Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ Lucius Malfoy's Tale ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter, if I did Sir Yamiko would have taught Sex Ed. ; }
OI!!!: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, are you all nice and confused about the last chapter? Good! Anyway, I didn't make that chapter purely to confuse you; it was just to let you all know that there's something else going on here. I just didn't want you to know what exactly. Also, to be honest, if you go back and re-read that chapter it might make more sense. If you just ignore the chaff, then it's pretty straight forward. Anyway, it will make sense in time, I promise.
Chapter Thirteen: Lucius Malfoy's Tale
Draco stared at Harry from across the Great Hall, trying to read Harry's thoughts as much as possible without the boy noticing. It had been five days since they had bonded and it was five days of hell. Now, they were back in classes and Draco, for one, was quite glad he'd managed to do his assignments during their little break.
“Draco,” Pansy said, waving her hand in front of him, “What's up, you've been staring at Pot-Ha-Potter, since we got here. Don't you get to do enough of that all day? Something happen?”
“Yes, Pansy, it has,” Draco bit out, “And had you bothered to come visit me, you would have known that.”
“Well, I didn't want to disturb the love birds.” She batted her eyelashes and smiled.
“More like hippogriffs,” Draco murmured, finally giving up on trying to read Harry's thoughts and turning to the girl next to him.
“So, something did happen! Tell me!”
“Don't worry about it,” Draco answered, still rather upset.
“Oh, but Draco-” Pansy was cut off by a loud yelp from down the table. The Slytherins jumped up from their benches and back away from the table, leaving only Blaise Zabini on the end. The entire Great Hall looked on as Blaise clutched his stomach, and screamed. The professors immediately went to his side, but something threw them away from him.
“You!” Blaise turned his strangely pale eyes on Draco, the only student who had dared approach him. Those eyes, they looked so familiar, Draco knew he'd seen them somewhere, maybe a dream? “You have such a short time,” Blaise told him, quiet enough for just him to hear. “It won't last, you won't last.” It was strange, it wasn't like Blaise's voice somehow, it was like someone was possessing him. “In the autumn the spring bird flies, it has no choice. I wonder, do dragons migrate too? I would think they wouldn't survive the cold. Can you, little dragon?”
What was Blaise saying now? Or rather, who was making Blaise say this? Voldemort? His eyes didn't look like that, pale and icy.
“He could have an underling do it,” Harry said from out of nowhere, Draco nodded absently as Blaise began rocking back and forth. “What do you think he means?”
“I've no idea,” Draco answered, still a bit shocked.
“The same, Potter,” Blaise turned those eyes to Harry, “Or, should I say Malfoy?” He began laughing manically, the entire student body looked on in horror as the Slytherin laughed seemingly at nothing before his eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp. Dumbledore quickly checked the boy over and handed him off to be taken to Madame Pomfrey. The old wizard turned and addressed the students.
“Do not think on it,” was all he said, before shooting a look of caution at the boys and heading out. Most of the teachers followed suit.
Pansy wandered back over to where Harry and Draco were standing and looked worriedly at her best friend, Ron and Hermione weren't far behind.
“All right?” Ron asked.
“No,” Harry replied, “I think not.”
“What happened?” Hermione asked.
“I think he was being possessed,” Draco answered, “But we don't know by whom. He said, `You don't have much time, you either Potter,' but then he said `or should I say Malfoy?'”
“What did he mean?” Pansy asked.
“I don't know,” Draco whispered, still staring at the spot where Blaise had been. “But I'm going to find out.”
“We're going to find out,” was all Harry said. If anyone thought it was strange that the five were standing quietly together staring at nothing, they didn't say a thing.
Draco and Harry attended their classes like normal, but they were both feeling anxious about what happened earlier to really pay attention. Not that the rest of the student body was doing a better job, everyone seemed to have their own opinion about what happened, yet no one really knew. No one but Draco and Harry.
