InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive Inu ❯ Chapter 7

[ A - All Readers ]


"It seems, my dear wench, that you are heir to the northern lands."


Kagome felt her heart go still in her chest for several moments. "W-what?" She couldn't have heard that right.


He drummed his fingers-those long, slim digits-on the desk again, resting his chin in his other one. "You were born heir to northern throne. Politically, that is the highest and most respectable position known."


Kagome felt lightheaded. "Are you sure?"




Kagome hopped up and began to pace. "This cannot be happening," she muttered to herself. "Heir to the throne? Me? But I'm no one," she whispered.


"Obviously you are someone if you are heir," Sesshomaru spoke out, his voice uncharacteristically soft.


Kagome shook her head, wrapping her arms around her waist. "What does all this mean? What do I do now?"


Sesshomaru stood gracefully and walked over to the window overlooking the garden. "I would never admit such to another, but I am unnaturally just as confused as you are. As far as what to do," he half turned to look back at her, "the best thing would be to wait it out. I have written a letter to the southern lord, requesting this Kouga to travel here so we may speak to him."


Kagome blinked. "We?"


"Hai. I am involving myself simply because I believe resolving this situation may benefit me in a way." Before Kagome could ask, he continued. "The hanyou who has taken you, his name is Naraku, hai?"


Kagome's fists clenched at her sides as a hatred so powerful it could taint even the purest of souls bubbled up inside her at the mention of that bastard's name. So, Sesshomaru had indeed known who he was. "Hai," she said darkly.


He nodded, seeming impervious to the darkness that seemed to swirl about her. "The hanyou is wanted in the north, south, and west. He has destroyed our lands more than a few times, and has slaughtered our people in the worst ways possible. Even more than the dragons he is our most hated enemy. We have been looking for him for centuries, long before you said to have been taken. We believed him to have been hiding in the east, since he has been quiet for quite some time. Now that I know he is in alliance with the dragons, that could only mean something bad is to happen sooner or later."


Kagome forced the tension to leave her body. The memories the hanyou had forced her to see, the horrid ones with the many slaughterings. Those had occurred in the allied lands. She hadn't been the only one affected by the him. "That's why you think you'll benefit from helping me? To bring justice for what he did?"




Kagome was about to tell him that she would be the one to bring the hanyou down, when a knock sounded at the door. Kagome scented it was Rin before the girl opened the door and skipped inside. She looked up in surprise and squealed.


"Kagome-chan! You are awake!" She ran over to Kagome and hugged her legs tightly. "Rin is happy to see you! Now you can come play with Rin!"


She began to tug on Kagome's kimono, urging her to the door. Kagome looked back at Sesshomaru, who gave a curt nod. "Again, we will finish this discussion later."


Kagome sighed, but allowed Rin to take her hand and pull her along. There was still much she wanted to discuss with Sesshomaru, but she supposed it could wait. Besides, she'd missed her little companion. She allowed a little smile curve her lips, despite the worry swirling insider her. Maybe she needed a break from so much excitement in just a few hours.




Today they were playing a new game, one where Kagome was a notorious bandit and it was up to Rin to stop her. They spent a while playing that, but then it was time for Rin to go to her learning sessions. As the girl reluctantly trudged off after the older bird youkai who was Rin's teacher, Kagome thought to do a bit of exploring. Rin had shown her nearly every one of the palace's gardens, but Kagome wanted to do some inside explorations.


She really wanted to see inside the dojo. She peeked her head inside, curiosity getting the best of her. She breathed in amazement at all the men, some youkai some ningen, of all types indulged in various activities. Some were sparring in hand to hand combat, some were using practice weapons. There were even a few off in a corner who were using nothing but their youkai abilities to fight one another. Walking past each of them, supervising, was Kazu, dressed in black hakamas and matching haori.


He really was a handsome male. Then again, she supposed all Inu were. At least, the ones she'd seen here so far were good looking.


He must have seen her out the corner of his eyes, for he chose that moment to turn and smile at her. He waved, said something to a passing male, and strolled over to her. As he got closer, Kagome could differentiate his scent from the others that filled the dojo. She inhaled deeply. Kamis, he smelled good. Almost as good as Sesshomaru's sandalwood scent.


When he stood before her, he gave a short bow. He took her hand in his, kissed it, and smiled down at her. Kagome felt her cheeks heat. "It's nice to see you again, Kagome-San. I don't believe we've formally met. I'm Kazu Nobunaki, Lord Sesshomaru's second in command and leading general."


Kagome gave a dip of her head, unable to look away from his gaze. "I am Kagome. I apologize, but I'm not sure who I am really."


Kazu only smiled, not seeming to mind. He gave her fingers a little squeeze before letting go. "What brings you here to the dojo? Did Lord Sesshomaru send you with a message?"


Kagome shook her head. "Nai. Rin is with her teacher right now, so I decided to do a bit of exploring."


Kazu gave a nod. "Well I would give you a grand tour, but really, there is only an open space here."


Kagome looked around and spotted a wall full of organized weapons. "Would you mind if I..." She trailed off, indicating the wall.


