InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Alone No More ❯ Awakening ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters created by Rumiko Takahashi. I do own Tsukara though.

Author's note: Wow! I actually got my first review. That's amazing.*muses* Oh, and I promise chapters will be longer. Oh, and unlike any attempted fics before this I hope I'll get past chapter 2. Need encouragement folks!

Alone No More

Chapter 1 - Awakening

By Demoness Tsukara

The first thing she saw when she woke was a burst of colors, then black spots dancing and teasing her vision. She blinked, ridding herself of those horrible spots. Her head swayed, scratching the back against tree bark.

'Holy hell.' she thought trying to move her arms in an attempt to hold her head still. Failing miserably, the woman lolled her head to the side, rewarding herself with the world spinning around her.

She saw a man standing off to the side, paying her no heed. Closing her eyes tight, she groaned and said "Make it stop." Though it sounded like "Maaaythstah." Her head pounded horribly, and she just realized it was freezing, though her body started shuddering long before that. She shuddered with chills and her teeth clattered together, though it was a warm summer day.

The man she saw earlier heard what she tried to say and kneeled down next to her. Even without opening her eyes, the woman could practically feel his cold eyes boring into her head, which made her shiver.

"You'll be alright." He then placed his hand on her forehead, thinking in afterthought. 'Then again, maybe you won't.' Her temperature had dropped dramatically low. He stood once more, taking in her sickly image before throwing his senses out to search for Jakken. He sensed that his servant was hurrying the human doctor as fast as he could towards their position. Withdrawing his senses, the Taiyoukai stood off to the side waiting. He heard the woman behind him shuddering, but he couldn't do anything for her.

Appearing down the path that he took, Jakken urged the doctor more. "Hurry up human. My master will dismember me if I fail. Hurry hurry!" The imp jumped up and down before taking off again. Turning around every so often, Jakken waited for the old human man.

After a few minutes though, they finally reached Sesshomaru and the woman youkai. The doctor took one look at the female then turned his gaze to the demon Lord. "Do ye know what is wrong with her?" Going to her without waiting for an answer the doctor placed a hand on her forehead, covering the crimson crescent moon.

She opened her eyes to his touch, revealing emerald green pools though they were clouded over. She sucked in her breath the instant the doctors skin touched hers. To her, it was painfully searing hot on her cold clammy skin.

The doctor instantly withdrew his hand and looked over to the taiyoukai. The humans eyes were wide with shock. "Her temperature is low. The symptoms are telling me that she is poisoned. It would do her best if she was brought to the village so that I may be able to work on her. Could ye carry her to the village for me?" The doctor rushed through what he was saying and stood up slowly. He then turned and hurried as fast as his old legs could carry him back to the village.

Sesshomaru watched with a passive face throughout the entire time. He felt slightly angered that this human should treat him so, but brushed it aside. Jakken had stood next to his master the entire time as well.

Sesshomaru lifted the woman from the ground, and held her to him. She was still awake though, and wrapped her arms around his waist as best she could. He paid no mind to the woman as he inched off the ground, Jakken following his actions.

Soon they were in the air and took off in the direction of the nearest village. As Sesshomaru flew, a thought went through his head as his long silver-white hair whipped behind him. The youkai to his side, clinging for dear life, was still a complete mystery to him. (AN: If you're wondering why he didn't go to Kaede's village for help, it's because he could've ran into Inuyasha and the other's and that would've caused more problems for little sicky at his side. That just popped up into my head since the Bone Eaters well is close to her village.)

That question in turn, then brought up more questions like why did she have the same markings as he? And where did she come from? Why was she here? Sesshomaru plagued himself with questions until they reached the village.

The onna youkai slackened her grip, slumping even further. Her cloudy green eyes closed, since she opened them to see where they were going, as she drifted into a painful sleeping state. Sesshomaru faltered in the slightest as extra weight was forced onto him unexpectedly. The woman had been holding her own weight until she fell unconscious again.

The poison the doctor had thought she had been sickened with seemed to start shutting down the onna youkai's body. The symptoms she started out with had grown increasingly worse. Her temperature dropped even more and held little warmth as though she had recently died. Her skin was semi-translucent although her cheeks had a red flush to them, and her body quaked with convulsions, which he thought she would've been dead if she had not had them.

Sesshomaru, noticing the worsening symptoms landed quickly. He could smell death approaching the woman swiftly.

Without pausing, the Lord of the Western Lands hurried towards the clinic. Surprisingly enough, the old doctor was at the clinic before he touched the ground. It was odd that a human, an old one much less, made it to the village before Sesshomaru.

The doctor motioned for him to set the woman down, before he would start working on her. Sesshomaru laid her down onto the bed gently, and stood off to the side watching the doctor. An aide had entered the clinic with a bucket of warm water and a white cloth. Steam rose from the wooden pail and the aide soaked the cloth in the bearingly warm water, first ringing it out before setting if on the onna youkai's forehead.

Still watching intently, inside he grimaced as the putrid smell of the antidote was poured into the woman's mouth, slowly trickling down her throat. She also grimaced at the horrible taste although she was unconscious. After they administered the antidote, the doctor poured a sweet smelling and sweet tasting potion into her mouth to help her sleep.

A few minutes passed, and the tension in her face faded as the onna youkai fell into a dreamless slumber. The Taiyoukai watched her passively as she slept. The doctor came up to the demon slowly as Sesshomaru noticed the aide left. He also sensed a sort of fear emanating from the man before him. Sesshomaru took a little pleasure in that fact, but showed nothing of it.