They didn't tell anyone what was said, they didn't have to; a passing Hufflepuff had heard the whole thing. They didn't discuss it together though, they didn't need to. Draco knew that right now Harry was running though every possible scenario and its outcome in his head. He smiled to himself at that thought, Harry was so predictable.
It occurred to him then that he and Harry really didn't know one another, but living together and being Bonded had made them privy to each other's private moments, and well aware of the others quirks. Draco decided to put the thought in the back of his mind for later, he couldn't deal with that right now. He continued his conversation with Pansy loud enough for the other Slytherins to hear.
“Well, we all knew it would be Zabini,” he was saying, “He's ruthless, but he has no cunning. He could never pull anything off on his own.” Draco wasn't stupid, now was the time to bring some of Blaise's tag-along gang back under his reign.
“As opposed to you?” A random Slytherin replied, Draco looked and found the source to be a boy called Ian Machina, an avid follower of Blaise's, Draco pinned him with a piercing look.
“Yes,” he replied in his slow drawl, “Why warn the target? Now they have time to prepare, sure it'd be fun to watch them squirm, but at least do it anonymously. That way they don't know who to watch out for. And in them idle of the Great Hall? That's just stupid.” Machina turned around fuming.
“But who said that was his idea?” Someone else asked.
“No one, but Zabini is stupid enough to take orders from someone who's just as stupid.” At that the Slytherins gasped, had Draco just called The Dark Lord stupid?
“So, who do you think he's working for?” Pansy asked quickly.
“It's either someone very stupid...or extremely smart. But, I can say it's more than likely not a direct order from...,” he trailed off, letting everyone know exactly who he meant. “No, Zabini is good for a few minor plans, but he just can't pull off anything major. No, he's defiantly not gone over.” Gone over meaning, Marked, the term most Slytherins used when speaking about it in public. Beside him, Draco felt Harry tense at the term.
“What say you, Draco?” Pansy asked. “Will he do it?”
“There's no way he can, and if by some chance he does, he's a fool to think he'll be favoured or something for this. Even if he can beat me, which he can't, attempting to bring me down isn't enough,” Draco answered, leaning back in his chair.
“And of Harry?” The entire class turned to look at Neville Longbottom, who had voice the question. “He said Harry didn't have much time either.”
Draco looked at Harry and found the other staring back at him. “He won't even get within 50 metres.” Harry's eyes flashed with joy before Draco turned back to the Slytherins. “He's really delusional, poor thing.” At that the Slytherins laughed and the bell rang. Everyone began gathering their things and was out the door in no time. Harry, however, stayed, as did Draco and soon they were alone, the professor having long since left them all alone.
“What was that?” Harry asked.
“What?” Draco replied; honestly not know which `that' he was referring to.
“That thing with the Slytherins; Zabini, he was to be a Death Eater,” Harry informed him.
“No, there's no way, when you get the Mark you're out for days. Zabini hasn't left the school but once and that was only for a day,” Draco answered, heading for the door.
“Something's not right,” Harry answered, following.
“You're telling me,” Draco muttered, then tugged on Harry's sleeve, “Come on, let's go back to our rooms.”
Harry nodded absentmindedly, already lost in thought over the new information. Draco chuckled to himself, knowing Harry would think this over for days. Ever since they had met Draco had picked up on little things that Harry did, in that sense he supposed he knew Harry better than anyone. You know, keep your friends close and you enemies closer and all that. Though, this time he supposed Harry should be thinking this through thoroughly, someone was threatening their lives.
Not that was something new for Harry...or Draco for that matter. Only this time it wasn't the obvious answer of Voldemort (or jealous Death Eaters in Draco's case). But, if it wasn't Voldemort, then who was it?
Something's rotten in the state of Denmark,” Draco murmured to himself.
“Hey, Draco,” Harry said later, when they were in their rooms, “Something's been bothering me.”
