Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Parallel World ❯ Mysterious Vanishing ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that pertains to the Gundam Wing series. That means I don't own the characters or the Gundams; only the one's I made up belong to me. So please don't sue me or anything like that. I'm not a bad person, really I'm not.

AN: I don't really know anything about ancient Egypt so I just made it up. That's it, read on.

Part 2: Mysterious Vanishing
At the Earth Sphere Unified Nation's Headquarters, Lady Une just received some bad news about a couple of the Preventor soldiers she sent on a reconnaissance mission. She called for all five Gundam pilots to her room.

"I've called you here because I need you for this assignment. A week ago, four well-known archeologists mysteriously disappeared without a trace at a dig site in Giza. Yesterday, I sent two of my soldiers to investigate; they neither sent any message nor returned. I'm afraid something is going on down there," advised Lady Une.

"Do you think someone is trying to start a rebellion?" asked Trowa, his arms crossed against his chest as he leaned against the wall, his usual stance.

"I don't think so. What use would they have for archeologists? I don't think it has anything to do with the government."

"But why are five Gundams needed to explore the site? Isn't it a bit overdoing it?" said Wufei.

"I just want to make sure nothing happens. I could be wrong about the rebellion. I want to make sure we find out everything that happened and who and what was involved. Are all of you up for this mission?" They all answered yes. "Then meet back here in six hours."


At the dig site in Giza, the Gundams rendezvoused to analyze the situation. The dig site looked fairly normal to what the pilots expected. The diggers had uncovered a temple of some sort covered with several Egyptian hieroglyphs. The huge temple was standing in the middle of a series of hallways and smaller buildings.

"Let's split up and search the area," Heero advised. They complied and soon everyone was off looking for clues.

Trowa maneuvered his way through the doorway of the shrine and studied the interior. Outside Duo and Quatre scouted the outer area while Heero and Wufei searched the other buildings. Making his way into the center room, Trowa found a big opening in the floor. He sent a message to the other Gundams and soon they all surrounded the curious hole in the ground.

"Do you have any idea what's down there?" asked Wufei.

"We won't know unless we go down," retorted Duo. "Last one in is an Oz soldier." They all got into the hole one by one. Once down there, their lights brightened the unknown chamber.

"Take a look at these hieroglyphs," said Quatre as he looked at the walls, "It says something about the people worshipping this god. They would somehow sacrifice people in this room." He shuddered at the thought of thoughtlessly killing off people whose lives were just stolen away for no reason at all.

"Exactly how would they sacrifice the people?" asked Duo with disgust.

"I'm not sure. I'm not an expert on Egyptian hieroglyphs; I only took a short class on this. These pictures over here depict the people losing faith in their god and overthrowing him. They then buried this temple for all time." Quatre then turned his attention to the floor. "Look at the huge pentagram on the floor. I wonder what the use of it was."

Suddenly, the walls and floor of the room started to shake violently. A blinding flash of light filled the room. The pilots took some time to recover their sight. "Is everyone all right?" asked Heero. Everyone said they were fine.

"What happened?" asked Quatre still in a daze.

"It seems like nothing," answered Duo. "We're still in the same place."

"Wait. I'm picking up mobile suit fighting in the vicinity," Wufei said as some blips on his screen appeared. "There are 7 suits about five hundred meters from here."

"Let's go take a look," said Duo, anxious to get some action.

"Hold on. We don't know anything about the situation. We haven't heard anything from PMI. We don't want to do anything rash. Let's just take a look first," suggested Trowa.


They all exited their Gundams and found their way to the surface. Sneaking their way behind pillars and buildings, the boys found a good spot to spy on the battle. To their surprise, they found 4 Griffons fighting 3 Serpents. "What are Serpents doing here?" asked Quatre, "I thought all the Serpents were destroyed after we defeated them."

"They were... at least I thought they were," replied Duo. They all watched as the Griffons and the Serpents attacked each other over and over with not much success. "Those Griffons aren't doing so well. They should be much more skilled with all the training we gave them. What's going on?" After a while, the last two remaining Griffons took out the last Serpent and left shortly after their victory.

"I don't understand any of this," said Wufei, his forehead crinkling.

"Look. One of the Griffon pilots is coming out of her mobile suit," said Heero. Everyone turned their gaze in the direction of the battle to see a girl drop to the ground. "But, she's wearing the black suit the Amazons used to wear. All Amazons were turned into Preventors and they wear the Preventor's uniform now."

"In any case, she is badly hurt. We need to help her," Quatre said. They ran to the girl with lightning speed. They found her bleeding profusely on her side and lying with a concussion on her head. She was bearely breathing, and everyone knew what the final outcome would be. Quatre took her into his arms and told her to hold on. She slowly opened her eyes and a feeling of shock covered her face at the sight of him. She whispered, "You can't be here. You can't can't..." She took her last breath and died in Quatre's arms.

"What did she mean?" asked Wufei, who was slightly moved by her demise.

"Don't know. There's nothing more we can do here. Let's get back to our Gundams," suggested Heero.

Once back, all the pilots received an unexpected transmission. An image of General Charsen appeared on the screen. She addressed the people: "This is Queen Shavilla speaking to all of the Amazon Nation. Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the Amazon's victorious defeat of the Barton Dynasty. You all remember our dear friend Relena Dorlain, the ex-Deputy Foreign Minister of the now dead Earth Sphere Unified Nation. She's been at Castle Hawford in Stockholm too long. At noon tomorrow, Relena Dorlain will be executed in honor of our triumph. All of you will be sure to tune in, or else."

"What is going on? I thought you killed her, Heero," said Duo.

"I did."

"Then what is she doing alive and Queen of the whole world?"

"I don't think this is home. I think we are in a parallel world. That earthquake and flash of light must have been a series of events that sent us here," said Heero.

"Of course," said Quatre, "The ancient Egyptians must of sacrificed their people in that room, thinking that they were being sent to their gods."

"That is why those Serpents are still here and why Charsen is queen," added Trowa.

"What do we do now?" asked Quatre.

"You all stay here and hideout until I return," said Heero, "I'm going to save Relena." He stood up and moved towards Wing Zero Custom.

"But, she's not even the real one."

"I wouldn't let anyone die if I could help it, especially Relena. Besides, she could give us some information we need." With that, he took off into the air.

AN: Ah, Charsen is back. That's definitely no good. If you don't know who she is, read my first fic "Secret Society." But, from now on, I think I refer to her as Shavilla, that's Charsen's first name. Well, that's it.