Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ unbreakableBOND ❯ Number Four Privet Drive ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I don't own Harry Potter.
OI!!!: This chapter and I were fighting. I wanted it to be written and it preferred to stay in the recesses of my mind.
Chapter Fourteen: Number Four Privet Drive
Harry shook his head to clear it, his eyes going fuzzy for a moment before refocusing on the boy before him. Last night's events ran through his head again, and once again Harry began to question his very existence.
If Lucius Malfoy and his father really were in love, then how could he ever had loved his mother? Was Harry just born out of convince or accident and not love? What did it matter, he was sure his parents loved him anyway. He just shouldn't think about it.
Harry turned to stare out the window of the car they were in. The car being driven by Dumbledore, and heading for Harry's childhood home. Harry wasn't sure why Dumbledore wanted to drive there instead of apparating or Flooing, Harry hadn't even been aware Dumbledore knew how to drive.
God, he didn't want to be here right now. Why couldn't he just go see Aunt Petunia by himself? He really didn't need the peanut gallery along for the proverbial ride that would be visiting his last living relative and it just may be the last time he did so with the way things were going right now.
Still, Harry was grateful for the chance to see Aunt Petunia once more. He wanted to tell her about his time at Hogwarts so far, but nothing about the Zabini thing. Mostly, he just wanted to reassure her that he was oaky, no, he was great and that...he was in good hands with Draco. Harry couldn't help himself smiling at that. His closed heart was beginning to open up to Draco, bit by bit. Honestly, now that he thought about it, who wouldn't fall for Draco?
Harry shook his head once more, not wanting to start thinking about that again, because it always wound up in the same place.
“Here we are,” Dumbledore called, pulling onto the street. Suddenly Harry got an incredible case of nerves. What if Aunt Petunia didn't like Draco? It was such an odd thing for him to think he was momentarily rendered shocked at himself.
What am I thinking? What does it matter if she does? Yet, Harry knew that he really did want Aunt Petunia to like Draco or at least accept him. Dumbledore parked the car and got out, adjusting his Muggle suit. Draco and Harry followed and walked quickly to the door before anyone could see that Harry was here instead of at the fake school Vernon had made up for him.
Ding dong. The noise rang loudly in Harry's head as his sense of panic increased, he began sweating a little and his breathing quickened.
“Stay calm,” Draco whispered in his ear, his breath caressing the lobe and causing Harry to sigh. He suddenly felt more at ease with the situation. And then the door opened.
“Harry!” Petunia squealed before she could compose herself. Harry smiled widely and Petunia quickly ushered them inside and shut the door. Once in the privacy of the house she gave Harry a hug. “Oh, I'm so glad you're here,” she whispered into his hair.
Harry pulled away and said, “Me too.”
“Oh, ahem,” Petunia cleared her throat and turned to the other two in the room, “Hello, Professor Dumbledore.”
“Petunia,” Dumbledore answered, “How are you?”
“Oh, fine, thank you, sir.” She turned to Draco a bit expectantly.
“Er, Aunt Petunia, this is my, uhm...?” He trailed off not knowing the term for two people who were Bonded.
“Bonded,” Dumbledore supplied.
“Right, this is my Bonded, Draco Malfoy.” Harry turned to Draco. “Draco, this is my aunt, Petunia Dursley.” He swallowed thickly; suddenly the room seemed very hot as Petunia glared menacingly at Draco.
“Mr. Malfoy, a pleasure to meet you.” Her voice said it was not pleasure at all, but she held her hand out anyway.
“No, the pleasure is mine,” Draco shook her hand and smiled charmingly. “But, please call me Draco, Mr. Malfoy is my father.”
“I see,” Petunia's eyes showed just what she thought of the older Malfoy.
“You have a lovely home here, Mrs. Dursley,” Draco said waving an arm at the room. “I especially love that Ming vase on the mantel there. If I'm not mistaken it's an original from the end of the dynasty's period. Oh! And you have one from Tang period, those are very rare.”
Petunia's mouth opened slightly, before she snapped it shut and gave Draco a critical once over, “Yes, they are.”