"Be my guest," he said, leading her in that direction. The wall had nearly every weapon Kagome could think of, and even several she'd never even imagined. She picked up a small throwing knife, testing its weight. "Be careful, milady. Though they are only practice weapons, some of them are very..."


The rest of Kazu's words died on his lips as he watched the knife go sailing through the air, past several sparring men, until it landed on a bullseye on the other side of the room. Kagome herself was surprised. What she'd done had seemed so natural, she hadn't even tried. She looked down at her hands.


'It looks like we are skilled in weaponry,' her beast said in her mind.


'So it would seem,' she replied.


"Well done, milady," Kazu applauded, surprise in his tone. "I don't suppose you would be able to do it again?"


He handed Kagome another throwing knife. She held it lightly, and with a skill that seemed to come from deep within herself, she flicked the knife. She and Kazu watched as, once again, it struck the bullseye. "I wonder what others weapons I'm skilled at," she muttered to herself.


"Let's find out, shall we?" Kazu said, picking up two katanas. He handed her one, then led her to an empty space on the mat. Kagome was aware that a few men had halted what they were doing and were watching with interest. She held the sword loosely in her hands, spread her feet for balance, and squared her shoulders. She looked up at Kazu, who stood straight up, as if he meant to take her lightly.


"Make the first move, Kazu-San," she said.


He smiled, and came at her. Kagome blocked with her sword. He backed up and came at her again, faster this time. It was clear to see that Kazu was a master swordsman in the way he carried himself, but Kagome met every move with one of her own. She blocked and parried, then went in for a strike. After a while Kagome could sense he was taking her a bit more seriously as his moves came faster and stronger. Nonetheless, she matched him head on.


She didn't know where her knowledge of swordplay came from, but it was greatly welcomed. Kazu backed several feet. This time when he came at her, Kagome waited until the last minute to step to the side. Kazu lost his balance and Kagome used his temporary stumble to her momentum. She used the hilt of her katana to hit the spot where his neck met his back. He went down with an "umph!" Kagome allowed him to roll over before pointing the tip of her blade at his throat.


Kazu blinked up at her in surprise. Gasps followed, along with a few disbelieving murmurs. Kazu stared down the length of the blade, then met Kagome's triumphant eyes. He grinned. "Outstanding, milady!" Kagome sheathed the blade and stepped backed so Kazu could rise to his feet. "Only one other person has ever defeated me in the swordplay."


Kagome smiled, delighted at the praise. Perhaps in her previous life she'd been trained by the very best? Kazu bowed respectably, a wide smile plastered to his face. He took the katana from her and went to place them back on the wall.


"Maybe next time you won't go so easy on me," Kagome suggested, following behind him.


Kazu laughed heartily, a light blush staining his cheeks. "I was not going easy on you, milady." After placing the swords on the wall, he turned to her. "I must say, being bested by a woman has some appeal to it. Perhaps if you are not busy later on today, maybe the two of us could-"


"General Kazu," an icy voice called out.


Kagome didn't have to turn around to know the voice belonged to none other than Sesshomaru. Despite the contempt she held for him, only he could make her skin tingle with desire. She'd sensed his presence, could feel the raw power emanating from him everywhere he went.


It was annoyingly pleasant.


Inside her mind, her beast purred with delight. She told herself that the feelings Sesshomaru made her feel simply came from her beast, rather than herself.


Kazu straightened, and gave a deep bow as Sesshomaru approached them. Kagome turned, and, though it damn near killed her to do so, did the same. She straightened and noticed the dark glare on his face. However, for once it wasn't directed at her, but rather the being behind her.


"What is the meaning of this, General?" He demanded coldly. "You are supposed to be supervising the men, not dallying about as if there is not work to be done."


Kagome stepped in front of Kazu. "Nai, Sesshomaru-sama. It was my fault Kazu-San-"


"Stay out of this, wench," he commanded, briefly turning the glare on her. Kagome reeled back in shock. And a bit of hurt, though she didn't know why. Sure he called her wench so much that Kagome doubted he even knew her real name, and sure he almost always gave her a glare as if she were some creature below him, but he'd never done either with so much contempt and hatred that the scent of it was suffocating.


He turned his attention back to Kazu. "You know better, General. Do not allow your attention to be diverted again while on duty."


Kazu, looking like a puppy that had been kicked rather than a powerful inuyoukai, nodded and bowed deeply. "Hai, Sesshomaru-sama. Forgive me."


"Hn." Sesshomaru, again looking at Kagome, bared a fang. "Leave my dojo at once. You are not to come in here again. Am I understood?"


Kagome, still reeling from the shock and confusing hurt, nodded slowly. "Hai," she said hoarsely.


"Good. Now leave." He turned on his heel and headed towards the exit, Kagome following behind. She looked over her shoulder at Kazu, who watched her leave with sad eyes. "Hai," she mouthed to him. "After dinner."



Despite the verbal beating he'd just taken, Kazu smiled brightly. Then, he turned and continued on with his supervising.