InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Powerful Guardian Turned Spy ❯ Chapter 15

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own IY, YYH, TS

Authors Note: Sorry but I had to take a year off... I'm going through a lot of stuff but now that my life is going to be as calm as it will be I've decided to pick up things a little bit, if anyone here read my first story, don't worry, I am working on the outline of the sequel and i have the first chapter done and I'm hoping to get it out soon. As for my other story, I plan on completely re-doing, when I wrote it I was going through some growing and was not in the right state of mind, it'll be the same basic concept, kinda, i'm just not happy with it at all. Let's see, is there anything else I wanted to say... Ummm, oh yeah... SCREW THE DMV!!!!!!!I I think thats it, and I hope that this story isn't as horrendous as my other one (I'm really pissed off that its that crappy, I'll probably post it with a different title too.) Thank you for reading, and if you would please leave me notes on where i effed up and need improvement, i welcome all flames :)

Chapter 15

The girls had now landed on this huge island that on a map, does not appear to be this huge. They didn't know where they were exactly or if people lived here. It was covered in palm trees, banana trees, mango trees, and many other types of foliage. As they stepped out of the jet they could feel the ocean breeze and small the sea salt. It was a very relaxing change oppose to the industrial air of the city.

They had landed on the beach and when they stepped out they had a clear view of the ocean, it was a pristine clear cyan blue; it had avoided pollution by the human race, unlike many other unfortunately bodies water that had lost there splendor and beauty and were now dumps for people to dump their garbage and toxic waste without regard of how that would affect the wildlife and creatures that called it a home. As if reading each other's mind they all walked in unison to the shore to the water to enjoy this fine moment before they went to go catch the baddie that had done away with some many before them.

"Isn't it beautiful?" The girl with teal hair asked her companions already knowing the answer. Although they were all very different they were all soft at heart and enjoyed these types of moments that many people take for granted. "It is beautiful, lets take this in now and hope that it'll inspire us to succeed today." Keiko said eloquently to her friends, never forgetting about their reason for being on this beautiful island. The wind blew and the breeze hit their faces assaulting them with a smell that was not that of the calm sea, it was strange to say the least.

"What is that? Ewwww, nasty!" Kagome said as she cupped her hands with her hands not knowing what the source of the stench was. Yukina and Keiko, for whatever reason hadn't smelt it yet. Kagome's eyes relaxed and looked into space, "just give it a seconds, you'll smell it." As soon as those words left her mouth Keiko and Yukina looked like they were ready to vomit.

"Ewww! What is that?!" Keiko wailed in shock of what wafted up her nostrils.

"I didn't even know something could stink this bad!" Yukina accompanied. All three girls now had their faces covered and nodded in agreement to each others comments. Kagome stood up tall and puffed her chest out, though never letting go of her face, and turned around facing the woods. "Let's not forget why we're here, we cant let this stop us or distract us." He eyes were now watering, the other two girls nodding and followed her example. They walked into the green and immediately, Keiko stepped in some type of green glowing goo. "Okay, this is like the most disgusting place in the world, officially." Keiko said as she sat on a nearby boulder and removed her boots wipe off the goo with a leaf that she found on the ground.

"Wait, don't do that just yet." Yukina said as she approached her, jumping over the goop. "We should get a sample to send to Jerry, this could be invaluable." Yukina took out her X-powder and scraped some of the goo with an official WHOOP palet and placed it on an analizer board. It glowed and scanned the substance, then the blue analyzer panel slid into its compartment in the X-powder. "We should get the results soon," Keiko and Kagome nodded, Keiko proceeded to clean off her boot of the glowing green goop. "Okay, guys lets go," Keiko said finally finishing.

Somewhere in the Forest: 12:30pm

The girls had been walking for a while now, encountering various animals, some friendly, some . . . not. There was this one Rhea that had an attitude and decided to chase up a tree. By now the girls were covered in dirt, they had leaves and twigs in their hair, their faces dirty, their uniforms had some rips. The girls were pretty upset. "Okay, I understand we took an oath to protect humans and all, but i'm getting pretty upset now. . ." Kagome said through her teeth trying to contain her anger, she never like being dirty, and specially didn't like being chased up a tree by a flightless bird.

"Stupid ostrich!" Kagome screamed waving her fist in the air. "Umm, that wasn't an ostrich, that was a rhea." Yukina interjected. "Whatever!" Kagome screamed stomping forward, this was one of her famous mood swings, though really, they were all feeling it, its just that they had more/better control over it. "Do you think we're getting any closer to this guy? It feels like no matter how much we walk we're not getting any closer." Keiko asked Yukina. Yukina was about to answer when Kagome screamed from way ahead of them, "we'd be closer if we walked a little faster!" Kagome was a couple yards ahead of them. Yukina and Keiko looked at each other and laughed at their friend who had apperantly gone mental.

