Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Because of You ❯ Forgotten dreams ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Because of You
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: I do not own any Gundam wing characters, never have, never will, and that's it!

Forgotten dreams

Quatre felt a little stupid, sitting out in front of a girl's room, waiting for her to come home. Especially since he had a load of things with him and expected her to be there when he got there. He tried to occupy himself by counting the raindrops on his umbrella.

He could hear the thunder rumble outside and the rain beat against the side of the tall building, which was already swaying in the harsh winds.
His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming his way.

" Quatre! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to see you this early! How rude of me!" Demetri said and she stumbled to unlock the door. Quatre noticed that she still had her books and papers and her pants were caked in mud. She finally got the door open and invited Quatre in.

" I'm sorry, it's still a little messy. I thought I'd have some time to clean up before you came, but I got a little caught up...and...well, sorry for being late..." Demetri said as she scurried to pick up some stuff strewn across the room..

" That's alright, I have nothing to do anyways. After all, it's a Friday" Quatre shrugged and looked around. " You have a nice place, what is it, two room?"

" Two room and Kitchenette..." Demetri said, stuffing some clothes in her closet. " Make yourself comfortable, I just bought that couch last week." She pointed to the fine-clothed, pinkish tan couch.

Quatre sat down on the couch and set his things on the coffee table in front of him as Demetri dug out her books and papers. She went and sat across from Quatre in a chair, setting everything on the coffee table.

" Alright..." Demetri said, smiling down at everything.

" Okay..." Quatre leaned forward, like he was expecting something.

" Where to start..." Demetri slightly frowned.

" Uh...I think we're in trouble..." Quatre said and Demetri nodded in agreement.

" I think you're right, but...I usually don't get stuck like this..." Demetri kind of whined, then slapped her forehead. " Of course! Food! How could I forget! We can't think without food!!" Demetri got up and headed to her phone in the kitchenette.

Quatre blinked as he watched her walk out, not quite understanding her logic.

" Any preferences?" Demetri asked from the kitchen.

" Huh? Oh, no, I don't care what you get..." Quatre said, still a little confused.

" Hmmm..." Demetri went on with her ordering and Quatre just shook his head.

He started to look around the room more. She had pretty expensive looking things, some antiques, but especially captivating to Quatre was one of her walls.
It was covered in pictures and shelves with trophies and such. Quatre got up to inspect it closer. The pictures were of a girl riding a variety of horses around barrels. All of them had dates and times on them. The girl held a confidence and light in her face, always looking forward at what Quatre assumed was the next obstacle. As the pictures got more recent, they looked more and more like the young woman he came to know as Demetri. And then there was one picture different from all the others. It was a delicately framed photo of a white horse with a few black speckles on her body and face. The horse was finely groomed and had near perfect conformation. She proudly wore a leather and silver-plated halter. It had a small gold plate that read:

Lady Luck
May 19, AC 193- June 13 AC 198

Quatre moved his gaze over to the shelves. They had trophies with horses featured on them, some with a rider, some not. Even one had a horse chasing a cow with a rider. And then there were what looked like Belt buckles, some round ones, some rectangular ones and some heart-shaped ones. All had a specific sport or class featured on them.
The entire wall seemed to sparkle in a brilliance Quatre couldn't help but admire. He jumped slightly when Demetri walked up beside him, also examining the wall.

Quatre looked over at her. She seemed to be stuck in thought as her eyes traced over every item, a small smile spread on her face. But then, her smiled disappeared and her eyes held a sorrow that Quatre couldn't quite comprehend. He traced her eyes to where they were placed, on the picture of 'Lady Luck'.

' She was only five years old,' Quatre thought ' I wonder what happened...'

Quatre shook his head. Based on the look on Demetri's face, it was not something she'd want to share with someone she just met that day. So, Quatre decided to try and distract her from it.

" So, what'd you get this one for?" Quatre asked, pointing to a triple heart-shaped belt buckle set in silver and bordered in gold.
He smiled when he saw her face light up again and she started to explain the Miss High school Rodeo competition she had gone through to win that in one of the classes. She didn't seem to regret not winning anything else and not even going to those finals. She just seemed happy to have given her best.

They talked about the sports she had competed in and the horses she had and their funny little habits. They were interrupted when there was a knock at the door.

Demetri went to answer it and found out it was the food. Quatre offered to pay before, but, they finally decided to split the cost after much debate. She set it on a table by the door and started to count out the money, when she noticed someone down the hall. She tried to ignore the person and smiled at the delivery guy after she gave him the money. He left and Demetri was about to close the door.

" Hey Demetri! Why so much food? You got company tonight?" A male voice called, fallowed by the clunk of feet on the floor.

Quatre looked over as Demetri held the door open just enough to see out.

" As a matter of fact, I do and I don't need you bothering us, Brody." Demetri said and went to close the door, but a strong hand held it open.

" Now, hold on a second there, girl. Male or female?" The guy asked, coming too close for Demetri's comfort.

" It doesn't matter..." Demetri said, sternly.

Quatre tried to look around Demetri to see this rude intruder, but couldn't quite see past.
Brody attempted the same thing, and also failed.

" Hmm, must be some dude..." The man said in a spiteful tone. " Well, you never let me come in here, I'm a little hurt. You got something against cowboys, now?"

" I have nothing against cowboys, they have morals, are chivalrous and well mannered. You, well, you're a Bull rider, nothing more." Demetri smiled " And I don't like having bull riders get my carpet dirty, so go!"

" Hell, you wouldn't recognize a cowboy if you saw one, now. You've been out of it ever since you broke that mare of yours." Brody said, laughing lightly.

