright red. Her hair had streaks of red, and on her forehead was the sign of Mars. Then came out her wings. Her wings was coloured light red.

The guys were amazed by her new transformation. Soon the girls nodded their heads and followed too.


Amy was surrounded by water and ice. Her clothes were the same, but the colour of her skirt were deep blue, and baby blue. Her hair was layered and had dark blue streaks, and on her forehead was the sign of Mercury. Her wings were coloured baby blue.


Mina was surrounded by orange aura that formed chains. Her clothes were the same, but the colour of her skirt was sun orange and yellow orange. Part of her hair was tied into a ponytail with an orange bow. Her hair had orange dyed streaks. In her forehead was the sign of Venus. Her wings were coloured sun orange.


Serena was surrounded by silver aura. Her skirt had blue and white layers. Her hair was done in odangoes, with a bit of silver streaks. In her forehead was a golden crescent moon. Her wings were white, but some of the feathers were silver.


Lita was surrounded by yellow thunder. Her skirt had pink and green layers. Her hair was tied into a ponytail, but had green streaks. In her forehead was the sign of Jupiter. Her wings were light green.

"Looks like the brats have a new trick, eh?" Beatrix laughed.

"You guys better get to a safe place, this could get a little bit dirty." Raye said to the guys behind her.

"You think we're just gonna run and hide?" Wufei said to Raye.

"Raye's right. This could get a bit dirty, and we might not be able to shield you guys from danger. It's too risky." Amy said to them.

The guys finally nodded their heads, and ran away from the clearing, and into the trees, where they were able to see them, and be protected at the same time.

"What is it that you truly want?" Lita asked the two people in front of them.

"Hahahaha. You're crystals, of course."

"What crystals? We do not know what you're talking about!" Amy yelled.

"Never you mind, let's get this show on the road." Beatrix laughed, as she charged at them.

The girls scrambled from their places, and were all around the place. There was a big hole to where Beatrix attacked them.


(This is my story, so I kind of mixed their attacks, because I dun really know all their attacks, so yeah. If you have a problem about it, just message me!)

Sailor Mars fired a snake-shaped fire to Beatrix. Beatrix merely dodged it.

"You'll pay for that!!" Beatrix screamed angrily

"Who's gonna make me?" Raye smirked.

"I will" Ansem was charging behind Raye.

Raye flattered her wings just in time to dodge the attack. But there was a slash in her back.

"RAYE! Are you ok?" Serena screamed from the ground with worry written all over her face.

Raye nodded her head. While she was fighting, Sailor Mercury were analyzing their data with a small hand-held computer that she carried with her all the time. She was typing and pressing a couple of buttons, as the screen showed information.

"I can't seem to find any possible weaknesses." Sailor Mercury told the girls.

"Hahaha. Of course, we are superior!" Ansem laughed.

"Well, we'll weaken them ourselves." Lita said huskily.


The attack snaked towards Beatrix, hitting her on the side of the shoulder.

"You'll pay for that. I'll make sure you go to hell!" She yelled while charging at her.


Sailor Venus' chain wrapped Beatrix. Beatrix was enraged. Ansem, who was fighting Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury, saw that Beatrix was in trouble.


His attacked went straight towards Sailor Venus' back.


Sailor Venus turned around, only to see dark energy coming towards her. She rolled over, but her left arm was limp, and blood was dripping. Her concentration broke, and the chain that encircled Beatrix was broken. Beatrix was now free, but her arms had burnt marks from the chains that tied her up.

"Sailor Venus, are you okay?" Sailor Moon came running to her.

She was holding her left arm, trying to prevent from losing more blood. Sailor Mercury landed down from the sky to help her friend.

"Sailor Mercury, tend Sailor Venus' wounds, we'll distract them." Sailor Mars told her.

"NO! I'm fine! They need you out there, Sailor Mercury." Sailor Venus coughed out the words.

"The health of my friends matter more than the victory of our fight, in the mean time." She replied, as she pushed a couple of buttons on her device. A little box came out, and turned out to be a first-aid kit. She tended her wounds, until they were all wrap up. She and Sailor Venus finally got back to the fight, and they weren't looking too good. Ansem and Beatrix had a couple of wounds and bruises, but not compared to the scouts. They were wounded and were weak. Then Beatrix and Ansem charged to the scouts.


She split her index finger and middle finger, forming two chains that circled Beatrix and Ansem.





The scouts joined their attacks. There was smoke everywhere. The girls were weak, and wounded. As the smoke cleared, the girls were shocked. Ansem and Beatrix were still there. They were worn out, but they were still alive.

"No… This can't be." Serena fell on her knees.

Then Beatrix and Ansem once again charged at them, but this time, the scouts were defenseless.


A whisper loud enough for everybody to hear was heard. Then purple energy came in front of Ansem and Beatrix, they stopped in their tracks, not wanting to fall to their demise.

"Sailor Saturn!" The scouts yelled.

"And the outers!" Amy screamed in relief.

"What's this? Looks like the brat have some new friends. But no worries, they shall go to hell!" Beatrix laughed.

"Let's see about that!"


The ground below them started to shake. Then golden energy was released and was sent directly to Ansem and Beatrix. They dodged it, but now they were even more weak.

"We'll get you next time, sailor brat!" Ansem coughed up the words as a dark portal opened, and Ansem and Beatrix disappeared into it's depths. The girls then de-transformed.

"Are you girls ok?" Michiru, the once Sailor Neptune asked.

They nodded their heads in return. Soon the guys came running out from the trees. Wufei who hated to just run away, was muttering weird things. Haruka's soft face turned into a cautious face.

"Haruka, it's all right." Serena told her.

"Are you sure, Koneko-chan?" She asked.

She nodded her head. The guys were amazed by their fighting abilities, and were a bit ashamed, because the girls almost died, and they just ran and were hiding behind trees.

"Damn those two…freaks!" Raye cursed as she forced herself to stand up.

"The next time we meet them, we'll be ready!" Lita said, clutching her chest.

"Yeah." Mina stood up, holding her bloody left arm and her stomach.

"But first, we need out wounds to heal." Amy said rubbing her legs.

"Setsuna, do you anything about these 5 crystals?" Serena asked.

"In fact, I do. That's why I came here. Then I found out that they reached you before we did. I'll explain when we get back to the temple." She replied wisely.

They nodded their heads, as the guys helped the girls walk. Then they went home to rest.