InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Turn To Shine ❯ Chapter Sixteen ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Kagome’s Time to Shine
Authoress: PureMikoKagome69ner a.k.a Demoness-MarlstonWells69ner
Summary: This is an IY/YYH Crossovers. Why did Inu-Yasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo betrayed Kagome? What now? Kagome’s actually a demon? Not just one, but every single demon in the universe? The Higurashis’ isn’t her family, but the Urameshis’ are? What’s going on?!
Pairings: Hiei/Kagome, Kurama/Ayumi, Yusuke/Keiko, Souta/Yukina, Kohaku/Rin, Inu-Yasha/Sango, Naraku/Kikyo, Kouga/Ayame, etc … (I think … )
Ratings: Mature (M)

Chapter Sixteen: Aramitama, Kushimetama, Megimetama & Sakimetama

I don’t own any Yu Yu Hakusho or Inu-Yasha characters!

This chapter is Beta’d by ‘Victoria Luv005’!!

– Last Time … –

Inu-Yasha and the others looked over at everyone.

“Now, since that’s over,” said Kagome. “The hard part; getting used to my time.”

“Huh?” asked Inu-Yasha, stupidly.

“Kaede’s wish is for us, all to be ‘together’, so all of you have to come to the future with me and the others,” said Kagome. “And the second hard part is trusting each other, which will take a lot of times.”

– This Time … –

“Come on, lets go home,” said Kagome, after they said byes to Sesshoumaru and whomever in the Dining Room with him. “Then I could arrange – ”

“How the Hell can we go home, wench?” asked Inu-Yasha, rudely. (A/N: At least the Inu-Yasha we all know (and hate) is back … ) “The well is destroyed.”

Osuwari!!” said Kagome.

Inu-Yasha’s face landed on the ground when the word died down, he got up, with the helps of Sango.

“My name is Kagome, KA-GO-ME, use it,” said Kagome, pronouncing her name, slowly. “And I know that the well is gone, whoever says that we’re using the well?”

“Then how are we getting back?” asked Miroku.
“By portal,” said Kagome. She opened a portal. “Go in.”

Alex, Samantha, Stephanie, Lillie, Mariah, Ayumi, Kai, Vincent, Tony, Lee went in first, then the Spirit Detectives, then Inu-Yasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Naraku, Kikyo, then Souta, Kohaku, Taro, Crystal, Kaze and Kagome, herself. Later on, they were arrived at a place that Inu-Yasha, Sango, Shippo, Miroku, Naraku, Kikyo, Taro, Crystal and Kaze didn’t recognize.

They looked around and saw a Toddler sitting on a desk. The Toddler didn’t seem to notice then.

“Kags, we gotta get home now,” said Alex. “We’ll see ya at school, aiight?”

“Aiight,” said Kagome. “Ja ne, guys.” She opened the portal for Alex and the others.

The noise then snapped the Toddler out of the stupor and looked up from his desk, finally noticing his Spirit Detectives and the others.

“What are you doing here?” asked the Toddler, sucking on his pacifier.

“Since when a baby Toddler can talk?” asked Shippo, staring at the ‘Baby Toddler’ curiously.

“He’s not a baby, Kit,” said Hiei.

“Aww,” Kagome, aw-ing at Hiei. “You sound sooo cute!” She went over and hugged Hiei in front. “Hmm … so warm!”

Doing this, they looked like a couple; an adorable one. Hiei blushed, but it goes unnoticed by everyone except Kurama.

‘Shut up, Fox,’ said Hiei. He can feel himself getting more relaxed against the girl.

‘We didn’t say anything, Hiei,’ said Kurama.

Someone cleared their throat, Kagome let go of Hiei. She turned around and saw it was Koenma.

“Is there something you want?” asked Koenma. “If not, leave, I’m really busy you know.”

“Well,” said Kagome. “I was only wondering if you need more Spirit Detectives. I have six demons here that would be your Spirit Detectives, if you need them that is.”

“Hmm … ” said Koenma, thinking. “Hai, I could use a few more Spirit Detectives. Who are they?” Something told him that she doesn’t want to know the answer to that.

