InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bacchanalia ❯ Meet the Bennets ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Meet The Bennets
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"Fornicabitur trucido vulgaris; famina iaceo identidem."

Half an hour later, Kagome was still at the vanity, still staring at the book in her hands. It had taken her at least five minutes to get past the nausea that shot through her when she realized the ink was blood, plus another five minutes to pick the thing back up from where she'd dropped it.

Of course, once the initial shock had subsided, her never-ending curiosity kicked in and motivated her to investigate some more. Thus she sat, scanning through the small volume, frowning and grimacing every so often at the odd and troubling images of the devil and his minions.

So far she knew it had been pieced together by someone, as was easily discerned with a glance at the edges of the images which had obviously been cut out from elsewhere, and a glance at the random writings smattered here and there. Whoever had made the book had invested a great deal of time on it.

The only frustrating thing was that the writing was all over the place- and in Latin and various other languages. Thankfully, she understood French, but that hardly helped, as the context only got more and more troubling as she went on.

"Je suis certain que'lle a parût aux orgies du soir dans les mêmes vêtements qui lui avaient attiré tant d'hommages, cette grogniasse."

A knock on her door finally snapped her out of her concentration. Slamming the book shut, she jumped off her vanity and rushed to the bed, "Just a moment!"

After sliding the book into her secret nook under the bed, she re-took her seat at the vanity before calling out. "Come in."

"Your grace, dinner will be served soon, I imagined you'd like to change," Brit explained as she came into the room.

"I am not feeling so well Brit, please explain to our guests that I had to retire early tonight, and just lay out my nightgown and robe." Kagome instructed as she began removing her hair pins, bending to pick one up off the floor.

"You will not be joining everyone for dinner?" Inuyasha asked from the doorway, inwardly grimacing at the way she jumped at the sound of his voice. "Don't you think that would be a bit impolite?"

Kagome shook her head, her hair falling in wavy tendrils down her back. Turning to face the mirror again, she missed the hungry look that passed across her husband's features. "I don't know that I'm up to it."

"If Rin, who has passed the last few weeks being rocked and jumbled in a carriage, is up to a dinner at the table, then you cannot be discourteous and call off," Inuyasha waved the servant out of the room and closed the door behind her. "There's no need to change because it will only be an informal family affair. Simply pin your hair back up and you'll be fine."

Rolling her eyes, Kagome tied her hair back with a ribbon and stood, "You're right, of course, it would be rude of me to stay in my room when they've just arrived."

Coming to his side, she was reaching for the door when he stopped her by taking hold of her hand. He ignored her attempt to pull it away and scanned her wrist, pushing her sleeve up so he could examine the bruises there.

"I don't recall making these," he mumbled.

"I'm not surprised, with all the brandy you imbibed," Kagome yanked her hand away. "And I would appreciate it if you would stop handling me as if I were some possession you can just toss around whenever you like."

"Technically speaking, wife, you became mine the moment we said our I do's." That stung, he could see it in her eyes. The image brought on a flashback of her on the ground the previous night. With a sigh, he shook his head and apologized, "That was uncalled for, I'm sorry, but we have to at least pretend to get along, Kagome, at least while dining and spending time with Sesshomaru and Rin."

Kagome gave a scoff, tears forming in her eyes, "I am sure that they are perfectly aware of just how well we are getting along, Inuyasha. They simply need to look at me to tell."

"That was a mistake," clearing his throat, he was about to apologize again when she shook her head.

"Oh no! Breaking a person's favorite vase is a mistake, or dropping something into a puddle of water is a mistake. Striking someone in the way you did is not a mistake." Making her way around him, she opened the door and stopped just outside the room. "If you were truly sorry you would at least have the decency to allow me the use of another room."

Inuaysha followed her and spoke quietly so as not to be overheard, "And what would that prove? That I trust you?"

She shook her head, her voice cracking slightly as she regained her composure, "But I cannot pretend at all times, Inuyasha, at least at night let me have some peace."