“Hm,” Draco answered not looking up from his book; since when was something not bothering him? Speaking of people being bothered, Draco was quite annoyed with Harry at the moment, not that Harry knew it. Even with the Bond, Draco was good enough at hiding his feelings and Harry was too distant to tap into the fresh Bonds power.
The reason of Draco's distress was the fact that Harry had suddenly started talking to him again. As soon as they had a distracter from their...er, other problems Harry was all for asking Draco his opinion. Not that Draco minded so much that he was talking to him, it was better than having him mope around and refusing to even look at him. It was the principal of the thing, if they didn't have to discuss each other then they could talk, was basically what Harry was saying.
Which hurt, you know. Was it Draco's fault that all of this was happening? No. He couldn't help it, just as much as Harry couldn't. But did Harry ever think about his feelings? No, it was always Harry's feelings or even other people's feelings, never Draco's. And that was probably what wounded Draco the most. He supposed maybe he just had a weaker will than Harry's or maybe was just a romantic at heart. What else could explain his current condition?
His `condition' being the fact that Draco was now in love with Harry Fucking Potter.
No, Draco thought, Harry Fucking Malfoy. That thought made him smile a little. Yes, Draco had fallen for the Gryffindor, which he admits was stupid on his part. If his father knew he'd probably disown him on the spot. Falling for Harry, what was he thinking?
He was thinking that Harry was a selfish, spoilt, little bastard, with the kindest smile, gentlest heart, and the most beautiful person he'd ever met.
Draco sighed and shook his head; this could only lead to heartbreak. If it hadn't been for the Vow Harry would have went off with the Weasely girl and Draco would have been left to have an heir with some nice pure blood his parents picked out. Harry wouldn't stay with him, it wasn't possible, the Saviour of the Wizarding world with the son of a Death Eater? No, no, this would only lead to heartbreak.
Draco knew that with time the Bond would fade enough for the two to be apart from each other for years at a time, maybe never again. And the Malfoy line...no, Draco wouldn't do that to Harry, no matter what his parents' wishes were.
Draco nodded at something Harry said; he'd been blathering on since Draco had given any indication he'd been listening.
“So, elephants don't fly because toads cursed them for stealing their lily pads?” Harry asked.
“Yes, that's right-wait, what?” Draco snapped his attention to Harry.
“I knew you weren't listening to me!” Harry threw his hands up in exasperation. Draco could feel the other boy's annoyance rolling off him like tidal waves.
“I'm sorry, what were you saying?” Draco made a conscious effort to listen to Harry and not just watch the way his lips moved.
“I wanted to know why our dads never bonded. Something Remus said, it made me think. He said `You know I couldn't stay.' What do you think that meant?”
“I don't know,” Draco answered, making a mental note to owl his father about it, “Maybe they just hated each other that much.”
“Kind of like us,” Harry said offhandedly.
“Yea,” Draco murmured sadly, “Kind of like us.”
“Draco!” Draco awoke to the sound of someone calling, or rather, gasping his name, “Draco!”
“Harry?” Draco turned over to find Harry sweating and panting, “What's wrong?”
“I-I don't know!” Harry gasped, pinning Draco with a desperate stare, “I just woke up and I was like this!”
“Like what?” Harry gave a pained look, and he seemed to think something through before throwing off the covers and revealing his problem to Draco. “Oh.” Draco looked back and forth between Harry's face and his “problem.”
“Er,” Draco began, “Have you tired-?”
“Yes!” Harry interrupted, “But nothing works, it just comes right back! I've been at it for at least two hours!”
“Really?” Draco was impressed, “How many times did you-?”
Harry cut him off once more, “Six!” Draco couldn't help it, he began laughing, it was just too funny. “Don't laugh you bastard, fix this!” At that Draco laughed harder, doubling over while Harry slapped him over and over in frustration.
“All right, Harry, I'll “fix” you,” Draco managed when he had calmed down enough. “Want me to just touch it a little?”
