InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... ❯ Sesshoumaru's Castle!? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Heres chapter 2! Hope yall like it.

A life I can't live is what I have to deal with... - Chapter 2: Sesshoumaru's castle!?

Inuyasha defeated the youkai, turned around and kneeled next to Kagome to see how she was. He shook her a bit and then she began to awaken.

"Kagome? Why are you all the way out here? You should be in the hut." Inuyasha said.

As Kagomes vision got better, she saw who was hovering over body.

"I-I-Inuyasha? Is that you?" Kagome said in a soft voice.

"Yes Kagome, its me. We've got to get you back to the hut so you can get better for later." Inuyasha old her.

"What are we going to do later? Let me guess, 'shard hunting'?" Kagome yelled at Inuyasha as she began to regain her stregnth. She was now standing and glaring at Inuyasha. "Well, is it?"

"Well, your the only one that sence jewel shard!" Inuyasha yelled back at her.

"Why not get your precious Kikyo to help you?" Kagome said calmy to him.

"What Kikyo got to do with this?" He asked Kagome.

"Kikyo can sence jewel shards justas well as I can! If she can, why not use your precious Kikyo? Well!?" Kagome was noe furious with Inuyasha.

"Sence when did Kikyo become 'my precious'?" Inuyasha asked in a confused voice.

"Don't play baka with me, Inuyasha! I was there! I heard you talking to Kikyo. I saw you kiss and hug her. I saw everything..." She trailed off on the last part.

"You saw that?" Inuyasha asked in a caring tome of voice.

"And heard every part." Kagome began. "Including that part about you just toying aroung with me just to get the jewel shard!" She yelled the last part out at the hanyou hoping he would feel her pain.

"Kagome... You shouldn't have heard that..." He began to aprouch Kagome slowly, but then she stuck hwer hands out and a purple beam shot out and hit him in the chest.

"I hate you Inuyasha! I never want to see you ever again!" With that said to him, she ran again to no where she knew.

After what seemed for like and eternity, she slowed down. Her strength was so low, that she litterally fell down and passed out.


Sesshoumaru flew over his lands to see if any intruders had trespassed on his land. As he reached the edge of his land, he saw a person laying unconcious on the ground. He landed on the ground to see a human. She was bleeding on her legs and he felt like he heeded to save her. But would the great demon lord save a filthy human.

He bent down and turned to human over on her back. It was his brother's wench. Why would she be on my land? And why isn't Inuyasha with her?

He began to shake her, but it was no use. He turned away from the girl, but he felt guilty abiut leaving her there. Why would I, Sesshoumaru, care if a human wench died out here? She is a human. He turned back around and looked down at her.

He picked her up bridal style and carried her back to his castle. When he arrived, Jaken ran up to him and squealled at the sight of Kagome's limp bloody form.

"A human! And it's your brother's wench my lord! Why would bring a human like her into the castle?" Jaken spat out at Sesshoumaru.

"Do not question my actions, Jaken. I need you to fix a room for her. Also bring the healer to her room. I hate the smell of human blood." He ordered Jaken.


The next morning Kagome woke up in silk sheets. She looked around the room. It was beautiful! She could not think of a single person in all of Japan who would own such a room like the one she had slept in. Wait! Who in the world would bring me here, put in a room like 'this' room, and still be able to have a room that would probebly be even better. I can't think of a single person!

Kagome began to step out of the bed when she fell to her feet. She was still to weak from running last night. I'm not going to like this at all.

Just then the healer walked in with a new bandage. "Hello. Would you pleasw walk back into the bed? I have to change some of your bandages." The healer said politaly to Kagome.

"Sure, but I just wanted to know wear I was exacly? That last thing I remember is running and falling down because I was so tired." Kagome said in a sort of a confused way.

"Yes dear. You're in Lord Sesshoumaru's castle." She said with a cheerful look on her face.

~*~End of chapter~*~

I hope you like!