Harry smiled; anyone that could tell the difference between porcelain periods was alright in her book. Harry immediately felt a bit more relaxed as they sat down.
“How've you been Aunt Petunia?” Harry asked as she poured them tea.
“The same as always,” she answered. “Dudley won a boxing match the other day.” She smiled proudly her eyes going to the trophy on the `Wall of Dudley.'
“Shocker,” Harry murmured. Petunia sent him a quick glare but Harry pretended he didn't see her.
“Ahem,” Dumbledore cleared his throat. “I'm sure you two would like to catch up in private.”
“Oh, right.” Petunia stood then and went over a drawer and pulled out a piece of seemingly blank parchment. “James gave me this after he and Lily's wedding. He didn't know what the significance of a blank sheet of parchment was which is why it took me so long to figure out that I had when you wrote to be, Harry.” She handed the paper to Dumbledore who tapped it with his wand. Nothing happened.
“Is it really just a blank parchment? I had thought this would be it. I remember when James gave it to me he said I had to keep it safe, because if anything ever happened to him or Lily someone needed to tell Harry about it. And then that thing came after them and I forgot about it.” Petunia took the parchment for Dumbledore and shook it a bit, for what reason no one knew.
“Here,” she handed it to Harry. Harry took out his wand and tapped the parchment. Again, nothing happened. Draco took the parchment from Harry then and stared at it for a few moments.
He took out his wand, tapped the parchment and said, “Bad faith.” Writing appeared instantly and the parchment grew longer. Dumbledore looked on suspiciously as Harry and Draco quickly scanned the parchment.
“No!” Harry gasped, one line catching his attention. “No!”
“What is it, my boy?” Dumbledore asked. Suddenly Draco had found the line as well and his eyes went wide with shock.
“This isn't fair!” Harry screamed, his eyes filling with tears. “Oh, God!” And then he bolted up the stairs, knocking down a potter plant on the way.
“Harry!” Aunt Petunia called rushing after him.
Draco sat staring at the parchment, handing it shakily to Dumbledore to look over. Suddenly he began laughing, tears flowing freely, whether from mirth, or sadness Dumbledore didn't know.
“Harry!” Petunia pounded on the door of Harry's old bedroom, he had locked it with a charm and the door just wouldn't budge. “Harry, please let me in!” The door burst open on its own accord and Petunia stumbled in to find Harry face down on his bed.
She shut the door quietly behind her and made her way over to Harry slowly. Harry felt the bed dip as Petunia sat on the edge and suddenly her hand was stroking Harry's back.
“What happened?” She asked softly. Harry slipped over to look at his aunt and brushed his tears away.
“The-the vow...” Harry trailed off not knowing how to put it. “It says that we have to produce an heir.”
Petunia gasped, and her hand went to her mouth in shock. “What? How can you, you're both-“
“Men?” Harry finished, then let out a bark of laughter. “That's not a problem for wizards, evolution took over a long time ago and we can have babies too.”
“My God,” Petunia whispered. When she had found out about Harry having to Bond with another boy she was a little distressed to say the least, there was only so much abnormalcy one could handle. She and Lily had been raised on loose Catholic beliefs, so while she didn't believe being homosexual was the end of the world, it was still hard to have her only nephew living a life of what many would consider the greatest sin.
And now, to find out he could have children with another man! Oh, what was the world coming to? No, maybe it wasn't what the world was coming to; maybe it was what her world hadn't come to.
“A child,” she whispered. She'd have a grandchild in one way or another. “But, Harry, that isn't so bad. I mean eventually you'll get used to the idea, it doesn't have to be right now-“
“No!” Harry screamed, causing the room to rattle with a bit of uncontrolled magic. “An heir must be produced within the first year.” He recited.
Her mouth fell open in shock. “No,” she whispered, horrified.
“Yes!” Harry shouted, sitting up. “An heir must be produced within the first year! Why can't I have any control over my life? Why is everything always decided for me!?” He shook with rage. “Can't I decide who to love and who to have a life with? No, that's all planned out for me!”