Behind Some Bushes In The Same Jungle: 12:45 pm

Kagome was still stomping ahead when she broke through some bushes that blocked her path. On the other side of the bushes was what seemed to be a small metal dome. "I think we've found it." Kagome said quietly to herself. Yukina and Keiko were still slightly behind. "What was that?" Keiko asked Kagome missing her remark.

"Guys, we found him... that bastard. We can't fail guys, for all those other WHOOP agents who have disappeared, we have to avenge them, we can't let this sick bastard het away." Kagome said sternly trying to help motivate them to do better. "That's right, we're WHOOP, we're a family and you don't mess with family!" Keiko added. "Yes, but lets also watch our back and each others back." Yukina finished off. They normally didn't do this, they were far too confident of themselves, but after hearing the distress in Jerry's voice before he sent them off scared the 'bajeebees' out of them.

"Okay, guys, lets go..." Keiko said, they all began to approach the dome headquarters of the bad guy that they were after. After circling the premises twice, they still could not find an entrance. "There must be an underground, or areal entrance and so thats why we can't find a door" Yukina stated and the other two girls nodded. Keiko stepped up to the side of the dome and put her ear up to it listening for activity inside. "I don't think anybody's here. . . " Keiko said and pulled out her laser lipstick. She pulled her over arm to help her other arms keep steady and began to laser out a small circle for them to crawl through.

Following the wise saying, look before you leap the girls stuck their heads in first and saw that the coast was clear but it was dark, and their vibrant unifroms might give them away. "I think we should change into our feline stealth suites." The girls agreed and infultrated the unit after their change of attire. After many differen't turns and hallways they finally heard a voice, a lone meniacle voice in the only light of the entire unit. The girls communicated through hand signals so's not to be detected by the man, who from the back looked like somebodies senile grandfather. They were about to move in and sneak up behind him. Kagome grabbed him from behind and Yukina and Keiko tied him up. "What?! Who are you?! You can't do this! I always win! NO!" The crazy old geezer kept screaming trying to escape, but of course he failed.

Yukina pulled out her X-Powder and opened it. On the screen was Jerry. "Jerry, guess who we got. . ." Yukina said a bit giggly. Jerry could see Yukina on the side of his screen and behind her was Kagome and Keiko standing next to a man that was tied up in a chair. "You guys caught him! I guess thats why you guys are my top team! I'll be over there to pick him up right away." Jerry clicked off and Yukina put her X-Powder away. Then she turned slowly to the man that they had apprehended with a face that screamed death. "Now you. . . "

"What do you want with me missy!?" The man snapped at her. Kagome knocked him in the top of the head.

"Don't talk back!"

Yukina cleared her throat. "There's a small matter of where the people that came before us our . . . Or are you so heartless that you killed them?" Yukina's eyes

"I didn't touch them-"

"Liar! Where are they?!" Yukina screamed, she was fighting back tears, but not successfully.

Keiko and Kagome could see how hard this whole ordeal had been on Yukina. Yukina never saw much hate in her life, except for the whole tear gem fiasco. Kagome, always battling demons, saw plenty of it. Keiko, growing up in the human world saw much of it too, and being associated with Yusuke didn't help. Yukina was always sort of isolated, and unbeknownst to her being watched and protected from any hate by Hiei.

"Like, I said, I didn't touch them . . ." The man said this very calmly and began to laugh as if someone has told a hilarious joke that nobody else understood but him.

Yukina turned around and began to cry, her heart couldn't take it anymore. Keiko and Kagome ran up to her, leaving the man behind them, to consel their poor friend who was in tears

Behind them the man had untied himself somehow and discretely took something out of his pocket, it looked like a metal baton, wider on the ends. Out of his other pocket, he took a vile out that contained the green glowing goop that was near the beach. The end of the baton opened quietly and he poured the goop into, it closed and a light on the baton like device glowed green. The sounds of a helicopter were heard and the roof burst, down came a rope that Jerry could be seen sliding down. Jerry wasn't half way down when the man stood up, knocked his chair down, which gained the attention of his captors and fire the baton, out of the end, a green beam shot out and got the girls like a tractor beam. The girls glowed green. Jerry reached the bottom of the rope and tried to grab them and maybe save them but he was too late. The girls had disappeared he had no idea to where. He knew he shouldn't have sent them to this guy. "You!" Jerry screamed as he began to pummel the mad man who just kept laughing kysterically.

Koenma Sir's Office: 1:00 pm

Koenma was sitting at his desk eating strawberry bom-boms when his team walked in. They never ceased to annoy him. "Ogre, why are they here?!" Koenma yelled infuriated that he had been distrubed from his sugary goodness. "Sir, you speciafically said that you wanted them here at one o'clock." Ogre said with a plain look on his face. Why do I still work here?! I should have become a nurse like mother always wanted me to! The Ogre's comflicting thoughts were soon tossed out the window when he imagined havin to take care of patients like Yuseke, or even Hiei, after a battle. Oh, that's why.

