Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 30 Days of Drabble ❯ Day 10: The Joys of Food ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I'm not sure about you, but it seems to me as if Treize would be an absolute food snob and I forgot how much I liked Une until I started writing this. I need to write her more. [Rules for this challenge are in chapter one.]

Day: 10
Date: February 19, 2010
Prompt: gastronome /GAS-truh-nohm/, noun: A connoisseur of good food and drink.
Fandom: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Character: Lady Une
Disclaimer: Bandai, Sotsu and Sunrise own Gundam Wing. I just use the characters for my own amusement and with any luck at all, your amusement as well.

The Joys of Food

Prepackaged beef. Lettuce wrapped in plastic. Were those frozen peas? And a can of-- No, better not to look. The kitchen was simply atrocious. Abysmal. Barbaric and appalling! It didn't contain a single morsel of fare suitable for a palate as groomed as His Excellency's.

She was going to have to do something about it. Three bags of potato chips. Too bad blowing it up would be a waste of supplies. She held up one hand. "Corporal."

The noncom assigned to escort her around the facility snapped to attention. "Sir?"

"This kitchen is--" --detestable-- "wholly unsuitable for His Excellency's use. I will require a few things." Block of C-4 and several detonators. Just in case. "I will draw you up a list of supplies. You will follow the included instructions explicitly."

"Sir, yes, sir."

"Excellent. A moment?" She approached a counter, snagged a writing pad left there and copied down her orders in a precise print. She refrained from adding the C-4 and its accessories even after spying a can of Spam. Yes, she had encountered the tinned delight previously. It was not an experience she'd wish on her worst enemy.

She handed off the paper. The Corporal scanned the instructions hesitating for a split second before saluting and exiting the room. Orders given and problem on its way to being solved, she left the kitchen.

When she returned two hours later, the kitchen housed a very nice selection of the finest of foods. In the very center of the pile was a block of C-4 and four detonators.

She flinched. Had she really been so distracted that her self-control abandoned her? Had she really been defeated by a can of Spam?

Had she really been defeated by Spam?

Apparently, she had.

Une-0 Spam-1

- End -