InuYasha Fan Fiction / Count Cain Fan Fiction / Godchild Fan Fiction ❯ Girl Through the Looking Glass ❯ 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nada!
She really wasn't sure what to do. It had been a month. A long month stuck in Victorian England. She got better and became closer to her “family” but as soon as she could she found the well. However, it didn't work. She was stuck for who knows how long. Kagome wanted to cry. She missed her family and friends. Not to mention things had gone bad here.
Her little sister, Lukia, had taken ill. She could tell something was wrong. Her father thought she was possessed by her mother, but Kagome knew that was not the case. She tried to tell him that, but couldn't tell him how she knew. He thought she had been with kidnappers for 16 years! Kagome really cared for Lukia already and wanted her to get better but…
“Good day Clehadol."
Oh how she hated that man. Frenchy was just too sketchy to be trusted. Oooh i rhymed. Something about him just made her feel on edge. She could tell he had some sort of supernatural power, but she wasn't sure what it was. He was to blame for Lukia. She knew it! He was also screwing step-mommy dearest, which just made him seem like a man-whore. Who would sleep with that psycho beotch?
“Good day Lady Cromwell.”
He bent down to kiss her hand, ignoring her obvious distain. Need to burn my hand off now. Thanks.
“It's Kagome.”
He smiled his “I'm a skanky French man-whore who is sexy and is better than you” smile.
“Of course, Kagome.”
“Don't you have some angry blond lady to sleep with?”
“Such language for a young lady.”
“Oh I'm sooooo sorry.”
He moved closer as she walked away. Help me! Leaning down close to her ear he whispered, “Perhaps there is someone else I'd prefer to share my bed?” Kagome's face turned bright red and Clehadol chuckle.
“So innocent.”
“Bite me.”
“Leave me alone Frenchy!”
He just looked at her. She was a beauty but fairly insane, but that did make it more fun. Kagome turned away in a huff but Clehadol stopped her.
“Do you really want your sister freed?”
“Don't you dare harm her.”
“Then perhaps we can make a deal.”
She froze as a hand traveled down her side. He felt her stiffen in his arms. He smiled and pulled away.
“Think about it.”
And with that he left. He knew what his job was, but he could change the plans slightly.
Kagome was pulled out of her shock by Emile's voice. The two had become closer since they first met. He liked supernatural and she knew quite a bit about it so they often spent hours talking about the occult. He seemed very sad so she did whatever she could to change that. Therefore the boy became very attached to her.
“Ya what's up?”
“I'm bored.”
Sigh. “Ok let's go find something to do.”
A little while later, the two were in Emile's room talking about Japanese demons when they heard noise downstairs. Curious, they both walked out to the stairs, careful to remain hidden. Kagome saw Lukia in Clehadol's arms. What did he do to her? Uber-witch was standing there too. She slapped one of Lukia's watchers for letting her get out. Like you're any better. Lastly near her father were two people. A handsome guy her age and a young blond girl.
“Hey Emi-“
She never wanted to hit a kid so bad. The freaky kid had to swing down and try scaring them. The dark haired guy caught him and strangled him a bit. Serves you right. Now blond bimbo steps in to save face. Aw he's kissing the girl's had to apol-Damn him. A spider? Really. Kagome hit her head on the railing a bit to loudly causing everyone to look at her. Nope I don't look insane.
“Oh. Kagome, come down here and meet our guests.”
Kagome walked down in the longest awkward moment of her life. Past blond devil, past Frenchy, past Emile running away from little girl (I really like this girl), and right to Father and really hot guy. Yum.
“Kagome, this is Earl Cain Hargreaves, a distant relative of ours.”
Pity, relatives.
Cain bent down to kiss her hand. Some how this was a lot less creepy than when Frenchy did this.
“Pleasure to meet you, Kagome.”
She smiled, “Nice to meet you too!”
Oops forgot the whole proper intro thing again. Sorry Pops.
As soon as his lips touched her hands, something happened. A shock. Brief, but not normal. Even Clehadol felt something odd. Both pulled away and look at each other.
What was that?
Sir Cromwell started talking to Cain about something and Kagome was shooed off to care for Lukia.
Cain felt something was off when he first saw the girl. He felt a connection like her knew her. She was lovely. Not the standard society beauty, but perhaps that made her more appealing. Long black hair poured down her back and innocent blue eyes looked over him. Cromwell introduced her as his daughter. Cain knew he had recently found her, but this was not what he expected. He leaned down to kiss her hand when a sharp pain coursed through him. A quick flash of a woman in Japanese clothing appeared and left just as quickly. Pulling away he looked at her suspiciously as she did him. So she felt it too. Is she part of Delilah? He would have to keep an eye on her. Cromwell started speaking and Kagome disappeared. He would deal with him now and his daughter later. Little did he know the night would reveal much more than he ever wanted.
Woo I added a chapter. Kinda picking up I hope. Next part will be good. Read, enjoy, review, write more stories. PEACE!