InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Guardian Turned Spy ❯ Chapter 12

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own IY YYH TS

All he could think about was why she had lied. He knew for a fact that Keiko lied to him. She didn't just fall, like she said she did. He had a strange feeling that it had to do with those girls she was hanging out with lately. He was not happy that he was hanging out with that girl. He knew it wasn't Yukina. Yukina was a perfect angel. But that other girl, she just didn't give off a good vibe. She seemed a bit weird. She seemed a bit crazy.

He wanted to know a bit more about this girl. He was gonna confront her about her, right now. Now to find out where she was. He decided to look for her at her dad restaurant. He walked down the crowded streets. He walked down the crowded sidewalks. He walked down the crowded crosswalks. It was Friday afternoon and people were getting to work or getting home from work. He finally got there. He noticed that there were a couple of people there; sitting at their table eating what seemed to be their lunch.

He stepped in and looked around. Her dad was wearing a red and white checkered mini shef hat and white apron. "Hey Mr. Yukimora, is Keiko helpin' you out today?" He asked. He knew that on occasion she like to help them out. She said that it was her duty to help out her family in any way she could considering that their the people who brought her into the world and cared for her, nurtured her, and gave her an education. He got the same exact speech every time he asked or complained about why she helped out volunteering-ly. The same exact, long, boring speech.

"Sorry Yuseke, she's not here." Mr. Yukimora said in his deep voice.

"Oh, do you know where she is then?" He asked getting a bit frustrated.

"I don't know. Actually, she hasn't been helping out lately. She's always have some kind of plans. She never tells us, but she's always got somewhere to go and some place to be."

This was really weird. She never missed out on an opportunity to help out. She was really acting weird lately. He was really getting upset. Ever since she has been hanging out with that girl. The more she was with that other girl, the more she started to keep secrets from him. The more she hung out with that girl, the weirder she started to act. It was just getting to be to much. He was furious now. Without saying another word he left. Leaving a very confused Yukimora behind the counter of the restaurant.

He walked viciously through the streets, the parks, the crosswalks, the town. He was determined to find her. He had been walking, almost running for quite a time now. He saw her. She was at the bus stop. She was getting on. She was on, the door was closing. The door closed. He didn't make it. He would have to chase the bus until the next stop. He got on the trail behind the bus. He ran and ran and ran. It seemed as if the bus was never going to stop!

But it finally did. It stop, he hit the petal to the metal on his feet. He was not about to keep running after this damn bus! He got there, and ran right in front of the door. He held on to the door making sure it was not going to close. Even though the fact that the bus driver did not even have his hand on the handle to close the door. Which is why he was getting a very weird look from the driver.

He angrily stomped in. Keiko was sitting in the back and looked up. She was a bit taken back by her 'boyfriends' action. She looked into his eyes and saw anger in them. But she also saw concern. She wasn't sure what was going on but....

He walked over and sat in the seat next to her.

"What’s wrong Yuseke?" She asked

"Oh nothing," he said nonchalantly

"Really? Then why are you so angry?"

"Because your lying to me!"

"How am I lying to you?"

"You know what I'm talking about! Explain to me how you fell and half of your arm gets sliced in half!"

By this time everybody on the bus was staring at them.

"Please quiet down, your making a scene" She said in a hushing whisper.

He obliged. "I just want to know what your hiding..." He said angrily.
"I can't tell you," she said regretfully.

"Well then I can't see you. I can't waste my time worrying about you if your not going to be honest with me."


The Bus came to a stop. No other noises were heard. Not until later. Yuseke go up, walked down the bus aisle and stepped off. He never looked back. He never saw her shattered face full of anger and pain. He never saw. He was blind... He was blind to everything in her life now. He used to be so observant about everything in her life and now... now... darkness.

A couple of minutes passed before Keiko though there was enough strength in her legs to get up and down the stairs of the bus. Everyone gave her pitying looks. Everyone tried to empathize and sympathize, but not a single soul could.

She stepped off and started to walk back home. It would be a couple of minutes before she would reach her destination, but she needed that time. To think. To reflect. To ponder. To evaluate... She needed to think about her job. Was it really worth it? Yeah, sure she was helping people but she can do that at homeless shelters. It wouldn't be as effective but still non the less... Did she really want this? Having to be whisked away at a moments notice no matter what you are doing or what's going on with you. Not having a choice? But then, Yuseke didn't either so he should understand! Shouldn't he? Of course he should...right? Could she handle this anymore?

'I don't think I'm going to be able to for much longer if this keeps up...'

There it was, her home. All blue and yellow. She always went home when she was feeling depressed. She always went home and she needed to cry or rest. She always went home...