Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ What a Tangled Web I'll Weave ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter. You hear!? Damn....I wish I owned Tom Felton...
OI!!!: So, anyway, I don't know if I mentioned it last chapter, but this chapter is a bit different. No, it is NOT a filler chapter, it's important to the story! At least, that's what I told my friend when she pointed out the filleresque-ness of the chapter...when I told her about it, anyway. Actually, you know what, she didn't even know what the fuck a filler was, I had to explain it to her using a Dragon Ball Z analogy...now that I think about it, I'm not sure if non-anime/manga people know what that is either. Let me put it this way, GOF=Filler. Lmao. Also, I accidently wrote `MATA' instead of `OI!' up there. Okay, I've said too much on with the show. No wait, I'm lying, one more thing. I NEVER READ OVER MY STUFF!!! It's a bad habit, I know, but I just don't. I spell check then I post. Heh. So that's why there are so many error0rz. By the way, spell check said I didn't spell that wrong!
Chapter Twelve: What a Tangled Web I'll Weave
Heels clicked loudly on the marble floors of a distant castle, the sound reverberated off the walls of the nearly empty hallway, as a soft light danced across the shiny surface of the tiles. The owner of the shoes making such noise paid them no mind, as he was too busy trying to make his cloak fan out dramatically, as he swept down the hall. Giving up on the clock thing, the man banged through the doors of the banquet room with a loud “My Lord!”
“Eep!” A nearby maid jumped, dropping a tray of tea the lordships feet. “I'm so sorry! Please forgive my clumsiness!” She began cleaning up the mess, when she felt a shadow loom over her, looking up she found the lordship.
“Do not worry about,” the lordship said, “It was not your fault; please just bring me a new tray.” The girl nodded quickly and hurried away. “Look, you've gone and frightened her,” the lordship pouted.
“I'm sorry, my Lord, I didn't mean to,” the man in the cloak answered.
“And what was with that entrance?” The lordship sat back down, “So dramatic! And unlike you.”
“I know,” Grumbled the man, walking into the room more, towards the lordship, “But I've been watching this man, and every time he enters a room everyone turns to look at him!”
“Well, with all that noise, who wouldn't?” The lordship said causally, throwing a leg over their chair.
“No, it's not that, it's this stupid bloody cloak! But I can't get it billow properly....”
“Eh?” Said the lordship, “Oh, let me try it.” The lordship stood and took the cloak from the man, and put it on. They strode around the room once and then looked at the man for approval.
“No, no, you have to billow it more, like a bat or something,” the man said.
“Eh? Wait, a bat? And you can't get it right?” The lordship began to laugh heartily.
“Shut up!” The man yelled, running after the lordship, only to have the other evade him, laughing all the while.
“Ahem,” someone cleared their throat.
“What is it, Roy?” The lordship said.
“Don't you and the Sire have some business you have to deal with?” Roy adjusted his sunglasses and shifted in his place next to the throne like chair.
“Oh...I had forgotten. Haha!” The lordship took off the cloak and handed it back to the frowning man. “Anyway, how's it going over there? You cold?”
“As always,” the man said, smirking, “It's all going just fine, the plan is definitely ready to be put into action.”
“Good,” the lordship said. “Have you prepared for all possible outcomes?”
“I believe so.”
“Yes, I will perform a raise the dead spell. They won't have a soul but, they'll move and speak,” the man answered.
“You know tampering with the dead like that is taboo, look what happened to those Elric brothers.() Homunculus ring a bell? How about a GIANT SUIT OF ARMOR WITH A SOUL!?” The lordship huffed.
“Well, they turned out all right didn't they?”
“Shut up! Just think of something else for that, will ya?” The lordship threw a cup at the man's head.
“Fine! What if I just bind someone else's soul to their body!?”
“Fine! Now, where do you plan on keeping them?” The lordship sat back down.
“Eh?” The man said, a little panicked, “I can't bring them here?”
“Of course not, this would be the first place they looked once the figure out who did it.”
“Really? It doesn't seem like a place you'd be,” The man answered, “By the way, who did you find a place like this out here? It's pretty random.”
“Oh, I know, but it's just great isn't it? Hey, do you want to see the dungeons?”
“There are dungeons!? Oh, I want to see!” The man said, excitedly.
“Oh, great, no one here appreciates them, let's go!” The lordship stood and began dragging the man away.
“Your lordship!” A shrill voice rang out, and the lordship froze, “Where do you think you're going!?” The lordship turned to see an old woman in a maid's uniform storming towards him.
“Oh, uhm, you see he wanted to see the dungeons...” The lordship trailed off, when the maid continued to stare up at him coldly.
“You have work to do, you can show him the dungeons after you've finished those plans!” The maid grabbed the lordship by the ear and dragged him back his throne.
“Ow, ow, ow! I get it, Maria, okay!”
The man snickered at the control Maria held over the lordship.
“And you stop distracting him!” Maria yelled at the man who immediately stood up straighter.
“As if I would,” the man said haughtily.
“Oh, shut up,” the lordship said, “Anyway, can't you just take them back to your place? No one knows where that is.” Then added in a low voice, full of bitterness, “Not even me.”
“Oh, fine, I'll take them back to my place. Why did you have me come up with the plan if you're just going to change it, anyway?”
“To make you feel important.” The lordship smiled. “Now, where are we as to a date?”
“I planned on Halloween, no one will suspect me as everyone will be disguised and I will blend in amongst them.” The man answered, shifting from foot to foot, he really wanted to see those dungeons!
“Good, you're certain you won't be caught?”
“Of course, I'm much too fast for them anyway.”
“Well, if you plan on Halloween you still have six days to plan it all out, I trust you.” The lordship smiled widely.
The man felt his cheeks flame at the attention and coughed a bit to disguise it, “Right, er, how long do I have to keep them?”
“As long as it takes,” a deadly serious note had taken to the lordships voice, “We will not back down.”
“Yes, your lordship,” the man bowed deeply.
“Well, I think we're done with that so let's go see those dungeons!” The lordship said brightly. “Maria, may we go?” he turned to the maid who was now next to Roy. Maria sighed and nodded that they could. “Yay!” the lordship rushed down to the man.
“Ooo, I can't wait!” The lordship and the man linked arms and headed out the doors.
“Those two,” Roy said shaking his head.
“Like little children, aren't they?” Maria smiled, “One day they'll get their acts together.”
“You mean tell each other how they really feel,” Roy said bluntly.
“Yes,” Maria answered, “But it must wait; they cannot afford such a distraction right now.”
“You mean with the plan?” Roy asked. “What do you think of it?”
“It's not my place to say. But I will say this, they are on a slippery slope, and if they're not careful it will all start to snowball.”
“Why do you say that?”
“That's simple,” Maria said, “They don't fully realise who they're dealing with. This Halloween won't be much of a treat. Fasten your seatbelt, Roy, we're in for a bumpy ride.”
()-I couldn't help it, I had to throw it in, it was so perfect! It's a reference to the anime/manga Fullmetal Alchemist in which two brother Ed and Al Elric try to bring their mother back from the dead (they're like 8 and 9 at the time) using alchemy. They bring back their mother but she's not really human so they have to send her back, which they later found out creates a homunculus (a monster type thing that takes on the shape of the person they were SUPOSSED to be) Anyway, in order to get something you need to give something. Ed loses is arm and Al loses his body. Ed gives up his leg for Al's soul and binds it a suit of armour.
A/N: Haha, comic relief, anyone? That was rather odd, wasn't it? Well, have fun guessing what the fooch just happened! Hehehe. Okay, review please! :D