“This is Inu-Yasha,” said Kagome. “He’s an Inu Hanyou and his mate is Sango, she’s the second last of her Taijiya Clan. This is Miroku, the Fire/Ice Cat Demon. This is Shippo, a Kitsune Youkai. This is Naraku, a Hanyou and his mate; Kikyo, she’s an Inu Hanyou. She was a Miko, but she lost it. Inu-Yasha, Sango, Naraku, Kikyo, Miroku and Shippo will be working for you.”

“I see,” said Koenma. “Are they any good?” He asked as he looked over them.

Kagome shrugged. “I dunno,” answered Kagome. “When they were humans, I killed them without breaking a sweat, but now since they’re demons, I’m not sure. Oh yeah and they have to be trained in their powers, they just got their powers an hour ago.”

“How did they became demon in the first place?” asked Koenma, looking at Kagome, suspiciously.

“Ask them,” said Kagome, walking out a door. “I’m taking a shower.”

“Hey, where is she going?” asked Kuwabara.

“To her room, to take a shower,” said Koenma.

“She has her own room around here?” inquired Miroku.

“Yes, of course,” said Koenma. “She is the Hime around here.”

“The damn wench is a Princess now?!” asked Inu-Yasha, shocked, anger and a tint of hatred in his voice. “What is she going to be next?! The Queen of Makai?!”

Koenma just looked at the Hanyou, unmoved by Inu-Yasha’s outburst. Great, thought Koenma, sarcastically. Another Yusuke, just what I needed.

Just then one of his ogre; George came in, carrying a pile of high stacked papers. He was coming in to put the stacked papers in the proper place in Koenma’s office. He just came in when he was called upon.

“George!” said Koenma suddenly.

So suddenly that George jumped and the papers fell on the floor. “Y-yes sir?” asked George.

“I need you to get files on Inu-Yasha, Sango, Naraku, Kikyo, Shippo and Miroku; they’re from the Sengoku Jidai!” said Koenma.

“Yes sir!” said George. He went to another room where they kept every kind of files. “Here, they are, Lord Koenma, sir!” He ran out of the room, holding a medium-sized file of Inu-Yasha, Sango, Naraku, Kikyo, Shippo and Miroku.


Age: 68
Gender: Male
Family: Sango – Mate, Shippo – adopted nephew
Status: Half Dog Demon and Half Human
Miscellaneous: – Insert the information about Inu-Yasha. The day he was born to the day he ‘died’ and then came back to life – (A/N: Sorry folks, but I am not writing it all down.)

Name: Sango
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Family: Inu-Yasha – Mate, Shippo – adopted nephew
Status: Blue Phoenix & a Demon Slayer
Miscellaneous: – Insert the information about Sango. The day he was born to the day she ‘died’ and then came back to life – (A/N: Sorry folks, but I am not writing it all down.)

Name: Naraku
Age: 71 (A/N: He’s a bit older than Kikyo for a few years, I don’t know. Plus the fifty years old because he is still alive when Kagome got there and everything. Then the whole drama happens)
Gender: Male
Family: Kikyo – Mate
Status: Half Demon
Miscellaneous: – Insert the information about Naraku. The day he was born to the day he ‘died’ and then came back to life – (A/N: Sorry folks, but I am not writing it all down.)

Name: Kikyo
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Family: Naraku – Mate, Kaede – ‘younger’ sister
Status: Half Dog Demon and Half Human & an ex-Miko
Miscellaneous: – Insert the information about Sango. The day he was born to the day she ‘died’ and then came back to life – (A/N: Sorry folks, but I am not writing it all down.)

Name: Miroku
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Family: Shippo – adopted nephew
Status: Fire/Ice Cat Demon & a Monk
Miscellaneous: – Insert the information about Miroku. The day he was born to the day he ‘died’ and then came back to life – (A/N: Sorry folks, but I am not writing it all down.)

Name: Shippo
Age: 8
Gender: Male
Family: Inu-Yasha – uncle, Sango – aunt, Miroku – uncle
Status: Fox Demon
Miscellaneous: : – Insert the information about Shippo. The day he was born to the day he ‘died’ and then came back to life – (A/N: Sorry folks, but I am not writing it all down.)

Koenma took them and skimmed them, quickly. “Ahh, I see,” said Koenma, his voice changed slightly. “Inu-Yasha, the player Hanyou. Sango and Kikyo, the sluts. Naraku, the enemy. Shippo, the Kit. Miroku, the lecherous Monk. They, excluding Kikyo and Naraku are the traitors.”