He laughed humourlessly and mocked “Little Harry Potter has so much to worry about with killing the most powerful wizard on the planet, let's just plan the rest of his life for him so he doesn't have to think! What a load of bullocks! Aunt Petunia, what have I ever done to deserve this? What, is it this stupid scar?” He lifted his fringe and shoved his forehead into her face. “Is that it? Is it because I was born Harry Potter? I can't help that,” he whispered the last part. “I can't help that I was born like this. What have I done to deserve this?”
Suddenly Harry seemed to remember something. He grabbed Aunt Petunia's shoulders and looked her straight in the eye and continued. “And that's not the worst of it.”
“What?” She was almost afraid to ask. The way Harry was acting was a little more than disturbing.
“They made sure an heir would be produced, the vow sees me as the child bearer because I took the Malfoy name-“
“Wait,” Petunia interrupted, “You took his last name?”
“Yes, Aunt Petunia, it has something to do with name magic; it's not important right now, just listen!” She nodded a little and he continued. “They wound fertility spells into the ceremonial nuptial things and it put me in heat!”
Disgust coloured her features and she spat, “The vow is forcing you to have sex to produce an heir.” Harry nodded his assessment. “And you wonder why I dislike magic folk!” She stood and began pacing. “This is just sick! God, what's next, can wizards bear animal children too?”
“Aunt Petunia, I...the thing is,” Harry struggled looking for the words to voice the odd emotion welling up inside of him. “I'm not so sure that I'm...opposed to having Draco's children.”
“Wha-?” Petunia staggered.
“I mean, Oh, Merlin this is so fucked up!”
“Harry!” She looked appalled at his language.
“It is and you know it,” he returned. “I think, I wouldn't mind having children with Draco.”
Wouldn't mind?” Petunia repeated incredulous. “What do you mean? Harry, you're only seventeen, you have no business having children at you age!”
“I'm old enough for the vow! And I'm not saying I want to have children right now! I have a Dark Lord to kill and I'd appreciate it if he was gone from the world when my children come into it!” Harry sighed and threw himself back onto the bed. “I'm just saying, I...what I feel for Draco, I want to have children with him.”
“You're in love.” Petunia sat down, shocked.
“No!” Harry sat up quickly. “I'm not in love with Draco!”
“Yes, you are, Harry.” Petunia smiled calmly at him. “I kind of noticed when you first came in, they way you desperately wanted me to like him, wanted us to get along. You're in love, even if your head doesn't realise it, your heat does.”
“Harry?” Petunia and Harry both turned to look at the closed door, they could hear the soft foot falls of the person coming up the stairs. “Harry, are you alright? Dumbledore says it's time to go now,” Draco said through the door.
“Yea, fine, I'll be down in a minute!” Harry called and felt Draco move away from the door.
“Harry, I want you to know that I'm going to ignore Vernon on this on. If you need me at any time doesn't hesitate to Ploo in or what's that other thing Irritate?”
Harry laughed a little, “It's Floo and Apparate.”
“Right, well, any time you need me or if you just want to see me you come, okay?” She stroked his hair. “I know, I haven't been the best aunt, but I'm going to try and make up for some of it. I know I can never take back all those years I hurt you, but, I'm going to try my best.”
“Aunt Petunia,” Harry breathed. “Don't worry about the past, what's done is done, I know why you did what you did and it's all right. And right now, you're the best aunt anyone could ever have.”
Petunia leaned in and grabbed Harry hugging him fiercely and suddenly a loud commotion was heard down stairs.
“Oh, dear,” Petunia said, pulling away from Harry and rushing down stair, Harry hot on her heels.
“Petunia! What are these freaks doing in my house!?” Vernon yelled, his face reddening. “You!” He shouted once he spotted Harry.
“Me Harry,” Harry gestured to himself, then pointed at Vernon. “You Jane.” Draco laughed silently at this but said nothing.
“What are you doing in my house? I thought we were rid of you once and for all!” Vernon yelled then rounded on Dumbledore. “And why did you bring more of your lot here? How are you supposed to be? Merlin!?” He waved his hand wildly at Dumbledore.
“No, sir, I am Professor Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry,” Dumbledore replied calmly.
