Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ A Suprise At The Door ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 12

~*~*~*~*~*~ In the drive-thru at KFC ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Mika: we would like your family combo meal with an extra side of cole slaw, please.

Wufei: (muttering) I still think we don't need that much food.

Quatre: (thawping Wufei) shush!

(Mika driving to the window and getting the food)

Drive-thru food person: That will be $18.48 please. (Mika handing him the food) Thank you. (Everyone getting the food and driving back to the house… Mika worrying about Pagan and Duo, but knowing Pagan wouldn't do anything bad… she's not like that)

*~*~*~*~~* Back at the house *~*~*~*~~*

(Pagan and Duo walking in the front door a few minutes before Mika getting back… the walk wasn't interesting… really too cold!)

Pagan: (to Trowa) Is Mika and the others not back yet?

Trowa: No, they aren't.

Duo: They should have been back by now. (All hearing the garage door opening) Well I guess they are back. ^_^

(Everyone clamoring in and equally dividing food amongst them… all sitting on the couch or floor in a circle)

Pagan: (sarcastically) I've never seen anyone so family-like lately! (Various soft chuckles around the room but one face staying emotionless… Heero's)

Duo: What's the matter Heero?

Heero: I'm starting a project tonight. I'm going to try to make something to get us back to our time so we don't have to be here anymore and we can go back to saving the world from OZ.

(All chorus) WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Heero: I want to leave and get back to my own home. I have better things to be doing than to just be sitting around with a bunch of people and living a very simple life.

Quatre: But Heero. Isn't it much better here? I heard just the other day Pagan was going to take us all out and see some parts of the rest of the country. As you know… she loves motorcycles and so she wants one badly. As soon as she gets one she'll be our leader and tour around the countryside for a road trip.

Wufei: I don't think that's such a good idea… but whatever she wants to do.

Pagan: I thought it was a good idea and it would be fun. And even if I don't get a motorcycle then we can all go together in the minivan I have. ((The only reason she has it AND a small Honda for when she goes to do a LOT of shopping… the Honda is just for fun ^_^))

Heero: You do whatever you want to do… as soon as I make the thing that will be getting us back to our time… we are all leaving!

Duo: What if we don't want to go back? What if we want to stay here???

Heero: I will not leave any of you behind. If you don't come I will shoot you, and that is a promise! (He gets up after being finished with dinner and leaves to go to his room and to work on his laptop… the find a formula to get them back home)

Trowa: What do we do? It looks like he is the only one who wants to go back… but if we don't…

Quatre: I know… I don't want to leave either…

(All getting up and cleaning away their plates… parting their separate ways for the rest of the evening… the mood now very solemn from Heero's declaration)

Pagan: What are we supposed to do?

Duo: (wrapping an arm around he waist and pulling her to him… softly kissing her forehead) It will be alright… I promise… I wouldn't leave you for anything.

Pagan: (smiling slightly) I hope it will be alright. (Sigh) I'm going to our room and reading for a bit. If you want to come you're welcome to.

Duo: No… I'll be there in a little… I have some other business to get to first.

Pagan: Alright… just don't do anything stupid.

Duo: I won't.

*~*~*~*~*~~*~* In Pagan's computer room ~~*~*~*~*~*~

Duo: (talking to himself since he's the only one there) What type do I get??? I don't know what type of bike she wanted!

Quatre: (conviently walking in) She wanted a black and silver bullet bike-Harley cross over. ((This is my story… I can make up whatever type I want


Duo: Thanks Quat.

Quatre: No problem. What are you doing anyway?

Duo: Well… it January… Pagan's birthday is in a week and so I wanted to get her something special.

Quatre: I promise I won't tell anyone else. What day is her b-day on?

Duo: The 11th ((Yes… that is my real b-day ^_^))

Quatre: (smiling softly) I don't know what I'll get Mika for her b-day. But it is in July and so I'm waiting a bit.

Duo: Well thanks for you info Quatre. I hope Heero doesn't find a way to go home.

Quatre: So do I. See ya. (Walks out of the room to his bedroom to check on Mika)

Duo: (A saddened, pained expression on his face) I pray to God that he doesn't find a way back… I don't want to leave…