"As easy as that? You truly have no conscience do you?" he scoffed, shaking his head and raking a hand through his hair. "Well, I cannot imagine sharing a bed with you either, now that I really think about it. I'll have the girls move your things across the hall while we dine so it won't be noticed by our guests."

"Such kindness, your grace," giving him a disdainful look, she turned and headed down to the kitchen.

Shaking his head once again, Inuyasha turned and headed into the room stopping beside her dresser. The broken glass was still on the floor beside it. He gave a groan and moved to lie on the bed for a second, after all the brandy he'd taken to forget, the fire in her eyes and the vehemence in her words the night before still haunted him.

("Of course it's yours!")

He wished he could believe her, even just a little, but he'd seen her with Naraku and there was no doubt in his mind whose child she carried.

"I'm sorry your grace, but the ladies are here for the luncheon," Sara stood at the door to the room looking anywhere but her bruised face.

With all the drama that happened in such a short period of time, her luncheon with the ladies the next day went completely forgotten. Kagome had spent the majority of the morning trying to decipher what the book said, taking advantage of the fact that Rin was resting up from her long trip and Sesshomaru had joined Inuyasha in catching up on his estate business.

"But what are they…"

"They are waiting in the downstairs parlor. Mrs. Harrow thought it would be more fitting for an afternoon luncheon, since it is a brighter room." Sara curtsied and excused herself. "The countess is also about to head down."

(- How could I forget? We were going to go over the rest of the needs for the shelter.-)

Hurrying downstairs, she was relieved that she'd dressed in one of her nicer day dresses that day when she stepped into the room and greeted her guests. The pastor's wife, Mrs. Rubenstein, and her daughter Amelia, smiled graciously, though they did so while avoiding eye contact. Kagome knew they were being discreet about her bruised cheek, it had only gotten darker and she knew Rin wouldn't like it if she covered it with cosmetics again.

Lady Tillsbury didn't mention the matter, but did insist they sit together and gave her hand a squeeze. Rin came in a few minutes later, and after the necessary introductions, took a seat in a nearby chair.

"It's so kind of you to help us in this endeavor, I must say we haven't had so many offers of aid in years," Mrs. Rubenstein remarked while they settled on a sofa. "Though what's most surprising is how much of the aid has come from the gentlemen of the area."

Kagome did not miss the slight emphasis set on the word 'gentlemen' or the suspicious gleam in the woman's eyes. For a pastor's wife, she certainly wasn't too pious, Kagome couldn't help but notice.

"They are just so busy most of the time, what with the little season, the grand season, their hunting and estates, not to mention their duties in the House of Lords." Kagome smiled and offered some tea that was being brought in by Mackie. "All they needed was someone to approach them, rather than expect them to make time in their busy schedules. Tea?"

"Thank you, I'd love a cup," Amelia nodded, looking rather uncomfortable with the conversation.

"Moi aussi," Rin agreed, quickly changing the subject to a more neutral one. "I take it that this project is a rather large one?"

Lady Tillsbury quickly took up her que, "Heavens yes! We have never taken on such an endeavor, but Kagome has done marvels for gaining support. Even though most of the ladies helping are not here, they are regularly kept in touch by one of us."

Rin nodded, "I see, and what does this endeavor happen to be? I have not heard of the details."

"We are going to build a children's shelter," Amelia explained. "It's a rather remarkable idea, in the sense that not only will the children be fed and housed there, but taught and helped set up a lifestyle as well."

"How does that work?" Rin thanked Kagome for the tea and sat back to listen.

Amelia was only too happy to explain, "I shall be the music and languages teacher for the children, seeing how very boring it is out here in the country and I'm not quite old enough for a season yet, and various other instructors will be hired and housed there too."

Rin hummed, "Sounds expensive."

"Oh, but I was just saying how wonderful her ladyship is at acquiring funds," Mrs. Rubenstein took a sip of her own tea while Kagome sat back down again. "So many of the gentlemen have donated funds out of their pockets and, of course, there was a rather successful ball held last month."

