InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ The Blue Anshan ❯ Everything Changes 1 - Meanwhile ( Chapter 38 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Blue Anshan

By Alesyira

Sequel to Shippo and the Magic Wand.

Canon Universe(s), Divergence into AU, Crossover.

(Action, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, eventual MA content, Scifi.)

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho are not mine. I made a few OCs to fill in my gaps.

Summary: Meanwhile, in Reikai...

Chapter Rating: G

Arc 5 - Everything Changes 1 - Meanwhile

the present

The teenaged demigod sat comfortably in his office chair, leaning back as far as the chair could go while perusing a small handheld device for any interesting news from the human realm. 'Social media. What a silly mortal hobby.'

An alarm suddenly blared so loudly that the chair tipped over and he landed with a crash on the tiled floor. The rumbling of thunderous footsteps echoed down the hall toward his office before several of his staff burst through the door. "Uh, sir…"

The tallest ogre could see a single foot poking up over the edge of the rich mahogany desk. "Sir?"

"Ouch," Koenma muttered, sliding off his upended seat and standing in irritation. "What the heck is going on out there?"

"Sir, you're… um… not going to believe this." The alarm continued to blare, whining its shrill warning. It was even louder outside of his office. Dozens of workers could be seen past the open office door running back and forth, papers flying in their hurry.

"It's hard to believe anything when you haven't heard what it is, yet! Someone turn off that alarm!"

"Code 3-B was just upgraded to a Code 3-A. Holy energy just went off the charts somewhere in the Makai. Similar traces to the energy signature we picked up yesterday. Our expert believes it's the same person." The expert waved excitedly from the back of the crowd in his office.

He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead in irritation. "Any contact with the team?"

"No responses. Communicator coordinates of Kurama and Yusuke show that they're in the same general area," the ogre glanced down at a device in his clawed hands. "Or they were just a few minutes ago. They've since split up."

Off the charts? In the Makai"Do we have video feed of the event?" Everyone stared around at everyone else, but no one spoke up. 'That's a no. Great.'

"Someone fetch Botan. The team is probably going to need extraction, soon." He beckoned their expert forward to get more information on the calamity unfolding before them. "Tell me what we've got here, Hisako."