"Demon lord, I have done the best I could do for your mate," This ningen though the woman was his mate? And more to that, he knew that demons did in fact mate, which impressed him. The man was a doctor, not an exterminator or a monk, nor a Miko either. Sesshomaru barely knew the woman, much less have her as his mate. "I beg of you, spare our village." And he thinks that he was going to destroy the village? The ningen was a bigger idiot than the Taiyoukai thought. He would have never wasted his time and power on a measly village.

Sesshomaru looked down upon the ningen. "Don't flatter yourself. I wouldn't waste my time on your village." Sesshomaru then strode outside of the clinic, leaving the doctor greatly relieved although immensely more frightened.

* * * * *

Stepping passed the straw door of the clinic,(AN: You know, like Kaede's? ^-^) Sesshomaru lowered his head, bangs blocking the sun from his golden orbs. He searched for his servant, Jakken, and found him torturing some poor man down the road.

"Watch where you are going next time, or else you won't be so lucky!" The imp jumped up and down, yelling after the man who apparently fell over Jakken. Or tripped, who knows? He stopped and 'hmph'd' before turning around to find his master behind him.

"Master S-sesshomaru! I did not see you there. Gomen ne, master. How is the lady?" He changed the topic abruptly at the last minute. Jakken willed himself not to show any fear, as to not receive punishment.

"She will be fine, Jakken. We must only wait for the poison to disappear and for her to wake. There are many mysteries around that woman, and I wish to know more." The Taiyoukai turned to glance at the clinic, and saw the aide reenter the building. He watched for a minute before turning to face Jakken again.

"Go back to the castle and prepare her a room. Once she wakes, we will return." Sesshomaru gave his order to his servant, not waiting for a reply, but not leaving either.

"Yes Master Sesshomaru. Would you like me to assign a servant to her as well?" Jakken inquired.

He gave no verbal answer, but nodded his head slightly. Sesshomaru turned once more and left for the clinic. He just had just reached the straw mat door when he heard Jakken take off on Ah-Un, to the west.

The Taiyoukai stopped only briefly before entering the clinic. Only then did the demon lord take in his surroundings. Not that it mattered much.

The room was semi-lit because of the windows. There were a total of three beds in the room, since it was a small rectangular room. There were many shelves on the wall, most with herbs and remedies, others with bandages and candles. There was only one bed occupied other than the onna youkai's. Sesshomaru however, did not pay any attention to whomever it was.

His golden gaze finally stopped on the woman. She was now covered in a fur blanket, and her drenched clothing set off to the side. She was now dressed in a thin yukata, that barely fit her, as it was too big. Color came back to her skin, and the crimson markings did not stick out as much, though she was still pale. Her breathing was shallow and regular, and she didn't look clammy anymore. The scent of death was now gone, which pleased Sesshomaru. He had never liked the smell of death.

The man walked slowly over to the woman. She looked peaceful, not in agony, he realized. Standing over her, Sesshomaru placed the back of his hand over the crimson crescent moon that confused him so much. Her temperature returned to normal, meaning she would definitely be okay.

He inhaled slightly, and thought to himself, musing over what to do. One question was bugging the Lord of the Western Lands. It was a simple question, but annoying. What was her name?

The aide walked in just then, bringing Sesshomaru out of his thoughts. The aide, a young boy about 15, the physical age of Sesshomaru's half brother Inuyasha, glanced at the Taiyoukai, then returned to working on the other occupant in the room.

Frowning, Sesshomaru looked at the woman again. She groaned softly, not loud enough for the human aide to hear, but loud enough for Sesshomaru to catch it. He watched her intently, wondering if she would wake.

She moved her head to the side, and shut her eyes more tightly together. Sesshomaru backed off another step, before the onna youkai's eyes opened sleepily. She moved her clawed hands up to her face and rubbed her eyes as she yawned. The aide had left once again so that they and the other patient were the only ones in the room.

The woman put her arms back under the fur blanket, and stared up at Sesshomaru, clear big emerald green eyes meeting stoic gold ones.

* * * * *

AN: *snickers* Don't ya just hate it when that happens?*snickers again and dodges rotten fruit* Sorry, I had to. The chappie was called Awakening, so she had to wake up and actually see Sesshomaru while she wasn't sick. Doncha just hate me for writing a cliff hanger? Better not answer that or I won't post the next one.

*thinks* OMG, Awakening is the name of Terra's theme song. CHIKUSO!!! Ah, well, nothin I can do. I am NOT rewriting this chapter....I stayed up till 1 am writing this by hand in a notebook, then rewriting it and adding stuff onto the computer. The rewriting took about an hour and a half. This is the longest chapter I have EVER written. It's amazing. I also figured out that you write better at night....well that's what I think anyway. Same with drawing.

My mom's not home, so I have to wait to get online. I'll post as soon as I can! Remember, REVIEW or I won't write any more.

D.T. ^-^V

(Wow, that sounds like B.T. on .hack//SIGN)

Reviews on

Frozen Lightning: Yeah, honestly I really don't like Jakken. He's a really weird toad thing, and his voice is annoying as hell. I also hate whimpering and whining and begging. I boosted your self esteem? That's amazing since I really have none myself. Thanks for reviewing, you're the first! ^-^

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None so far.