"You held a ball?" Rin's attention perked, "How lovely, Inuyasha always was a fine dancer."

Kagome ignored the sting that comment brought, "Yes, it was a pity that he had to be out of town."

Her tone was light enough, but there was a hint of melancholy in her voice that did not go undetected.

"It was the most shocking thing, we actually required the men to pay to have a turn with the ladies." The fact that Mrs. Rubenstein hadn't approved was obvious, but Rin's eyes lit up in interest again, and she remained silent this time while the woman continued.

"Of course, the duchess was the most sought-after young lady of the evening, nearly fainting from the exertion, if I remember correctly." Her voice lifted in a slightly suspicious tone at the end, and Rin found herself biting her tongue to keep from glaring at the nosy lady.

"Indeed, I believe I spun too many times around the dance floor," Kagome set down her cup and reached for the papers that had been brought by Lady Tillsbury. "Now, focusing on our plans ladies, I would say things are progressing rather more quickly than expected."

It was another hour before they were finished with their discussions, after which Amelia and her mother had to excuse themselves and head home. Lady Tillsbury noticed Rin's shifting in her seat and asked if she was all right.

"Oh yes, I'm afraid I'm just feeling rather unsettled, the baby is a bit restless," she gave them a smile and hefted herself up. "If you'll excuse me, I had better get my walk through the gardens done now before my husband returns and forbids me from going."

With a casual wave of her hand she was off, slipping into the hallway and asking Delaney to have her shawl fetched.

Back inside the room Lady Tillsbury sighed and surprised Kagome by sniffling. Despite her kind attitude towards Kagome, she was seen in the neighborhood as something like a dragoness. It wasn't at all like her to sniffle.

"I'm sorry dear, I know it must seem foolish, I'm just so surprised," she smiled and waved her serving girl Wendy over, taking the handkerchief she brought and wiping her eyes. "I never imagined he'd be the type to…"

"Please don't," Kagome interrupted, "I'd rather not discuss the topic, I'm sorry you had to see me this way, I had forgotten about our meeting."

"I guessed as much when you walked in," the older woman smiled and touched her cheek. "I hope it doesn't hurt too badly?"

"Not much," Kagome smiled to reassure her while picking up her discarded tea cup for a sip.

Lady Tillsbury nicked her under her chin and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd advise you to get away from this house. It almost seems like the curse is real."

Kagome almost spilled her tea then and there, "There's a curse on this house?"

"It was rumored to be a place for the damned after the incidents with it's previous owner." Lady Tillsbury said, with a shiver and glance around the room.

"M'lady!" Wendy scolded, feeling more confident to shush her mistress since Kagome had insisted she not hold back during one of her earlier visits. She tended to keep her tongue while visitors were there, but when it was just the three of them, she eagerly joined them and gave the woman a small glare.

Lady Tillbury nodded, "I know, it's not the thing to bring up, I don't know why I did. It just came to mind for a moment."

But Kagome's interest was piqued, "Were you in the neighborhood? When the previous owner was still living in the house?"

"Oh yes, I've spent most of my life in this area, as I used to live on the other side of the town with my parents before marrying Lord Tillsbury. Freddie and I had known each other for so long that it felt only natural to marry."

A fond smile escaped her while she remembered her deceased husband, she was quick to return to the topic however. "Well, that aside, I remember Mr. Bennet quite well. He was tall, not exactly handsome, but likable. His name was David and his wife was Christine."

"David and Christine Bennet," Kagome mumbled. "Do you remember what happened to them?"

"Of course, it was all the talk for months!" Lady Tillsbury went on to explain.