“We do not use that word in this house!” Vernon screamed, face now an interesting shade of purple.
“Which word?” Draco asked. “School? I thought as much.”
Harry laughed aloud at this, and Vernon roared with rage. “I'll show you, boy!” Suddenly Harry found a large whale of a man thundering towards him, full force. Before he had time to draw his wand he found someone had done it for him.
“Excuse me Mr. Seamonster, but if you value your life I'm going to have to ask you to get away from Harry.” Draco's wand was aimed at Vernon's throat, his distaste for the man written clearly on his features. Dudley, who had been basically hiding in a corner, let out a yelp of terror, while Petunia shrieked a bit. Vernon stood quaking on the spot, his face contorted in fear at the weapon of un-known power being held at him.
“Draco,” Dumbledore began in a warning tone, “Put the wand away.”
“Get the elephant back to the zoo,” Draco answered, wand not wavering, Harry could hear the string of curses ready to leave Draco's mouth at the slightest move from Vernon.
Harry was at a loss. He had of course, had people come to his defence before, and they had been armed, but that was in dangerous situations. This, this wasn't a remotely dangerous situation, and he was perfectly capable of stopping Vernon had he needed to. But, the way Draco just jumped in front of him made him feel something he never had before. All his life it had been his job to protect others, make sure they were safe, and to have Draco protect him like this was such a foreign thing he wasn't even sure how to comprehend it.
Only, only it felt amazing.
Harry could practically taste Draco's absolute need to protect Harry. And Harry had to admit, it was kind of sexy to watch Draco defend him.
“Draco, Mr. Dursley is not going to harm Harry, are you Mr. Dursley?” Dumbledore turned to the petrified man.
“N-No.” Vernon shook his head vigorously for effect.
Draco lowered his wand marginally and glowered, “Step over there, I don't want you within ten feet of him.” Vernon nodded hastily and rushed to stand in the far corner of the room.
Draco put his wand back in his sleeve but didn't relax and kept staring at Vernon as though he might strike at anytime.
“Draco.” Harry touched his arm and the blond glanced down at his Bonded.
“I'm sorry, was that too much?” Draco asked, a little sarcastic.
Harry looked at his terrified uncle and shook his head no, giving Draco and big grin.
“You see what you've done!” This was Dudley, finally showing himself from his hiding place. “You freak, you almost got Daddy killed! Just get out of you, you worthless piece of shi-” A resounded slap cut off the rest Dudley's speech. All eye turned on the slaper in shock.
“Petunia,” Vernon breathed.
“Mummy?” Dudley cried.
“Shut up, you whiny little brat! You're eighteen years old for God's sake!”
“Petunia!” Vernon gasped in shock.
“And you!” She turned sharply to her husband. “I've had enough of this crap, Harry is not a freak, he is my nephew and a hell of a lot better man than your son turned out to be!”
“Mummy!” Dudley was in hysterics.
“He is not worthless and I'll have no one in this house saying otherwise! From now one, Harry will be coming her whenever he likes and I expect you to give him the same respect and love you would any other family member. Got that?”
“Yes!” Both Vernon and Dudley answered in unison, Dudley through tears.
“And you will show that same respect to his Bonded, Draco.” She gestured to her husband's terrorist and the two men nodded fervently. “Good,” she turned to Harry and Draco. “I'll see you Harry. “ She gave him a big hug. “It was good to meet you Draco.” She hugged him as well and Harry watched contentedly as Draco made an attempt to hug her back. “Say good bye, boys.” She glared at her son and Vernon.
“Good bye, Harry,” Dudley stuttered out, “Good bye, Draco.”
“Good bye, Harry, Draco,” Vernon answered then glanced at Dumbledore and added, “Headmaster Dumbledore.”
“Good bye, Headmaster Dumbledore, sir!” Dudley added quickly.
Dumbledore smiled and bid them adieu, Harry and Draco following suit and heading out. The car ride back to Hogwarts was painfully silent.
Harry entered the Great Hall and smiled dutifully at his friends at the Gryffindor table. When Draco, Dumbledore and he had gotten back it was time for dinner, so rather than going off to face Draco by himself Harry practically ran to the escape of the Great Hall.