“I don't give shit, just do something!” Sweat was rolling off of Harry, his bangs were plastered to his forehead, and his eyes held a lustful desperation in them. Draco carefully trailed his fingers down Harry's chest, never taking his eyes from Harry's Draco tickled Harry's hip before dragging a finger over to his straining erection, already leaking with pre-cum. Draco circle the base and Harry moaned.
“Don't tease me!” He pleaded. Draco trailed a finger up the manhood and ran his thumb of the slit. Harry arched up into the touch and Draco pulled away, much to Harry's distress. “Arse,” he groaned. Draco chuckled, and continued his feather light caresses on Harry's sex. The blond stuck two fingers of his free hand into his mouth and wet them, before tracing Harry's entrance with them.
“Oh!” Harry gasped as the first finger entered him, Draco's other hand now wrapped around his cock and squeezing gently. “Oh!” He moaned when the second finger joined and began circling. Draco kept a steady rhythm with Harry's dick, alternating between palming and gentle touches. Either way Harry was loving it.
Draco rubbed his thumb over Harry's leaking tip just as he curled his fingers to hit that spot inside of Harry and suddenly Harry was coming, his seed spilling over his belly and Draco's hand. Draco watched Harry's face twist with pleasure and relief, his eyes were shut tight and his mouth was open in silent scream.
“Well, that was a quick `fix,'” Draco smirked.
“Shut up,” Harry grounded out, still riding out the last waves of orgasm. “I don't think I can take much more tonight, I don't think I have anything left!”
“Well, it looks like you're going to have to...it seems to die hard,” Draco laughed at his bad pun.
“Oh, God,” Harry groaned, his erection coming back to life, “What is wrong with me!?”
“Dunno,” Draco answered, “It's kind of like you're in heat...but it's like, continuous. Well, waste not want not, I say.”
“Eh?” Was all Harry got out before Draco pounced.
Draco made his way up to the owlry, letter in hand. It was before breakfast and well before Harry ever awoke; he figured Harry could get up on his own and if he didn't he'd just send the Weasel or someone to get him before classes started. He had thought about what Harry had said about their father's and decided he really ought to know the whole truth, he was hoping to get a letter back by lunchtime.
Not that his father would really tell him, of course not. But he might get some varied version of the truth that could help him out a bit.
“Hey,” Draco barked as he bumped into someone, “Watch where you're-oh. Hello, Professor Lupin.”
“Hello Draco, and I'm not your professor anymore, you can just call me Remus,” Remus smiled in an approachable manner. “How goes it?”
“Oh, fine, I'm just sending a letter to my father,” Draco answered, trying to inch past the former DADA professor. He really didn't want to have to talk to Harry's family.
“Oh? That's good, say Draco, your father wouldn't happen to have the original coy of the Vow secretly would he?”
Draco mentally rolled his eyes at the stupid question. If his father had the original contract would they be having this problem? How stupid did Lupin think he was?
“No, I don't believe so,” Draco answered patiently.
Remus gave a knowing look and said, “What about what you don't believe?” The werewolf gave a small smile and started down the stairs. “Tread softly Draco!” Remus called over his shoulder and was gone.
Draco was left to stare after him.
“Draco, what do you think they've done with Zabini?” Pansy asked at lunch.
“Ministry probably. They wouldn't let him roam around here like that.” Draco and Harry had met with Dumbledore earlier letting him in on Zabini's small plot for their demise. They didn't mention their suspicions that he was working for someone other than Voldemort.
“What? Can't handle it?” Pansy teased.
“Don't have to,” Draco answered.
Suddenly the Great Hall doors burst open, and the telltale sound of a cane clanked on the stone floor. A man entered, his head held high, and a regal expression set on his pale and chiselled face, his long blond hair fell loose and perfect behind him. Every eye was upon him as he strode forth, stopping in front of the Slytherin table.
“Father,” Draco said, standing. He set his face to mirror his father's in attempt to mask his surprise. The rest of the Great Hall looked on at the emotionless exchange.
“Draco,” Lucius greeted. “How are you, son?”
