InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... ❯ Return Home. ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'M SO SORRY!!! SCHOOL IS HELL, AND I'M TRYING TO UPDATE!!! I'VE BEEN GROUNDED SO, I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all who are reviewing. I just got one from parietti, and I wanted to write the next chapter! Thank you, parittei! Here are the comments to the reviewers on and

meera: Yay! You reviewed twice! Good for you! I hope you like the story. ^-^ Btw, I might actually put a lemon in here. I'm sorry, but I've been reading to many lemon stories to much. Well, I'll try to make it breif, or maybe I'll cut the whole thing out and do something else. I don't know yet...

foreign minister: YAY! I HOPE YOU LOVE THE STORY! Wow, that was random, or was it? I think you're the most into the story. A lot of the people on my site are actually telling me to update, but you're just saying you like it so so so so so so so so so so much! That's good. I hope you like the story of the chapter of whatever.

inuyasha666: I'm glad you reviewed twice. I've already started reading your stary 'Kami' so far, but doesn't 'Kami' in Japanese mean God? Ok, I'm getting off the subject again. Anyway, thanks for reviewing.

parietti: I never thought I could do that. Well, I hope you like the chapter.

SSJ-Princess23: Don't worry! I will.

Starberry05: Why, thank you. I think so, too.

DRUNKEN LANDLORD: I'll need that good luck, and I'm glad you like my story. I'll write more soon.

Princess Krystal01: And wishing for it to get better; hopefully........ ^-^;;

KawaiiLil-InuGurl: I know, I know. I hate typing. I can't type perfect. By the way, the reason I spell it "Sesshoumaru" instead of "Sesshomaru" is because "Sesshoumaru" is the Japanese way to spell his name.

Lavender Valentine: What are!? You sound like my mother; no offense, though. Thanks for reading, too!

kagomepotter: Yes, O might one! I will update, soon. And I agree. I like origanal pairings, but sometimes Inuyasha can be a little dense.

A life I can't even live is what I have to deal with... - Chapter 10: Return Home.

'Now tell me you love her.'


'I'm you. I know you like her, but I want you to admit it.'

This Sesshoumaru will never fall in love with a human.

'Sure you won't.'

Sesshoumaru looked down at the his arm and sighed. No one in his life, besides his mother, had ever cared enough for him to do such a thing. But then he knew his inner-conscious was right, he really was falling for the young miko. He stayed there for a few minutes just staring at Kagome, but she would only move to sob into her pillow which was now dripping with salt-water tears.

"Is there something else you needed, Lord Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked drying her tears.

Sesshoumaru didn't know what to say. What could he say at a time like this? Tel her, 'I'm just staring at you because I like how you look!' Oh, real smooth. Time was running out. What to say...

"If you do need to visit your home, then you shall." Sesshoumaru himself was almost taken back at his own words. Where did that come from, anyway?

Kagome looked up from her pillow almost frozen spot.

What the hell did he say?

'Aren't you glad, though? It shows he at meast cares.'

Sesshoumaru!? The royal ass cares for me!? You're insane...

'Ah! But I am you. Mirror check, girl. I am you!!!'

That's what's the worst part of it all...

'Well, time will tell. Even if I already do!'

What's that supose to mean!?

'Have fun with Fluffy-chan!!'

You little ditz! Come back here!

Kagome's snapped back to reality with a smile. She rose from her bed slowly to see Sesshoumaru still there. "Thank you Lord Sesshoumaru. I'm very glad that you are letting me go." Kagome smiled once more and embraced Sesshoumaru in a loving hug.

Sesshoumaru didn't pull back. He didn't do anything for a mere seconds until he did what Kagome never expected. He held her back.


Kagome packed up her bag trying not to forget anything. When everything was packed and ready to go, Kagome looked outside of her room. Sure enough, Sesshoumaru was there waiting for her. She smiled at him and out her hands behing her back carrying her exremly heavy backpack. Next time, I need to ask Mom not to pack so much junk! O, ya. My family's dead. Real smooth, Kagome...

Sesshoumaru stared at her struggle to hold onto her back. He lifted an eyebrow and huffed slightly. He held out his hand and Kagome put her bag into his hand. Sesshoumaru slung it over his shoulder and began to walk out of the castle.

Kagome followed quickly and sighed. "You know Lord Sesshoumaru, you might not like the future." Kagome said simpley. Sesshoumaru finally got out of hs castle and held Kagome tight by his side.

When they lifted into the air on Sesshoumaru's little cloud, he stared at her with questioning eyes. "Humans?"

Kagome half smiled. "Again, most demons have been whiped out over thr 500 year period. Only ones who want the shikon jewel are alive to that day."

"Lower class demons." Sesshoumaru said in a matter-of-factly tone.

Kagome just stared into the sky-line that was their destination. After a few minutes, she started to see the forest. She was sure that Inuyasha or Shippo or Kirara would be smelling her soon.


Back in Kaede's village, things were going very, very slow with everyone.

"Is Kagome coming back, Sango?" Shippo asked leaning against the hut wall.

"I don't know, Shippo. Just wait. You never know-" Sango didn't even get to finish her sentace when Shippo jumped up and started yelling.

"Kagome's back! Kagome's back! I smell her! I smell her!" Shippo started to do a little dance as everyone exchanged curious glances.

Inuyasha sniffed the warm, dry air and found what was of Kagome. Sakura blossoms, waterfalls...even salt. "The runt's right. Kagome's coming. Even if it is with Sesshoumaru."

Sango and Miroku exchanged earful glances at each other and reached for their weapons.

When Kagome and Sesshoumaru were within seeing distance, Sango slightly shivered as the moment ticked on and on. Sesshoumaru was holding Kagome close to himself as Inuyasha at times did for her.

Kagome looked down at the ground as they passed over the village. Her village. She saw Sango shivering down to the bone. Miroku's half perverted, half curious face. There was even a small hint of happiness in his eyes. Shippo looked up at Kagome, and Kagome down to him. Shippo was silent and almost srying. When Kagome's finally met Inuyasha's, a tear shed from her eyes and she turned away.

Everyone was shocked as Kagome passed over them. They were even more shocked when she started to cry when Kagome looked at Inuyasha. When they were gone into the forest, everyone turned to Inuyasha with curious, angery, and confused faces.

"Inuyasha...what's wrong with Kagome?" They all asked Inuyasha t the same time.


Kagome walked closer and closer to the well when Sesshoumaru let her off of this little cloud. Every step felt like a mile, every mile felt like an eternity. When she reached the lip of the well, Kagome's tears began to show once more.

Kagome pulled herself together again and looked back to Sesshoumaru. "You need a jewel shard if you wanna go."

Sesshoumaru held out his hand. Kagome dug into her pocket and gave him one. She sighed once more and looked back to the well. Sesshoumaru walked forward towards her and wrapped an arm around her waist as they fell into the well that would bring them to Kagome's truest home.

~*~End of Chapter~*~

I'm so sorry to everyone out there for the long wait. I never intened for me to take this long of a wait. Don't worry, though. It will never happen again.