(A/N: I didn’t mention anything in the files about Kikyo and Sango being sluts. I DIDN’T MENTION ANYTHING IN THE FILES ABOUT KIKYO AND SANGO BEING SLUTS!!!! Do you understand? Do you want me to repeat it – again?)

All was silence then. No one spoke a word. No movements, just uttered silence.

“We are not traitors for goodness sakes!” said Sango, after moments of silence, suddenly. She was just sick and tried of called ‘traitor’ when she’s clearly not!

“And what do you call yourself?” snapped Koenma, his calm demeanor gone. Before she or anything else gets a chance to say anything; Koenma continued his speech. “What do you call it when she has been betrayed by her best friends? Her Brothers? Her Sister? Her adopted son, that she treated as her own? Her first, minor, crush?” They all turned away slightly. “No answer I see! I expected that! You should go to Hell and rot there for I care.”

Kagome chose that time to come back in with her head tilted so she can dry her hair. In that instant, she sensed a lot of intenseness in the room. “Did anything happen when I was out of the room?” asked Kagome as she bent over then proceeded to wrap the towel around her hair, twisting it the standing back up.

“Hey, you didn’t tell us you were the Hime of Rekai,” said Kuwabara.

“I think you would’ve figured it out by now,” said Kagome, shrugging. “King Yama is my Father, who is the King of Spirit World and if I’m his daughter, that would make me the Princess of Spirit World. Use your brain.”

“Kagome, why are you giving me these demons to be my Spirit Detectives for?” asked Koenma, curiously.

“I just want them to do something productive,” said Kagome, shrugging.

Just that one word; ‘productive’, had got Hiei’s mind providing a lot of ‘productive’ images to him. Then he found himself in a fantasy of his own involving a certain puzzling, hot, sexy Onna.

No one smelt his arousal and thank God, because he had learnt to mask his scent when he has ‘problems’ or ‘important missions’.

“Can’t they stay with you and do something ‘productive’?” asked Koenma. Honestly, he doesn’t need another Yusuke, one is bad enough, but two? Kami, onegai help him.

Kagome sighed in annoyance. “Because dear brother,” said Kagome. “I want to do missions by myself and because I don’t need those losers to follow me! Also, I have plans to let the Spirit Detectives to live at one of my house so you can call them all at once.”

“Okay, okay!” said Koenma, his baby hands went up in a surrender matter. “They can work with me!”

“Good!” said Kagome. She turned to the Spirit Detectives. “You can all tell your family about the plans and then meet me at the place where you slept in once.”

“My Mom probably doesn’t care,” said Yusuke, shrugging.

“I’ll probably be late,” said Kurama, thoughtfully. “It’ll take a long time to convince her to let me live elsewhere.”

“I’ll have to tell Shizuru or she’ll want revenge on me,” said Kuwabara.

“Hn,” said Hiei.

“Ok … ” said Kagome slowly. “Yusuke, you better tell Okaa-san or I’ll be hurting you! Take all the time you need, Kurama. Kuwabara; since when do you have a sister? I think something’s wrong with me because I’m starting to understand Hiei-nese.”

Here, she stopped and giggled, earning her a sharp glare from Hiei. Before Kagome could saw anything else, three different bright lights appeared from Koenma’s window, which came brighter and brighter as it came nearer. The Shikon-no-Tama from Kagome’s neck began to glow also.

CRASH! The three lights crashed into the window glass. BLING! The broken glass fell to the ground. The three lights; light blue, light purple and yellow, circled Kagome as she stood there cluelessly. Then the jewel around Kagome’s neck ripped itself away from the necklace that kept it on her neck and it circled around Kagome, like the other Tamas.

Kagome still stood there, cluelessly while everyone else in Koenma’s office were watching her and the Tamas in fascination. The Shikon-no-Tamas slowly combined together, which now has all four colors; Momo-iro, Ao-iro, Kiiro and Murasaki. When it combined, it slowly shaped itself into a human heart.

(A/N: When I mean human heart, I mean it. Not the heart that you draw; the one with two rain drop. Also, Miroku used to have a jewel in his shoulder, but he died, so yeahh. The jewel is gone from the guy’s shoulder. Ok? He don’t have the jewel, anymore.)