“I'm fine Father, how are you?” Draco asked politely.
“Excellent; I suppose you're wondering what brings me here.” It wasn't a question.
“A little, Father,” Draco answered.
“Yes, well, I got your letter, so I decided to come and explain things to you.”
“Lucius,” Dumbledore appeared at the blond mans side, “What bring you here, my boy?”
“I just need to explain some things to my son,” Lucius replied coolly, “And how are you, Headmaster Dumbledore?”
“Just fine, you have a great boy here, Lucius,” Dumbledore gave him a knowing smile.
“Yes, well, he is a Malfoy, after all,” Lucius gave a tight smile, his disdain for the Headmaster showing clearly, “Do you mind if I speak with Draco after his classes are over?”
“No, no, go right ahead.” Dumbledore began to leave and called over his shoulder, “I'd like to speak with you in the mean time, though.”
“Of course, sir,” Lucius gritted out and turned back to his son. “What time are classes over?”
“Three,” Draco answered.
“Good, I'll meet you in the Headmaster's office,” he answered in clipped tones, then added, “I think we need to have a talk one-on-one.” Draco knew that meant not to bring Harry.
“I'll see you then, Father.” Lucius just nodded and strode out of the Great Hall after the Headmaster.
“God, your father is so hot,” Pansy breathed when he sat back down.
“Oh, for Merlin's sake, Pansy!” Draco rolled his eyes and stabbed at his Caesar salad.
“What did he want?” Harry asked a bit later.
“Just to speak with me,” Draco answered, writing something down on the board.
“About?” Harry pressed, not even bothering to copy the lengthy directions, knowing that Draco would have to do most of the work anyway.
“Does it matter?” Draco hissed.
“I just wanted to-”
“Potter, Malfoy!” Snape loomed over them. "Do your work or get out!"
Draco 'harrumphed under his breath and kept copying the directions, ignoring Harry.
"Draco," Harry whispered, Draco said nothing, continuing his work. "Draco," Harry hissed again, and suddenly Draco was hit with a sense of desperation. Draco looked discreetly under the table and then back to Harry's pained face. 'Help,' Harry mouthed.
"What do you want me to do!?" Draco whispered harshly.
"Quiet!" Snape barked.
"I don't know!" Harry looked like he might cry at any moment, and he was so hard you could see it through his robes.
"Why does this keep happening?" Draco sighed to himself. It was a good thing he was ambidextrous, otherwise this would never work.
Switching his quill to his left hand Draco continued writing, his right hand slowly making its way under the table. 'Thank God we're in the back,' he thought. He let his hand ghost over the erection before he began fisting it through Harry's robes.
Harry's eyes almost rolled back into his head, and his body sagged with relief. Draco continued writing, and whispered to Harry, "Stop looking so obvious!"
Harry shakily grabbed his quill and started to write. Draco kept his face blank and continued to get Harry off through his robes, he could hear Harry stifling moans, and he could feel the intense pleasure coursing through Harry's body.
Something's not right with this, Draco though, he shouldn't be getting turned on so randomly. And me getting him off, through his clothes no less, should not be this pleasurable. Even if we are Bonded.
"Augh," Harry gave up on writing and threw his head on the desk. A few students looked back at them but Draco's perfectly innocent face caused them to lose interest. Although, Draco could just feel the hole Hermione Granger was burning into the side of his head.
Draco gave a squeeze to the base of Harry's manhood and felt him shudder as he came. "Ergh," he let out a strangled moan, and more students turned to look at the pair.
"Is there a problem, Mr. Potter?" Snape's voice greased over them.
"No, sir," Harry called, head still down. Draco smirked as Snape glided to the back of the room, robes billowing wildly.
"Then sit up," the professor hissed.
Harry raised his head slowly, and Draco felt a little whoosh of magic as Harry tucked his wand back in his sleeve.
"What did you just do?" Snape asked.
"Nothing," Harry answered.