"It's a fact that she never wanted to marry the man, Christine was in love with a boy from the area, one her parents would never approve of. His name was Tyson and he was the carpenter's son, but he was a good lad and she wanted him. Her parents forced her to marry Bennet for his money, claiming that even though he wasn't noble, his wealth would open the doors for her sister to join London society and catch herself a better prize. She was miserable, and although we weren't the best of friends since I was happily married to my Freddie and she disliked me for that, even I could see how unhappy she was."

Lady Tillsbury shook her head, "Mr. Bennet wanted her, she was young, beautiful, and had a very good figure. There was no doubt that he was pleased with his bride, despite the many business trips that kept him away. No one suspected a thing until the fateful day he came back early and found her in bed with Tyson. It seems they'd been having an affair almost since the day she married. Mr. Bennet went mad with rage. He nearly killed Tyson, but his butler managed to intervene and save him at the last moment. Christine, however, couldn't get away."

"He killed her," Kagome interrupted, "Inuyasha told me about the cave and how he was found later."

Wendy shivered, "It's terribly gruesome."

"He was crazed," Lady Tillsbury agreed, "I told you he went crazy from the moment he saw them in bed. They say he didn't kill her immediately, but that he used her in some sort of evil pact with the devil."

Kagome sucked in her breath, remembering the words from the book.

Accept this token or name thy price.

"He took her down to the cave in the middle of the night and left her there for weeks. No one knew what had happened, besides that he had found her cheating, he said that he had sent her to live with relatives in the North and no one questioned it. He seemed so sensible and upset."

"He kept using her," Kagome whispered, "Even in death, he kept using her."

"So they say," Lady Tillsbury shivered again, "That's what was supposed to have brought on the curse, his dealings with the devil. They say he took all sorts of riches into the cave as offerings for his sin. You see, he had loved the girl, that's why he wouldn't part with her. Even as he used her body, he knew it was a sin and probably weakness in the eyes of his 'lord' so he took all sorts of gold and jewels as penance."

"But no one has ever seen them," Wendy interjected, "I remember as children we used to sneak on the grounds and dare one another to go in, but the cave's too frightening and too deep."

Kagome blinked at that, "It doesn't look so large."

"That's just because of the way the entrance was created." Wendy shrugged, "They were searching for lead or tin in that cave, it was supposed to become a mine but not enough was found so they left it like that. There are quite a few tunnels and passages further below if you're brave enough to enter. My own brother, Mick, slipped in a time or two but always came out quick enough. Even he's not brave enough to go too far down. It's probably much too dangerous anyways."

"Probably," Kagome mumbled, still troubled with the added information. "So no one knows where he stashed the jewels and money?"

"No one's even sure that's not a rumor," Lady Tillsbury admitted, "There was much speculation when it all came out into the light, but the legend of 'Mad Bennett's' treasure has long been a favorite with the little ones."

"I remember Mick used to say that it was all written down in a book. Our uncle was a footman here back then and he swore that had this book that he never let anyone see." Wendy glanced over at the shelves.

"They knew it was a book because he would whip it out and pull out a dark little flask of ink whenever he would scribble in it. It's said that if the book can be found, it will lead the way to the treasure."

"Don't be ridiculous, now that is definitely rubbish," Lady Tillsbury scoffed, waving her hand at the girl to be quiet. "This whole topic is rubbish and I'm sorry I brought it up."

"It's all right," Kagome's voice was distant and soft as she spoke. She was thinking of the book and the words written in blood. He'd actually filled a vial and carried blood around with him.

"Your grace, are you all right?" Wendy stood and came over to her side, "You're looking awfully pale."

"Poor dear, we've scared her silly, I'll be surprised if she gets any sleep tonight," Lady Tillsbury slowly stood. "I'm afraid we've made a mess of this visit Kagome dear, do forgive us for frightening you so."

"Oh no, I'm not frightened," Kagome snapped out of her thoughts and managed to stand and smile. "I'm pleased with the progress we've made on behalf of the children's home and it's always a pleasure to spend time with you."