Quickly as lightning, the Tamas entered Kagome’s chest, where her heart lays, the impact was so ground, it made Kagome drop to the ground and slide her across the floor away from the others. That got Souta, Kohaku and Hiei fully alert.

“Kagome!” said Souta.

Without thinking, Yusuke ran to Kagome and touched her, but that only caused him to get burn by Miko powers. “OW!” said Yusuke as he withdrew his hand. “Fuck!”

Once they entered Kagome’s body, her eyes turned fully black (Like Kanna’s eyes). It took a long time for the Tamas to fully enter her body. Suddenly, Kagome shot up from the floor, floating mid-way from the floor to the ceiling. The colors of the Jewels surrounded Kagome into a solid circle.

Three hours past, in between the hours or so, Koenma would order George and the other orges to bring sandwiches.

“I want Mommy!” whined Crystal.

“Shut up runt,” grumbled Inu-Yasha.

“Why don’t you make me, you filthy Hanyou?” asked/sneered Crystal.

“Why you little – ” said Inu-Yasha, but before he could continue what he was saying, the hues that surrounded Kagome grew brighter, which now caused everyone to cover their eyes.

When the light died down, they removed their arms away. Standing there was still Kagome, but hotter and sexier. Stand there, was Kagome, but she looked a lot like Midoriko and Atsuko than Akki. Her hair is longer, it’s now to her ass and it’s more straighter than before. Her eyes colour is still sapphire blue with tinted of purple. Her figure is more full out and more toned, but now she had a figure like an perfect hourglass. She lost baby fat, so she had gotten skinny-ier, but her height is still the same 5’7. Also, her clothes are now bigger on her.

(A/N: More ‘toned’ as in healthy bodily condition; her skin is a bit paler, her skin doesn’t have any scars. Kagome’s clothes size is now size 3, Small or Extra Small, depending where she shops will be coming up soon.)

“Ow,” said Kagome. “My head.” The guys shivered at Kagome’s tone of voice and she notices. “What’s wrong?” Suddenly it clicked, her voice has become more … seductive.

“Are you ok, sis?” asked Souta and Kohaku.

“Are you ok, Mommy?” asked Crystal. “What happened?”

“I’m alright,” said Kagome, reassuring everyone. “I’m not sure … let’s go home.”

She opened a portal to her fourth house and everyone, except for Koenma went through. Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara and Hiei left as soon as everyone else came out of the portal.


Three hours later, Kurama came back. Hiei were the first to come back and then Yusuke.

“Finally Kurama,” said Yusuke. “What took you so long?”

“Shut up, Yusuke,” said Kagome, smiling. “Come on, let’s eat dinner and then I’ll get the rest of you settle in.”

“Settle in what?” asked Sango, cluelessly.

Kohaku and Souta snorted. Idiots, they thought.

“Settle you in as in find bedrooms for you to stay and then we’ll have to go shopping tomorrow,” said Kagome.

They all made their ways to the Dinner table, which is the colour brown and in the center of the table were a medium sized hole, that is currently closed. The table was a long rectangle table, Kaze sat at the edge of one of the side, Kagome sat next to him, Crystal sat next to her, Taro sat next to her, Souta sat next to him, Kohaku sat next to him, Kurama sat next to him and then Kuwabara sat next to him. On the other side of the table was Miroku, who sat across from Kaze, across from Kagome was Hiei, across from Crystal was Yusuke, across from Taro was Sango, across from Souta was Inu-Yasha, across from Kohaku was Shippo, across from Kurama was Kikyo and lastly, across from Kuwabara was Naraku. So it was Kaze, Kagome, Crystal, Taro, Souta, Kohaku, Kurama and Kuwabara. On the other side was Miroku, Hiei, Yusuke, Sango, Inu-Yasha, Shippo, Kikyo and Naraku. On the floor was Kilala, who was happily nipping at her food, slowly.

On the tables were some black flat plates and it had touchables buttons. On every plate was the same and they have the exact buttons as well. On each plates were the colour red, green, yellow, blue and black.

