InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Guardian Turned Spy ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer; I do not own IY YYH or TS...

A whole in the ground opened up and she fell right through it. The "rip" was a dark void, The void was so tiht that she didnt really have any space to spread out or anything. As she slid down the long tube her eyes started to tear up and you could see them flying through the air.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!" she screamed as tears came down her face because of the speed, the silk pjamaas didn't help the matter.

*thump* she landed on the red couh with the golden frame. She saw Jerry

Kagome hit the bottom and found it to be a red couch that was thin and had a gold frame. It sort of looked old fashiioned. She looked around, there was a desk and beind it was Jerry.

"Hello Kagome. Hope that your short brake was enjoyable. I just wanted to say hi"

Kagome broke into a million peices

Kagome jumped, it was just a dream...

'Thank God it was jsut a Dream. I would have, have to brake protacale and beat the mess out of my superior'

When she woke up she went down stairs and sat down to watch some TV while eating her cereal. Her TV started to glow, and she got sucked into it. it was just like her dream...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


"Jerry! I was watching TV!" she hollared!

"Yes well, Im afraid that you need to know that I forgot to give you your "X-powder" he said in his British accent, he was wearing his suit again, he always wears that.

"What the heck is that?" she asked clueless

"Its a communicater thats well desguised as a compact"

The thing was purple and had a camera lense sticking out of it, it had a magenta Flower with yellow center on it. She opened it and the powdery part and the mirror that would be in the compact closed in and revealed a computer inside the compact.

"I was wondering how I was supposed to get in touch with you. So I can use this to get in touch wiht you.. right?" asked Kagome

"Yes" he replied with his hand in his pocket.

"Now your training will begin tomorrow and will last for about 3 months-" he started

"WHAT! I already had my training" screamed a refusing Kagome

"No, that was just to put you in ranks, I must say, you are about as good, even better perhaps, then your father when he first started. You are on my top team, I would be proud of myself if I were you. Well like I was saying, your training will be after school. We will transport you here and you will go change immediately and report to your first training room"

The next day she went to school and came home. But the moment that she stepped into the house she was 'whooped'. She came back home at about 2 am and was exhausted. When she got home it was the same thing that happened. The same thing happened for the next 2 weeks. But she finally decided to try and out smart Jerry so she went in through the back and ran down the hall and over the rail, which was on a plit level that was like 3 feet, or 4 stair steps, and landed in the upstairs living room couch. Kagome jumped onto the couch and grabbed the remote.

Suddenly the TV started to glow a pink. Kagome started to feak out.

'Whats going on, is this some work of Naraku?' she thought very scared.

Then the room filled with the light and she started to float up in the pink light and was sucked into the TV. She was going through a vortex that was silver and you would see silver streaks sipping past her sometimes. She found herself landing in the couch that she had previously

"You need to begin your training, there is no time to dddle around with such silly things like TV" said Jerry and sent her of to the training room.She got ready to begin her training.

Time passed as normal. With the exception that she was training to be a spy. She hoped that after her journey with the jewel that she would have a chance at a real normal life. But now here she was, wearing a body suit that was purple and learning how to use Katanas, numchucks and so forth.

She learning all these differn't martail arts. She was learning strategy, how to use equipment properly, how to fly jets, rockets, airplanes, helicopters and all that type of jazz. It had been 3 months and she was done with her training and graduated 2 in her class, spy school I mean, duh. She got a diploma.

There was a huge ceremony with all WHOOP memeber who no longer worked as spys, she was dressed and everything. It was very beautiful. But then there were those bitter ones who didn't wuiet make the cut. Those could keep trying and hope to make it, or they could get their memories erarsed so they wouldn't fell bad about it. Or they kept a close eye on those who didn't keep trying. They didn't want htem to come back and have a grudge.

"Your father would be very proud of you" Jerry told her.

"Did you know that he's always putting money of that acount of yours, you should know that he loves you very much even though you barely see him.

"How did you meet my father?" asked a curious Kagome

"I'll tell you, just not right now" he said in a bit of a mysterious tone

She went home and went upstairs and put her diploma in her room on her wall. This day she would remember forever, it was her... "graduation" for god sakes. She was very happy indeed.