Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Assassin ❯ Relented Vision ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or its characters in any way.


Quatre sat confidently at the head of the excessive dining table while Heero and Relena were situated by their host’s right and left side respectfully. The glass tabletop emitted a glowing light of radiance with flowered centerpieces and scented vanilla candles to add to the addition of the brilliant chandelier that hung above. Neither was the décor out of place nor was the room artificially ornamented. Despite Relena’s previous uneasiness of Heero’s unexpected presence, her feelings of angst were somewhat dispelled once she walked into the eating hall.

The moment they were seated, the housemaids began distributing the food and pouring vintage red wine into everyone’s wine glasses.

“Relena, how is the Terra Formation Project? I hear it will be under way in a few years.” Quatre asked gently, making conversation as he waited for all their soup bowls to fill.

Glancing up at him, she responded, “Well, everything seems to be in order. We will not be behind schedule, which is always a positive sign. What I’m more concerned about at this point is the tariff that the Earth Sphere Alliance will be imposing in regards to the shipments coming from Colony L4 but I’m sure we will all arise to a settlement that will satisfy everyone’s goals.”

“Spoken like a true Vice Foreign Minister.” Heero said, never leaving his eyes off of her.

“Indeed.” Quatre acknowledged.

Feeling embarrassed by their flattery, she focused her attention on her freshly hot, steamy creamed mushroom soup. A relaxed silence followed where everyone wandered off into his or her thoughts. As Relena finished her bowl, the servers dressed in elegant black and white uniforms returned to clear away the empty China and prepared to set out the main course. It was at this time when she noticed Heero’s continuous gaze directed only at her.

He couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked tonight. Dressed in a glistening sleeveless pearl gown that was unadorned, yet elegant. Not only did the fabric fit Relena’s body to the T, but the material would also shimmer whenever she made the slightest movements and Heero simply couldn’t keep his eyes away from her direction. In fact, he hardly touched his utensils let alone the soup. Two studded crystal earrings sat neatly on her earlobes and he thoroughly enjoyed the way in which the simplistic jewelry suited her smooth heart-shaped face so well. Several strands of hair escaped from the lavish bundle behind her, gently caressing her face and hiding the precious jewelry in a modest, yet lavish gesture. No doubt about it, she was gorgeous.

Suddenly feeling uncomfortable once again, Relena could feel the headache resurface. ‘Why can’t you just leave me alone for one night?’ She thought as perspiration began to form on her forehead like morning dew. Trying to find a way of hiding her discomfort from Quatre and Heero was difficult in itself but to add on top of Heero’s penetrating stare, Relena dreadfully wanted to crawl into a corner and die. She lowered her head and steered her eyes downward instead.

“Relena, are you alright?” Quatre asked, immediately noting her distress.

“Yes.” She gasped in between two large intakes of breath, “I’m fine. I just need a few minutes… to digest.”

‘Digest?’ Heero wondered. She hardly had anything aside from the soup. Something didn’t smell quite right in this equation. He exchanged a quick look with Quatre and he, too, had no idea what had happened to her. Taking a closer look, he noticed that her complexion altered from a rosy shade to starkly white. It took everything out of her just to breathe. Something was definitely wrong!

“Relena?” Heero was about to leave his seat to her aid when she looked up again, regaining her composure.

“I’m… I’m sorry about that.” She apologized as the headache left as swiftly as it had come. “Just an upset stomach.” Relena attempted a smile but failed miserably.

“Are you certain? We could call in a doctor.” Quatre implied, somewhat worried.

She kindly waved off his suggestion, hoping they didn’t give the incident a second thought. “Don’t be ridiculous, Quatre. I’m fine, thank you.”

Heero was reluctant to believe that the episode he witnessed was simply an upset stomach but he didn’t push any further on subject. Although she regained some color into her cheeks, he didn’t notice the paleness to her skin tone when she arrived, until now. She used to be much more vibrant and lively. He wondered what happened to her. Years of separation couldn’t possibly have done this to her; it must have been something else. But what?