“Heya, mate,” Ron called, spitting mashed potato in front of him.
“Ron! Close your mouth!” Hermione reprimanded.
“Sorry,” Ron swallowed.
“Hey guys,” Harry said sitting down at the place they had saved for him.
“We didn't think you'd be back so soon, how was your aunt?” Hermione asked, filling Harry's plate for him. God, that woman was such a mother.
“She's fine, although, Uncle Vernon and Dudley came home before we left and...” Harry trailed off, the scene of Draco coming to his `rescue' playing over in his mind.
“And?” Ron pressed around a mouthful of meat.
“And he tried to rush me, but the dragon got in front of him,” Harry answered, realising after what a lame code name that was for Draco.
“What?” Hermione looked shocked.
“Yea, he held his wand to his throat and oh, Merlin,” Harry started to laugh, “He says to Uncle Vernon, `Excuse me Mr. Seamonster, but if you value your life I'm going to have to ask you to get away from Harry,' and then Dumbledore told him to put the wand away and he said `get the elephant back to the zoo!'” At the point Ron was laughing as well, while Hermione smiled threaten to break into laughter. “And, and, Aunt Petunia slapped Dudley! Oh, it was great.”
“No way!” Ron said. “Blimey!”
“Yes, well, that's all well and good, but what did the document say?” Hermione asked and immediately regretted after Harry's face darkened.
“I'll tell you later, it's not something we should talk about here,” Harry whispered, pushing his food around. He looked up to search for that shock of white blond hair but found none and suddenly Harry felt very guilty.
“So, are you going to go to the Halloween thing?” Ron asked suddenly.
“What?” Harry asked, snapping his head back to Ron.
“The Halloween ball, it's tomorrow Harry,” Hermione said. Harry looked at her like she was insane then glanced around the Great Hall and saw all the Halloween decorations.
“I'm going as Nearly Headless Nick,” Ron said.
“I don't think he'll appreciate that,” Hermione answered.
“Sorry, guys, I have to go.” Harry stood, grabbed something from the table, and made a beeline for the doors.
“Draco?” Harry called as he stepped into their shared rooms.
“In here,” Draco called from the bedroom.
Harry walked slowly to the bedroom, his heart beating erratically against his chest. “Hey,” he said from the doorway, taking in the sight of Draco lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.
“Hey,” the blond replied.
“I, uhm, brought you some food.” Harry held out a sandwich he snagged from the table before leaving. “It's ham and cheese...no tomatoes.”
Draco sat up and eyed Harry warily, “Is there mayonnaise?”
“Tons,” Harry replied and Draco held his hand out for the sandwich. Harry moved to give it to him and sat on the bed next to him. Draco ate his sandwich silently, waiting for Harry to speak. Harry looked around awkwardly, wondering how to begin this conversation.
“So, uh, Halloweens tomorrow,” Harry finally said lamely, “I've been so distracted I hadn't even noticed.”
“Oh?” Was all Draco supplied between bites.
“Yea, I don't even have a costume, but, uhm, I was wondering if you wanted to uhm, you know go?” Oh, God, this was not what he rushed up here to talk about.
Draco looked surprised and said, “Sure, but what about costumes?”
“Oh, uhm, I don't know, wanna go to Hogsmeade tomorrow?”
“Sure,” Draco said, and they fell into silence.
By now Draco was done with his sandwich so the two just sat awkwardly looking at everything but each other. Harry weighed his options, he could just tell Draco good night and forget this happened or he could just confront the situation head on. Well, he was Harry Po-Malfoy, dammit and he wasn't going to let a little awkwardness stop him from doing what he needed to do!
Harry looked up and found that Draco had lain back down, hands behind his head. Harry sighed, and lay down beside him, head on Draco's bent arm.
“Draco, what are we going to do?” Harry asked.
“Go to Hogs-“
“No,” Harry cut him off and rolled over to look Draco in the face. “What are we going to do about the Vow?”
“Well, we'll deal with that at some point; it doesn't have to be now...”