"It's one o'clock?! Why didn't you tell me, my whole day is ruined now!" The young god began to throw his bom boms at the ogre, who just catched them with his mouth. When Koenma realized he was mearly feeding him he began to pound him. "Stop eatin my food you thief!"

"Excuse me, Koenma sir, did you need us or not because I'm sure we all could ce somewhere else right now." Kurama said after clearing his throat so's to get Koenma's
attention. Koenma just stared at him and quickly ran back to his desk and put on a serious face.

"As matter of fact I do need you. There has been a breach in the Makai barrier." Koenma said, this was the usual beginning to most of the missions they were sent on. "Hn, great, more humans to babysit." Hiei scoffed as he looked the other way, his arms folded. Koenma looked at him with one eye open.

"Actually, He-ay. . . he is no threat to humans right now, so niaaaaaaa!" Koenma said mocking the apparition; he pulled down his left eyes bottom eye lid. Hiei just rolled his eyes. If he actually cared about what the dwit said he might have just punched him the face, but sadly, he didn't so he just tuned him out like he usually did.

"So if he's not any threat then why are we here?" Yusuke said, he seemed to act slightly different than usual. Koenma noticed this. "Yusuke, did something happen to you, I mean usually you'd be screaming 'What's wrong with you toddler I got a date with Keiko,' or 'It's too early to be here!.' Tell me Yusuke, are you sick?" Koenma asked as he began to lightly tip his knee with a medical knee hammer while Ogre listened to his lungs with a stethiscope. Yusuke had enough of this. BAM! He kicked Koenma straight into the wall. "Sorry toddler, you know how those reflexes can be." Yusuke didn't need to be reminded of Keiko right now. Right now, he wanted to forget her completely before he could remember her.

"Yes, well anyways..." Koenma said as he found his way back to the desk with a huge lump on his forehead. "This demon has been charged with several misdemeaners, but today, he found a rip in the portal was undercontruction-" He was cut off.

"Well, Koenma, if it was undercontruction then shouldn't there have been people there to stop him?" Kuwabara asked with good reason, that is the logical thing to think, appearantly though this thought didn't strike Koenma until that very second. "Ogre! How is it that this happened?!" Koenma blew up and was once again throwing bom boms, whenhe ran out though he just glared at him. "Well?!" Koenma asked.

Ogre was under the spotlight and he didn't like it. He was sure that Koenma would spank him for this, even though it wasn't his fault, but he also knew that this would probably piss off the team (though he doesn't know that they really don't care, they just want to finish and go home.) "Well after an investigation was conducted . . ." Pgre started and was playing with his finger, avoiding all eye contact with the other people in the room. "Spit it out!" Koenma urged him.

"After further investigation, it was found that . . . " Ogre chickened out again.


"It was found that they were on coffee break!" Ogre said in one short breath. He had shut his eyes completely, he peaked one open to see how his boss reacted. Koenma was literally on fire and seemed to be almost swollen. Ogre decided to close his eye again side step out of the room.

"Ogre! I'm going to get daddy to spank you now!" Koenma said as he was about to start running after him. But Yusuke cut off and picked him up the head. Koenma was now at eye level and looked at Yusuke with a baby face, as if would affect him. Yusuke, once again threw him at the wall, he slid down the wall leaving a trail of slobber. "Koenma, if you don't tell us why we're here and what we have to do right now I'm leaving!" Yusuke screamed. Kuwabara nodded. "Yeah, you better tell us right now!" Kurama also agreed, "Yes Koenma, this really is getting a but repetitive, annoying and useless." Kurama was a polite guy and all but enough was enough.

Koenma sat back on his chair and straightened out his collar. "Well, where was I? Oh yes, this demon by the name of Kyo was escaped into human world, but hasn't harmed any humans. He actually was tracked down to the abondened Higurashi shrine. We lost all traces of him there. You're to go the shrine, find out where he is, why he escaped and bring him back, dead or alive." At those last words Hiei looked up; oh he loved it when Koenma said that, it just made it that much easier, he would kill it, regardless of teh circumstances and go home, where ever that is.

"Botan, if you would be so kind as give them passage to the shrin please." Koenma asked his 'assistant.' Botan nodded. "Yes sir" she opened a portal for them and they stepped through, the portal closed. "Now where is that Ogre?!" Koenma screamed running out of his office to go on a hunt.

The Higurashi Shrine: 1:10 pm

They arrived at the shrine and the first thing they did was check the house. They found it just as Kagome's family left it, all walls painted white and empty. They found no trace of him there. Then Hiei started walking to the shed that was to the side of the house. They followed him and saw him standing on the ledge of the well looking down it. "It stops here" was all he said. Yusuke and Kurama were befuddled as to how the trail could end there. But as always Kuwabara was slow, not just mentally, he hadn't realized that everyone had left the house so he ran out and into the shed, tripped and took everyone into the well, and just like that, they vanished.