Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 3

~~~Early in the morning~~~ (9AM)

Pagan (poking her head into Wufei's room) Are you up?

Wufei: Yes! Now go away!

Pagan: fine... geez (poking her head into Duo's and Heero's room) Hey! You two up yet?

Duo: Hey babe… yeah… (turning around to face her with a t-shirt in hand topless with boxers on)

Pagan (blushing)

Duo: (looks down) oh yeah… sorry (puts his shirt on) Yeah we're up. ^_^

Pagan: Alright ^_^ come to the kitchen when you're done… breakfast will be done soon.

Duo: Alright babe. (Pagan walks out of the room to poke her head into Quatre's and Trowa's room)

Pagan: Are you two up yet?

Trowa: Shhh… Quatre's still sleeping.

Pagan: Oh… alright… I'll wake him up so you can start your shower.

Trowa: Thank you. (goes off to start his shower)

Pagan (gently shaking Quatre's shoulder) Quatre… Quatre… wake up… Quatre…

Quatre: wha... what? Oh… it's you Pagan. Hello. ^_^

Pagan: (gazing down at him) Hi… are you going to get up so everyone can have breakfast?

Quatre: (sitting up and rubbing his eyes… trying not to stare at Pagan) yes… I will down in a few mins.

Pagan (smiling) Alright… see you in a few. (Standing up and going into another bathroom to take a shower while Mika is downstairs preparing eggs, toast, and coffee for everyone else)

~~~At the table downstairs after everyone is ready for the day~~~

Pagan (to the 5 boys) hi everyone, we have toast, eggs, and coffee for you all if you are hungry.

Quatre: Thank you very much Miss… (Cough) sorry... Pagan. ^_^

Pagan: it is alright. (Everyone sits down at the table and starts to eat in silence except for the slight clanging of the forks on the plates)

~~~After everyone is finished eating~~~

(Everyone sitting somewhere in the living room after the dishes were cleaned up)

Duo (sitting next to Pagan on the couch) so does anyone have any ideas as what to do?

Mika: Well… I want to know how you all got here in the first place.

Heero: well… it started like this. Duo was mixing these chemicals together to make an energy drink for us so we wouldn't become tired quickly while in battle.

Wufei (cutting in) and once we drank it we were all transported and dropped into your front yard! I knew I shouldn't have drunken it!

Mika: Well… I don't think we have any of those types of chemicals in this timeframe and so you are probably going to be here the rest of your lives. I don't know what to tell you and I'm sorry that you will be unable to go back to your home.

Quatre: It is alright… but now we need to figure out where we will be living and to start working somehow to make money. (Looking around the room at everyone)

Pagan: Well… since this is a large house and I have the money to support everyone. Why don't you all just stay here? We never use those rooms since I rarely get company. ^_^

Trowa: Are you sure that it is alright? We do not want to become a bother.

Mika: Oh yes… it will be alright. ^_^

Duo: Then it is settled! (Placing an arm around Pagan's shoulders again) we will stay here and help out with the chores as much as we can. ^_^

(to be continued…)