“What? Draco, we only have a few months here, before the year is up and it takes nine months to make a baby.”
“Maybe for Muggles,” Draco answered. “Wizards and witches are only pregnant for five.”
“Wha-? Why doesn't anyone tell me anything!?” Harry growled, frustrated.
“Because it's fun to watch you suffer,” Draco answered.
“Hey! I resent that!” Harry punched Draco in the chest and the blond smiled. Harry began tracing imaginary patterns on Draco's chest and whispered, “Hey, Draco?”
“Hmm?” Draco watched Harry's face intently as the other continued his tracing.
“If I were to tell you something you promise you won't hate me?”
“Well, I can't say I promise.” Draco smirked.
“Well, never mind then!” Harry huffed, rolling away from the blond.
“No, wait, tell me.” Draco rolled Harry over to face him once more.
Harry sighed and stared at Draco's chest, unable to look him in the eye for what he was about to say was just too embarrassing. “I...I don't mind, I mean I didn't want it to be now, but, I mean I want, argh!” Why was this so difficult? Why was he even saying it in the first place? One look at Draco's waiting face and Harry knew the answer.
Because I need to.
“I want to have children with you,” Harry started fiercely, then immediately turned an intense shade of pink.
Draco stared at Harry opened mouth and Harry was able to catch a few of the emotions that emitted from the Slytherin before he regain his composure. Blank, shock, comprehension, and Harry couldn't quite make out the last one, as Draco had reined it in before it was possible.
Harry however, didn't need to figure it out as moments after that Draco showed him how he felt.
The brunette's hands threaded through Draco's hair as he attacked his mouth with unbridled passion. Before either of them could help it Draco had ripped Harry's shirt off and was placing bites and kisses all across his torso.
“Want you,” Draco said between mouthfuls of Harry. “So much.” Harry held Draco's head and arched into him, not able to help the moans that were falling from his lips.
Draco swirled his tongue around a nipple and Harry practically melted with pleasure. He tugged the blond up to him and kissed him fiercely undoing the buttons on his shirt, his hands roaming to cover every inch of skin available to him.
Draco's hands fumbled for Harry's jeans, his movements clumsy and frantic, he somehow managed to knock Harry's glasses across the room. Harry blinked a few times as the world came into focus, albeit a little fuzzily.
Suddenly Draco's lips were on his again and they were both naked, their erections rubbing together deliciously. Harry pulled away from Draco and attached his lips to the blond's neck, sucking hard.
“Augh!” Draco groaned loudly, thrusting against Harry fervently. Harry wrapped his legs around Draco and thrust upward, all the while scraping his nails down the Slytherins back. Draco's eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head at the onslaught of sensations, he didn't even notice when Harry had broken through the skin of his neck.
“Are you okay?” Harry asked breathily a bit of blood dribbling down his lip.
“Never been better,” Draco answered, then licked the blood from the brunettes lip. Harry smiled as the blonds tongue poked into his mouth once more. They kissed heartily until Harry couldn't take it anymore.
“I want you,” he demanded.
“You want me where?” Draco asked and Harry growled then flipped them over only to land on the floor. “Ow!”
“Shut up,” the Gryffindor told him and Draco's eyes widened a bit at this new side of Harry.
Harry's thighs were on either side of the blond, their erections still pressed together and Draco gave a little thrust up. Harry groaned and reached for his wand.
“What are you doing?” Draco asked, Harry didn't answer and instead cast a wandless spell before lifting his hips and slamming Draco inside of himself.
“Ohmigod!” Draco arched up immediately, the teat heat encasing him too much.
“Give me a minute!” Harry barked, still trying to adjust to taking in Draco all at once. The blond squeezed his eyes shut, waiting. He gasped when Harry lifted himself up and back down with a slap of flesh. Harry moaned and repeated the action, creating a rhythmic pace punctuated by harsh breathing, loud, wanton moans, and the sound of skin against skin.
Abruptly, Harry felt hands seize his waist helping to lift him up and slam back down. “Hah, hah, Dracoooo,” Harry moaned, his thighs shiny with a sheen of sweat flexing as he lifted himself up and rammed back down onto Draco's cock.
