InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... ❯ Fluffy-chan? ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Have yall fans noticed every chapter is getting longer? My last chapter was 4 pages. I want this one to be 4 or more. Thats going to take a while. O well! On with the story!

A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... - Chapter 8: Fluffy-chan?

Back in the Village of Kaede, things weren't going to well with the group.

"What do you mean Kagome's not coming back!?" Shippo yelled at Inuyasha. "This is probebly all your fault Kagome ran away in the first place! You big meanie!"

"Shut up runt!" Inuyasha threw Shippo across the hut making Shippo land on his head.

"That hurt! If Kagome were here, she'd sit you for sure." Shiipo told him in annoyance.

"Ye miss Kagome as much the rest of us Shippo, but yelling will not bring her back." Kaede said trying to calm the kitsune.

"Easy for you to say! At least I tryed to bring her back.." Inuyasha muttered.

"Inuyasha, let Kagome be. She might even like it better over in Sesshoumaru's castle." After Miroku said that, Inuyasha walked up to him and had his hand held high to slap him. "Or maybe Kagome will see the error she has made and come back to us!" Miroku yelled. Inuyasha retreated back to his spot.

"Inuyasha, all of us miss Kagome. We're all suffering, not just you." Sango told the fuming hanyou.

"Feh!" Inuyasha said and ran out of the hut.


Kagome was lying in her bed next to Sesshoumaru's. She didn't want to sleep by herself in a lonesome room, so she wanted to stay in here.

'Now you're sleeping in your loves room.'

Not you again...

'You know it's true. Why not admit it?'

Because a person like me wouldn't fall in love with a icey-heartless demon lord.

'How do you know he doesn't like you?'

What do you mean?

'How do you know Sesshoumaru doesn't like you?'

He hates humans. You should know that. You're me.

'Then why does he let you stay here? Tell me that!'

He wants to know why was on his lands and why I ran away from Inuyasha.

'But doesn't he already know these things? He could have dumped you out of the house the minute he found out about your family. Or he could have let you die out on his lands that night! Tell me the answer to that smart one!'

You're right you know! How do you always corner me into these things?

'It's a gift.'

Ya, sure.

'I'm leaving you to your lover now. Buh-bye, Kagome!'

Kagome relaxed and started to drift to sleep. She didn't want to talk to herself, but she didn't want to sleep or her nightmares would come back. So, she just lay there, thinking of what to do next.


Sesshoumaru was thinking of Kagome at the moment unable to sleep. He felt like he should take her then, but she was only a human.

'Not just a human. A miko.'

She's still human. You know that.

'You know you love her anyway.'

This Sesshoumaru will not fall for a human's looks.

'But you already have.'

This Sesshoumaru will never fall for a human. Not even if I were to...

'To what? Actually fall in love?'

Never would I think that!

'But I'm you. I already know what you were going to say.'

Damn it.

'Watch your tone Sesshoumaru.'

Don't tell me to watch my tone! I am the Lord of the Western Lands.

'Just think if Kagome were the Lady of the Western Lands...'

Shut the hell up.

'I don't feel like it.'

Then at least leave me be.

'As you wish mi'lord.'

Then the both of the people in the room, slowly fell asleep.


The next morning, Kagome was the first one to awaken. When she did, she sweating with fear. She ran out of the room and into the hall. Kagome looked around the halls and ran into a room with a balcony. She needed the fresh air badly with her sweating with fear from her nightmare.

O kami, why do I have this dream? It tearified me to death...literally.

"I hated that dream-nightmare. I swear someones after me..." Kagome said to herself while shrugging.

Sesshoumaru stepped out of the shadows and stepped towards Kagome. "Who do you think is after you, Kagome?"

Kagome almost jumped out of her skin at the sound of his voice. "Man, you scared me out of my wits!"

"I asked you a question." Sesshoumaru replyed plainly.

"I really don't know who. I just know I had a terrible nightmare. Everyone has one, so it's completly normal." Kagome whipped the sweat from her face and looked to Sesshoumaru. "And why, may I ask, are you up scaring me?"

"This Sesshoumaru is allowed to walk about my castle if he desires." He said the her.

"Of course he is..." Kagome sighed and turned to him. "But why do you desire to see me?"

"I heard you run out of the room while sweating. I was worring about you." Sesshoumaru said in his usual unemotionall voice.

He was worrying about me?!?

'I told you he cared.'

Not you again...

'Shut up and listen 'cause I'm here to stay!'


'But I did tell you that he did care.'

You do have a point there...

'Thank you!'

But why were you trying to prove it in the first place?

'I have my reasons...'

And they would be?!

'None ya'

That's so childish...

'You'll find out in the future. I'll garentee you.'

O ya, thats great know!

'Well, I'm going. Have fun with Fluffy-chan!'


Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome with a confused look. She looked like she was preocuppied with something else; like she was in her own little world...

"Fluffy-chan...?" Kagome whispered to herslef forgiting Sesshoumaru was there next to her.

Sesshoumaru raised one of his brows. "Who in the hell are you talking about, Kagome?" Sesshoumaru asked kind of confused.

"Huh?" Kagome looked up to Sesshoumaru. "O! Hi Lord Sesshoumaru!" Kagome blushed a little. "I'm fine!" She ran out of the room with a hurry not wanting to look Sesshoumaru in the eyes.

Who was she talking about? Who's Fluffy-chan? I want an answer from her as soon as I see her.

~*~End of Chapter~*~

Please review? And please do something to praise me? It would make me very very very very very very very very very happy! ^^ Anyway, have a good holiday to all!