“The plates are built in mircrosoft machines,” said Kagome. “Which means they serve you whatever you want, yes, it also serve demon food. The red button is to turn it on, the black button is to turn it off, the green button is Enter or Ok, the yellow button is ‘Processing, please wait’ and the blue button is ‘Finished’.” She looked around to see faces of disbelief. She sighed. “Try it.”

(A/N: I have an imagination? Hehe.)

“Eh … two pieces of pizza and soda,” said Yusuke, uncertainty, speaking in the voice box beside the plate.

He pressed the green button when he was finished. The yellow button began to glow. When a clear, white tube came out from the ceiling and it went in front of Yusuke. And they all saw a white plate with pizzas coming down with napkins, slowly and then a soda popped up from the table. The blue button began to glow and then it disappeared a minute later.

Everyone, except for Kagome had a face of disbelief, except for Hiei, Kohaku and Souta, who hide it, but you can tell by their eyes.

“Told you,” said Kagome.

Everyone started talking in their voice box. Depending on what’s the food; spoon and other needs would come down with the food they ordered. Half an hour later, everyone finished eating.

“When you’re done, you can press the black button,” said Kagome as she pressed her black button.

Another tube, this time clear blue came down and suck the garbage (Leftovers, cans, bottles or dirty napkins; in Kagome’s case it’s dirty napkins). Another tube came down, this time light orange and sucked up plates, spoon, etc, they watched as the tube closed it self and then water came in on the other side of the tube. The tube began shaking itself with soup as the leftovers on the plate went off of the plate and then the water gone through the tube as another wave of water came in, rinsing the plate clean off. After that, the plate sucked up and it disappeared.

Again, everyone looked up at the ceiling in awe. They never saw a house like this. This is awesome. Everyone else copied Kagome as it did the same. When the table cleared, a few small tubes; one with a rag, the second with a bottle of soap and the third with a small hose. The second tube squeezed the bottle of soap on the table, the one with the rag cleaned the table as water came out of the last tubes. The table of both side of the middle hole in the center of the table lifted itself up and all the dirty water fell down in it. Then the last tube rinsed everyone out. Once that was all finished, the table set back down again and everything disappeared.

“Wow!” exclaimed Crystal. “Cool!”

“Come on, it’s getting late,” said Kagome. “Come on, it’s time to choose your rooms.”

They went upstairs and saw all except for a few rooms, without keys. All the other doors, two keys was hanging on the door knob.

“The door with the keys aren’t taken,” said Kagome. “Any door that doesn’t have a key, means it’s taken. All of the room is a master room and it has their own private bathroom. Once you chosen your room, take the keys.”

“Why is there two keys?” asked Sango.

“One is for your room and the other is for the house front door,” said Kagome. “From now on, the Spirit Detectives will live here … So get use to each other and the place. For now, let’s sleep here for now. Kaze, Crystal, Taro, Kilala, come with me; everyone else, good night.”


The Courage Jewel
Kushimetama: The Wisdom Jewel
Megimetama: The Friend Jewel
Sakimetama: The Love Jewel
Osuwari: Sit
Kaze: Wind
Ja Ne: See ya Later
Kit: Can be used for young Foxes and some other animals
Hai: Yes
Shikon-no-Tama(s): Shikon Jewel(s)
Inu: Dog
Hanyou: Half Demon & Half Human
Taijiya: Demon Slayer/Exterminator
Kitsune: Fox
Youkai: Demon
Hime: Princess
Makai: Demon World
Sengoku Jidai: Feudal Era
Baka: Idiot, Stupid
Rekai: Spirit World
Yama: Mountain
Onna: Girl or Woman
Kami: God
Onegai: Please
Okaa-San: Mother, Mom
Tamas: Jewels
Momo-Iro: Pink Color
Ao-iro: Blue Color
Kiiro: Yellow
Murasaki: Purple

A/N: Don’t you think Inu-Yasha’s a little dunce? Gods, I meet dogs that are literally smarter than him. Geesh! Why does he have to be in my story? How do you think of the Dinner Table? Isn’t it cool? I made it up! And you have to remember, Kagome’s rich. She works for this and that; and she gets paid, nicely.

Please review! No flames! If you want to send me flames then send it to me by private messaging me! The URL is on my profile! If you have questions, don’t hesitant to ask! I’ll post your questions and answers on the next chapter!!