"Five points from Gryffindor," Snape barked, "Back to work, all of you!"
They worked silently for a moment before Draco felt a hand connect with his own, looking up he found Harry working diligently. The hand squeezed and Draco got the messaged, he smiled and squeezed back.
“Draco, I've come to talk to you about that letter.” Lucius and he were up in the Headmaster's office, as Dumbledore wouldn't allow Lucius to go to Draco's private rooms. Which ticked the older Malfoy off to no end.
Well, Draco could see what the man was saying, his father was a Death Eater, it wasn't safe from him to be near Harry un-attended. Or to know where he slept basically by himself. Draco bet that his father thought that he'd give him access to Harry. How would he tell him father `No, I love him'? It was a conversation he hoped would never arise.
“I never wanted to be a Death Eater.” The statement dragged Draco out of his thoughts and he stared wide eyed at his father. “No, I never agreed with most of the things the Dark Lord did.”
“Father?” Draco started.
“Shut up, Draco, I'm talking,” Lucius said, yet, there was no real malice behind it. Draco, in a state of shock, closed his mouth and listened. “My father was a pure blood fanatic, when the Dark Lord rose he immediately joined, and of course I had to follow.”
“I was able to put it off, for awhile, anyway, I told my father I was unable to give my full attention to our cause at the moment because I had slightly more distracting things to think about it. Do you know what it was?” Lucius asked softly. Draco shook his head `no.'
Lucius lips quirked into a small, sad smile, and his eyes immediately found a portrait on the office wall; his voice was almost inaudible when he answered, “James Potter.” He chuckled a bit, “Merlin, how that man infuriated me!”
“Father, are you saying?” Draco didn't finish, not even know how to voice his question.
“I loved him, God, how I loved him!” Lucius's eyes never left the portrait of James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin on the wall. A portrait Draco had never noticed, as it was obscured by a tapestry. “And the sad thing was, I loved him even before I knew we had to Bond...” he trailed off, his eyes darkening.
“And then out father's told us, that we would have to Bond and I couldn't have been happier. James and I had been together for six months when we found out. We were blissfully ignorant then, we ignored all the problems of the world, we were each other's world.” Draco could see tears forming in his father's eyes. What was this? His father had never, ever, cried.
“But, it couldn't last. The Dark Lord rose and my father pressured me every day to join. The Potter's, though pure bloods, didn't agree with my father's views at all. They refused to join the Dark Lord, and in their old age, no one could blame them for it. James of course, didn't agree either. When I told him how I was going to have join we fought.
“And, Merlin, what a fight. It was the last night I ever held James in my arms. We duelled until we had no energy left, and then we got physical, I remember we did such a number on each other not even glamour charms worked completely. “He smiled at this. “And then we couldn't fight anymore, and there was nothing left but to hold each other while our world crumbled around us. The thin sheet of nylon that had encased and protected us from the world had ripped and we were left gasping for breath and floundering.
“James said he couldn't be with a Death Eater, it just wasn't in him, and he knew that if I didn't join we'd both be killed. There was no other choice, it was best we split. And then, he went on to marry Lilly and I your mother. And you were born, and you were just so perfect and beautiful I couldn't let you be Bonded off to Harry because of some Vow our ancestors made. James and I had agreed that after the war was over and everything we'd just Bond ourselves, but then-” Lucius broke off and Draco could hear him fighting off tears.
“Father,” Draco said softly, standing and awkwardly wrapping his arms around the man. The last time they hugged was more than ten years ago, probably when Draco was five and his father decided it was time for him to act like a man. Lucius hugged back weakly and the two broke apart before things could get even weirder.
“James and Lilly died, and I thought Harry would be the next to go. I often contemplated killing you, so the vow would revert back to me, otherwise you'd be stuck Bonding to James's older brother, at least I think it would. James had the contract; I don't remember what it says now.”
“What!?” Draco asked stunned.
“Don't be so shocked, Draco, that man has to be at least 60 by now,” Lucius waved him off.
