Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4

~~~Right before lunchtime and everyone has gotten used to their surroundings~~~

Pagan: (calling to everyone loud enough that it can be heard all over the house) Lunch is ready!

(Duo and Mika come running down the stairs, which then are followed by Heero, Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei)

Pagan: Everyone go ahead and have a seat… it's tuna fish sandwiches and potato chips.

Duo: (who sits down next to Pagan) What are potato chips?

Mika: You'll like them… trust me.

Wufei: Injustice! Onna! I'm not going to eat something greasy that makes you gain weight quickly!

Quatre: Wufei! That is no way to treat this lovely girl that has taken us in. If you don't like it then don't eat it.

Pagan (slightly blushing): It is alright Wufei… there are carrot sticks in the kitchen if you would like those.

Wufei: (mumbling something about justice and gets up to get the carrot sticks)

Trowa: I am sorry for how he acts… we will find a way to get him out of the house and living at his own place for you.

Mika: Well… you don't have to do that but if you want to then be my guest. He is rude a lot.

Duo (to Pagan): don't worry… we'll get him out of here for you.

Pagan: well… um… alright. ^_^

~~~After lunch and everything is cleaned up in the later afternoon~~~

(Wufei is off in his room while Trowa and Heero are taking at nap in their rooms… Duo and Quatre are in the living room)

Quatre: It is a very pretty sunset. (Sitting next to Mika on the couch)

Pagan: Yes… it is very pretty. (Sitting on the floor leaning against the couch… one of Duo's legs resting against her shoulder)

Mika: Would anyone like to go for a walk? The sun will be down completely in about an hour. We can just leave a note on the door of the rooms for the other three.

Quatre: That sounds like a good idea, what do you say Duo?

Duo: I would like that. So where would we go?

Pagan: We can go to the huge park that is about a 5 min walk from here.

Mika: Alright… then lets go. (Pagan gets up and makes 3 notes that she sticks to the door of the other three's and they go out of the front door)

(to be continued…)