"Well, I say we've overstayed our welcome and must be off now, Wendy go send for the carriage dear." While the girl went ahead, Lady Tillsbury gave Kagome a hug and led her over to the front door. "I promise our next visit will be much more pleasant, with tea and crumpets at my house."

"That sounds lovely," Kagome agreed, waving them off with a smile when their carriage pulled away.

It wasn't until Delaney interrupted her thoughts that she realized she'd stayed on the doorstep. "I'm fine, sorry, I think I'll go for a walk to clear my head a little."

"Would you like a wrap?" Delaney asked, already reaching for one.
Kagome shook her head absently, "I'll be fine."
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"We'll have that roof fixed up in no time Mrs. Wicket, I promise." Inuyasha smiled at the older tenant and bowed over her hand.

"Now there's a good lad, I'll let Derek know you want him to start tomorrow." The elderly Mrs. Wicket grinned mischievously, knowing the carpenter would be annoyed that she got her way.

She nodded in response to his brother's bow and ordered him to come with his wife next time or not come at all. French aristocrat or not, the woman had proven she wasn't intimidated by either of their status and stubbornly refused to acknowledge either with their formal titles.

Inuyasha, used to the woman's ways, could only grin at his brother's cool acceptance of her attitude. Heading over to their mounts, he was surprised when nothing was mentioned. "She's a feisty one, that Mrs. Wicket."

"She's proud," Sesshomaru corrected. "The woman has been working longer than you or I have been alive, that fact alone merits our respect, title or no title. Yet it seems odd simply because she's a woman, in an older man such equal treatment would not be so greatly noticed or remarked upon."

"You know, that's rather forward thinking there, who'd have imagined it of you?" Inuyasha quipped, gaining his mount easily.

"Since beating your wife is rather backward, I suppose we're even," Sesshomaru shrugged and led the way back.

"I did not beat her," Inuyasha muttered, shoulders slumping at the reminder of his marriage troubles. For the majority of the morning he'd been able to push back his own problems by helping his tenants with theirs, but even so, every little while he'd been reminded of her by women sending their regards and the men hoping she was all right. It was obvious that she had spent some time with them while he was away and won their approval.

"They won't be so happy to see you once word gets out, you know," Sesshomaru interrupted his musings.

Inuyasha bristled, "They'll get over it."

"Ah, but will you? I must admit, I am curious as to what might have incensed you enough to make you lose control in such a manner," Sesshomaru ignored his grunt and continued. "Rin is quite beside herself, worrying over your unhappy state. It is obvious with the way neither of you will touch nor speak to the other that this will not be cleared up any time soon."

"You agreed not to interfere," Inuyasha reminded him.

Sesshomaru made no reply but did stop as they neared the house and the figure of the woman in question came into view. With Inuyasha too busy glaring at his horse for no reason, he took the opportunity to test the waters a bit.

"In light of your anger, I suppose my first impression of her was correct?"

"What was that?" Inuyasha finally lifted his head and saw her, sitting against a fallen log beside the lake.

"Well, you can imagine a man's first impression when he finds a girl who is supposed to be respectable in bed with his brother." Sesshomaru shrugged, frowning a bit as a breeze washed over them.

It was getting late and even he was beginning to get cold. The girl seemed not to notice, and he thought that perhaps she was asleep, lying as she was against the wood. Someone would have to bring her a cloak.

"Since I couldn't help but notice her current condition, I imagine the trouble has to do with that." He urged his horse forward again, following the trail away from the viewpoint and towards the manor.

Inuyasha shrugged, hoping to keep his expression guarded, but his voice gave him away with its abruptness, "Perhaps."

"So the child's parentage is in question?" Sesshomaru shook his head, "You certainly know how to pick them, don't you?"

Inuyasha grunted and gripped the reigns harder to keep from doing something rash. Seeing his anger rising again, Sesshomaru decided he'd prodded enough and changed topics. "I imagine that Rin must be with Takashi, at this time of day they like to spend some quality time together before dinner. It gives me time to get my business in order so I may give them my full attention when I join them."