“No! Harry has an uncle!?”
“You mean you didn't-” Lucius stopped himself, “Of course you didn't know, because Harry doesn't know. It figures, Dumbledore wouldn't mention him. Strictly speaking, he's Harry's half uncle, as James and he have different moms. I've forgotten his name now, I believe he live in America. He's 17 years older than James. He left when James was born, and the Potters never really mentioned him. Most of the Wizarding world doesn't know he exists, and if they did, they've probably forgotten. He probably doesn't know Harry exists, either, from what I heard from James he left magic here in England.”
Draco sat back, shocked. How would Harry react, knowing he had an uncle in America? But, maybe, maybe he shouldn't tell him, he'd only get mad at Dumbledore and everyone else for not telling him. Why hadn't Dumbledore or someone told him? “Why didn't Lupin or Black tell him?” Draco asked.
“They probably didn't know. The only reason James told me was because I found a picture of him and his brother when James was around five or six. He said his brother used to visit every year until he was seven, and then he just seemed to disappear. There were no pictures of his brother around the Potter house, so I'm assuming James never mentioned it to Lupin or Black.”
Oh, God, how was he to break this to Harry? He had to, if he didn't Harry would go on thinking the Potter line had died out because of him! But, what if...what if his uncle was dead? No, Harry would want to know. Suddenly the door burst open and Dumbledore walked in, Sir Yamiko behind him.
“Ah, Lucius, I'm sorry, but I have to speak with Professor Yamiko, now,” Dumbledore smiled, gesturing to the vampire behind him and Lucius sneered back.
“Quite all right,” he hissed back, knowing full well it was because one of the portraits went running to tell Dumbledore what he had told Draco.
“Oh, Professor Yamiko, this is Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father, Lucius, this is Professor Mana Yamiko, he teaches DADA,” Dumbledore introduced them.
“Ah, Mr. Malfoy,” Sir Yamiko purred, bowing. “It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“The pleasure's mine,” Lucius's regal voice all but spat.
“You have a brilliant son, he's very knowledgeable, and good a disarming an opponent quickly. I assume you taught him most of it.” Sir Yamiko smiled predatorily, “He should be careful though, over confidence can be a down fall, and I'd hate for something terrible to happen to him because he underestimated his opponent.”
“Right,” Lucius glared. “Well, I'm sure you'll teach him finely, now if you'll excuse me, I must return home. Thank you for letting me speak with Draco, Headmaster, if he gives you any trouble let me know. And Draco, about what I told you...you have your own choices to make, choose wisely, as I will do what I have to.”
With that Lucius entered the fireplace and Flooed home.
“Are you alright, Draco?” Dumbledore's concerned face was right in front of him, his blue eye twinkling knowingly.
“Fine, fine.” Draco hastily made his way out of the office and ran blindly down the stairs. He couldn't believe what he he'd just been told! It wasn't possible! His father and James Potter in love? Harry having an uncle in the states? And his father wasn't going to force him to be a Death Eater?
But, he thought, he won't hesitate to kill me if need be if I don't join... That was something that couldn't be helped, his father had to keep them in some standing with the Dark Lord, or else he'd just kill them all.
Draco descended to the dungeons; his feet moving on their own accord, when he came to the portrait of the snake guarding the entrance to the Slytherin common room he all but barked the password. The portrait swung open and Draco rushed through the common room, much to the confusion of the Slytherins.
“Draco, what are you doing here?” Pansy asked, following him into a separate room.
“Checking something,” Draco answered, and soon all the Slytherins present were inside the room, Draco came upon a large portrait of an old potions master and turned to the rest of the room. “Get out! All of you!” The Slytherins scurried out, Crabbe and Goyle lagging behind, looking longingly back at their leader. “You too, Pans.”
“Awww!' She grumbled and left.
Draco turned back to the portrait and whispered, “Potter.”
“Incorrect!” The portrait said suddenly, “You've tried this for years boy, I don't think it'll work now.”