“Merlin, Harry, you are so fucking beautiful.” Draco thrust up, throwing his head back a bit not caring that it slammed onto the hardwood floors. Harry tightened his hold on Draco's chest, using it for leverage to come completely off of Draco, hovering a bit before coming back down.
Draco nearly screamed at the sensation his hands gripping Harry so tightly he was sure to have bruises tomorrow. Harry grabbed Draco's hands away from his hips and intertwined their fingers, his head thrown back in pleasure, eyes shut tight as he rode the blond.
Draco gave a squeeze to the brunette's hands and said, “I can't last much longer.” Harry bent down, lifting himself off Draco, and licked a dribble of sweat from down Draco's jaw bone.
“Me,” Harry replaced himself on Draco's dick, “Either!” Harry knew he would come soon, even without anything touching his member, but he wanted to come together.
Still holding Harry's hands Draco sat up, causing Harry to shout at the friction that now surround his cock by their heated bodies pressed flush together.
“Oh, God, I can't take it anymore!” Harry cried, his entire body bent backwards as he came with a shout of “Draco!”
Draco came just after that, the tightening of Harry's muscles, the erratic of bucking of the brunettes hips as he rode out his orgasm and the utter beauty of the man before him just too much.
“Where did you learn that spell?” Draco finally asked.
“What spell?” Harry answered, confusion colouring his face.
“The one to prepare yourself,” the blond elaborated.
“Oh...it was carved onto my head board..I honestly didn't know what it did all it said was `Cast this for a good time.' So I asked Seamus what it did and all he told me was that it worked for a good time. Then I cast it on Rom one day/”
“You did what!?” Draco's eyes were wide with shock a little jealously.
“We didn't do anything!” Harry gave Draco a little slap. “See, he was all upset over something so I just cast it without thinking, I thought it might've been like a Cheer Up charm or something. Needless to say, it wasn't.”
Draco began laughing and asked, “What did Weasely do?”
“He jumped up and looked at me like I was insane and then started jumping around and wiggling his bum a lot screaming `what did you do!? What did you do!?' Then Hermione walked in and I explained to her what I did because Ron wouldn't tell me what happened...well, she knew what the spell did.”
“No way!” Draco laughed.
“Yes, and then she told Ron to just wiggle a lot and it would just go back to normal, so we sat there for like ten minutes watching him shake his arse all frantically.” Harry began laughing at the memory and Draco joined, seeing the scene is his mind's eye.
Once they had calmed Harry rested his head against Draco's shoulder and whispered. “I never did thank you, for what you did back at my aunt and uncles house, with Uncle Vernon.”
“You don't need to thank me,” Draco answered.
“No,” Harry said sitting up to look at Draco. “No one's ever defended me like that before, and it just, it means a lot to me.”
“Well, I'll be happy to protect you from now on.” Draco answered. “Especially against escaped zoo animals.”
Harry laughed and leaned forward a bit, his for head resting against Draco's. “And, I'd also like to say I'm sorry, for the way I've been acting about this whole thing. I know it's hard for you two, but I just can't help it.”
“Its fine, I understand. Harry, there's something I've been meaning to tell you-“
“Wait,” Harry interjected. “I think I know what you're going to say and I think I feel the same, I'm..I'm just not ready for that yet.” How stupid did he sound? I'm pretty sure I love you but I can't say it out loud? Right, real sensitive, Harry.
“Don't worry about it,” Draco answered, smiling weakly. They fell into an awkward silence before Harry lifted himself off Draco. Strangely he missed the feeling of just being connected to Draco as the blond stood. “I'm going to go shower,” He announced.
Harry could only nod and watch Draco's retreating back, a foreign sense of dread spreading through him like wildfire.
Mal foi means bad faith in French. Yes, I am that lame. Lol.
A/N: Like I said, this chapter and I did not get along, so I sincerely apologise for the less than par quality of it. Haha, you all know I don't sound like that, lol. What I'm saying is sorry for this chapter sucking so much foul arse. I'm not even going to tell you to review on this one, lol. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!