"I don't believe that is the case today," Inuyasha pointed ahead, where Takashi was making his way over to the lake. His intentions were clear, he was taking a cloak to his aunt. "Quite the gentleman you've raised. He's the perfect miniature you've always wanted."

Catching the slight bitterness in his tone, Sesshomaru let it go, answering simply, "You'd be surprised."
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Oblivious to her audience and indeed, most of the world, Kagome lay against the log feeling cold, tired, and completely unmotivated to do something about either. It had been both a trying and oddly informative day. She knew more about the mysterious book, but she was drained, both physically and emotionally. Meals and small conversation she could handle, but she hadn't been able to sleep and it was starting to take its toll.

Hard as she might try, she couldn't make herself feel at home in the new room. Not to mention that she had to lie on her side because of the bruises and scratches from the day of Naraku's attack, and her arms and wrists were worse than her cheek.

A shuffling sound made her turn her head a little and she smiled at the boy making his way towards her. "Hello Takashi."

"I was finishing my arithmetic work when I saw you from my window," the boy stopped about a foot away and held out the material he'd brought. "I thought you might be getting cold."

"Thank you," taking it, Kagome settled it around her shoulders and beckoned him over. "Why don't you join me? I could use the company."

"I should be getting back, Jaken doesn't allow me many breaks, he was simply distracted when I slipped away." Takashi added with a glance over his shoulder. "He'll find me soon."

Smiling, Kagome sat up a bit straighter, "Regular little tyrant that Jaken, isn't he?"

Takashi nodded, his face remaining impassive but a gleam did come into his eyes. "He certainly likes to think so, having been with my father for so long."

Reaching up, she surprised him by taking his hand and tugging him down next to her. "He'll leave you alone if you're with me."

"Just for a moment won't hurt I suppose," Takashi sat down. They remained quiet for a few moments until his curiosity overcame his hesitancy. "Did you really lose your lunch on his shoes?"

Kagome laughed, glad to see him unwind a little, "I did indeed, and he called me a country miss and said he knew nothing good would come of Inuyasha's marrying me."

Seeing her smile dim, Takashi turned his gaze to the lake, not wanting his aunt to see the sympathy in his eyes. Something told him she wouldn't appreciate it at all. They remained silent for a few more minutes until she felt him shiver and slipped her arm around his shoulders.

She wasn't surprised by his remaining perfectly upright and detached. His father would probably do the same, and it was obvious the boy longed to follow in his father's footsteps. She didn't think Sesshomaru ignored his son, he just didn't seem to know how badly he wanted something more than his cool nods of approval.

"So what do you do for fun Takashi? I'm surprised not to see you running about making mischief or even with a speck of dirt on your clothes."

Takashi frowned, "I don't run about making trouble at all, and a gentleman does not dirty himself unless absolutely necessary."

Kagome blinked, "How old are you?"

"Ten, though I will be eleven in November," the boy notched his chin up at that.

It was hard to imagine herself or any of her friends so serious at the age of ten. At his age she'd been busy getting into all sorts of scrapes, ripping her dress while climbing a tree, or running into town and begging a treat from the baker's wife.

"Well, what do you do when you're not studying?" Kagome asked.

"I enjoy studying," Takashi shrugged, "But I also like to ride and swim."

Picking up on those topics, Kagome was pleased when he began to explain his favorite trail back home. It was his favorite because it had various jumps and opportunities to go at a full gallop and lose Jaken. It was amazing to see him get so animated. Soon he was sharing stories of the man and the various times he'd given him the slip. She was pleased by the animation in him then, with his bright eyes and laughing tone, he finally resembled a boy his age.

It was disappointment when Mackie came to get them. He smiled at the laughing pair, feeling rather sad to have to ruin the moment by calling them in for dinner. The night before had been a strain on Kagome, since her appetite was erased as soon as she took a seat beside her husband, who then prodded her to eat more.