Dinner slowed to a crawl shortly after the disrupting episode with Relena. Even with Quatre’s efforts to pick up the mood, neither Relena nor Heero were too enthusiastic in his choice of topics. Following the main course of heavenly baked turkey with sautéed vegetables on the side, several exotic fruit and cake dishes were brought in for dessert. Despite the well-prepared dishes throughout the evening, Relena barely touched anything on her plate. She swallowed less than five bites of the turkey and managed to fork around her chocolate mousse to make it appear as though a portion of the delectable chocolate reached her taste buds. Both men noticed her unusual lack of appetite but they made non-verbal contacts with each other not to discuss this with her since she was obviously in a battle with her thoughts and clearly not with them in a psychological sense.

When all the dishes were cleared from the table, Quatre’s guests offered their thanks for the meal but he simply shook off their compliments by suggesting that there was no need for gratitude among friends. Then he led them to the exquisite lounge for a chance to reminisce. The lounge was just as lavishly decorated as the dining hall, perhaps even more so. A warm and enchanting Renaissance fireplace remained brightly lit with its luminescent glow overwhelming every piece of furniture in the room. Dim electric lighting hung perpendicularly to the walls and ceilings, giving off a romantic and welcoming atmosphere. Plenty of sofas and highly priced armchairs were precariously placed to have the best view of the historic art monuments on the walls and corners. Nothing was overlooked.

Quatre and Relena seated themselves next to one another on an oak-framed chaise lounge while Heero placed himself across from them on a softly matted recliner. A comforting silence fell on the group as a maid wheeled in a glass cart loaded with freshly brewed English tea and biscuits.

“Thank you, Lori.” Quatre said to the maid and she made a brief nod before leaving and closing the main door behind her.

“Since the end of the war, I’ve been able to sleep a lot easier at night.” The host began as he poured three cups of tea. “Dark memories of the past….they shouldn’t be so difficult to forget and yet, here we are.”

“I can’t remember the last time I had a decent sleep.” Relena said softly.

“You haven’t been resting well, Relena?” Quatre asked, slightly shocked. “I thought you of all people would have far less to worry about in regards to everything that we’ve been through.”

“You should tell us if there is something troubling you.” Heero responded more as a command than suggestion, before Relena had a chance to comment on Quatre’s assertions. “Relena…” Before he could finish his thought, a ringer went off and everyone looked on their person for their pager or phone that could be causing the ruckus. It was Heero’s cell and he excused himself before leaving the room to answer the call.

Quatre leaned comfortably back against the couch with both arms leaning on the oak frame. “He’s right you know. I can see it in your eyes that something has you terribly preoccupied tonight.” He could tell from her solemn expression that he was on track.

Whispering softly he continued, “Heero’s not here right now. If there is something you want to get out into the open, here’s your chance. Whatever we discuss will remain in this room.” He coaxed.

“Quatre, it’s…it’s not that I don’t trust you. There are complications now. I… I would tell you if I could but… it’s not important.” She replied in a hushed voice, fearful that Heero could hear her words.

He realized that Relena desperately wanted to uncover her thoughts although she was holding back so he leaned closer to her and gently held her hand. Once he made a connection to her, she turned to face him. The moment their skin made contact, it felt so right to have someone care for her again, to truly understand the straining powers of someone in her position. It had been too long for such friendly loving and caring gestures in her life that she felt a strong urge to break all barriers and confess all the wrongs that she had done.

“Is the problem between you and Heero?” Quatre guessed.

Shaking her head slightly, she responded, “if only it were that. The relationship we share is strictly on the business wavelength. We have an understanding of each other now and we maintain our distance.”

“Oh, I see,” was all he said. “Then what is it?”

Relena turned her head to the side to avoid eye contact and Quatre merely held more firmly to her hand. At that moment, Quatre was able to feel a deep sense of pain, anguish, and angst. However, the emotions he was experiencing were not his own. Clouds of guilt and endless horror surfaced next and then he knew that the feelings belonged to Relena.

From his childhood, he was always slightly different from the other children at school. It seemed as if he had a sixth sense of what people were feeling. Regardless of the emotion, happiness or sadness, he could feel them penetrating off of the person to whom he made physical contact. As long as the emotion remained strong and dominant on the individual, he could feel it! Whether it served to benefit him now or not, Quatre knew that Relena was not herself.

The feelings she had were so painful, too painful for him to remain attached that he retrieved his hand from hers and stared at her with a driving force that compelled her to look at him. “Relena, there is something wrong. You must tell me.”


NOTE: I dedicate this chapter to all those who have been waiting ever-so patiently for me to write it. SORRY!!!! Don't worry folks, I'm still alive and still writing!!!