Draco glared at the offending man and whispered, “James Potter.”
The potions master raised his eyebrows and swung open. Draco stepped through, shutting the portrait behind him. Finally, he'd finally broken into his father's old rooms.
Draco looked around; the place looked much like his own bedroom at the manor. He went over to the empty desk, and opened a few drawers, nothing. The last drawer, however, was strangely locked. Draco smirked; his father had taught him this charm long ago. The drawer opened immediately, and Draco gasped at its contents.
Pictures and letters from years ago, all of them of James Potter or his father and James Potter. The letters...all from Potter as well. It was true then, his father and Harry's really were in love. Draco rifled through the letters and pictures, before one caught his eye, a letter from James talking about the circumstance of the Vow. He plucked it out of the stack and took a picture of his father and James to show to Harry. Maybe he'd come back alter and organise this. He was sure Harry would like to see more of his dad.
Wait, Draco thought, What if Harry doesn't want to see his father with mine? All he's ever know is his father was madly in love with his mother? I don't want to destroy his view of them.
For Draco this wasn't a problem, he'd always known that his father and mother weren't truly in love. Draco sighed, and looked down at the smiling faces of his father and Harry's, their arms thrown over each other's shoulders in a friendly manner. No, Harry should know.
Draco left the room and changed the password on the way out, ignoring everyone's curious stares.
“Draco,” Pansy started, but he waved her off with a `later.'
“Draco, guess what!?” Harry asked excitedly when he entered their rooms; his face immediately fell when he saw Draco's expression. “What?” harry asked. Draco stared at Harry for a moment before making the boy sit down. “What is it?” Harry was a little frightened at this point. Draco handed Harry the pictures and watched as the boy processed it.
“They were in love,” Draco whispered hoarsely, “they were in love and it was real.” Harry looked up and searched Draco's face desperately, looking for some sing that this wasn't true. “They were in love even before they knew they had to Bond.”
“H-How?” Harry whispered.
“I don't know, look at this.” Draco handed him the letter from his father. Harry read it quickly and looked back to Draco, then to the letter.
“They....they were in love,” he whispered, shocked, “But, why?” he looked between himself and Draco.
“My father had to become a Death Eater...he didn't have a choice, and your father, he couldn't do it. He couldn't be with my father after that. They went their separate ways and your father fell in love with your mother,” Draco answered, “At least, that's what Father said.”
“Why didn't anyone tell me? What doesn't anyone tell me anything!?” Draco winced, wondering how he was supposed to tell Harry about his uncle now.
“I didn't know either,” Draco supplied. He could tell Harry was getting really worked up over this, so he decided to change the subject, “Didn't you have something to tell me?” Harry didn't answer, but continued to stare at the picture of their fathers. “Harry?”
“What?” Harry snapped his head up.
“Didn't you have something to tell me? When I came in?”
“Oh, right,” Harry shook his head a bit and said. “I owled my aunt awhile ago and told her about what was happening with the Vow and everything. Well, I never received a response from her, but it's a little normal for it to take a long time because she's a muggle and her family hates magic. Well, I got a response from her today.”
“And?” Draco pressed when Harry stopped.
Harry sucked in a breath and answered, “She has the original copy of the Vow.”
A/N: They is sexin' a lot, does anyone mind? Okay, we're studying Hamlet in my Lit class right now, so you may see some random Elizabethan language in here. Also, the quote “Something's rotten...” and “Here's some rosemary...” are from Hamlet. I made a mistake in the last chapter with the whole five day plan thing...I meant six days...yes, I did forget October had 31 days, shut up.And like I said I am so bad at keeping track of what date it is in my stories so please ignore any contradiction I may have made in here. So, basically the date of this chapter was the 26th/27th of October making it...Sunday and Monday? Shit! Shit! Shit! Okay, fuck you guys; the 26th is a fucking Thursday, okay!? See, I told you I was bad at this! Lmao.