It was a mostly silent battle, with his foot tapping hers or a look conveying his meaning, but it was still tense at the table. Rin was the one who took on the challenge of getting everyone to talk amiably, and she and Kagome were getting along well. The evening had still, however, been hard on them both, and no one was surprised that they immediately headed off to bed. If Kagome had gotten any sleep, it certainly wasn't much, if one went by the dark circles that were starting to show beneath her eyes.

"Dinner will be in a few minutes, and I believe the countess is looking for you," Mackie informed Takashi while he helped Kagome stand.

"Of course, I was supposed to spend some time with her before going up for supper," Takashi immediately went back to the proper little boy he'd been before, excusing himself with a bow before hurrying back to the house.

Kagome leaned on Mackie as they headed home, hoping he wouldn't make her talk. Things had been strained between the two of them too, since she still wouldn't tell him about what had happened with Inuyasha.

He finally broke the silence as they neared the house, his voice low and soothing, "If you're not feeling well, you should go straight to bed and send a message down excusing yourself from dinner."

"I think I might do that," Kagome agreed, honestly not feeling well enough for another meal with company. "I'm so tired."

"So I've noticed," Mackie sighed and waited for her to elaborate. He knew she wouldn't, but neither was in the mood to talk. After leaving a message with Mrs. Harrow, Kagome made her way up to her room, where Genny was spreading out her clothes for her to change. That the girl found it odd that Kagome no longer wished her assistance was obvious in her expression, but despite her protests, Kagome had insisted on changing on her own the night before and this morning.

"I am going to retire early tonight Genny, so just lay out my nightgown and robe." Kagome instructed as she took a seat at her vanity and began removing her hair pins. "I'd appreciate it if you could bring up the dinner tray Janette is preparing for me."

"Her ladyship has also requested a tray be sent to her room, the baby has tired her out," Genny said as she fetched Kagome's clothes.

Kagome nodded, relieved that Rin was also too tired to be at dinner, at least she wouldn't be rude to her sister-in-law. She rather liked the woman, who had surprised her by not directing a single word to Inuyasha the evenings before.

She was all smiles and laughter, but she replied to any of Inuyasha's comments with a smile or a nod, somehow managing to have a bite of food or to be taking a sip of wine when he spoke to her. She was not rude in the least, but she did not once speak directly to him.

If her husband noticed anything he did not let on, simply eating and interjecting a word or two into the conversation every so often.

(- At least tonight I can try to relax a bit. -)

As soon as Ginny was gone to get the tray, Kagome quickly changed and slipped into bed, carefully lying on her side so as not to hurt her aching back. It wasn't long before she set herself to trying to decipher the book once again. As she came across the drawn-in image of a cavern, Kagome shivered and remembered the time she'd thought she'd seen a woman at the entrance to the cavern. It reminded her of the conversation she'd had with Lady Tillsbury and her sickening words.

"They say he didn't kill her immediately, but that he used her in some sort of evil pact with the devil."

Her mother and grandfather had always told her that she was different, and although she'd tried to block the images she would sometimes get, she knew they were right.

(- Her spirit is still trapped there. -)

Setting the book in its usual hiding place, Kagome was just pulling the covers up over herself when a movement by the vanity caught her attention. Looking into the mirror, she saw a face unlike her own, the one she had seen before.

Freezing momentarily, she stared into the woman's haunted eyes for a second before closing her eyes and rubbing them furiously. By the time she looked up again the vision was gone.

(- Just a trick, Kagome, It's just your mind playing tricks on you once again! -)

But something told her this time it wasn't, and when the candle beside her bed flickered and died out of nowhere, she gave a stifled gasp and jumped from her bed. Tripping over her nightgown, the last sound she heard before her head knocked into the wall was an oddly breathy and feminine laugh.
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Well, finally an update. I hope it was worth the wait.
I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to get on my case and ask for an update. I can't believe how long this one chapter took, but I hope to have more time to continue now and over the summer.
Thanks again you guys!