Quatre caught a glimpse of her face and it first showed pain, then anger, as she smashed the man's fingers in the door, but not hard enough to brake them. They bother heard a yowl of pain. Demetri opened the door, to allow him to remove his hand, then closed it and locked it.

She leaned her head against the door and listened until she heard his footsteps disappear. She was about to pull away from the door, when what he said fully sunk in. She felt tears come to her eyes and she kept her head against the door, trying to calm down.
She hid her face from Quatre and breathed deep, trying to get rid of the lump in her throat and clear her fogging eyes.

Quatre looked over at her, a little concerned and confused.

" Uh...Demetri...?" Quatre started to walk over to her, but she pulled away from the door, looking rather normal now. She smiled at Quatre.

" Sorry, I was kind of lost in thought." Demetri said, grabbing the food and bringing it to the coffee table. " Let's eat some of this food, already! I ordered a lot, because I didn't know what you liked. I guess I'll have this for the next couple of days."

Quatre examined her face for a second, before smiling back at her. He could tell she was keeping some feelings in, but he didn't want to intrude. But there was something else that nagged on his brain.

" Who was that guy?" Quatre asked, while serving himself some food.

Demetri looked at him for a second before answering.

" Some Bastard I went to High school with. I swear he fallows me everywhere. His behavior is dangerous and unacceptable. I'm afraid to say that you meet a lot of those type in the Rodeo business." Demetri took a bite of her food and looked at the door with hatred. " They're evil. Satan spawn I tell ya!"

She smiled at Quatre and he chuckled.

" I guess you find those type everywhere, in all walks of life, huh?" Quatre said.

" What about you, Quatre?" Demetri asked, " Which walk are you taking?"

Quatre thought for a minute.

" Where do I fit in?" Quatre sighed, " That's a good question..."

" No, not where you fit in. You don't have to fit in to achieve a goal." Demetri said, as if it were the simplest concept in the world.

" That depends on who you asked." Quatre said

" Well then, do you have a goal you wanna reach, maybe...a dream?" Demetri asked, full of interest, " What do you wanna do when you grow up?"

Quatre chuckled and thought to himself.

" I never really thought of that before..." Quatre realized.

" What!?" Demetri got up and sat next to Quatre. " Didn't you have any dreams when you were growing up as a child? Something great you wanted to be?"

Quatre looked at Demetri sitting next to him. Here eyes seemed so soft now, so compassionate. She really cared about what he had to say. He looked back down at his hands and gave a small smile.

" I don't really remember if I did." Quatre said.

" That's too bad..." Demetri looked away from him and bit her bottom lip. " Since before I can remember, I've always wanted to be the winner. I got so focused on it..." She looked over at the trophies and such on the wall, her eyes welling with tears.
" I got so focused, that ...I guess I just didn't realize my dreams had changed...and I found out too late..." Demetri clutched her pants and stared at the table.

" What happened?" Quatre asked before he realized what he was asking.

He looked at Demetri, whose eyes widened for a second, then she got, what Quatre thought, was the most painful look he had ever seen. She closed her eyes tight and tears started pouring out.

" I...I'm sorry!" Quatre found himself facing her and apologized.

Demetri shook her head, making tears fall off her face.

" It''s not...your fault...Quatre..." She gushed out and tried to wipe her tears away.

She looked so weak and small now to Quatre. Her strong composure that she kept while facing the Bull rider just disappeared. And Quatre did what came natural to him, as he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry on his shoulder.

" I'm sorry..." He said again.

" It's my fault! I...killed her...!" Demetri said into Quatre's shoulder.

Quatre just rubbed her back, shocked at himself. He realized what he was feeling now, he missed her smile and wanted desperately to bring it back. He wanted things to be better for her, but he felt hopeless in helping her.

" You didn't kill anyone..." Quatre said, softly. He didn't know if this was true or not, but he didn't think Demetri was capable of something like that.

" Yes, I did...I should have known at the finals..." Demetri said, weakly.

' The finals?' Quatre thought to himself, ' It must have been that horse...Lady Luck...There must have been an accident at awful...'

Quatre stayed silent, as did Demetri. She cried in his arms, until the steady streams stopped and she was left with a dizzy head and a pink face.
Quatre pulled her away from him and looked at her, about to say something. He was stopped when he saw her eyes. They were a magnificent shade of blue, tinted green, darkened like the ocean right after a raging storm, when the clouds still lingered, but the rain stopped. Quatre smiled at her.

" Do you feel any better?" Quatre asked.

Demetri smiled and nodded at him, pulling herself away from him. She looked herself over and noticed she was still wearing her muddy pants and boots. She pulled off her boots and set them aside.

" I forgot I was such a mess..." Demetri said, quietly. She actually did feel a little better. " I'll be right back..."

Quatre watched her leave with a smile, and then leaned back on the couch.

' Wait, what just happened, anyways?' He asked himself, ' I've had class all year with this girl, but I really just met her today. I really shouldn't have asked her that, but she didn't really seem to mind. She still doesn't want to tell me everything or open up all the way. I'll respect that...'

Demetri came back in the room, this time wearing flannel pants and a sleeveless shirt.

" This is all I have besides jeans..." She said, blushing a little. Quatre smiled at her and shrugged. She came and sat beside him once more, picking up her food and poking it a little.

" Quatre..." Demetri started, looking at her food.

" Yeah?" Quatre looked over at her.

" Will you be my friend, Quatre?" Demetri asked.

" Of course I will, Demetri." Quatre smiled " How could I not want to be friends with a person like you?"

Demetri smiled and blushed, looking down at her hands.

" Thanks, Quatre..."

A/N- Meh, second chapter...meh, it's not so good, when's it gonna get good? Well, it'll get good...yes. but when? It'll get good...

lol, anyways, please Review and read the next chapter when it comes up...
Maybe I can make that into a poem, ne?