InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny: By Sea ❯ The Approaching Storm ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha and all characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I don't own them and am not making any money from this.

Written for Challenge Destiny: By Sea. Originally posted July 30, 2011.
Title: The Approaching Storm
By Sea #3 Shipwreck
Author: ananova
Rating: K
Genre: General
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 216
Summary: Kagome discovers that Inuyasha has followed her.

'He didn't,' was all she could think as she watched the figure dressed in red sniff around at the entrance to the docks. Just like that her good mood was gone, sunk like a shipwreck. Glad that her friends hadn't yet noticed his appearance, Kagome quickly excused herself with “You guys go ahead, I just need to head to the bathroom real quick.” Thankfully their attention had been captured by a group of older guys near one of the yachts and they waved her off.

Kagome quickly turned around and began to march toward the hanyou who was beginning to draw unwanted attention. “Inuyasha!” she hissed as she neared him and watched his ears flatten to his head.

'Uh-oh.' Inuyasha gulped as he saw the angry miko storming his way. His ears flattened, giving away his nervous reaction to her anger. Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all. He could feel the anger radiating off of the miko and knew he was going to be sat until his back broke. And he could do nothing but watch as the shipwreck occurred. He should have known a disaster was brewing.

“What are you doing here?!” Kagome glared at him. He better have a very good explanation or he was going to get it.

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